It can only be said that random selection of skills is the eternal pain in Lu Chen's heart.

"Forget it, skills can wait. Now, we can try whether we can create our own skills. No, we should say whether we can rely on ourselves to restore the skills in our memory."

Because of the consumption of spirit, Lu Chen can't practice swordsmanship. Because his eyes are closed, Lu Chen can't go out to look for prey.

Therefore, after thinking for a while, Lu Chen decided to create his own skills.

Of course, it was his own creation, and when he closed his eyes, he felt the fluctuation of the wind, which led Lu Chen to think so.

"My eyes are closed, but my body's exploration of the outside world will not stop. Therefore, my hearing and my body's sense of touch have been greatly improved, and this kind of improvement can make me feel the flow of the wind."

"This flow is not what Asura of the dungeons and warriors called the way of fluctuation."

"If I close my eyes all the time, can I teach Asura's wave sword?"

Thinking like this, Lu Chen, without hesitation, felt the wind flowing around him, while following the flow direction of the wind, suddenly waved a sword.

"Ground fissure wave sword!"

When waving, Lu Chen also roared.

Unfortunately, Lu Chen's voice is loud, but the effect can only be said to be unsatisfactory.

At least, Xiao Wei, who came out, was shocked.

"My Lord, you, what's the matter with you?"

"No, by the way, tell me, what happened just now?"

Because he can't see, Lu Chen can only let Xiao Wei answer the power of his sword.

"My Lord, your sword, your sword..."

For Lu Chen's inquiry, Wei's tone is a little hesitant, do not know what to say.

"Don't hide it. Say what you have to say!"

"Yes, my Lord. You just had a strong sword. The wind blew a lot of things out of the yard."

"I can really fly things along the flowing wind. Isn't that the effect of the earth fissure wave sword? Am I a genius?"

When Lu Chen is complacent, Xiao Wei's words make Lu Chen silent.

"By the way, my Lord, what you did just now scared away some mice. I didn't see them at home."

Xiaowei should be praising Lu Chen, but Lu Chen is silent after hearing this.

"Just, scare away!"

"Even a mouse can't be killed, that is to say, the wind that I set off with a sword can only blow things away, but not kill them at all."

The earth fissure wave sword is just a non attribute sword Qi. It can overturn the enemy and cause certain damage.

But even the simplest ground fissure wave sword can't be sent out with just one wave.

The earth fissure wave sword needs special skills to unite the strength and wind force. Only in this way can it have lethality and overturn people.

Just like Lu Chen's sword, it's really powerful, but because of no skill, it can only let the wind blow forward. However, the force of this kind of blowing is too scattered, so it can only blow objects, but can't hurt the enemy.

"Sure enough, I knew that self created skills are not so simple."

"However, the wind is too scattered to form a single wind. Can I let those winds rise upward? That's the wind barrier."

Although the first attempt failed, but now, idle is also idle, Lu Chen simply let Xiaowei throw things at her in the distance, relying on her sensitivity to the flow of wind, she has built a wind barrier.

So, noon passed quickly.

After a midday attempt, Lu Chen, lying in the bathtub, is speechless.

"The strength is still too weak. The wind barrier I use now can blow away the things Xiaowei throws. But how strong is her strength? I can't hurt me even standing up."

After a morning's trial, Lu Chen realized that other people can create their own skills. With master level swordsmanship, and with his eyes closed, Lu Chen can also create his own skills if given a period of time.

But this skill, at most only bronze level, can not compare with the original.

Moreover, it must take at least half a year, or even a year, to improve their skills and be able to do actual combat.

"In half a year, I can improve a bronze level skill, but in half a year, if I went to fight, I would have been promoted to several levels."

"A bronze level skill bonus, not to mention the skills extracted in the upgrade process, is the basic attribute I added during the upgrade process, which is more useful than the skill just made."

"In terms of efficiency, I'm not going to create my own skills unless I'm stupid."

"Now I'm still too weak in all aspects. I'd better wait until I reach the peak and can't break through."One morning, let Lu Chen recognize a truth, now he, want to create their own skills, Kaizong school, is still a little bit far away.

"Alas, it's a pity that the earth fissure wave sword is the wind barrier. See you later."

Shaking his head and smiling bitterly, Lu Chen no longer creates skills, but carefully feels the power flow in his body, which can make him better understand the body.

While Lu Chen is immersed in himself, the sound of footsteps comes from the outside.

Before the man knocked on the door, Lu Chen's voice rang in the room.


"Chen, it's me, arrow. The patriarch and Wu Zhu let me call you over and discuss something with you."

"I see."

Nodding his head, Lu Chen got up from the bathtub, put on his fire ox cloak, and left the door with an iron sword in his hand.

"Just in time, I'm also going to ask Wu Zhu about the extraordinary things."

When the door opens, Lu Chen is ready to go out. Xiao Wei in the room runs over quickly: "your body is inconvenient. I'll go with you."

"No, I can see it."

Lu is talking to Xiaowei again, and at this time, arrow can see Lu Chen's appearance clearly. The shape that covers his eyes makes him startled.

"Ah Chen, what's wrong with you? Did you get hurt yesterday?"

Although in the elite war, Lu Chen defeated these talented teenagers and gained more resource share.

But the barbarians worship the strong, Lu Chen is a positive defeat, this let arrow, no resentment to Lu Chen.

After that, Lu Chen's series of measures to protect the village also let arrow, full of respect for Lu Chen.

At this time, thinking that Lu Chen's eyes were injured, he was shocked.

His eyes were closed, but Lu Chen could hear the arrow's voice more, so he gave a happy smile.

"Don't worry. I'm ok. It's just a blood change. Tomorrow, my eyes will be fine."

In this world, not only is human an extraordinary species. In ancient times, there were many races competing for supremacy. Therefore, there are too many uncertain things in the human genes of this world, which enables Lu Chen to describe all the changes in his body as blood variation.

For Lu Chen's statement, arrow has no doubt, only some envy.

"The blood has changed again. You are really the one protected by your ancestors."

"But you should be blessed by your ancestors for your bravery."


Talking with arrow at will, Lu Chen is also walking towards the house of Wu Zhu.

And arrow, looking at Lu Chen in the back, does not need his own guidance, can walk without hindrance, also completely relieved and worried.

However, although arrow's worry was put down, Lu Chen still received numerous greetings along the way.

No way. Last night, Lu Chen's bravery has been regarded as a hero by the people of maniu village.

Last night, in order to ease people's hearts, he acted as a statue beside the totem pole for a while, which made Lu Chen, in the present-day manaiu village, almost everyone knows it.

Lu Chen's eyes were blindfolded, so he naturally received greetings from countless people.

It was a friendly, relational greeting. Lu Chen could only say hello at the same time and go to the room of Wu Zhu.

After a long time, he arrived at the door. , the fastest update of the webnovel!