"If you are killed by evil spirit, you will not be peaceful after death."

"I, whether to retreat."

At present, the enemy was too strong to resist. Therefore, Lu Chen inevitably thought about whether to retreat.

While Lu Chen hesitates whether to retreat, Wu Zhu quietly comes to Lu Chen and prays to Lu Chen in a low voice.

"Ah Chen, please don't retreat immediately. Please rush for a while while fighting. When the situation is not right, don't hesitate to run directly. Don't have psychological obstacles. You are leaving a fire for our Manniu village."

Wu Zhu didn't want Lu Chen to leave immediately. Now Lu Chen is the source of confidence in the village. If he left at the beginning, it would be devastating to the morale of the village.

There is still a glimmer of hope in Wu Zhu's hope that it can resist the evil spirit until dawn.

Therefore, he did not want to lose the morale of the village. In the face of evil spirits, it would be a tragic massacre.

But Wu Zhu also knew that it was only a luxury to survive, and he did not want the village to completely cut off the inheritance.

Therefore, he told Lu Chen clearly that he would run away when the situation was not right.

To this, Lu Chen nodded.

"Don't worry, Wu Zhu. I know how to do it."

Taking a deep breath, Lu Chen dispersed his other thoughts and made the final battle.

Although he was infected by the will of many barbarians, Lu Chen still decided to withdraw. This is not a hot-blooded cartoon. No matter how high his will is, he can not offset the gap in strength.

But Lu Chen is also ready, only at the last moment, he will choose to withdraw.

"If you leave now, you will only be chased by evil spirits. If you leave at last, the village will resist for me for some more time."

"I'm really mean."

No, it's not mean. It's just an excuse for Lu Chen to fight for himself.

Although we know that the gap in strength can not be erased.

But like the witch wish, it is also looking forward to the occurrence of miracles, hoping to fight to the last moment, can support the arrival of dawn.

"Alas, it's a pity that our village might have developed into a big village without this incident."

Nostalgic took a look at the village, Wu Zhu sighed.

Lu Chen, on the other hand, is extremely calm.

"Fight, maybe a miracle will happen."

However, Lu Chen, who said so, didn't even believe in miracles.

After all, there was only one miracle, a miracle.

But Lu Chen's luck was obviously not so good. At this time, the perfect hand in the mirror was stretched out a little bit. Obviously, the terror in the mirror did not intend to give any hope to man Niu village, and he was ready to come out early and crush Lu Chen and them.

However, although miracles rarely occur, there are few stupid people in this crisis world.

In particular, those who can become high-level leaders have some foresight. Even the top management of barbarians is not stupid.

They knew that the evil was getting stronger and stronger, and that even if the royal court and ancestral land could resist it, the remote villages would be destroyed one by one because of the untimely rescue.

Without the worship of the surrounding villages, the royal court and ancestral land would not be able to maintain.

At that time, the situation of people's death and clan extinction will inevitably fall on the head of the wilderness.

Under the crisis that the whole barbarian people would perish, change happened naturally.

Set the time a few minutes ago.

When the music of praising God sounded, a shadow was quietly covered in the sky of Manniu village.

The shadow was huge but a little fuzzy, as if hidden by something, and if you look closely, you can find that the shadow under the night is very much like a whale flying in the air.

At this time, the huge shadow hovered over Manniu village, and its purpose seemed to be here.

Its destination, indeed, is here, and at the same time, there is a voice coming from above the shadow.

"I came half a day earlier. Your gadgets are very useful, but they are too stingy. If we use them earlier, we will arrive in half the time."

This voice, rough and bold, this is a pure barbarian accent.

And if Wu Zhu heard such a sound, he would jump up with joy.

The voice is the voice of Liao, a genius who came out of Manniu village earlier and settled in Wangting.

When the village was in danger, he took his team and rushed back to his hometown.

The huge shadow was indeed the team sent by the royal court.

If you raise the field of vision to one kilometer and have some detection skills, Lu Chen can see a whale like beast hovering in the sky of the bull race in the still sky.

On top of the whale, there are simple houses. In front of the house, dozens of young barbarian soldiers in full body armor and holding refined weapons are standing still, ready to fight at any time.In front of those young soldiers, there was a strong man with a height of 2.4 meters. He had two long tusks on his mouth, just like a wild boar. That was the tusk.

At this time, he stands at the front, and the words he just said are also what he sent out.

Because he was a genius who came out of Manniu village, Liao was very familiar with it. Wang Ting sent him here, which seemed to have no problem.

But it was amazing that there was a pretty girl on the side of Liao, who was only about 1.5 meters in beautiful clothes.

The barbarians are not without girls, nor are they without women soldiers. However, due to the cultivation of their blood, most of the barbarians, especially the high-level soldiers, are strong and powerful.

It's very rare for a girl who wants to be so charming and has only about one meter five.

What's more strange is that the girl, looking at the position, actually stands with the head of the Liao, which represents the same status.

It's a strange thing that a pretty girl should be at the same level as the barbarian warrior. After all, barbarians are respected for their strength.

And the next moment, that delicate girl, unexpectedly opened her mouth.

It is in response to Liao's emotion just now, but in that speech, there is no too much respect, only equality.

"General, we also want to come here earlier, but the gadgets you mentioned are not cheap to make. It's not easy to take out one when flying."

Barbarians, the strength of respect, do not look at the ordinary, whether the witch wish, or the patriarch, respect Lu Chen very much, but that is Lu Chen's talent is outstanding, strength is strong.

For ordinary barbarians, wuzhu and the patriarch can't talk like this.

The barbarian girls should be at the bottom of the barbarian ecological chain. Even some families and barbarian women can't resist the words of barbarian men.

But at this time, the warrior named Liao, who was treated equally, didn't get angry. He just gave a stern reply.

"Thank you very much."

Obviously, regardless of her strength, the girl's status is equal to that of Liao.

However, the barbarian warrior named Liao didn't like to talk to the girl very much. After responding to the girl, he called the soldiers behind him and prepared to go down to fight.

"Brothers, this time my hometown depends on you. Go back and I'll treat you to drink and eat meat."


Affected by Liao's words, all the barbarians roared, but the roar was not heard by the evil spirits and barbarians below.

In this way, it has been confirmed that there is something hungry to cover the sky whale. That thing not only covers the air and shape of the sky whale, but also the sound of the sky whale.

It is also because of this thing that the sky whale can make its way at night and arrive at Manniu village half a day early.

However, just as Liao was about to lower the sky whale and let the barbarian soldiers behind him go to war, suddenly, the little girl next to Yu Liao actually reached out and stopped him.

This makes Liao some displeased: "what do you have, wait until the battle is over."

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