When the strong man explained, there were more and more cracks in the space. At the same time, there was endless wind and suction coming from the cracks. Under the suction, countless broken objects were pulled into the space cracks.

At the same time, the space fragmentation makes some outside of the world wind, also constantly blowing into the world, and that wind, also let Lu Chen in front of a lot of things, are in the collapse, decomposition.

Only, Lu Chen can see, also only here.

After the word "space earthquake" was said, Lu Chen was in a trance again. When he recovered again, he had already returned to the totem world again, and the great wizard was nearby.

"How are you, are you all right?"

The old wizard who cares about landing Lu Chen is asking about Lu Chen. However, Lu Chen can't respond to him at all. At this time, Lu Chen's whole mind is on the system interface.

[the system indicates that the host is accepting the inheritance of the strong]

[Ding, the system indicates that the host is understanding and inheriting 】

[comprehension 1%, 2%, 3% , 10%]

[Ding, system prompt, end of inheritance]

[host has insufficient understanding, unable to obtain a complete golden level skill inheritance]

[Ding, the host understands 10% and gets a seed of cow devil concussion fist skill. Now the host can think back to learn the skill, and can also consume 90000 experience points to speed up the understanding of gold level skill Concussion fist]

"isn't your comprehension enough? It's OK. I've got the seed of the skill. With 90000 experience points, I can get concussion ability."

Looking at the jiuchen calendar, it's just that the number of jiuchen is more than that. It's just that it's really tiring.

And when Lu Chen is in distress, the witch next to him also sees Lu Chen's face and comforts his mouth.

"You should not have obtained a complete skill, but don't worry. This inheritance is special. After that, as long as you calm down and think about it, you can get the inheritance again."

"However, bear in mind that there is a limit to the inheritance mark. You must learn to understand all that you have learned at present."

"Thank you for reminding me. I will pay attention to it."

While thanking the old wizard, Lu Chen is also thinking.

"There is a limit to the inheritance of seeds. No, the old wizard is talking about the imprint. What I have in mind is the seed. It seems that the system has optimized the imprint. Now, I can understand it infinitely."

Thinking incessantly in his heart, Lu Chen is ready to leave here with the old wizard.

However, before Lu Chen opens his mouth, there is a system prompt that rings in Lu Chen's mind.

[system prompt, the host understands the power of concussion]

[Ding, the system prompts that the shock force perceived by the host is the same as the mountain collapse of jump chop. Congratulations to the host, jumping to the advanced level]

[jump chop (silver) (Advanced): jump up in a special way to attack the enemy. The higher the strength, the farther the jump is.

[Landslides: rely on The falling potential energy makes the earth vibrate, and the host understands the power of concussion, and the concussion effect and range caused by the power will double]

[Earth Shock: in addition to jumping, the host can also trample on the earth with its feet to make the earth vibrate, causing the effect of landslides. Note: when one foot uses the earth shaking, it is only half of the jumping range]

"stepping on the floor, the shaking force can make me step on the floor."

Everything in front of him really surprised Lu Chen. He didn't expect that the shock force even linked to the jump chop. In this way, the scope of the jump was doubled, and Lu Chen had the ability to step on the floor.

Feeling in the heart, Lu Chen subconsciously raised his feet, and then, mercilessly stepped down toward the earth.

At this time, the old wizard looked at Lu Chen and said that he was stunned. He thought that he had not learned the skills and was hit. Therefore, he comforted Lu Chen.

"Don't worry, everyone is like this. Other princes, after getting the mark, also need to constantly understand and comprehend in order to obtain the golden level skill. Even, until the mark dissipates, you may not be able to learn the skill. You..."

The big witch old also wants to say something, but at this time, Lu Chen's big foot has already fallen.

"Boom and boom"

as the soleplate of his feet contacted the earth, the strength accumulated in Lu Chen's body suddenly centered on him and spread out around him.

Then, a scene in the strange situation appeared again in reality.

The spreading concussion force shakes the earth and makes the ground slosh directly. At the same time, there are continuous cracks, with Lu Chen's feet as the center, spreading around.

Almost in the blink of an eye, a small earthquake appeared in the totem world.

When the earthquake appeared, the old wizard was silent and looked at the cracks in the ground. He did not speak for a long time.

And Lu Chen looked at the silent old wizard, also scared, he thought the old wizard was angry.

"I'm sorry, old wizard. I didn't mean to. I just couldn't help it..."Lu Chen wants to explain, just, the wizard old wave, let Lu Chen stop.

"It's OK. The ground is broken. Just repair it."

With these words, the old wizard waved his scepter, and the broken ground suddenly gathered together.

Looking at the closed earth, Lu Chen is marveling at the ability of the old witch.

"Wuzhu, like shaman, is able to manipulate natural abilities."

Lu Chen is sighing, but I don't know. At this time, the old wizard, looking at Lu Chen, is also very complicated.

"It's amazing to learn at one time. Although there are few such things in barbarians, they can always come up with one in hundreds of years. But it's amazing that they directly passed the air quake and learned the earthquake."

After all, the old wizard lived a long time. Therefore, even though it was difficult to learn it, he had seen it several times, but because of it, he also knew that the skill was difficult to learn and powerful.

At this time, misunderstanding Lu Chen directly across the air quake, learned earthquake, of course, he was surprised.

Of course, after the surprise, he was filled with joy.

"With the blessing of our ancestors, we barbarians have finally produced a genius."

Wu Zhu's mind, Lu Chen does not know, looking at the cracks around the earth, now Lu Chen has only one idea in mind.

"The Bull Demon concussion fist is very strong. Go back to find the evil spirit. You must learn this skill."

Lu Chen, who is in a hurry, can't afford to have 90000 experience points now. Learn this skill thoroughly.

Air shock, earthquake, space shock, cattle demon concussion fist with these three moves, really let Lu Chen heart.

When Lu Chen was in a hurry, the old wizard calmed down his mind and said to Lu Chen directly, "it's time to choose the war spirit."

"What is the soul of war?"

"You came with the little girl in Yunzhou. You know their guardian spirit."


"Those who can't keep the soul after the war are similar to those who can't keep the spirit after death."

Such words make Lu Chen frown and even have the idea of refusing.

He didn't want an ancestor to look at himself behind him.

As if sensing Lu Chen's thoughts, the old wizard said directly: "don't worry that someone will stare at you. Those who can still have a trace of wisdom after death. In our barbarians, they are all heroes, which are worshipped in the totem pole to protect the town."

"What you choose this time is only the spirit of war. Although the spirit of war of our barbarians can be maintained by the will of war, it is only the spirit of war."

So, the old witch sighed, and Lu Chen understood the meaning.

"Barbarians are warlike, and dying in battle is also a glory. This kind of behavior makes the strong men of barbarians have a strong will. After death, they have the same will to fight as Xingtian.

"But if you want to fight, you will lose. In the end, those immortal souls have been wiped out. What remains is only the intention of war."

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