Unlike ordinary barbarians, relying on the knowledge of the 21st century, Lu Chen quickly guessed something.

"The beating frequency of that drum sound is the same as that of my heart, but the beating frequency of human heart is different. Some people are in their sixties and some are in their seventies."

"Even for the same person, because of different sports, the heart beat frequency will change. Although the drum sound is strange, it can make other people's heart beat with the drum sound, but obviously, it can only make one sound, and can only control one person's heart beat frequency."

Relying on modern knowledge and Lu Chen's not stupid head, Lu Chen soon understood why the two barbarians were OK. Obviously, he aimed the strange drum sound at Lu Chen.

"It's a pity that I didn't know that..."

"Wait, it's not useless. The world is very strange. The knowledge just now is only useful for ordinary people, but in this world, it is probably not so."

"If that strange evil spirit can be stronger, it can absolutely control several people, even hundreds of people."

"But now the drum sound, but only control me, so, can only show one thing, that is, although the evil spirit, it is not powerful enough to be invincible."

Thinking like this, Lu Chen's originally desperate heart is full of hope again.

"You can't run. Once you run, your heart beats more violently. That's the end. You can't walk back. The sound travels far away. It's still weird. It's too long to walk back slowly."

Thinking of this, Lu Chen didn't even run away again, but sat down in such a reckless way.

Of course, Lu Chen is not sitting still. First, he calms down his tense mood. Then, Lu Chen tries his best to suppress the beating sound of his heart.

After all, it's very effective for soldiers to control their heart beating.

Under full pressure, Lu Chen let the rapid rise of the heart rate, slightly slowed down some.

However, Lu Chen did not get rid of the drumbeat. As the beating of his heart slowed down, the drum sound only slowed down a little, but the frequency of the drum sound was the same as that of Lu Chen's heart beat.

At the same time, despite Lu Chen's all-out suppression, the beating sound of the drum is still rising slowly.

However, Lu Chen was able to bear the beating speed, although the sound of heart beating reached about 300 per minute.

The normal human heart beats for three hundred minutes.

At the same time, Lu Chen's blood, because of the beating heart, is in a state of rapid flow, such a state, for human blood vessels, the pressure is very strong.

If an ordinary person is in Lu Chen's state, he will not die because of his heart beating too much, or his blood flow will be too fast for his blood vessels to bear, and he will die due to broken blood vessels and massive bleeding all over his body.

It can be said that ordinary humans, or ordinary barbarians, can only wait for death.

But now in such a state, Lu Chen is not an ordinary person, but Lu Chen, who is strong and has a physical value-added of 44 points.

Although Lu Chen doesn't feel very good now, what he has is just uncomfortable.

It can only be said that the more in danger, Lu Chenyue felt the effect of manwang blood constitution bonus.

"Sure enough, physique is the strongest. Although it can't give me crushing force like strength, it's not as fast as agility, but it's strong Qi and blood and strong physique that enable me to deal with all kinds of situations and prevent me from capsizing in the gutter."

Think of that red and cold flame, can drill into the human body, but is melted by the abundant Qi and blood.

Take another look at the strange drum sound, which can control people's heart rate. However, Lu Chen, because of his strong physique, is able to bear the intense heart beat, so that the drum can not kill himself. Lu Chen has a deeper understanding of the role of physical fitness.

But in Lu Chen slows down the mood, carries on the ponder, that is still rising drum sound, finally stops at a limit.

Four hundred beats a minute. This is the highest beat of drum sound after Lu Chen's full suppression. It is also the number of times Lu Chen's heart is beating now.

Closed his eyes and felt his body. He felt his heart beating like a car engine. On Lu Chen's face, however, he showed a grim smile.

"Four hundred times a minute, my body can take it."

"Sure enough, you can only control one person at a time, there is a limit."

"Now, it's my turn!"

To tell you the truth, if the strange drum sound can control three people at one time, Lu Chen will definitely flee to the village.

Even if he can't bear to escape, Lu Chen has to run. After all, if he can control the three people present, Lu Chen can't estimate the limit of drum sound.

But when the guess is that the drum can only control one person, Lu Chen's fear of the strange drum sound dissipates a little.At the same time, taking into account the rapid running, or nervous mood, will lead to a sharp increase in heart beat, and walking slowly, it is difficult not to get out of the coverage of the drum.

Therefore, Lu Chen chose to sit down in situ, in the way of no exercise, plus calm his mood, to fight against the violent beat of the drum.

And it turns out that he did the right thing.

Of course, Lu Chen is a brute blood warrior who can control the blood and heart beat.

What's more, because of his strong physique, he can bear the upper limit of drum beating. Otherwise, even if other people knew Lu Chen's method, their hearts would burst with 400 beats per minute.

However, no if, because of calm, because of strong body, Lu Chen bear down.

Now, it's Lu Chen's turn.

Slowly standing up from the original shape, Lu Chen's eyes with the sound of the ring, around the scan up.

After half a ring, Lu Chen finally locked in the position of the drum sound.

"The distance is not very far, but it is also true. Although the drum sound is strange, its strength is not very strong. It is impossible to control the human heart beat several kilometers away."

So thinking, Lu Chen slowly walked to the place where the drum beat.

It's not that Lu Chen doesn't want to be fast, but he doesn't dare. He is afraid that once the action is fierce, his heart will beat faster.

In this way, suppressing the heartbeat, Lu Chen approached the place where the drum came from.

Soon, he found a small drum by the grass.

To Lu Chen's surprise, it looked like a small drum made of artificial products. There was a nose and eyes, and two legs were moving constantly.

Unfortunately, at this time the small drum, in the crazy swing, let the drum sound, continuous ring.

It is also because of its crazy swing, so that the speed of its movement is not very fast.

"You didn't kill me. Now, it's you."

So said Lu Chen, slowly raised the iron sword in his hand, aimed at the drum body, was about to smash down.

But when Lu Chen felt the victory or defeat had been decided, suddenly, the continuous drum sound stopped.

The drum stopped and the disturbing noise finally disappeared.

However, Lu Chen, who feels all this from a close distance, is not very good.

Drum sound and Lu Chen's heart beat sound, is closely linked, drum stopped, Lu Chen's heart beat, also suddenly stopped.

This is from more than 400 per second to a sudden pause.

It's like a high-speed car braking suddenly.

At that moment when the drum stopped, Lu Chen felt his heart as if he had been hit hard, and he felt a burst of pain.

At the same time, because the heart suddenly stopped beating, Lu Chen's eyes were also a burst of black, almost dizzy in the past, more blood, upstream, to gush out.

It can only be said that strangeness deserves to be weird. Almost in an instant, Lu Chen suffered a heavy blow.

But under such circumstances, Lu Chen still resisted.

"Laozi's additional constitution is 44 points, 44 times that of ordinary people. You can't kill me!"

Without restraining his own injury, Lu Chen, with a ferocious face, suddenly sprayed that mouthful of blood on the small drum.


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