"This one is at least heavy enough to hit people."

Seeing Lu Chen's reply, the barbarian who manages the warehouse can only help Lu Chen register.

After that, Lu Chen left the room with weapons.

As soon as he went out, Lu Chen saw two strong men waiting on one side. They were the captain of the guard named Fang, who was the guide for Lu Chen.

Neither of them is a bloody warrior, but Lu Chen has no pride.

"The rules of the night, please."

"Don't worry, as long as you don't get into trouble, it's OK."

With these words, they took Lu Chen to the outside of the village, explaining to Lu Chen at the same time.

"Our patrol teams patrol according to the prescribed routes. You should know that in the daytime, so I won't say much about it."

"However, compared with daytime and nighttime, the scope of our patrol team is less than half. At night, we only need to patrol around the village."

"Remember, no matter what you hear at night, don't think about it, don't look at it. At night, if you can do one thing less, you can do one less thing."

While speaking, another barbarian LIT an oil lamp with a torch.

Carefully protecting the oil lamp, another barbarian said:

"don't put out the oil lamp in your hand. In the dark, there are terrible weird wandering. As long as there is light, the weird won't do it. However, once the light disappears, the barbarian and the big man in the barbarian realm will easily disappear."

"Disappear, isn't it death?"

"No, there are no bodies in place, only footprints that disappear out of thin air. No one knows where the people in the dark have gone."

In this way, while chatting, two barbarians took Lu Chen on patrol and explained matters.

However, outside the village, the two people's voices were much lower and warned Lu Chen not to speak until necessary.

"Sounds attract weird, and so does the smell of blood, so be careful."

Because Lu Chen used to be a day patrol officer, the other two barbarians talked for a while, so they didn't say much.

In their opinion, Lu Chen should know the rest. After all, patrolmen in the daytime were trained for the sake of the night, and they also talked about the taboos at night.

Lu Chen really knows this, but after all, he only hears from others that Lu Chen needs to patrol on the spot to really understand the taboo of patrol at night.

In this way, with two barbarians, Lu Chen began his night patrol journey.

Without a trace of sound, the three people carrying oil lamps, like ghosts, along the planned route.

This continued for more than half an hour. However, as he walked along the patrol border for about ten minutes, Lu Chen made a sudden move.

Looking up, Lu Chen saw that there was a light coming from the moon free land. Looking at it carefully, Lu Chen found that it was a fireball the size of a human head. The fireball was red and strange, and leaped forward up and down.

And when the fireball is a little closer, Lu Chen finds that although the fireball is a flame, there are faces laughing grimly on it.

In such a scene, Lu Chen immediately took out the iron sword, at the same time, he also put his finger on the iron sword, which was ready to break his skin at any time and let the blood drip on the "iron sword" to attack and kill the strange.

Can't help, the barbarian is poor, can use only that vigorous blood.

In the face of weirdness, they can only fight the enemy with blood.

Fortunately, the breakthrough to the brute blood warrior, the barbarian blood, contains the full masculinity, this is the best way to deal with the strange.

Just when Lu Chen was about to make a move, suddenly, two palms caught Lu Chen from both sides.

Looking around, Lu Chen discovers that they are the two barbarians.

At this time, the two barbarians are a little nervous. They hold Lu Chen and wave their hands, and show the meaning of not doing it with their eyes.

After hesitation, Lu Chen still chose to listen to the two "old people".

And it turns out that the two barbarians made the right choice.

The fireball in his head is really getting closer to the village.

But when close to a certain distance, the head fireball seems to feel something bored, some unwilling to move forward.

However, it seems to be attracted by the blood, although it did not move forward, but the head fireball did not mean to leave, but has been beating around.

On the other side, two barbarians, pulling Lu Chen, quickly retreat in the direction of the village.

Soon, Lu Chen was pulled into the village by two barbarians. Until then, the two barbarians relaxed and dared to gasp loudly. Lu Chen, taking advantage of this, inquired about the reason.

"What happened just now? Why didn't you do it?"

After that, two barbarians looked at each other with a smile. Then one of them directly said, "ah Chen, although you are strong, patrol at night is not strong enough. It is enough.""That is, for us, weird, not all of us have to deal with."

"Totem poles in the village have a deterrent effect on evil spirits. Most evil spirits do not want to enter the protection area of our totem. Our night patrol team protects monsters that can enter the scope of totem poles at night."


From the two barbarians, Lu Chen quickly understood that the way to deal with evil spirits in Manniu village was to be vigilant and defensive, and not to disturb them if they could.

With the totem pole as a deterrent and these negative practices, Lu Chen found that in this way, the casualties of members of the patrol team were minimized.

However, this also has side effects. Although the evil spirits dare not enter the villages protected by totem pillars, they will exist forever if they are not cleaned up.

Later, in the process of patrolling, Lu Chen felt that there were evil wandering figures almost everywhere around the village at night.

Head fireball, scarecrow, tattered umbrella that can move freely All kinds of evil spirits walk and move at night. On the contrary, it is human beings who can only be careful and can't make any sound.

Such a scene makes Lu Chen feel that the world, human beings, is no longer the master of heaven and earth.

At least, it's no longer the only one.

"It belongs to human beings during the day and ghosts at night. I didn't expect that the form of the world is so bad as this."

After several hours of patrolling, Lu Chen followed two barbarians to the village border again in the darkest hour of midnight.

The border of the patrol team, that is, the border covered by the village totem, where the deterrence of the totem pole is minimized.

Therefore, the evil spirits gathered here have the highest desire to attack human beings.

Every time we patrol here, the evil spirits of this place are eager to try, and the malice to human beings is no longer covered up.

In this regard, the two barbarians were used to it. After seeing the evil spirit, they did not dare to speak. Instead, they retreated cautiously.

However, after retreating for tens of meters, the two barbarians suddenly found that only two of them were retreating this time. The genius ordered by Lord Wu Zhu did not follow.

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