With half a fan of pork back home, home, Lu Chen found that there is a figure in the room, constantly busy.

At the same time, he also saw that his room, although still a little humble, has been cleaned a lot, and there are a lot of rags, washed and dried outside.

In this case, Lu Chen nodded with satisfaction.

"Sure enough, having a servant is a lot easier."

"My Lord, you are here."

After discovering that Lu Chen comes back, the girl whom Lu Chen wants to come to gives Lu Chen a salute in a hurry.

Looking at her movements, Lu Chen also confirms that she is not a barbarian girl, but a vagabond in this place. After all, there is no etiquette for the barbarian people.

However, for the girl's past, Lu Chen does not care at all.

After putting the pork on the shelf, Lu Chen said:

"since then, you live in a side room. You usually wash clothes and cook meals. If you have something, I will call you, but when there is nothing, don't disturb me. Do you understand?"

"Yes, my Lord."

"Good. Remember, if you disturb me, you'll just leave."

With that said, Lu Chen went directly into his room, closed his eyes and felt the vastness of his body. Lu Chen nodded with satisfaction.

Then, Lu Chen again opened his own property panel, at this time, there has been earth shaking changes.

[occupation development system]

[host: Lu Chen]

[age: 15]

[rank: swordsman and blood warrior]

[level: 1]

[experience value: 22]


[man Niu Jin (bronze)]

[man King blood (yellow gold)]

[sword Mastery (bronze) (primary): years of sword cultivation, let You can skillfully use sword weapons, and master the basic skills of long sword. 】

[long sword master + 1, basic swordsmanship + 1]

[upgrade, 100 experience points required]

[blood boiling (bronze) (primary): the brute blood warrior is a barbarian warrior whose body practices to the limit, transforms the blood in the body, and enables the blood to carry more energy. Being a brute blood warrior, you are born with the ability to manipulate your blood and accelerate it, The acceleration of blood can make you in a state of extreme excitement. In this state, you will increase your strength, and your pain will weaken. But in this way, you will easily go to the top and never retreat from a dead battle.

[strength + 3, slightly weak pain 30%, war spirit + 1, reason-1]

[can be upgraded, the training value required for upgrading is 100 points]

"long sword master, blood boiling, this is the swordsman What's more, it's quite good to follow the skills brought by the savage blood soldiers. It's just amazing that the blood boils, and there's the attribute of reason minus one

This was the first time Lu Chen saw a minus sign, but soon Lu Chen understood why.

"The rapid flow of blood can raise people's infinite sense of war, but at the same time, I'm really easy to use, which should be used with caution."

After seeing the blood boiling, Lu Chen turned to the master of swordsmanship. However, soon, Lu Chen found that his mastery of swordsmanship was passive. At the same time, both the mastery of long sword and the basic swordsmanship had been branded into Lu Chen's mind.

At this time, Lu Chen is like a person who has practiced sword for three or four years. He can skillfully use the basic sword technique of long sword.

"Basic swordsmanship, although it doesn't look strong and doesn't add basic attributes like blood boiling, these are exactly what I need. With them, I can fight better."

At this time, Lu Chen also found that, although the skills brought by swordsmen and those of bloodthirsty soldiers are very basic, they are all very useful, which is what he can use now.

After seeing the basic skills, Lu Chen also put his eyes on the extracted skills.

Because it is a dual occupation, the skills extracted this time are also two, and these two skills let Lu Chen really feel that he has been far away from Africa.

"Silver, gold, unexpectedly, my luck, in this world, is quite good."

Thinking in his heart, Lu Chen also looked at the introduction of those two skills, and the first thing he saw was a fatal blow.

This skill comes from the swordsman of Warcraft III, which is a very powerful hero.

All these make the swordsman a meat grinder in the battlefield.

Lu Chen, on the other hand, gets the third skill mastered by the hero. He has a chance to strike several times his attack power.

This skill is described in the game as passive: it has a 15% chance to cause more damage when attacking.

Level 1: 15% chance to deal twice normal damage.

Level 2: 15% chance to deal 3 times normal damage.

Level 3: 15% chance to deal 4 times normal damage.Such a description is very simple and crude, but it also shows that it is powerful. If it reaches the highest level of level three, the attack power of a knife is four times that of a knife, so that no one dares to fight against him.

Of course, that was the description in the game. Now, this skill has been integrated into Lu Chen's body and entered the reality.

In reality, the performance of this skill has also changed a lot.

[fatal strike (silver) (primary): the human body is very precise. Usually, the muscles that people can use are only a small part of the body, and only one tenth of the strength can be exerted. If this skill is learned, the host will be able to use special techniques to make more muscles participate in the enemy's fight]

[when the host forces correctly, the strength will increase Twice as strong. 】

looking at the introduction of the fatal strike and feeling the strange posture in his mind, Lu Chen tried a little in the room.

Standing still, Lu Chen felt that the muscles mobilized this time were twice as much as the normal force. Therefore, if you attack this time, the attack power will be twice that of the normal force.

But, very soon, Lu Chen frowned. With such force, he could really mobilize more muscles, but this posture was too strange. If Lu Chen wanted to pose like this in the battle, he needed a short pause.

This is also the reason why Lu Chen frowned. When fighting, there should be no pause.

After testing for half a sound, Lu Chen sighed helplessly.

"Sure enough, compared with gold level skills, silver level skills are still slightly defective!"

At this time, Lu Chen also understood that bronze level skills are the foundation, while silver level skills are strong on the one hand but have some defects. As for gold, they are all-round powerful.

Of course, although the fatal strike has some defects, it does not damage its powerful, double attack power, which means that it can destroy the enemy with one blow.

Today, Lu Chen and Xiaoshi's battle is just like this. With the double strength of endless fury, Lu Chen instantly defeated Xiaoshi.

Now, in addition to endless fury, Lu Chen has a card.

What's more, endless fury relies on anger to summon the power of the underworld to bless itself, while the fatal blow is to exert the hidden power of the body. These are two completely different systems.

This also means that Lu Chen can use both skills at the same time.

"Open the endless fury, and then use the fatal strike. If I go down, I will be four times as powerful as others. Who can resist this power?"

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