Xiaowei, who is thin, can't find any way to survive.

This is the wilderness, where the weak feed on the weak, which is never friendly to the weak.

But in its desperate tears, suddenly, there is a thick voice, from the direction of the door.

"What's the matter? You've been bullied."

So, of course, it is Lu Chen who returns home.

And when asked, there was a cold light in his eyes.

Lu Chen doesn't have much feelings for Wei who doesn't have a long drive. But Wei is his thing and he won't let others bully him.

At the same time, if their own things are bullied and dare not respond, it will not get the sympathy of barbarians, but will only get their ridicule.

Barbarians, never feeling the weak, they only worship the strong.

Therefore, in the face of provocation, fighting is the normal of barbarians.

"Tell me, who is it?"

Lu Chen's eyes were cold and incomparable, and his whole body momentum was like a lion, which was daunting.

Awed by the momentum, Wei dare not move or even speak.

But soon, Wei saw Lu Chen shoulder, the head of the smashed brown bear.

The dead brown bear is very scary, but when she looks at the brown bear, she smiles on her face.

"This is food, a lot of food."

The stimulation of food finally wakes Xiaowei.

And soon, it was worried again.

"Chen, no one bullied me."

"I said, tell me, who is it?"

Lu Chen also thought that Wei was threatened, which made his eyes more cold.

"The duel in front of God also allows accidental death."

Lu Chen's heart has been killed, and Wei, is afraid of shaking up.

"Yes, I'm sorry, no one really bullied me. I just watched the food at home decrease quickly, and I was afraid that I cried..."

This words, let Lu Chen one Leng, but very quickly, he thought of what.

"You are worried that I will abandon you."

"Yes, I'm sorry."

Because of fear, Xiaowei kneels down on the ground.

Seeing her petite, but frightened to shivering body, Lu Chen, who was not stupid, quickly understood why she was afraid.

"Can't survive this winter without me? No wonder she's afraid to cry."

"Sure enough, the world has great malice towards the weak and the weak."

Shaking her head, Lu Chen didn't punish her. After several days of experience, Lu Chen became a bit wild. In the face of the enemy, he could start without hesitation. He also had great intention to kill those who provoked.

But bullying the weak is Lu Chen's disdain.

"Get up, and remember, you can do your own thing in the future. I'll find my own way for the food at home."

"I can still afford your food."

"Thank you, thank you, my Lord."

Looking at Lu Chen is just not punished, on the weeping Xiaowei.

Lu Chen has a deeper understanding of the weak in this world. They are very difficult to live.

And this, also let Lu Chen absolutely not want to be weak.

"Hunting evil at night and hunting wild animals in the daytime can't be stopped. It's better to die outside than to be a weak person and be bullied."

Shaking his head, Lu Chen stopped thinking about Wei. Lu Chen said directly:

"cook these two bear paws, and I'll come back to eat them."

With these words, Lu Chen left two bear paws, and then he tore up the rest of the bear in two, carried half, and went to the next door big Zhuang family.

After knocking on the door twice, the strong figure appeared in front of Lu Chen.

Looking at Lu Chen, especially the brown bear on Lu Chen's shoulder, as well as some traces on his body, Dazhuang is shocked.

"Ah Chen, didn't you go to the night patrol? Why did you go hunting again? Besides, you hunted brown bears. It's too dangerous."

This is the hunter's big Zhuang. You can clearly see that Lu Chen came from the mountain forest just now, and the bear was just killed. This makes Dazhuang understand what happened.

Lu Chen laughed at this.

"I can't help it. You know, we martial arts people eat a lot. It's not enough to rely on the food provided by the village."

"That's true, but next time you should be more careful not to deal with wild animals like tigers, which are still very powerful."

"Let's go home and tell me some of your hunting skills."

It's not bad to be ambitious. This is to give Lu Chen some skills to make it easier for him to hunt.

Just, so said big Zhuang, but found Lu Chen did not move, this let his face a cold.

"Why, I look down on my hunting skills. Ah Chen, although you have become a brute blood warrior, it is not easy to hunt prey only with your blood."Lu Chen, who has just returned from the mountains, agrees with Da Zhuang.

Even if it's a bloodthirsty warrior, it's still a bit slow to chase prey, unless the speed is very fast. For others, it's still a bit slow to chase the prey, so we must have some skills.

Lu Chen did have a plan to ask Uncle Zhuang about this time. However, his inquiry must be different from what uncle Zhuang thinks.

Of course, looking at Uncle Zhuang's cold face, Lu Chen also understood what he had misunderstood and immediately explained it.

"Uncle Zhuang, I really want to learn from you, but this meat will not be taken back to my home. This is my thank you. That day, thanks to your deer leg."

Because the news is not complete, Lu Chen, who was promoted for the first time, did not know that a lot of nutrients were needed for upgrading.

But for the deer legs given by Uncle Zhuang, he would have died.

As for the hesitation of Uncle Zhuang at that time, Lu Chen understood very well that no matter who he was, he would hesitate to see Lu Chen who was like a hungry ghost. At that time, his image was too much like a devil.

At the same time, in the wild, food is very precious. It is normal not to give it to others. If you give it, you will feel good. Therefore, Lu Chen's coming this time is to repay his kindness.

Dazhuang originally thought that Lu Chen was a little arrogant after he was strong, which made him a little unhappy.

But I was really surprised to learn that Lu Chen was going to give half of the brown bear to himself, a strong man of the barbarian race named da Zhuang.

"It's very kind of you. Your father and I have a very close relationship. How can we ignore you? And the meat, you can take it back. You have just become a martial artist. You need to eat some good food and practice well."

"Don't worry about me, uncle Zhuang. I still have a lot of strength to make myself full."

So said, its also specially lightened a muscle.

"I've left half of it. It's enough to eat."

With no intention of returning, Lu Chen directly enters the house with his strength and puts the brown bear on the ground.

"Auntie, get rid of the meat!"

After greeting uncle Zhuang's family, Lu Chen said, "I can hunt one, and naturally I can hunt other things. I don't lack food for the time being. Besides, uncle Zhuang, you don't need food, but the children at home should make up for it."

Seeing what uncle Zhuang still wanted to say, Lu chenlian said, "Uncle Zhuang, take this as tuition. I want to learn from you how to hunt."

Looking at Lu Chen, his eyes are firm. Uncle Zhuang finally listens to Lu Chen's words and makes his family clean up his flesh and blood.

At the same time, looking at Lu Chen's appearance, named a strong man, rarely wiped a tear, and felt some relief.

"Ah Chen, you grow up and become a real man. Your father will be proud of you."

In this regard, Lu Chen can only smile, for his father's memory, he can not remember much.

Fortunately, soon, someone was able to rescue Lu Chen.

After Da Zhuang's consent, a strong woman about 1.8 meters in the room almost rushed up and took away the animal meat. At that time, Dazhuang's wife.

At the same time, there are several children, cheering and running quickly to help.

Every barbarian family has many children. Looking at the cheering of those children, Dazhuang also shows a trace of smile.

"Those kids, let you see the joke."

"It's OK."

Shaking his head, Lu Chen and Dazhuang sit on the stone, talking about some hunting skills.

Dazhuang is really a good hunter. He wants to teach Lu Chen how to arrange traps and how to find traces of prey.

However, for these, Lu Chen is lack of interest. After chatting for a while, Lu Chen finally mentions his real intention this time.

"Uncle Zhuang, I heard that there are powerful wild animals in the wild animals with some special strength. Do you know what kind of wild animals are around? What kind of strength are they? How to deal with them?"

Yes, the wild animals around the village and their strength are the real reason for Lu Chen to find uncle Zhuang in addition to repaying his kindness.

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