With a sword, the five Baiyou level evil spirits are swept away by Lu Chen, and this scene also frightens the nearby barbarians.

"Good It's strong. "

"A genius indeed."

"We are saved."

"Lord Wu Zhu is right. With such a genius in our village, we will be much safer indeed."


It was the other barbarians who collapsed on the ground. Originally, they all thought that they were hard to escape.

Even with Lu Chen's arrival, they don't think they can survive. They can't help it. The evil spirit in front of them can control more than ten ghost clothes. It looks very strong.

However, Lu Chen's ghost chop made everyone feel shiver. They could feel that the ghost chop could kill the body and soul, as if everything in front of Achen would be chopped by him.

After the tremor, they cheered for Lu Chen and for their own safety.

However, Lu Chen did not pay attention to them. After killing the evil spirit, his eyes were still on the clothes hanger.

Just now, Lu Chen did wipe out five evil spirits with one blow, but the hanger was still there. There were seven colorful clothes hanging on the hanger.

What makes Lu Chen's eyes squint is that a wedding dress with a head cap is in the middle of the hanger. Unlike other green clothes, it has become full red.

The wedding dress is red, which is not unexpected, but the dress makes Lu Chen feel a little dazzling, which is very unusual.

However, although the wedding dress was terrible, Lu Chen still did not shrink back. With his sword in his right hand, Lu Chen rushed directly up.

"Face to face, I never fear."

While Lu Chen is charging, the barbarians also attack on the other side.

"Fire, use fire."

"Throw the torch."

"Ah Chen, be careful."

"Don't mind me. The fire will not kill me. Keep throwing."

Living in the wilderness all year round, there is still a way for barbarians to deal with evil spirits. Lu Chen did not stop the barbarians from throwing torches.

But he did not stop his action. When the torch was thrown to the hanger, Lu Chen was charging wildly against the burning flame.

"I have rough skin and thick flesh. The fire can't kill me."

Holding such an idea, Lu Chen quickly approached the hanger in the flames all over the sky.

"Shua Shua"

when Lu Chen was charging, the hanger also made a counterattack. The hanger itself did not move, but the six maid clothes on it, the sleeves of each dress, were stretched out, and the colorful clothes suddenly entangled Lu Chen.

At the same time, in the process of stretching clothes, many clothes were thrown by torches, and the flames were burning.

But this did not make the clothes on the hanger die at once. Instead, they manipulated the flaming sleeves and waved them wantonly, making the sleeves even more terrifying like a flame python.

That spread out of the sleeve, looks very weak, but Lu Chen saw, there are a lot of sleeves on the ground, can instantly hit a hole in the ground.

There are even barbarians who want to follow Lu Chen's charge. After being hit by the sleeve, they will be spitting blood and flying.

As for entanglement, it is even more terrifying.

As long as they are entangled, there will be a suction on the sleeve to absorb the essence of barbarian life. When the essence of life is scarce to a certain extent, the barbarian will be manipulated by clothes.

Lu Chen Gang just killed two barbarians by a ghost, which is the end of being entangled.

It is the horror of clothes in front of you.

But unfortunately, clothes have great killing power on ordinary barbarians, but Lu Chen is different from ordinary barbarians. Compared with ordinary barbarians, he has strong power and strong physique. All these make him fearless of the attack of sleeves.

"Bang bang"

six clothes and twelve sleeves are like a boa constrictor. The attack is constantly thrown on Lu Chen, and there are bursts of sound.

But it can only make such a sound, that terrible force, pumping on Lu Chen, did not let Lu Chen step back, his strong physique, can bear everything.

For Lu Chen, that stroke, like massage, not only won't make Lu Chen painful, but it's a little comfortable.

As for entanglement, it is even more self seeking.

The rich Qi and blood make Lu Chen as a whole like a furnace. The clothes just wrapped around Lu Chen, so he would be burned by Lu Chen's blood and blood without any hands.

In the "HISHI" sound, those sleeves, like burning, are directly melted by Lu Chen's Qi and blood.

In this way, Lu Chen, who is full of Qi and blood and has a strong constitution, almost ignores all attacks and approaches the clothes hanger quickly.

While in the charge, feeling his irresistible momentum, as well as the soft sleeve of the attack, Lu Chen also some sigh.

"Sure enough, as long as I'm strong enough and strong enough, I can be immune to all kinds of weird attacks. As long as I'm strong enough, weird is just a prey to me."With emotion, Lu Chen stepped forward and approached the clothes hanger. At the same time, his hands were holding an iron sword contaminated with ghosts and spirits, and he was about to cut out horizontally.

Ghost chop, ready to go.

Just at this time, suddenly, a faint sigh sounded in Lu Chen's ear.

The sigh is like the sorrow between lovers and the sorrow of a newly married wife who has not seen her husband for a long time.

In that kind of sadness, Lu Chen has a kind of idea to put down his weapons and comfort the plaintive people in front of him.

The plaintive son, of course, is the red wedding dress. At this time, the wedding dress has come down from the hanger.

And in its move to Lu Chen, that kind of sad feeling, is to the extreme.

Even, in Lu Chen's view, what is in front of her is not the wedding dress, but a sad woman in the wedding dress.

Looking at Lu's step in his heart, he couldn't put down his weapon.

And he did the same thing. When the girl in the bridal dress with a veil came in, "bang Dang", the iron sword in Lu Chen's hand fell directly to the ground.

At the same time, a palm, also extended to the bridal girl, as if to take the girl's hand.

This action also made the wedding girl smile, as if to respond to Lu Chen's expectation. She went closer and closer to Lu Chen, and finally raised her hands to kiss Lu Chen.

This is a beautiful picture, like a wife at home all the year round, happily waiting for the return of the men who went out to fight.

Just, such a scene, but let the barbarians around, feel cold.

"Ah Chen, wake up."

"Ah Chen, wake up. It's weird."

"Damn it, it's still the torch. It's capable of long-range attack, all attacks."


In the eyes of the barbarians, after the red veil of the wedding dress was lifted, it was not a wonderful person at all, but a dark void.

The black hole, as if connected to hell in general, light, around a crowd of barbarians, feel cold, and therefore, they desperately cry out Lu Chen.

But, such a cry, did not let the red wedding dress have a trace of worry, she was not afraid of the call of barbarians.

The barbarians want to rely on long-range strike to block the influence of the wedding dress on Lu Chen, or wake Lu Chen.

This attack was interrupted by the other six pieces of clothes beside the wedding dress.

Therefore, even if the barbarians are angry, even if they shout, they can only watch the wedding dress getting closer to Lu Chen.

It makes them sad.

"It's over. Damn it. Ah Chen shouldn't have charged alone at that time. It's right to wait for Lord wuzhu and the patriarch to arrive."

"Still too young!"

"Evil and terror, just power, can't deal with them!"

"Is there no way out?"

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