One eye stares past, the man dare not speak again, and the girl, sighed, or toward the man to explain in a low voice.

"The jade is completely black, which naturally represents the arrival of more evil spirits. But at that time, the village below will be completely destroyed."

"It's just some mean barbarians. Don't you say that they are not as important as those barbarian soldiers?"

"Those Dalits are really not important, but Liao is very important. With him, who is more powerful than barbarian, his seven cousin is more relaxed."

"Now it's the best way. Although Liao is very angry, when clearing the mirror, a large number of casualties will be reduced, which will make Liao understand that what I did is correct. Those soldiers from Wang Ting will also know that it is my proposal that has saved them a lot of casualties."

"When I go back, I will talk to Liao and dispel his resentment. In this way, we will only die some Dalits in remote villages, and we can win the hearts of the soldiers of the royal court, and reduce the casualties of seven cousins."

"But if Liao's village is destroyed, everything will be different, you know?"

It can only be said that the girl is bad, but not stupid. She knows how to make the best of herself.

Although according to the plan, she will also get hatred. The villagers in maniu village will hate her, but the girl does not care about such hatred.

"Compared with the lives and favors of the soldiers of the royal court, what should we care about the hatred of a remote village? Those pariah can only stay here all their lives and can't even go out. Even if they hate me, what can they do?"

In the eyes of these two people, ordinary barbarian villagers are nothing.

If it was not for Liao, the strong man from Manniu village, Manniu village would become a bait completely.

Fortunately, things didn't go to the worst.

While the two men were discussing, Liao and other barbarians were ready to fight.

After that, the sky whale, which was covered by something, also fell slowly.

When it fell to a certain height, Liao took the first step, holding a Tomahawk, and stepped out of the sky whale like a meteorite.

This moment is just the moment when Wu Zhu tells Lu Chen something, and Lu Chen rushes forward.

"Only I can resist the mirror and jade hand, otherwise, the village will not last for a moment."

"System, increase swordsman..."

Unable to bear the tragic death of his people, Lu Chen is ready to block the evil mirror and the perfect palm.

However, in the past, he also called for the system to increase the level of swordsman.

"God forbid, let me draw out a gold."

There is not much difference between level 9 swordsman and level 10 swordsman. At this time, Lu Chen places his hope on the skills that can be extracted at level 10.

Bronze level and silver level skills can only slightly increase Lu Chen's strength. He hopes to extract a gold level skill. If it is a good gold level skill, Lu Chen can last longer.

However, if you draw the skill of colorful myth level, Lu Chen may even be able to fight back.

Of course, Lu Chen also knows that there is not enough aura value. Gold and colorful myths are just Utopian. But in this helpless moment, Lu Chen can only hope for miracles.

But there was no chance of a miracle.

Before Lu Chen finished speaking, his sense of straightforwardness perceived something in the sky.

"Feitian's evil spirit, but it's strange that Zhigan doesn't feel the threat. It's that the level of evil spirit is too low."

Suddenly, Lu Chen can't help looking up at something.

Then, looking up, Lu Chen saw an amazing scene, one by one armed barbarian soldiers, like fighters in mecha, rushed out of the shadow in the sky and landed on the fog in a roar.


the earth roars and the sky vibrates.

Then, in a burst of roar, there were savages roaring, the sound of weapons killing sounded, and the hunting of people and evil spirits began.

But this time, it is no longer the evil spirit that kills human beings, but dozens of barbarians who have reached the level of brute warriors, killing evil spirits crazily.

In a short period of time, a large number of evil spirits were completely dispersed.

At the same time, Lu Chen feels that the evil mirror, as well as the perfect palm, is also smashed into the ground by a two meter four strong man.

Almost in the blink of an eye, just ready to fight to death, the villagers of Manau village suddenly found that heaven had come.

After a short period of bewilderment, or Wu Zhu first responded. Originally, he fell to his knees and cried out.

"We are saved. The king's court is here."

"Hooray, we survived."

"Long live Wang Ting."

"Ah Chen, long live."


The arrival of the royal court support, let the people cheered.

However, such cheers did not lead to the response of Wang Tingzhi.It can only be said that barbarians are still a little thin skinned.

Because they didn't take the initiative just now, these barbarian soldiers were embarrassed to respond to the cheers of the villagers.

With the heart of shame, the barbarian soldiers killed evil and worked harder.

There were dozens of savage warriors, four barbarian warriors, and a tusk on top of them. Almost in a short time, Lu Chen and his evil spirits were swept away.

Soon, most of the evil spirits were killed, and the fog gradually dispersed, while only a few of the barbarians were injured.

At this time, Lu Chen also noticed that it was so easy to clean up the evil spirits. One of the reasons was that compared with the barbarians in the village, the barbarians who came to Wangting had stronger Qi and blood.

Don't say that compared with ordinary people, the support people, randomly pull out one, are stronger than the village head Dashi.

In addition to being strong and strong, Lu Chen also noticed that there was one thing that they could easily overcome the evil spirit.

The armor on that barbarian warrior is not ordinary. According to Lu Chen, whenever evil spirit attacks them, there are words flashing on the armor. The flashing words make them easily resist the attack of evil spirit.

The weapons in their hands have blood tanks and runes. Relying on runes, barbarians can easily eliminate so many evil spirits without wasting Qi and blood.

"Sure enough, compared with poor villages, the soldiers in Wangting have stronger martial arts skills and more weapons. Therefore, even if they are both barbarians, the soldiers from Wangting are better than those from the countryside."

Lu Chen is observing the barbarians coming to the royal court, and Wu Zhu also sees the leader.

This made his face more joyful.

"Liao, it's you who came back. That's great. I knew that you won't forget your hometown."

"Ah Chen, come and see your elder. This was the genius of our village in those days. At that time, his strength was the same as that of you. He could dominate the country in the village."

"Old Wu, I didn't know anything at that time. Don't talk about those things."

Liao was powerful, but it was also watched and grown up by Wu Zhu. Therefore, for Wu Zhu, it was like a family.

And be Wu Zhu shout, Lu Chen also returned to come over.

Just now, while other brute soldiers were rushing to kill them, Lu Chen observed and killed those evil spirits.

No way. For Lu Chen, evil is experience value and strength.

Lu Chen certainly will not let go of such a safe killing opportunity.

Returning to Wu Zhu's side, feeling the breath of Liao, Lu Chen understood almost immediately that the man in front of him was not just a savage. The pressure he put on himself was too strong.

While Lu Chen is looking at Liao, Liao also smiles at Lu Chen.

"You're fine."


Liao expressed his gratitude to Lu Chen. But for Lu Chen's leaping and chopping, he rushed into the evil spirit and killed the orchestra. He angered the evil leader and let them attack in a large scale. Now, Liao would still be hesitating.

However, Lu Chen's sense of straightforwardness is too low. Therefore, he doesn't understand what happens in the sky. Therefore, he doesn't understand why Liao suddenly makes advances to himself.

"Do you feel my blood is strong?"

Without information, Lu Chen can only guess at random.

And when Lu Chen guessed, Wu Zhu also opened his mouth.

"Liao, how can you be so fast this time? I remember that it will take more than three days to get here by air whale from Wangting."

"It is the ancestral land that has reached an agreement with the people of Yunzhou. Now, every support team has Yunzhou people stationed. We have come here quickly by some means of Yunzhou people." , the fastest update of the webnovel!