The eyes on her forehead give her a special charm.

Of course, in front of the small Wei, although the variation is good, but Lu Chen, but still not to the evil group, there is a trace of gratitude.

"It looks ok now, but if you slow down a little bit, there will be more than one tail on Xiaowei. It is likely that hair will grow all over her body, or eyes will grow everywhere in her body."

At the thought of that picture, Lu Chen was a bit infiltrated.

"Sure enough, it's better to break that strange thing."

"It's just that other people have genetic mutations in their bodies. Why does Xiaowei have a tail, and it's a silver gray wolf tail? Is it because someone in her family has sex with a wolf."

"It's not impossible. If the wild animals in this world are strong, they can be transformed into forms. However, the Xiaowei family has some strength in the past when they are able to enter the hinterland of barbarians through the trade. However, they have a certain emphasis on wolf."

As he walked, Lu Chen thought wildly, but after a few steps, Lu Chen was a little impatient:

"don't sweep me with your tail."

This makes Wei cry in a moment.

"My Lord, I didn't mean to, that tail, don't listen to my command!"

"Please, don't move, or we'll all die."

Looking at Xiaowei holding her tail and pleading, Lu Chen feels a little happy, but soon, she shakes her head.

"I see."


In this way, with a long wolf tail Wei, Lu Chen quickly returned home.

Because of physical fatigue, Lu Chen let Xiaowei burn a water, then lie in.

"Sure enough, it's still so comfortable."

Let the tired body rest in the hot water, Lu Chen completely relaxed, but although people relaxed, but just overheard words, but let Lu Chen heart, still in the surge.

"No, I can't let my destiny be controlled by others."

Lu Chen, thinking like this, suddenly bites his teeth.

"Bouvie, get me a piece."

When a piece of black cloth was sent to his hand, Lu Chen did not hesitate and covered his eyes directly.

"My Lord, are you all right?"

Seeing that Lu Chen blindfolded her eyes, Xiaowei began to cry again.

"Don't cry. I'm not dead yet. Don't worry. My eyes are OK. I'm just practicing a secret method."

Lu Chen is really practicing the secret method. When he reaches the level of direct sense D, he needs to complete the task of trial practice and feel it with heart.

Lu Chen chose to finish now.

"Although I really want to control my own destiny, I am too weak now. The first thing I have to do is not against the weather, but how to protect my life."

"If you want to be safe, one is to improve my defense. In this regard, my manwang lineage has done a good job. Now I am very resistant. The rest is just to step by step to upgrade the level of the barbarian warrior."

"Even if you don't make people angry, the other thing is that you can't make people angry, even if you don't make people angry, the other thing is that you can't make your eyes angry, even if you don't make people angry."

"In order to live longer, it is necessary to improve the sense of straightforwardness. This is the sixth sense, which can let me judge the strength of the enemy and ourselves."

Lu Chen is very reckless and prefers to fight head-on, but it is in this way that Lu Chen pays more attention to Zhigan.

No way, Mang, but also depends on the people. Facing the black coffin level evil Mang, it is to play their own positive combat ability.

If you are reckless to an enemy who is unable to fight, you will be killed.

The enemy, however, will not show its strength completely. At that time, how to judge the strength of the enemy and ourselves depends on his own ability.

Therefore, if you want to live a long time, you must improve.

After closing his eyes, Lu Chen shouts for the system.

"System, enhance the sense of straightforwardness."

[the host chooses to enhance the sense of straightforwardness. From this moment on, the host will consume 1000 experience points to strengthen the sense of straightness. When the reinforcement is completed, the sense will become a silver level skill]

[warning, warning, warning! In the process of strengthening, the host will close his eyes and can't open them. Once opened, everything the host has done will be wasted, and the sense of straightforwardness will be solidified at level D]

when the system prompts, Lu Chen's experience value is directly reduced by 1000. At the same time, a cool breath, like snow water, sits in Lu Chen's mind and warms Lu Chen's inexplicable feeling Know.

In that strengthening, Lu Chen gets up from the hot water and lies down directly on the bed.

"Zhigan, has begun to improve. If the promotion is completed, I will know who can deal with it and who can't be provoked."

"However, I already have defense and detection skills, but in addition to these, if you want to live longer, you have to be able to run."

"Originally, this has to improve agility, but jump chop, let me use strength, can also burst out of speed."

Lu Chen is still very satisfied with the ability of jumping and chopping. A little strength can increase by one meter. Only by strength, Lu Chen can jump tens of meters at a time. With a fatal strike, he can control his physical strength by leaping a hundred meters. With this skill, Lu Chen has a great initiative in both attack and retreat.However, although the jump cut is good, but soon, Lu Chen frowned.

"No, it's far away, but the movement is still too big. It would be better if we had the wind step of the swordsman."

"Invisibility, plus acceleration, makes me safer."

"Tomorrow, you'd better upgrade the swordsman level."

"Although we can't do all the gold, we have wiped out so many evil spirits tonight, and Wu Zhu definitely took in a lot of extraordinary things."

"Tomorrow, I will exchange the materials in my room. After that, I will enhance my strength."

Although he wants all his skills to be gold, his continuous experience makes Lu Chen understand that his idea of all gold is probably just a dream.

The reality of the danger, so that Lu Chen had to quickly upgrade, and in order to quickly increase strength, Lu Chen can only lower some requirements.

"Fortunately, although I'm tired and almost died today, I've gained a lot because I'm big. At least, the experience of killing evil is enough for me to improve."

Thinking about the experience gained, and thinking about how to improve the level of swordsman tomorrow, Lu Chen, tired, sleeps in the past with the expectation of improving his strength.


Although Lu Chen sleeps deeply, but the village is busy, but has been continuing.

Cleaning the battlefield, pacifying, and taking care of the barbarians who came to Wang Ting, dealing with the wounded barbarians, going home to pack things, and other things, all need to be dealt with.

However, these have nothing to do with Lu Chen, nor do they have much to do with the soldiers who fight desperately.

Like Lu Chen, after the battle, except for some soldiers selected for defense patrol, all the other soldiers went to rest.

At this time, the barbarian women protected in the center of the totem were busy at the moment when all the soldiers were resting.

The women, all of whom were tall and powerful, were very easy to do these trifles.

At the same time, there was no royal court bullying barbarian women.

It's sad to say that those soldiers at the level of brute can't look up to the women in the village.

Can go to Wang Ting, and arrived at the brute warrior, basically is the fragrant cake in the village, there are women in the family.

In particular, in this era, because of the frequent wars, too many barbarian men died, and there were more serious boys and girls, even reaching the level of 100 to 300.

In such an era, men are not worried about finding a wife.

Just, although not worried about his wife, but worried about survival, do not know, is good or bad.

In this way, when the women were busy, the sky slowly lit up.

Lu Chen, on the other hand, woke up after four hours.

This is the advantage of high physique. Even if you are tired physically and mentally after fighting, you can recover both physically and mentally by sleeping for four or five hours.

It's just that it's good to have a good constitution, but it's also a little bad.

Just wake up Lu Chen, stomach, there is a burst of thundering sound.

"Goo Goo"

he's hungry.

It can be said that it is a natural awakening, but also can be said to be awakened by hunger.

"Wei, I'm cooking."

At the same time, Lu Chen feels a little dark in front of her eyes. She puts her left hand in front of her eyes and wants to brush off the things in front of her.

Fortunately, his physique is so high that Lu Chen doesn't get up in a daze. As soon as his palm is raised, he thinks about why he is so dark in front of him.

"I'm doing a straight sense test." , the fastest update of the webnovel!