Because the two butcher knives are almost the same, Lu Chen has too many doubts in his heart.

But now, it's not the time for him to think about it. The people are still suffering. Of course, Lu Chen won't be helpless.

"You wait here. Don't go there."

So ordered under one, Lu Chen directly rushed over.

"My Lord, we will fight with you."

Lu Chen lets others leave, but those people have no intention to go far away.

For this, Lu Chen is only an angry rebuke.

"Don't make a fuss. You'll just make trouble and stay here."

After saying this, Lu Chen no longer pays attention to the barbarians behind him, but rushes towards the dog head human monster in front of him.

Lu Chen, who is charging up, is stepping on the ground with great strength, step by step, like a tank, which is very attractive.

The evil spirit surrounding the clan leader Dashi's continuous attack also saw Lu Chen's figure. After a little pause, he abandoned the hard stone and rushed to LuChen.

The head of the dog head monster turned its head, which also made the patriarch shout.

"Be careful, the evil spirit is very fast, and don't be evil..."

The speed of the evil spirit is really fast. When the clan leader Dashi shouts, he rushes to Lu Chen and raises his short knife in his hand.

"This is a stroke to my neck. Do you want to kill me?"

When he rushed over, he also raised his butcher's knife.

However, Lu Chen's sense of straightforwardness played a role at this time. Master level swordsmanship and direct sense made Lu Chen know its attack rhythm from the evil moves in front of him.

However, as the patriarch said, the evil spirit in front of him was so fast that even if Lu Chen could foresee its attack track, he could not dodge.

At least, it can't be completely dodged.

"It seems that hard power is more important. Some abilities, even if they are strange, can let me see the enemy's track, but they don't have enough physical quality. Even if I can see clearly in advance, my body can't react."

Only a brief thought appears in Lu Chen's mind.

But even at this moment, the evil spirit had already rushed to Lu Chen's body. The butcher's knife in his hand, as Lu Chen had expected, was drawn to his neck, and Lu Chen had not yet dodged.

"This knife should also have a special effect on flesh and blood. If it is attacked, I will probably be beheaded by one of its knives."

Such an idea appeared in Lu Chen's heart. However, in the face of such an attack, Lu Chen did not have a trace of fear. On his face, there was only a grim smile.

And accompanied by ferocious laughter, a burst of pressure, suddenly spread to Lu Chen as the center.

At the same time, Lu Chen's voice also sounded here.

"You are such a skillful and evil spirit, but I like it best!"

"Boom", when Lu Chen's voice rang out, the evil spirit of galloping was suddenly forced down by the sudden pressure.

However, although the evil spirit has been dizzy and fell to the ground, but that Mercedes Benz's posture, but will not directly offset.

Therefore, it was originally a handsome gallop to Lu Chen, and the evil spirit of rowing to Lu Chen's neck. At this time, it changed into lying on the ground and rowing from Lu Chen's feet.

Ignoring the big puppet, Lu Chen cut the long sword in his hand and smashed the dog head man's palm holding the butcher's knife when the dog's head passed by Lu Chen.

After that, Lu Chen picked the iron sword, and the butcher's knife was picked away from the puppet made by Lu Chen.

After leaving the butcher's knife, the dog head next to Lu Chen's body was evil and immediately festered.

At this point, the threat in front of him was instantly killed by Lu Chen.

After that, Lu Chen, who picked up the butcher's knife, looked up and saw the patriarch with his big mouth open but did not utter any words.

"What's the matter, patriarch, what do you want to say?"

"No Nothing. "

Looking at the evil spirit that just ravaged the crowd, but now killed by Lu Chen's sword, Dashi, the patriarch, is speechless at half a sound. At the same time, there is a sadness in his heart.

"I'm a level higher than a Chen. I can only defend under the evil man. Ah Chen can kill the person who has awakened his blood. Is that strong?"

Not to mention Dashi's sorrow, it can only be said that Lu Chen's awakening is not strong, but Lu Chen's strong sense of despotism and manwang's bloodline are two golden level abilities.

The patriarch is one level higher than Lu Chen, so his constitution is stronger than Lu Chen.

Unfortunately, the golden level ability of manwang lineage adds too many basic attributes to Lu Chen, which makes Lu Chen's physique and strength not weaker than the clan leader.

If it's just manwang blood, Lu Chen and Dashi, the patriarch, should be no different.

However, in addition to the manwang lineage, Lu Chen also has the power of overlord. Whether it is the will bonus provided by the overlord or its deterrent effect, Lu Chen can instantly crush the clan leader, which is the terror of gold level skills."Bronze level skills increase my basic strength. Silver level skills can make me stand out from my peers. These abilities are very useful, but gold level skills, if I get one of them, can make me have the capital to cross the level."

However, Lu Chen, who thinks like this, has a sense of crisis in his heart.

"In the face of ordinary barbarians, my gold level skills can really make me jump over the level and fight. But in this world, there are not only ordinary barbarians, but also gods who can't be called by their names. Their abilities are absolutely not weak."

Of course, Lu Chen also understands that those existing levels are too high for Lu Chen to touch at all.

But it's not that they can't be touched. Their existence will not pose a threat to Lu Chen.

"I can't touch those unimaginable beings, and I can't even offend them. But those beings will never be alone. If they have disciples or descendants, then the abilities of those divine disciples will never be inferior to or even stronger than me."

"I'm not even surprised to say that the offspring of existence have the ability of colorful myth level."

Surpassing the patriarch Dashi doesn't make Lu Chen look down on others. Instead, it makes Lu Chen more humble. Lu Chen knows that the water in this world is deep.

But now is not the time to think about it.

After flying the butcher's knife, the puppet of the dog's head began to rot.

Lu Chen originally thought that the incident had been solved just like a pig killing knife.

Although dealing with the body of the pig killing knife, Lu Chen also gave up some Kung Fu.

After that, no one can move the knife.

When I found that the butcher's knife in front of me was similar to that of the pig killing knife just now.

Lu Chen according to experience, let the butcher's knife leave the puppet's body.

He believes that as long as you clean up the puppets controlled by the butcher's knife, you can dispose of them at will.

But this time, an accident happened.

After the puppet of the dog head man decayed, all of a sudden, those savages who had been scratched by the butcher's knife, foaming at their mouths and acting madly, rushed to the place where the butcher's knife was located.

Such action, let Lu Chen heart suddenly rise a bad feeling.

"Don't let them pass."

"Stop them. Don't let them pass."

The last cry was not from Lu Chen. The barbarians in front of him were simple but not stupid.

The collective action of the crazy people made them think of something. Then Dashi, as the clan leader, was the first to shout and rush up.

It's just that after two steps, it's just drooping.

The battle just now left him with too many wounds. What's more, those wounds were bleeding all the time.

Even if the patriarch had done emergency treatment and wrapped the wounds with sackcloth, they could not stop the bleeding.

Similar to the pig killing knife just now, the butcher's knife in front of us also has a special effect on blood and flesh, which can make the wound unable to heal.

In Lu Chen's opinion, if the patriarch is not a brute warrior, a large amount of blood would be enough to make him die, but now, his situation is not very good.

Because of the loss of blood, he was pale and could not fight at all.

Fortunately, there are still some barbarians on the scene. At the same time, Lu Chen also brings some barbarians. At this time, all of them rush up to stop their crazy siblings.

Just, before they rush past, Lu Chen thought of something and stopped them.

"All stop. Those clansmen, who have been eroded and injured by them, may become them."

"The puppet manipulated by this butcher's knife is a dog's head and human body, and those who are hurt by this knife will froth at the mouth, and will attack everything madly."

So obvious action, almost do not need to think more, Lu Chen thought of a word - rabies. , the fastest update of the webnovel!