"Others may make money, but I will never lose."

"Miss, I don't think that's very good."

The maid's words, not by Ji hongdie care, but soon, its thought of what, a change of hand, on the side of the maid Chan er's ear.

"You are very warm to that barbarian today, and now you have pleaded with his people and said, what good has he given you?"

"Miss, pain, pain, pain, no benefits, I did not receive benefits."

Of course, Ji hongdie knows that the maid has not received any benefits. Otherwise, it will not be as simple as pinching her ears.

But chan'er is suddenly so enthusiastic about Lu Chen that she is very curious. This is also something Lu Chen is quite curious about. However, he is an outsider and doesn't ask much, but Ji hongdie doesn't have this scruple.

At this time, holding chan'er's ear, she asked directly.

"Tell me why you are so enthusiastic about him and help him choose things."

"Miss, if I make you angry again, you will give me to him. I feel that if I am so stupid, I will certainly make you angry, so I think first..."

The words have not finished, Ji hongdie has been the whole idiot maid, angry all over the body shaking.

"You are not stupid

"I think I'm smart too Ah, it hurts, miss. It hurts Wuwuwu... "

Unfortunately, the maid named chan'er didn't understand the meaning of her young lady's words at all. Therefore, she was totally unlucky.

After a long time, when chan'er is in tears, Ji hongdie stops her punishment.

"If you hadn't followed me since childhood, you would have died this time, you know?"

"I see, Wuwuwuwu..."

They were fighting, and at this time, a mirror in the middle of the room suddenly showed a white light.

And this, also let Ji hongdie the first time to put away the anger on her face, become calm, and quickly came to the mirror.

Soon, the light of the mirror became more and more bright. After reaching a certain degree, the surface of the mirror even rippled like water.

What's more amazing is that in the rippling water, an image is reflected in the mirror.

Standing in front of a mirror and being reflected by it is not a strange thing, but if the scene in the mirror is not yourself, it is strange.

This is the case at this time. Although Ji hongdie is standing in front of the mirror, the figure inside the mirror is an old figure.

However, in the face of the figure, Ji hongdie is not afraid. Instead, she looks at ease and asks in the mirror.

"I even use Xuanxuan mirror to communicate with me, grandfather, is there anything wrong?"

"There is something. Be careful. I have seen the broken arm you gave me. It may have something to do with God."

"It's about God! How can it be. "

Even if she is as proud as Ji hongdie, she can't calm down when she hears about God.

"There's nothing impossible. We often encounter things related to God in the mysterious state. And it's not once or twice that the team that goes out to eliminate it is destroyed."

This makes Ji hongdie silent.

Human beings are no longer the overlord of this world. They have the strength to compete with human beings.

Therefore, even though human beings will send troops to exterminate them when they find them, they will not necessarily succeed.

In the process of extermination, because of various reasons, it was not destroyed, but it was allowed to grow. At that time, tribes had to move.

What's worse is that when we destroy the deceptive situation, we encounter things related to God. Then, the team that goes to exterminate is very likely to be destroyed in an instant.

Now, this may happen to the small team led by Liao.

"Grandfather, what should I do? Do I need to tell Liao what happened here?"


"But Liao is my cousin..."

He wanted to say something, but was interrupted by the old man in the mirror.

"Don't worry, although they will be in danger this time, they should not be destroyed."

"I have seen the statue. Although it has something to do with God, it has something to do with it, not the whole of God."

"It's just a statue of the son of a God, or the kind that has been destroyed long ago. This kind of semi god statue is separated from the real God by several layers. If the barbarians of the royal court try their best, the Liao can resist it."

"This time, you can go and help Liao smash the statue and bring it here. You can use it at will without fear of consumption."

"I see, grandfather."

God is very powerful, and the things related to God are terrible and hopeless.

But correspondingly, the value of things related to God is also very high. For example, Lu Chen knew what a master of Kendo was just because he met people through a black umbrella, and his own swordsmanship was promoted to the level of a master.Such a great benefit, even if something related to God is very dangerous, no one will give up such a thing.

Soon, the call is over. Looking at the human outside, Ji hongdie has a trace of hesitation on her face, but soon, the hesitation disappears.

"Liao, when I first came here, I told you that the best way is to use the villagers in Manniu village as bait to lure evil spirits out of the mysterious situation. Now, when there are heavy casualties in the team, you should bear the bitter consequences."

After saying so, it turned to see chan'er.

"Tomorrow, you don't have to go out, just stay in the house."

After saying that, with the guardian God, he went out directly and locked the door.

When Ji hongdie goes out, Lu Chen returns to her home one step at a time.

It is not exaggeration, but fact.

Lu Chen is very satisfied with the iron armor. However, the armor is very heavy. Lu Chen is powerful and tough. He can bear this weight, but the earth can't bear it.

Therefore, now Lu Chen, walking up, it is really a pit by step.

Back home, Xiao Wei, who takes care of Lu Chen, and several girls are very curious about Lu Chen's armor.

"My Lord, this armor is very powerful."

"It's beautiful."


Those girls, looking at with envy, Lu Chen did not tell them more, but returned to the room and dug a pit to bury what Ji hongdie had given him.

At the same time, he also sacrificed two other things directly.

[the system prompts that the host sacrificed the extraordinary item Black Pearl and obtained 30 spirit crystals]

[the system prompts that the host sacrificed the extraordinary item spark hammer and obtained 30 spirit crystals]

"it turns out that everything is 30. These things are stronger than the broken evil things. There are quite a lot of such things in the girl's storeroom, which robbed her, I can even hold a thousand spirit crystals and spell the myth skills

Thinking of this, Lu Chen felt a little excited.

In the skill pool, each level's skill, the extraction probability, is completely different.

There are a lot of bronze and silver, and gold has only a 10% chance. However, this does not mean that if you draw 10 times, you will be able to draw the gold skill card. If you have bad luck, you can't get out of it after 100 times.

It's just that although gold is hard to come out, it is still possible to win more than a dozen opportunities.

The colorful myth above gold is totally different from gold.

Every mythical skill can change people completely.

Even, many people will directly use myth skills as a benchmark to create characters after they draw colorful myths. That is, as long as they draw, they can change their combat style.

But although such skills are strong, the extraction probability is also low and frightening.

One thousandth, if luck is bad, one in ten thousand, colorful myth is so hard to draw.

In the past, Lu Chen was indifferent to the colorful myths.

It's not that he doesn't want to, but he knows that he can't extract at all.

But now, an opportunity is in front of Lu Chen.

"Robbed that girl, if you extract the colorful myth, I am the son of God. Then, I can survive if I hide in any corner."

Colorful mythology, luring Lu Chen.

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