Thinking of Xiaowei, Lu Chen thought that he had just tested and thought that the test would be carried out quickly. Instead of letting Xiaowei follow, Lu Chen asked her to wait in the corner.

After that, Lu Chen is pulled in and can't talk to Xiaowei.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen said quickly, "old wizard, I have a servant outside..."

"It's all right. Go ahead and get busy. The banquet starts at night. I have to gather some people. The prince's dinner party is not just about you. It's a blessing for our barbarians."

The lowest bloodline of manwang is gold level. At the same time, such lineage is inherited from the barbarian gods before. Therefore, there are many skills that can only be learned by this bloodline.

And this also makes the prince who has the blood of man King become the strong one among all the gold lineage.

It is indeed a happy event for the barbarians to have a genius at this time when there is a lack of strong people everywhere.

It took a lot of time to talk with the old witch just now, so Lu Chen quickly left the room and walked out of the temple.

The news of the prince's appearance has been spread far away. Therefore, many barbarians gathered near the totem pole at this time.

Seeing Lu Chen appear, countless people are pointing at Lu Chen, and many others have a look of hope on their faces.

Different from the prince in the ordinary world, the Prince there is enjoying his power only because he is of noble birth.

Moreover, the prince of the ordinary world, for the human beings there, unless the prince becomes the king, otherwise, it is irrelevant. The prince does not have much power.

However, the barbarian Prince is different. The barbarian Prince is obtained by his strength. Therefore, every prince's appearance is an enhancement of the barbarian's strength.

In the barbarians, the more princes there are, the more powerful the tribe is. Therefore, many people look at Lu Chen eagerly.

However, for those people, Lu Chen did not pay attention at all, he was looking for his own maid.

And soon, Lu Chen in a remote corner, saw the cry of Xiaowei.

Lu Chen becomes a prince, others are happy, but only Xiaowei is happy and worried.

She is afraid that Lu Chen will become a prince. She doesn't want to be herself. Moreover, as soon as Lu Chen becomes a prince, she is pulled in, and Xiaowei can't catch up with her.

The feeling of the dependent person leaving makes Wei feel like a dog. She sits in the corner pitifully, weeping.

At the same time, perhaps because of sadness, the wolf tail behind her is a little weak.

She is safe and sound, which makes Lu Chen a little relieved. After all, when she comes to this world, she always takes care of herself. If she doesn't have an accident, it is the best.

But looking at her weak non-stop tears, Lu Chen heart, do not know what, suddenly some angry: "don't cry."

Lu Chen's deterrence is still enough. As soon as he denounces, Xiaowei's crying voice immediately becomes choking, and she dare not cry at all.

The weak appearance made Lu Chen angry and wanted to protect. Finally, Lu Chen could only open his mouth and say, "what about the teeth? You're not with him? "

"After you become a prince, you run away with a smile."

"Run away with a smile?" This should be telling Liao. "

"But it's really his style to leave here and run away."

It can only be said that in addition to the special smart people, other barbarians, never think how careful they think.

If it's Yunzhou people, when Lu Chen becomes a prince and can't see Lu Chen, those people will take good care of Xiao Wei to win Lu Chen's favor.

But tooth that guy, in the heart does not have the idea of flattery, he only has the brother becomes the prince's joy, as well as the matter tells the father the impulse.

Under this impulse, Fang forgets Xiaowei directly.

Knowing the character of the barbarians, Lu Chen can't complain about his teeth.

"Well, nothing happened."

Thinking of this, Lu Chen said directly: "next time, when you encounter a problem, you say you are my maid, don't cry in the corner."

"Yes, my Lord."

"Let's go. I have to wash it. There's a party tonight. You'll accompany me."

Shaking his head, Lu Chen and Xiao Wei enter the temple again.

Then, there was the washing and bathing, and some girls helped Lu Chen explain the rules of the dinner. Of course, it was just a few sentences.

There are no rules for a barbarian dinner, which is to drink and eat meat.

While Lu Chen is busy preparing, on the other side, the seven princes who are with Ji hongdie and Ji Xiaoling stares at Ji hongdie and leaves directly with his sleeve.

Obviously, Ji hongdie brought a prince, which made him very dissatisfied.

This attitude also makes Ji hongdie pale.

Angry seven Prince left alone, did not let Ji hongdie and Ji Xiaoling follow in the past.

After he left, Ji Xiaoling said to Ji hongdie with a smile: "your eyes are very good. You even found a prince to come back and add another enemy to the seventh cousin.""How can I know that the barbarian in that remote village can become a prince? The barbarian rules are too strange. The prince should be born by Wang. How can other people become princes?"

As she said this, Ji hongdie looks pale and terrible. She thinks of the conflict with Lu Chen, especially the people who didn't save Lu Chen.

If she didn't arrive at Manniu village, she ignored it. The appearance of Lu Chen made her feel a little upset. Now, she just hopes that time can return.

If possible, she really does not want to provoke Lu Chen.

As for killing Lu Chen ahead of time, it can only be said that other people may have such an idea, but Ji hongdie, who is overburdened by Lu Chen's domineering and aggressive manner, has already filled her heart with the concept that Lu Chen is invincible.

It is not to say that he is heartbroken and overbearing.

Ji hongdie looks pale, but Ji Xiaoling is smiling.

"I'm sorry, this time, or I won. You've attracted other princes. Now, my cousin will never accept you."

"However, you can also go to the barbarian prince. It's just that he has two meters and four meters. You'd better practice special skills, or you'll die."

"I have some special skills here. Do you need them?"

"Shut up."

After shouting out loud, Ji hongdie's body even shakes for a while, and more tears flow out, which also makes Ji Xiaoling startled.

"Hello, are you ok? I didn't expect that you should be so infatuated with your cousin."

After saying this, Ji Xiaoling found that Ji hongdie didn't respond, which made her heart emerge some ideas.

"You don't have a conflict with that barbarian prince."

This makes Ji hongdie tremble even more.

And see this behind the scenes, Ji Xiaoling face smile, also slowly disappeared.

After a long silence, Ji Xiaoling said directly:

"you can escape immediately."

"I didn't do anything wrong. Why do we have to escape and preserve our strength so that we can deal with evil."

"You're still so stupid. Children only tell right and wrong. Adults only care about interests. They give their legitimate daughters to man Wang to get the qualification to deal with barbarians. Do you think this is correct? Don't forget how our family got up. We are only one member of Jinyun chamber of Commerce. Only when the legitimate girl dedicated to manwang gets the prince, can we become a high-level chamber of Commerce."

"The old man of the family has offered it once. If you offend a barbarian prince, you will definitely be sent by the old man of the family to the prince to calm down."

Ji Xiaoling and Ji hongdie seem to be in a competitive relationship. Just now she was laughing at Ji hongdie.

But at this time, I don't know why, Ji Xiaoling, unexpectedly helped Ji hongdie to come up with an idea.

And her words, indeed let Ji hongdie pale face, the family's consistent style, let her see no hope.

But, in the end, she thought of something and said, "I have a cousin, and he is also a prince. If my cousin talks, the barbarian will..."

"Will he flinch?"

"No, that man The prince will never retreat. He will fight in front of God , the fastest update of the webnovel!