"System, upgrade brute blood warrior level."

[the system indicates that the host has consumed 200 experience points, and the level of brute blood warrior has been increased to level 2. 】

[Ding, the system indicates that the level of the host brute blood warrior is 2, strength + 1. 】

[Ding, the system indicates that the blood lineage of the host man king has a bonus for the blood warrior, the host constitution + 1, and the Qi and blood + 1. 】

looking at the prompt of the system, Lu Chen has some convulsions.

"There is a bonus not only for promotion, but also for ordinary promotion. The bonus of this bloodline for brute blood soldiers is too high. It's really gold level blood."

"No, it's not just the gold level skills. It's because the blood of the king and the warrior fit too well."

Only the strongest among the barbarians can be called king. Lu Chen, who has such a bloodline, naturally gains a bonus when he promotes the barbarian warrior.

When this promotion is completed, Lu Chen's experience points gained from life and death in the past few days will be only 209.

However, in the past few days of fighting and promotion, Lu Chen's attribute has also changed greatly compared with that when he was promoted.

[occupation development system]

[host: Lu Chen]

[age: 15]

[level: 17 (Level 5 swordsman + level 2 brute blood warrior + level 10 villagers)]

[profession: level 5 swordsman Level 2 brute blood warrior]

[experience value: 209]


[manniujin (bronze)]

[Zhigan e (bronze)]

[blood boiling]( Bronze)]

[Master swordsmanship master (silver)]

[fatal strike (silver)]

[overlord color and domineering (gold)]

[manwang blood (gold)]

three bronze, two silver, two gold, these are Lu Chen's current skills.

Besides skills, Lu Chen's basic attributes are his.

After several upgrades, Lu Chen's basic attributes are:

strength + 31, agility + 12, constitution + 45, Qi and blood + 26.

Spirit + 10, will + 20, prestige + 10, perception + 5.

Rage + 10, sharpness + 3, sword mastery + 20, basic fencing + 20.

Having a look at the property panel, Lu Chen nods with satisfaction.

"Very good, this strength is enough for me to deal with the danger around the village, but it's only around the village. Now I can't even travel far. I can only wander around the village."

Lu Chen did not dare to be complacent. Although his strength has improved, the world is more dangerous.

"We can't relax, we have to continue to improve."

With both hands, he carried the fire ox on his shoulder, and Lu Chen strode out toward the outside of the forest.

All the way is unimpeded, but in the middle of walking, Lu Chen's mind suddenly cools, which makes Lu Chen stop suddenly and look to the side.

However, after looking at the past, Lu Chen found that there was nothing there.

Eyebrows slightly wrinkled, Lu Chen thought for a while, suddenly big mouth open, crazy suction air.

Lu Chen takes a full breath for half a minute. When his stomach is full of air, Lu Chen suddenly opens his mouth and roars in the direction of alertness.

"Get out of here!"

The roar was like thunder, shaking the heaven and earth. The surrounding air was shaken by Lu Chen's roar, which made a layer of waves. There was a strong wind. Because of Lu Chen's roar, he wanted to blow away from the front.

In that thunderous roar, the branches in front of Lu Chen were shaking because of the air fluctuation. In that shaking, Lu Chen found something different.

A black withered branch, which was integrated with the branches, was blown into the air, and it actually moved in the air.

And looking at the black withered branches, Lu Chen is also a cold heart.

"Black thorn snake is good at camouflage. It is poisonous and extremely fast. It will die when it bites."

The appearance of the black snake makes Lu Chen completely alert.

However, soon, Lu Chen found that the black snake did not attack him. After being roared by Lu Chen, he left directly.

After feeling his mind for a moment, Lu Chen also breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, the feeling of excitement rises in Lu Chen's heart.

"Sure enough, the ability of direct sense, like the sixth sense, can predict danger."

"So I can be bold tonight."

"If you don't feel the danger, go outside the village."

Zhigan may not increase Lu Chen's ability to fight, but its early warning can help Lu Chen avoid many dangers, which can make Lu Chen survive longer.

This ability is more important than one or two offensive skills.

In this way, with a happy mood, Lu Chen rushed to the village.Because of his great strength and sufficient physical strength, Lu Chen still rushed home within an hour, even though he was carrying a fire ox.

However, Lu Chen, who returned to the village, soon found that after entering the village, a large number of barbarians followed him. At the same time, there were comments from behind.

"The flaming red hair is not an ordinary beast."

"It's a fire cow. The red hair of the beast is not simple. I have seen it from a distance. When it gets angry, it will directly burn the flame."

"I also know, I heard my father say that the fire ox occupies a large part of the western mountain. We have prepared to hunt, but the skin of the bull is too tough, ordinary weapons are useless to it, and there are too many deaths and injuries, so we don't have to do it any more."

What he said was a member of the hunting team, and Lu Chen agreed with him very much. Although Lu Chen easily hunted wild cattle, it was Lu Chen's strong strength.

In fact, the bull is still very strong.

Tough skin, invulnerable, more powerful, but also can release fire, so that all, like a tank, fire cattle can run rampant.

If ordinary barbarians can kill it, they will have to pay at least ten people to deal with it. Therefore, the village knows that it has no intention to hunt it. The lives of adult barbarians can not be consumed at will.

But it was only when they knew that the bull was powerful that they saw it being hunted. At the same time, they also had an admiration for Lu Chen, who hunted fire oxen.

"It's really worthy of being the talent favored by Wu Zhu. It's so strong."

"That bull has a lot of meat. How much time does he have to eat?"

"More than that, I've heard that wild animals are more nutritious than ordinary beasts. A small piece of wild animal meat can hold up to a thigh of ordinary animal meat. Moreover, if you eat wild animal meat often, you are more likely to become a brute blood warrior."

"Bloody warrior! I really want to eat wild animal meat


In this way, after entering the village, Lu Chen was followed by a group of barbarians. Some of them worshipped Lu Chen's power, while others envied Lu Chen for getting so much meat.

But although there are many people, no one dares to disturb Lu Chen. When Lu Chen arrives at the door of his house, there is no one to follow him. He just watches outside.

This is the treatment and status of the strong in the barbarians.

When Lu Chen returns, Xiao Wei has already met Lu Chen at the door.

Looking at the exotic beast Lu Chen is carrying, and then looking at the envious crowd behind Lu Chen, who is afraid to approach, Xiaowei is inexplicable and has a sense of glory.

"You can only watch, but I am a Chen's housekeeper."

"What's more, Chen is very generous. I'll never be hungry again with Chen."

For two days in a row, she sees Lu Chen's prey, and her worry in her heart dissipates a little.

But, very soon, Xiaowei is happy to see that some barbarian girls who follow Lu Chen have adored faces.

This makes Xiaowei feel nervous again.

And in her nervous suffering, Lu Chen's voice rang.

"Help me deal with the buffalo."

Calling Xiaowei, Lu Chen takes her into the house and prepares to deal with the fire cow.

And Lu Chen's cry, also let small Wei from worry about gain and loss in sober up.

"I'll be right here."

"Don't think about it. Do a good job first. Besides, adults should like to be smaller."

Lu Chen doesn't understand Xiaowei's mood. Now, his whole body and mind are on fire ox.

"Even if the fire ox dies, its fur is always tough and warm. If it is made into clothes, it can help me resist the wind and cold at night, and can also add a layer of defense to me."

"Buffalo blood needs to be treated, and the meat needs to be preserved as soon as possible."

"What's more, we need to give some to Wu Zhu, clan chief and uncle Zhuang."

Although he usually only cares about himself, Lu Chen still remembers the good of others.

Therefore, after hunting the fire ox, Lu Chen will not take it alone, but will send it out with some.

Of course, Lu Chen is not a virgin. Only those who have protected him and cared about him can get his gift.

As for strangers, be greedy.

And in Lu Chen put the fire ox on the table ready to start, suddenly, the room where it is knocked.

After coming out and opening the door, Lu Chen finds that the Lord Wu Zhu is coming.

Looking at the fire cattle in the yard, he was as surprised as the villagers, but more of a helpless.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but after half a ring, Wu Zhu did not reprimand Lu Chen for going out too dangerous. Instead, he turned to the relationship and said, "are you ok?"

"It's OK, Mr. Wu. You're here just in time. I'm going to send you some meat."

"The meat is fine, but the bones are all for me."

"Bones? Old man, it's better to eat meat"I know to eat, that bone is not roasted, I need to use it to stew medicine."

Listening to Wu Lao's words, Lu Chen also thought that there were many bones in the hot soup he used to drink. Now it seems that the bones are the bones of wild animals.

Lu Chen did not mean to refuse.

"I see, old witch. I'll take out the bone and give it to you."

Looking at the wild cattle in the yard, and then looking at the large number of bones of the fire ox, Wu Lao's face finally had a happy look.

"Well, the boy in the village is blessed this time. The bones of this fire Ox are long enough for us to stew."

So saying, the old witch also looked at the side of Lu Chen.

"Don't worry, most of it belongs to you."

"Thank you very much."

For Wu Lao said that he gave half of the soup to himself, but Lu Chen was not surprised. After his talent showed up, Wu always valued Lu Chen very much.

Originally, when Lu Chen did not show any credit, he gave Lu Chen half a fan of pork. Every day, the soup and medicine were constant, or the most.

Now, huoniu is hunting by himself. Lu Chen believes that Wu Lao will definitely give most of the soup to himself. As for the rest, Lu Chen doesn't mind if he gives the rest to other talents.

After all, other people are willing to eat the soup. After all, other people need to eat the soup with others.

But looking at Lu Chen, there was no unhappy look on his face. Old Wu was also relieved. He was afraid that Lu Chen was too much hearted.

At the same time, looking at Lu Chen, and then looking at the fire cow in front of him, old Wu also had to sigh: "there is a strong man in the village, the village is really easy to rise!"

The strong can protect the village from being harmed. This can ensure the continuation of the village, and it is needless to say how important it is.

Besides protection, the strong can also benefit the village a lot.

For example, this time, Lu Chen hunted fire cattle. Although he would eat most of them, the only remaining bit benefited many people.

It can be said that a strong man, as long as it exists, can make the village prosperous.

This is also the reason why barbarians worship the strong.

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