"Some fellow villagers are coming."

When Lu Chen is in doubt, Ji hongdie's voice rings.

"Brother Chen can see the guardian God."

"God general? What is that thing? "

"It's not something. It's something like a guardian spirit. It's the family's protection."

"Guardian spirit, soul, I see."

Although Ji hongdie didn't make it clear, Lu Chen slowly guessed what it was. Obviously, it wasn't the surrogate messengers who had been disordered into it, but something refined by the worshipped soul through some special techniques.

The characteristics of the soul are invisible to ordinary people. Therefore, the guardian spirit in human form is similar to the double messenger.

"It's just that the soul is OK. My ghost hand can hurt it. However, the soul can let Zhigan take the initiative to warn me. It seems that its strength is not low, at least it is at the level of brute. Is this the girl's card?"

At the same time, watching the guardian God, Lu Chen walks inside.

However, Lu Chen, walking, also found that since she saw the guardian God, Ji hongdie was more enthusiastic about herself.

Of course, Ji hongdie is enthusiastic. If she was still suspicious yesterday, today, when she entered the room, she saw the guardian God. She had no doubt about Lu Chen's talent.

And not only Ji hongdie, Lu Chen found that the girl named chan'er, who followed Ji hongdie, was also very enthusiastic about herself.

In this case, Lu Chen, who has no idea, is more alert.

In such a vigilant, Lu Chen in the room full of warehouses, searching for materials he can take.

And after a turn, the tooth directly pulled Lu Chen aside.

"What's the relationship between you and that girl? Does she really like you, as the people say?"

Barbarians are loud, even if the teeth feel that they are whispering, the opposite Ji hongdie, or listen clearly.

And continuous was thought to have taken a fancy to a barbarian, that is, she could not bear the smile on her face.

Lu Chen also some helpless: "how possible, don't talk nonsense."

"How can it be nonsense? The armor and weapons in this are all good things. You just had a fight with her yesterday, and today she gives you so many things. Does that girl, like our barbarian girls, like a brave man?"

"It's a pity that she's too skinny. Otherwise, I could..."

Still talking about the teeth, did not see, behind the Ji hongdie, that has been holding the fan, all clenched, that smile on the face, is already twisted.

"Calm down, be calm I can't. I'm still angry. When the bastard goes shopping in the future, I'll give him three times the price. "

The voluble teeth, do not know, he has offended a small minded woman.

And Lu Chen, also ignore tooth, its in the room, carefully looking for up.

However, after looking for a circle, Lu Chen finds that the girl hongdie, who doesn't know how to think, really doesn't pit herself.

There are many good things in the room, but there are too many good things for Lu Chen to choose from.

Finally, Lu Chen simply closed his eyes, to rely on direct sense to find.

"Straight sense is my sixth sense. When I reach silver level, it can not only play a role in combat, but also guide me in normal times."

Holding such an idea, Lu Chen, who closes his eyes, is walking with the feeling.

Soon, Lu Chen felt something, stopped and opened his eyes.

And with the eyes open, a cold piercing cold light suddenly lights up in front of Lu Chen.

"It's a Tomahawk. It's heavy. It's 800 Jin at least."

Lu Chen, who relies on direct sense, stops in front of a Tomahawk, picks it up and plays it a few times. Lu Chen finds that although the axe is heavy, it is just suitable for him to use.

And at this time, Ji hongdie's voice also rang nearby.

"Elder brother Chen has good eyesight. This battle axe, called" cold iron Tomahawk ", is made of cold iron. It not only cuts iron like mud, but also has the power of freezing, slowing down the enemy's speed, and killing evil spirits."

"The Tomahawk is very heavy, and the cold iron is also very expensive. Even if it is not used, it can be exchanged for a lot of money."

Naturally, the first one to speak is Ji hongdie, while the one behind is a girl named chan'er. Yesterday, the girl was still indifferent to Lu Chen. After being frightened by Lu chenzhan's roar, she was only afraid.

But now, for more than one reason, it's suddenly enthusiastic.

However, the warm place is strange. He often asks whether there is anyone in Lu Chen's room, whether he loves to beat women, how much money he has, whether he can eat enough, and so on.

Now it is the same. Ji hongdie is concerned about combat effectiveness, while girls are concerned about tomahawks, which can sell for a lot of money.Without paying attention to chan'er, Lu Chen touches the Tomahawk, feeling good, but in the end, it is a pity to put down the weapon in his hand.

"Why, elder brother Chen is not satisfied. To be honest, elder brother Chen, this is the best weapon in the room. After all, I'm just a little generation, and I can't bring anything too good."

Ji hongdie really wants to win over Lu Chen, so she can't give Lu Chen some rubbish.

Lu Chen shook his head.

"The Tomahawk is good, but I'm a swordsman. I can't use any other weapon if I have the sword."


As soon as this word was said, Ji hongdie, who was beside her, didn't hold back and burst into laughter.

"Yes, I'm sorry. Brother Chen really likes to joke. Swordsman, hee hee hee..."

The laughter made Lu Chen's face black.

"Why, I'm a swordsman, is that funny?"

"Brother Chen, don't be kidding."

With a long sword in his hand, he is natural to be loved by many people.

It's the same with Yunzhou. There are many swordsmen there. Ji hongdie has seen many swordsman talents. However, Ji hongdie doesn't find out. Lu Chen is a bit like a swordsman.

He has a strong body, abundant Qi and blood, and roars astonishingly. He can hit people with a fist as big as a casserole. How can a swordsman be a swordsman if he doesn't even have a sword.

Yes, in Ji hongdie's hand and Lu Chen's hand, there is no long sword. In Ji hongdie's eyes, the iron sword in that hand is just a firestick.

However, the smiling Ji hongdie, under Lu Chen's gaze, soon stopped laughing.

Looking at Lu Chen's gloomy face, he hesitated and said, "you are really a swordsman."

"Ha ha."

No longer pay attention to her, Lu Chen closed his eyes again, looking for treasures in the warehouse.

"feel awesome. Give me strength. I am a swordsman. Don't look for other weapons."

In the murmur, Lu Chen looks for it again.

Teeth and hair are also helping Lu Chen find.

However, Lu Chen also saw that they didn't know much about it. Therefore, Lu Chen guessed that the main reason why Liao sent teeth and Mao to come here was not to look for things, but to be afraid of Yunzhou people playing tricks, so they asked them to help Lu Chen.

It can only be said that the reputation of Yunzhou people among barbarians is not good, and Liao does not trust Yunzhou people.

Ignoring the two barbarians, Lu Chen is looking for them alone.

The girl named chan'er is beside Lu Chen, helping Lu Chen to find. However, what she is looking for, there are some wonderful flowers.

"Ah Chen, wait a minute. There are black pearls here. They are very valuable. If we sell them, we will have a lot of money."

"I just take it and sell it. It's mine. It has something to do with you."

Chan son's words, let Lu Chen frown.

"Don't make any noise."

After that, Lu Chen continues to look for it.

And his scolding, to let Chan son quiet down, but its face, but there are grievances.

Lu Chen felt this by direct feeling, but he didn't care.

"It's none of my business that you're wronged."

In this way, Lu Chen closed his eyes and searched in the room.

Soon, it was touched by the sense of intuition, and once again stayed next to an object.

As Lu Chen walks around, Ji hongdie is silent. She thinks of Lu Chengang's words.

"Is he not a liar, but a real swordsman, but how could there be such a swordsman?"

Ji hongdie doesn't believe that Lu Chen is a swordsman.

But if Lu Chen is really a swordsman, then, that day, Lu Chen's strength may not be all, so Ji hongdie doesn't pay attention to it.

However, Ji hongdie, who thinks like this, sees Lu Chen staying on an object, and her hesitation disappears completely.

"Hum, who says that man is simple and honest. That guy is a liar and a swordsman. Would a swordsman want to wear such heavy armor?"

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