"Wait a month, why?"

"After a while, you'll know."

Old Wu is still very busy, looking at him busy, Lu Chen can only return home.

On the way back, Lu Chen is also thinking about what is going on. He has to choose his territory after a month.

"Not enough territory? This is impossible. Now there are dilapidated villages everywhere, and there are also refugees outside the Wangting court. If you take some refugees away at will and find a place, you can open up the village. "

"Is the wizard worried about me? This is even more impossible. When choosing the soul of war, he also told me not to choose something too strong, which would affect me. The strong barbarian should not be the one who is afraid of danger and escapes. "

Thinking incessantly in his heart, Lu Chen also returns home in thinking.

"Hard work, Mao."

"I'm fine, your highness. Is it all right to summon your subordinates?"

"Not bad."

At this time, Mao is in front of Lu Chen's door. Lu Chen talks to him at will and goes back to his room.

However, a door Lu Chen slightly Leng next.

In the inner courtyard, two men were waiting for Lu Chen.

One of them is Xiaowei. Every time Lu Chen comes back, she is waiting at the door. Therefore, for her, Lu Chen is not very surprised.

Just, another person beside Xiaowei makes Lu Chen feel some emotion.

It was Ji hongdie. At this time, her face was pale and her body was buoyant. Even standing up, she helped the doorpost beside her, so that she could not fall down.

However, she has been standing at the door, seeing Lu Chen come in, she wants to step forward.

However, Lu Chen is tall and strong, and his one night expedition makes Ji hongdie unable to stand firm even when she walks.

Therefore, after a few steps, she can only frown and stand in the same place, helplessly watching Xiaowei come forward to greet Lu Chen.

After a few words with Xiaowei, Lu Chen comes to Ji hongdie.

The tall figure directly blocks all the sunshine in front of Ji hongdie, and this also makes Ji hongdie step back. She has psychological shadow for Lu Chen's fury.


Lu Chen has already understood Ji hongdie's nature that she can't get up early without profit.

However, Lu Chen underestimated Ji hongdie.

She's an egoist, but she's never a fool.

Facing Lu Chen's inquiry, she nodded directly.

"As a woman of your highness, it is my duty to wait for your highness. However, there are some things to tell your highness."

"Those things have something to do with your highness."

After that, she took Lu Chen back to the room.

At this time, in the spacious but somewhat empty room, a fine map appeared on the stone table, on which countless lines and handwriting appeared.

Pointing to the map, Ji hongdie said directly:

"Your Highness, to become a prince, you must go out and establish your own territory, and the territory must be carefully selected. Only good territory can make your highness ascend the throne."

"Originally, good territory was occupied by the strong. Your highness wanted to go to the past and had to fight. But now it is different. The emergence of evil spirits has left many places vacant. Your highness, you can choose a good place to develop."

"Yuehu basin is suitable for planting here. There are a lot of ores here, and here, there is a dark iron ore. however, I don't recommend your highness to choose there. There is a strong puzzle, and the strong willpower can't break through..."

The map on the table is very detailed, and there are a lot of marks. Lu Chen looks at them, and all the marks are made by Ji hongdie. Relying on various labels and Ji hongdie's explanation, Lu Chen has a rough understanding of the various territories in the royal court, which makes it more convenient for Lu Chen to choose the territory.

And Ji hongdie, after explaining to Lu Chen, nestles in Lu Chen's arms and doesn't speak any more.

This let Lu Chen reach out and pinch her small face: "you said so much, don't help me choose one."

Ji hongdie feels a little uncomfortable when she is pinched, but instead of resisting, she looks up at Lu Chen and says with tears in her eyes:

"Your Highness, you are the head of the family. All decisions can only be made by your highness, no matter Well Whatever you do, I will follow the past. After all, I I am already your highness. "

In the process of her speech, Lu Chen pinches her small face hard, and her hands are not honest. That kind of behavior makes Ji hongdie very uncomfortable.

But even so, she did not have a trace of resistance, just watery eyes, pitifully looking at Lu Chen.

And this, also let Lu Chen not bully her interest.

Turning to the map, Lu Chen felt that it would take at least one morning to make all kinds of explanations so detailed.

In other words, after Lu Chen left, Ji hongdie, who was still resentful last night, struggled to get up and wrote a message on the map."Even if I don't say it, I know what I need most. This woman is really smart."

Thinking of this in his heart, Lu Chen also said directly: "this thing, I take it. If there is anything I can do for you, just say it."

"Your Highness, I've got some things in Ji's family. Now I'm married With the adult, those things should be counted as dowry to adults, and please help them to get them back. "

"Of course, your highness is the head of the family. As long as you take back the things I have, your highness can dispose of them at will."

"Give it all to me?"

"Yes, all of them belong to your highness."

"Don't you have any resentment, or are you going to lie down and taste the gall?"

This word, let Ji hongdie kneel directly on the ground.

"Your Highness is joking. How can I have any resentment? In your Highness's village, it is really my fault. This is my punishment. No, it's my luck to follow your highness."

After saying this, knowing that Lu Chen didn't believe her, she said directly, "Your Highness, if I resent, I also blame Ji family and seven princes."

"All I did was for the sake of the family and for the seven princes to ascend the throne. When I was in trouble, neither the Ji family nor the seventh Prince offered any help."

Lu Chen still believes that Ji hongdie resents the Ji family.

Although Lu Chen knows that the Ji family's practice is the best way to preserve the family, the benefits are shared by the family, and it is difficult for the sacrificed individuals to avoid resentment.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen also has some new understanding of Ji hongdie's behavior.

"Do you want to please me, gain power, and revenge on the seventh Prince and Ji's family?"

"It was in her disposition."

Thinking in the heart, Lu Chen also nodded to agree with Ji hongdie's idea.

"I know about you. Tomorrow, I will let them accompany you to Ji's house and get your things back."

Lu Chen is willing to do something to make Ji hongdie happy, but she also asks in a low voice:

"please hurry up, your highness. After I leave, other people will probably take all my things. If I go late, there will be nothing left."

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