Because Lu Chen's footprints were not found, people did not think about getting lost.

In this regard, Ji hongdie gave a bitter smile:

"because of this, it's troublesome. Fan Jing can't simply rely on some traces to stay and go out."

"What's the mystery?"

When people stop, Lu Chen feels that his eyes are more and more.

And looking around, but nothing can be seen, so the invisible man's gaze on the feeling, is Lu Chen, also can't keep calm.

Think about it, you walk in the silent midnight, but there is an inexplicable figure, has been following you, and quietly observing you in the dark, this feeling, absolutely not comfortable.

More importantly, no matter how you call and look for it, you can't find the figure, but the feeling of being watched is getting closer and closer.

Even, you will have an inexplicable feeling in your heart. If you are close to the limit by the figure, you will encounter the unknown terror. If you approach the oppression slowly, you will definitely drive people crazy.

Lu Chen and others can hold on for an hour. They are tough.

Now, a group of six people, teeth and Mao, have yelled in the jungle for several times because of their irritability. Arrow and Xiaoshi also have some neurasthenia. Lu Chen is just irritable, which is a good performance.

Compared with Lu Chen, Ji hongdie is better. Of course, Lu Chen doesn't believe that this is her credit. After a look at the guardian God behind Ji hongdie, Lu Chen knows that the God general is the card that Ji hongdie dare to step out of the totem field.

However, this is not the time to think about these things. Lu Chen wants to know what the lost territory is.

But this time, Ji hongdie didn't sell off. She quickly said, "the weird situation is the space intersection of the two worlds, but the enchantment is different. Some powerful evil creatures will change the surrounding environment because they are too powerful. Just the breath they emit can change the surrounding environment. That kind of creature, when walking, is the affected area

"Most domains have spatial properties, which can also be detected by spoof detector."

"At the same time, most of the evil areas have the ability to not go out and confuse the direction, which is also known as the lost territory."

This word, let tooth shut up instantly, no longer roar, although he is reckless, but not really stupid.

"You mean we've broken into the realm of a powerful creature."

"It's not that bad. If it was such a creature, we would have died."

"In addition to powerful creatures that have mysteries outside their borders, some evil spirits that can't move will also be born into mystical realms because of their special talents. There are also some special areas that will be affected by the evil spirit and naturally give birth to them."

"Look at the jungle. If there is no accident, there should be a tree demon that has evolved the ability to get lost."

The civilization of Yunzhou is better than that of the wilderness, and there are many records of evil.

And Ji hongdie, as a child of a powerful family, naturally gained a lot of knowledge of evil.

Her words let Lu Chen and others understand their own situation.

However, the present situation is not bright and white, just go.

"How can we get out?"

"There are so many trees. How can we find out the evil body?"

Such words are said by the arrow and the tooth.

The arrow with low strength wants to leave, while the tooth, hearing that the evil spirit here is not so strong that it can't be stopped, what he wants is to break the evil spirit.

For this, Ji hongdie sighed:

"I have something to take you out."

However, to Ji hongdie's surprise, after she opened her mouth, there was a voice, which sounded with her words.

"Let me lead the team. Follow me. We should be able to get out."

Looking around, Ji hongdie finds that Lu Chen is the one who talks with her, which makes her feel some surprise: "you know how to get out."

"Well, the eyes can be deceived. I'm going to close my eyes and go by intuition."

This makes Ji hongdie helpless.

"I knew I shouldn't expect anything from you guys."

"If you close your eyes, you can go out. You're really a genius to come up with a way to hide your ears and steal the bell."

"Barbarian, you've found treasure. Follow me."

Ji hongdie, who feels that her IQ has been insulted, directly starts to reprimand Sanlian.

Lu Chen is quite calm about this.

He was sure that if he closed his eyes, he could really go out. There was no way. He had a sense of straightforwardness.

However, now that Ji hongdie is willing to take out something, Lu Chen naturally doesn't mind looking at her means.

Lu Chen didn't let Lu Chen wait for a long time. Soon, a crane folded with paper was taken out. With Ji hongdie blowing a breath on the paper crane, the paper crane suddenly flew from her hand.

After a circle in the air, the paper crane, in a direction, quickly forward.

"Go, follow the paper crane, and we can go out.""The Fufa of Yunzhou is more exquisite than that of barbarians."

Thinking in his heart, Lu Chen's steps are not stopped and he is walking fast.

However, after walking for a while, Lu Chen felt something wrong.

As the paper crane moves forward, the secret whistle that has been staring at Lu Chen and others has become more and more clear.

At this time, Ji hongdie also spoke.

"Be careful. The master of the enchanted land here will never let us go out easily. It will start."

As soon as the voice dropped, a child like figure appeared in the rear.

The figure was indistinct, but there was a voice coming from there.

"Big brother, why do you want to leave? Come and play with me. Just play hide and seek. When you count to ten, I'll catch you."

"Damn it, ghost game, all go quickly, don't be caught by that child."

Seeing the child lying on a big tree, she closed her eyes and began to count. Ji hongdie's face changed greatly and she called out to all the people to let Lu Chen speed up.

And Lu Chen, while following her, inquired out.

"You know what this is about?"

"Well, it's a game of evil spirits. You've played the game of catching people and playing hide and seek. The evil spirit is the devil. If we get caught, we'll all die."

"Why do you want to run? Isn't that the devil? Kill him and everything will be over."

Speaking of teeth, he was brave. After running for a period of time, he did not choose to be patient, and then took out the general flying axe.

After rotating his arm twice, the flying axe was thrown out with all his strength.


the whirling flying axe, with a whirring sound, galloped towards the child.

Different from Lu Chen, Fang's hunting is very strong. His flying axe also directly hits the figure of the child who counts with his eyes closed.

It's just, an amazing scene, and then it happens.

Hit by the flying axe, the figure of the child did not change at all. The axe swept directly from it, as if the figure of the child was a phantom.

And Ji hongdie also spoke.

"It's useless. The ghost is not in the same dimension with us. We can't hurt him at all. Also, we must remember not to be caught by it. Once we are caught, our figure will disappear directly from the real world and reappear and become ghosts."

"If a ghost catches a man, he will become a ghost."

Ji hongdie's words make Lu Chen's mouth twitch.

"Can't attack, catch seconds, this evil, how to deal with." , the fastest update of the webnovel!