What is that

After a look at Lu Chen, he thought that he had been able to kill the black coffin level evil spirit. The patriarch and Wu Zhu finally showed a trace of smile because of the death of the clan.

Then, Wu Zhu said, "you are the pillar of the village. It's time to tell you something."

"There are evil spirits everywhere in the wilderness, and evil spirits can't be killed. However, most evil spirits wandering in the wilderness are different from those of white ones. A large number of evil spirits with special properties are difficult to gather together except for some special reasons."

"However, according to the ancestral land, it is a special region formed by the intersection of nightmare world and our world for some reasons."

"There are all evil spirits in the mysterious state, and the strangeness in a strange place has something in common. For example, the black umbrella and the coat hanger are evil spirits."

"If there is a mysterious situation near us, the evil metropolis will not behave in the same way as in the wilderness, and there is no difference at all."

Such words changed Lu Chen's face.

Wu Zhu didn't see Lu Chen's face. He continued: "don't worry. It's just two similar evil spirits. We often encounter such things. At least three need to be investigated, and more than five need to be reported."


"Well, if we report to the king's Court of the bull tribe or to the holy land, there are too many and strong evil spirits in the treacherous state, which we can't resist or eliminate. The holy land once issued an order to us, as long as we find the strange situation, we must report it at the first time."

"Why do you have to report it? Is there any advantage in the treacherous state, or is it just to protect the village from evil spirits?"

Lu Chen is very interested in finding a strange situation and has to report it immediately.

But Wu Zhu didn't know much about it.

"I don't know about this. However, when I was studying witchcraft in the royal court, I heard master once said that pulling out the strange state is to clean up the wedge of another world or something."

Speaking of this, the Lord wuzhu will not say much. Obviously, as a small village witch wish, although he knows some things, he does not know much.

Lu Chen, on the other hand, guessed something from the information and what he saw a few days ago.

"Evil can't be eliminated. It only appears at night and disappears during the day. There are also mysterious situations as wedges. Is it that evil is not the product of this world, but projected from another world?"

The wisdom from the 21st century makes Lu Chen think a lot. However, it is only a guess after all. The lack of information makes Lu Chen unable to determine whether his guess is true or not. Moreover, it is not such a time now.

There are more important things to deal with.

Looking at Wu Zhu, Lu Chen has a dignified face.

"Lord Wu Zhu, we may need to report it."

"What do you mean?"

Lu Chen's words make Wu Zhu a little confused.

After a bitter smile, Lu Chen said:

"these two days, I often go out to eliminate evil spirits. During the campaign, I once dealt with a small drum demon, a broken bowl, these two monsters, together with the black umbrella and coat hanger, which are already four items of evil. Moreover, these evil spirits appear near the village. Although I don't want to say, it is very likely that our neighborhood has already There's a weird situation. "

This word, let Wu Zhu's eyebrow, instantly wrinkled up.

"You're not kidding."

"Mr. Wu Zhu, I will not joke about such a thing."

Wu Zhu also knew that Lu Chen would not make fun of such things. He asked, but did not believe that there was a strange situation nearby.

When looking at Lu Chen, he found that Lu Chen did not waver. Wu Zhu's ugly face said:

"go back to the village and go to the totem pole."

Even the scene could not be cleaned, just let others clean up. Wu Zhu eagerly took the clan leader, Lu Chen, and several other barbarians to quickly walk towards the totem pole in the middle of the village.

"You guys, go get a sheep, come here, you guys, bring some..."

While walking, while commanding, to arrive near the totem pole, there are only three Lu Chen around.

The totem pole at night is more magical. Even, there are blood colored patterns, which glow on the totem pole. There is also a strange wave that spreads around.

The wave makes Lu Chen feel at ease, as if he had the power of his ancestors to protect himself.

"Totem pole, the place where ancestors sleep, is it the soul of village soldiers who suppressed evil spirits?"

Lu Chen is very curious about the totem pole, but the anxious wizard Zhu has no heart to reply to Lu Chen. He just orders others to arrange the ceremony.

Soon, a live sheep was sent over, bloodletting, sacrifice, and some other operations were also completed by others, while wuzhu was dancing beside the totem pole.In its action, Lu Chen also inquired about the clan leader, the reason why the Lord Wu Zhu did so.

Because of his talent, both clan leaders and Wu Zhu are very kind to Lu Chen. When Lu Chen asks, he basically answers every question.

"Wu Lao relies on the totem pole to contact the totem poles of the surrounding villages to see how the situation is there. It is impossible for the mysterious situation to appear only near our village. If there are other places, we can be sure that there is a strange situation, but it will be troublesome."

Like Wu Zhu, the patriarch is also worried about the strange situation, while Lu Chen is more concerned about the totem pole.

"How can it be used as a telephone?"

When Lu Chen marvels at the magic of the totem pole, on the other side, the dance of Wu Zhu stops slowly.

And when it stops, Lu Chen finds that the bloody patterns on the totem pole are moving fast as if they were alive.

And Wu Zhu, when the totem pattern moves, the whole person kneels down under the totem pole and closes his eyes.

So, after half a sound, Wu Zhu stood up again, but at this time, his face was pale and ugly, without a trace of blood.

But the patriarch, has no mind to pay attention to Wu Zhu's health, in the first moment of his awakening, the patriarch anxiously asked.

"Well, did we make a false alarm?"

Until now, the patriarch still hopes that what Lu Chen said is just a false alarm.

Lu Chen also hopes so. Looking at the look of the patriarch and Wu Zhu, the strange situation is likely to be unusual.

If possible, Lu Chen does not want to encounter such a thing, but it is a pity that the fact is not changed by Lu Chen's ideas.

The pale old witch said in a heavy voice:

"I have contacted the surrounding villages, the Heiniu village in the west, and found the water tank evil things. The wolf village in the North has been led away by the evil spirit with a flute

Speaking of this, the patriarch Dashi's face has been very ugly, but the next word of Wu Zhu is Lu Chen, who can't keep calm.

"In addition to Heiniu village, we also have wolf village in Manniu village, and the other two villages are out of touch."

"How can it be that the two villages have fallen so quickly?"

This word, Wu Zhu did not answer.

And Lu Chen, also understand why Wu Zhu and the clan leader, heard the strange situation, will be so afraid, careful.

It was a disaster that could destroy the village as soon as it appeared.

"Every village is not weak to survive in the wilderness, and totem poles are used as cards. Such villages are destroyed. If all the evil things in the strange state come to Manniu village, what can I do..."

Thinking of this, Lu Chen's eyebrows are also severely wrinkled.

Without thinking about it for a long time, Lu Chen understood that when the evil things in the strange state came in large scale, he could do nothing but escape.

Even if he left the village without the protection of the totem pole, Lu Chen could not go far.

"Sure enough, I'm still too weak."

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