The girl Lu Chen is very familiar with, that is, Ji hongdie who goes to maniu village.

"You've really made a lot of money."

"If you make a mistake, you have to bear the responsibility. Hongdie changes the military order without authorization, causing casualties to your royal highness. You must give your highness an account. I wonder if your highness is satisfied with this gift."

"Yes, leave these things and write off our accounts."

Ji's family in order to relieve their worries, and Lu Chen is not aggressive.

After all, Ji hongdie is the only one who has a feud with Lu Chen.

Other Ji family members, Lu Chen did not even know each other, naturally would not engage in collusion, he did not have that strength.

Lu Chen has never been arrogant. He knows very well that the reason why the Ji family bowed their heads this time was that they became princes. It was the barbarian trend that held down those people's heads.

But the barbarian Prince is very easy to die. If Lu Chen is aggressive, those people are likely to take risks. This is what Lu Chen does not want to see.

Lu Chen has made great efforts to deal with the evil spirit. He doesn't want to provoke the sophisticated Yunzhou people.

"The present world is a crisis between human beings and evil spirits. What happens in Yunzhou after that has nothing to do with me."

Lu Chen does not want to provoke Yunzhou people, he also thinks that he is because he became a prince, just let Ji family pay such a big price, even the legitimate daughter sent over.

It's just, that's how he looks down on himself.

Manwang bloodline, overbearing color, domineering, the combination of the two, one to strengthen the body, one to strengthen the soul, which makes Lu Chen almost no short board.

Therefore, both the man king and the Lord of Yunzhou were very optimistic about Lu Chen.

The same is true of Ji Shiwen, an old fox.

After seeing Lu Chen accept the apology, he did not leave, but clapped his hands again.

Soon, another twenty boxes were sent into the room.

With 20 boxes coming in, there are also 30 beautiful Yunzhou girls.

"Your Highness, in addition to clearing up the misunderstanding, we are also celebrating his Highness's becoming a prince."

"In these boxes, there are some blood tonic pills, runes, weapons, armor and so on. Adults need these things to form a guard team."

"What's more, the adult's room is a little empty, and I have some maids who have just been trained here, just for adults."

Send people, money, food, in order to please Lu Chen, Ji family, really spent a lot of thought.

In this regard, Lu Chen did not refuse weapons and armor, but those charming maids were rejected by Lu Chen.

"I just want to have Xiao Wei for the service. Those weapons can be left. I remember the kindness of Ji's family."

Lu Chen really needs weapons, armor, pills, runes and other things.

Tomorrow, he is going to set up his own guard. If he finds someone, he can't help but give weapons and armor. Originally, Lu Chen still has some headache. Now, someone has just delivered something, and Lu Chen doesn't refuse to accept it.

Those maids, however, are Lu Chen, who are somewhat worried.

However, this small Wei does not know, see Lu Chen for oneself rejected a lot of maid, this let her pour is very happy.

Later, Lu Chen and Ji Shiwen talked a few words, he left.

And as soon as he left, teeth cheered.

"Yes, ah Chen, no, your highness, this time we have. These are good things, enough for us to consume several times."

"A hundred sets of armor, a hundred fine steel weapons, ten cases of blood tonic pills, a box of Rune paper, and a lot of gold and silver jewelry. The old man really took a lot of good things."

Teeth and hair are happy, and Lu Chen clenched his fist and put his fist in front of his eyes.

Different from the simple joy of the tooth, Lu Chen knows why he got these things.

"The world, with power, has everything."

"No, it should be said that no matter where you have power, you have everything. Although the previous life was prosperous and there were various rules, the power was only hidden in it, but it never disappeared."

"A weak country has no diplomacy, and political power comes from the barrel of a gun. From these two words, we can also know the role of power."

Thinking incessantly in the heart, Lu Chen also has some happiness on his face.

However, before Lu Chen and others collected the money from Ji's family, someone came to visit again.

This time, a prince came, but to Lu Chen's surprise, the prince who came over was the seventh prince, not the eighth prince who had a better relationship with Lu Chen.

After the seven princes, they followed Ji Xiaoling.

Hearing that he came to visit, Lu Chen immediately grasped his sword in his hand.

"What is this? Because I took Ji hongdie to fight with me."

While Lu Chen was thinking, the seventh prince had already run into the room with a smile on his face. Later, he opened his hands to give Lu Chen a hug, which made Lu Chen almost think that the prince in front of him was pretending to be the eighth prince."Brother, here you are. Congratulations on becoming a prince."

With a smile on his face, Lu Chen waved his sword and said with a cold face: "don't pretend to recognize relatives. Although they are all princes, we are not related by blood."

If it was the other children of the king, Lu Chen would be worried about the king's face, but the seven princes could not please the king at all.

Therefore, Lu Chen's response is very simple.

"What's up, go ahead."

Of course, such indifference is also Lu Chen's feeling that the other party is not good.

"Ji hongdie has been my booty. If you want to ask for it from me, please fight."

Lu Chen is preparing to fight, that cold attitude, also let seven Prince's face of joy slightly stopped.

At this time, Ji hongdie, who was bound in the box, suddenly struggled when she heard the sound.

The sound of struggle was so loud that everyone in the room looked at him.

After a glance, Lu Chen turned his eyes to the seven princes. He felt that he had already guessed the purpose of the seven princes.

"Do you want to take back Ji hongdie? It's just that when you enter my room, it's my stuff. If you want to take it back, fight."

Lu Chen, we are ready for battle.

But let Lu Chen unexpected things happen, Ji hongdie's fierce struggle really attracted the attention of all in the room, and the seventh prince saw her, his face also had an instant frown.

However, immediately, the seven Prince looked at Lu Chen again, and at this time, his face even had a smile.

"We are not related by blood, but if we are both princes, we should say that you have married my sister. In this sense, you are my brother."

"Marry, you make a mistake. It's the Ji family's apology to me. She is not my wife, but a slave."

Lu Chen does accept Ji hongdie, but he makes her a wife. What a joke.

Lu Chen is refuting, just, seven Prince next words, but let Lu Chen thoroughly surprised.

"Little butterfly I've heard about Ji hongdie. It's really her fault. She has to pay for her mistake. Her problem is the contradiction between you and Ji's family. It has nothing to do with me. "

"So you come this time?"

"My sister is Qingxue. She is the sister of my father and mother. If you marry her, you will be my brother."

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