Qi and blood is powerful in the eyes of barbarians.

The barbarians adore the strong, and Lu Chen is powerful. After two words of reprimand, they dare not continue to speak.

But after they stopped scolding, Lu Chen took the initiative to ask for some details.

"Have fireballs with heads ever invaded the village before?"

"Yes, it's just that the fireball at that time, as long as it's not rammed into the body by the front and scattered by the blow, it will collapse directly."

This words, let Lu Chen slightly a Leng.

"If it is scattered, it will collapse directly. Is it that the head fireball at that time is not as strong as this one?"

"No, it's not right. Although the head fireball doesn't have much wisdom, it still knows how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Without this strong fireball, it dare not invade the village."

"What's the reason that the more powerful head fireball breaks up with a single blow?"

Doubts spread in Lu Chen's heart.

But without thinking about it for a long time, Lu Chen turned his eyes to the village center and the tall totem pole.

"I see. It seems that the reason why evil spirits dare not enter the villages protected by totems is that totems have a great suppression effect on evil spirits."

"Outside the totem shrouded area, the head fireball will dissipate after being scattered three times, or even more than three times. Moreover, when it explodes, it will try its best to invade the human body. However, within the totem shrouded area, as long as it is scattered, it will die directly, which is the role of totem pole suppression."

At this point, Lu Chen understood how much totem suppressed evil spirits.

At the same time, Lu Chen also understood why the patrolmen did not want to fight with evil spirit outside the totem.

"It's two difficult things to fight outside, under the shroud of totem."

When thinking about this, Lu Chen feels his own Qi and blood again, and this also gives Lu Chen a new understanding of the patrol members who do not clean up the strange outside.

"The patrolmen are not willing to fight against the strange. In addition to leaving the protection area of totem, the weirdness is more difficult to deal with. Besides, it should be the consumption of Qi and blood, which makes the barbarians unwilling to fight."

Feeling the loss of Qi and blood due to melting the red flame, Lu Chen has a new understanding of the village patrol team's practice.

"Barbarians are strong in body, and their extraordinary road has brought their own advantages into full play, continuously condensing Qi and blood, and making their bodies more powerful."

"It can be said that the strength of barbarians is not too much fancy, which is to train their bodies and improve their Qi and blood."

"In this way, Every warrior who becomes a savage blood will have a strong body, powerful Qi and blood, and the qualitative change of Qi and blood can be used to break evil spirits and fight against the enemy."

"It's just that strong Qi and blood is the strongest and weakest point of barbarians."

This weakness is not weak against the enemy, but too precious Qi and blood.

Usually, barbarians need to consume Qi and blood in training, fighting, or dealing with demons.

There is an upper limit to the amount of Qi and blood a person can produce every day.

At the same time, if you want to produce Qi and blood, you also need to consume a lot of nutrients. All this makes the barbarians dare not use their own Qi and blood easily, which is the loss of their foundation.

Yes, Qi and blood are the foundation of barbarians, which makes them strong, but at the same time, they dare not use Qi and blood easily.

It's easy to understand that daily life and training require the consumption of Qi and blood, which can make the barbarian strong.

But if you put your qi and blood into the battle, the ordinary battle is OK. The barbarian can defeat the enemy by virtue of the body after the blessing of Qi and blood, so the consumption is not big.

However, in the face of evil things, brute blood soldiers must smear the blood and blood from the body's endoplasmic changes to the weapons, or spit them out, so as to kill the enemy. In this way, the consumption of Qi and blood is terrible.

At the same time, when fighting against evil things, if you consume too much, the training Qi and blood will be reduced, which will slow down the speed of brute blood soldiers.

However, if the body does not get enough nutrition after the battle, the barbarian will become weak due to the loss of Qi and blood. Over a long period of time, it will even lead to degeneration.

Therefore: "other barbarians will not easily use their Qi and blood to fight like me."

At this point, Lu Chen understood why the barbarians didn't want to clean up the weirdness outside the village, but allowed them to move.

"It's not that the barbarians don't want to, it's poverty that limits them."

Yes, poverty. If you are a little richer and have enough food, you don't have to shrink so thoroughly.

"Well, if you don't release Qi and blood, you can hurt the evil spirit, that's good."

Thinking so in his heart, Lu Chen suddenly narrowed his eyes.

Then, Lu Chen opened his mouth directly to the two barbarians beside him and said, "do you know any weapons that can hurt evil spirits? I don't mean Qi and blood, but handmade weapons."

Barbarians only rely on Qi and blood to support their bodies, and they don't consume much. If they have extraordinary weapons, Lu Chen doesn't need to spit or smear blood against the enemy, which can solve the problem of barbarians.However, Lu Chen's inquiry made the two barbarians stare at each other.

After half a ring, one of them said, "I've heard that the larger tribes have extraordinary weapons. Those things should be able to hurt evil spirits. However, such weapons are very precious. Let alone our village, there are no extraordinary weapons in the market once a year."

This makes Lu Chen's mouth twitch.

"The barbarians are really poor."

At this time, another barbarian also spoke.

"I once heard in the market that there are people in the Central Plains who can make paper and stick it to weapons. They can hurt people strangely. However, such paper is very rare. A piece of paper has to be exchanged by a cow."

"Paper? It should be a talisman! "

"Sure enough, the central plains are a little more advanced than the wilderness. With the help of talismans, the situation in the Central Plains should be better. It's just that these things are useless to me. Whether they are talisman or extraordinary weapons, they are too rare. They are not what I can get now."

"It's still poor. It's very poor."

Shaking his head, Lu Chen doesn't think about it any more. After the Qi and blood of his body is slightly calmed, Lu Chen goes out of the scope of the totem again.

Looking at his movements, the two barbarians were shocked.

"Ah Chen, how can you go out?"

"That's right. It's weird. We can keep the village."

For two people's answer, Lu Chen smiles.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

After saying this, Lu Chen no longer pays attention to the two people and quickly walks towards the front.

Lu Chen of course knows the evil and strange, and also knows that it takes a lot of Qi and blood to deal with them.

Besides totem, the relationship between hunter and prey may change at any time.

But even knowing this, Lu Chen still chose to fight.

"Wilderness is not safe, and totems are not invincible. Villages are often attacked by powerful monsters, and the barbarians in them can only wait to die. This is definitely something I don't want to see. My fate can only be decided by myself. Even if I die in the war, I don't want to die in despair when the strong and weird approach."

"What's more, barbarians are afraid to consume Qi and blood, but I'm different. In addition to brute blood soldiers, I also have the advanced route of swordsmen."

"Maybe in the battle, I will consume a lot of Qi and blood, delaying the progress of my bloodthirsty warrior."

"But as long as I can win, I can gain experience points. If the experience value is enough, my swordsman's rank will be improved. At that time, even if I'm a little short of blood, my strength will also be improved."

Thinking of this, Lu Chen's eyes gradually become sharp.

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