Of course, he didn't want to pay the price for Lu Chen's escape.

However, before Lu Chen stepped forward, a worried voice rang from the side.

"Chen, are you ok?"

Speaking of teeth, at this time, Lu Chen found that, I do not know when, teeth, Mao and Lu Chen have opened the distance, and in careful alert.

However, the two of them have been regarded as good. On the other side, Ji hongdie, has been quietly preparing to run away.

Such a scene makes Lu Chen a little confused.

"What's the matter with you?"

"Nothing, really nothing."

Talking is Ji hongdie. When Lu Chen looks over, she has stopped, but the alert look doesn't look like nothing.

Fortunately, Lu Chen was not stupid, and soon understood why they were so surprised.

The reason is not from others, but from Lu Chen himself.

Lu Chen at this time is not very good-looking.

Lu Chen, with ferocious muscles and a suit of iron armour, is a bit ferocious. Even if he stands still, he can make a timid person shiver with his eyes.

Now, people are afraid of Lu.

The ferocious figure will not say, now Lu Chen, the body is covered by a layer of dark black gas lock.

Under the black air, Lu Chen's figure, like a ghost, seems to climb out of hell.

What's more amazing is that under the shadow of the black gas, Lu Chen's figure will flicker from time to time, suddenly turning dark, as if the whole person had been pulled into hell.

In this case, it's no wonder that teeth and others are afraid.

In their eyes, Lu Chen should have been invaded by evil spirits, otherwise, how could ordinary people have such a situation.

At the same time, if it was not for the simple temperament of the barbarians, Yagen would not remind Lu Chen to leave, but would slowly withdraw like Ji hongdie.

Just like now, Ji hongdie looks at her teeth as if she were looking at a fool. If it hadn't been for Lu Chen, she would have scolded her.

As a result, the teeth and others retreated, alert and did not let Lu Chen angry, its smile.

There's no way. In the face of Lu Chen's present situation, it's normal to be alert, but it's against the law.

However, such friendship is really comfortable.

"Don't worry. I'm fine."

"It's better to say that I'm really hot now."

Such words did not reassure the teeth.

In this regard, Lu Chen can only helplessly say: "don't worry, it's really OK, if I mutate, I won't go after the weird, but deal with you first."

"After all, for weirdness, human spirituality has more flavor than weird evil power."

This words, let teeth and others some believe, and at this time, quietly back to the back of Ji hongdie, took out a piece of Rune paper, lit up.

The rune paper burned, and immediately turned into a ray of light, shining in the direction of Lu Chen.

"Don't worry, this Rune paper is a body talisman, which can reflect the evil spirits and the disguise of monsters."

As she said this, she secretly buckled a divinity Rune in her hand. This was not the case, so she ran away immediately.

Lu Chen didn't dodge when he heard the effect of the talisman. Of course, he also felt that the charm had no harm to himself.

However, what Lu Chen didn't think of was that the next moment, with the Ming body talisman shining on his body, whether it was teeth or arrows, he took a step back and showed signs of turning around and running.

"Hey, I haven't changed."

Lu Chen, who said this way, took a look behind him, and it was this one that made the words in his mouth stop completely.

Before the illumination of the body talisman, there was only black air on Lu Chen.

After being illuminated by the body talisman, a strange figure with only half body stands behind Lu Chen, just like the guardian spirit.

What's more surprising is that the figure of the ghost often "hiss" and shakes suddenly. With the trembling, Lu Chen's figure in the world will be like breaking the network, blurring suddenly, as if disappearing in this world.

In such a situation, it's no wonder that they are retreating. No matter who sees Lu Chen's figure, they will feel that Lu Chen is possessed by the half body evil spirit behind him.

However, the reality is not so. Lu Chen is indeed possessed, but this is just like the guardian spirit of Ji hongdie. The appendage is mainly Lu Chen.

At the same time, the half figure is not evil, but the power of ghosts.

This is Lu Chen's fourth skill to feed the ghost hand with his own flesh and blood - Kaijia of the shadow

[Kaijia of the shadow: summon the power of the ghost and defend himself]

[effect: the ghost and God Kaijia can master the power of shadow, and be guarded by him, the host will increase his own movement speed, and when walking, he will have a certain chance to enter invincible state and be disabled When attacking, normal attack will be converted into shadow damage]The ghost cry among the dungeons and warriors has the ability to liberate ghost hands and manipulate ghosts and gods. There are mainly seven ghosts and gods manipulated by ghost cry.

The first ghost · Kazan of the sword soul: "the array of swords and spirits enhances my strength"

the second ghost God · the general rimeng of erosion: "the deep and empty eyes attract the enemy and weaken their body and mind"

the third ghost, the Kaijia of the remnant shadow, "protects me from the enemy's hands and breeds the hope of victory"

when forced into a desperate situation by the ghost child in the bewilderment, he does not want to escape alone Lu Chen took the risk of unlocking the seal of the ghost and let it absorb its flesh and blood essence.

The reason why Lu Chen did this is to liberate the ability of the third ghost.

In Lu Chen's memory, the third ghost, Kaijia of the shadow, has a certain probability of directly entering the invincible state when he rushes forward.

When playing the game, Lu Chen didn't think much about the performance of this skill.

But today, when meeting ghost children, looking at their invincible state, Lu Chen somehow thought of the shadow of Kaijia.

"The reason why ghost children are invincible is that they are like Yu Zhibo with soil. They are usually hidden in a different space. If there is no more space, they can't attack them. But the third ghost, Kaijia of the shadow, is it invincible?"

is holding such an idea. Lu Chencai let the ghosts absorb their own blood essence, calling the name of Kejia, hoping to wake him up to himself.

If it's the game world, such a call is useless. After all, in the game, only when you reach that level can you have that skill.

But now it is in this world, the power of ghosts and gods is hidden in Lu Chen's ghost hands. If he sincerely prays and calls, it is possible to surpass the former and directly call the latter.

Finally, Lu Chen bet right, he really crossed the second ghost God, erosion of pulimong, summoned the third ghost shadow of Kaijia.

And the third ghost didn't let Lu Chen down. The invincible was really related to the ability of space.

Protected by Kaijia, who controls the power of shadow, Lu Chen feels that he can rely on the third ghost to escape into the shadow.

The shadow world is the world where evil spirits live. Therefore, Lu Chen can directly attack them.

At the same time, Lu Chen, who escapes into the shadow, is unable to hurt him because he is not in reality. This is also the reason why shadow step is invincible.

Of course, Lu Chen paid a great price for the call.

"Before that, I have absorbed a lot of evil spirits with my soul loving hand. The ghost hand is about to advance. If I just summon the second ghost, I don't need to drop the level at all."

"And the summoning of the higher level makes me lose the second level directly. This is still the case that I have strong physique and the top-grade blood tonic pill given by Ji hongdie. If I cross the level again, the ghost will probably suck me dry."

"No, the reason why I dropped the level was because of the lack of Qi and blood in my body. If I had more abundant Qi and blood, would I be able to resist the absorption of ghost hands?"

Living here for a long time, Lu Chen was still influenced by barbarians.

Usually, people think about how to avoid Lu Chen's situation, but Lu Chen thinks that as long as he has enough Qi and blood, he is not afraid to absorb himself by ghost hands.

It can only be said that mang is a bad habit, and Lu Chen can't quit.

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