"Wei, pick her up. He will be your hostess."

"Yes, my Lord."

"Ha ha, good. Keep drinking."

It was Wang. Lu Chen's defeat of the girl didn't make Wang angry. Instead, he laughed with other barbarians.

"Barbarians and barbarians, that's not to say."

Shaking his head, Lu Chen put the comatose black long straight girl behind her, and continued to eat.

The banquet lasted until midnight. When Lu Chen came out, it was already late.

After Lu Chen came out, he found that Fang and Mao were waiting outside.

"After two hours, your highness, let me follow you."

"Yes, I'm glad you can come, but you don't have to call me prince. Call me big brother. Let's find a place to rest."

So saying, Lu Chen is ready to ask tooth where there is a hotel.

However, before he had time to ask, he opened his mouth: "don't look for a place. You are the prince. There is your residence in the royal court. When you attend the banquet, the court affairs officer has already selected the residence for you."

So saying, the tooth took Lu Chen to a direction.

However, in the process of walking, looking at the black long straight girl on Lu Chen's shoulder, she couldn't help but ask: "prince, is this?"

"My wife."

Speaking of this, Lu Chen is also a little speechless, he did not expect that one day he would do things to rob his wife, although the girl's father has agreed.

"Why do you feel more primitive when you cross the border? Such a thing, on the other side of Yunzhou, should not happen."

In the exclamation, Lu Chen takes the girl back to his residence. It is a very large house, all of which is made of bluestone. Lu Chen is quite satisfied with this house.

"Whose house used to be? How did it come out?"

After satisfied, Lu Chen inquired twice at will.

But this inquiry, but let teeth and hair's expression, some dim.

However, they were quick to say: "this was originally the fourth Prince's

"Four princes? What's the matter with me now? Has he gone to his own territory

At the banquet, Lu Chen is not dry to drink, eight Prince beside, Lu Chen or talked to him a lot of information.

One of them is the selection method of the new king.

The barbarians are warlike. Naturally, Wang is the strongest. However, he is the king who controls everything. In addition to emphasizing personal force, he should also emphasize his ability to control his subordinates.

After the death of the old king, those who are qualified as princes will fight a duel.

But this duel is not a single person, but the prince leads the 100 strongest soldiers in his tribe to fight with others.

After becoming a prince, this tribe went to the wilderness to reclaim land and led his subordinates to grow stronger and stronger.

This is the way to select the prince and the way for the royal court to expand itself.

After all, the barbarian princes are powerful, and they are the only ones who can reclaim territory in the wilderness.

The expansion of territory, in the eyes of barbarians, is the strength has become stronger.

Although every reclamation, it will take dozens, hundreds of years to become a big tribe.

But manwang is a strong man. He can live for many years and has enough time for other princes to develop.

Of course, in addition to reclaiming the land, the prince can also choose another way, that is, he is invincible in his own strength, and one person can pick out other people's tribes.

Although the selection of the king will assess the ability to control, but the barbarian is the strong one after all. If you can defeat the prince on the other side by yourself, plus the 100 strongest warriors in the tribe, you can also become a king.

Of course, very few people do so.

After all, all princes have the blood of gold. In the royal court, every prince can learn gold fighting skills. They are all talents. There is no way to fight beyond the ranks.

In the case of similar strength, the 100 warriors in the tribe are very important. After all, many warriors themselves are the sons of the leaders. They also have golden blood, and they are not weaker than the prince before transformation.

Two dozen one, even ten dozen one, is the same as gold, how to cross the level.

A few golden blood support, plus the prince himself, is too much of an advantage to those who fight alone.

Because of this, Ji hongdie tried her best to win over Lu Chen. She wanted to help the seventh Prince and fight for the throne.

However, she did not expect that she brought an enemy to Prince seven.

However, Lu Chen doesn't pay attention to Ji hongdie now. Hearing that this is the courtyard of the fourth prince, Lu Chen gives it to himself. Lu Chen thinks that the prince is running his own territory.

Just, tooth's reply, let Lu Chen stop for a while.

"The fourth Prince died three months ago, and his tribe was also destroyed."

After a while of silence, Lu Chen said, "is there a lot of things about Prince's death in battle?""Not many in the past, but in recent decades, the number of princes in our tribe has changed from more than 30 to more than a dozen."

In barbarians, princes are glory, but more power.

Every prince, basically, will lead his people to open up wasteland.

Therefore, the number of princes also represents the prosperity of the tribe.

But from more than 30 princes, died directly to more than a dozen, enough to illustrate the situation of barbarians.

"It seems that being a prince doesn't make me safer."

"Or their own strength is strong, so that I can survive longer."

The joy of being a prince is nothing left to be extinguished by this crisis.

"Tooth, can you find some bloodthirsty soldiers? I want more than 20, and I will use them tomorrow."

Feeling the crisis, Lu Chen is ready to improve himself. However, in Wangting, he can't find any prey for the time being, so Lu Chen can only do the task of trial training.

"The trial training task of steel and iron: it's time to make steel."

Lu Chen's words, tooth reply is still very quick: "prince, do you want to set up your own guard, but the brute blood soldiers are too low, with your highness, go to the barracks to show off, you can recruit the barbarian, even the barbarian level guards."

All princes can set up their own guards, such as the Liao under the seventh prince, and the more than 50 brute warriors.

However, Lu Chen didn't want to set up. He was still ready to follow the vanguard camp to kill in a strange situation, so as to improve himself.

However, after thinking about it for a while, Lu Chen did not immediately refuse.

"I know about the guard. I'll go to the barracks tomorrow, but there are also some brute blood soldiers. You can call in some brute blood soldiers tomorrow, and we'll go to the barracks together."

"Yes, your highness."


The residence of the fourth prince was very large, but Lu Chen and others were too few. The guards only had teeth and hair, while the maid was only Xiao Wei.

Therefore, Lu Chen did not choose the main house. He found a room at will, and he had a rest.

However, he was resting, but there were many people who couldn't sleep in Wangting.

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