[domineering armor: the host's bone is as fine as steel, and the footwall is stable. It's hard for the host to get hard and straight when any attack falls on the host. In the super body state, the host has great immunity to repel, knock down, float and delay]

If a person is hit, he will feel pain.

If hit by external forces, the human body will also retreat, sloshing, unable to maintain stability.

Therefore, the main purpose of two men with equal strength in fighting is to destroy the opponent's center of gravity, let the other party show his flaws and give him a fatal blow.

But now, this trick is no longer effective on Lu Chen. Lu Chen, who has a strong body, can keep his body steady even if he is attacked.

This allows Lu Chen to fight hard against the enemy's attack in future battles. If the enemy's center of gravity is unstable in the process of hard fighting, it is his death.

Lu Chencai is also a bully. He is allowed to attack by those savage warriors. Now, even if those savage warriors can spit blood out of Lu chenchui, don't want him to swing around.

Of course, this point is unknown to others. In other people's eyes, Lu Chen, who is motionless and hard to be attacked, is as powerful as the sea.

Defeated by such a strong one, naturally, these barbarians are convinced.

Soon, all the 30 barbarians hit Lu Chen, and they were boxed by Lu Chen.

Looking at a group of barbarians collapsed on the ground, Lu Chen did not mock anything, but directly opened his mouth: "go, eat."


This time he didn't go out. Yunzhou people sent food and found a lot of meat. Lu Chen took the barbarians to roast them.

But in the roast, those rash and rude barbarians, but no one is ready to swallow, they all look at Lu Chen.

This is the effect of being beaten.

"Let's eat together."

When Lu Chen took the initiative to speak, other barbarians cheered and ate.

Other barbarians are eating barbecue alone, while Lu Chen is served by someone.

Wei and Ji hongdie are at Lu Chen's side, helping Lu Chen bake food. Then she cuts and sprinkles seasonings, which is not without Lu Chen's help.

Enjoy at the same time, the maid named chan'er is still behind Lu Chen, giving him a massage.

Chan'er and Xiaowei are all immersed in waiting for Lu Chen, while Ji hongdie takes food and feeds Lu Chen, while greeting and saying to Lu Chen: "my husband, good means. When I follow the seven princes, his subordinates have never been so respectful to him."

Originally proud Ji hongdie, at this time humbly flatters herself, which naturally makes Lu Chen feel comfortable.

However, such ease is not enough to make Lu Chen completely forget himself. At this time, he is frowning and thinking about how to obtain experience value.

Just now, Lu Chen gained 3000 experience points after defeating the more than 30 barbarians. However, only the first time can he gain experience points. Since then, it will be less and less.

Lu Chen is not ready to beat all his subordinates.

"Do you want to go to the barracks and keep beating the barbarians of my own rank? No, it's easy to make people angry if we beat them every day."

Lu Chen in distress, and he did not cover up the distress, was naturally noticed by Ji hongdie.

"My husband, do you have any worries? Please tell me about it."

Lu Chen did not refuse.

"The wizard asked me not to choose the territory in a hurry. Do you know why?"

Lu Chen's trouble now is that he can't leave the royal court. If he has a territory, he can go out and expand his territory. In the process of expansion, fighting is essential. In that way, Lu Chen's experience will continue to flow.

For Lu Chen's statement, Ji hongdie is also a little surprised.

"It's impossible not to let you choose your territory. Now there are refugees everywhere outside the royal court. The senior officials of the royal court should be eager to..."

Said, Ji hongdie suddenly thought of something, stopped her mouth.

"You know why?"

She stops and makes Lu Chen realize something. Ji hongdie, just hesitating for a moment, says directly: "master, I should know something about it. It's you The third anniversary of the contract between us barbarians and Yunzhou. "

"What do you mean? What's the relationship between Yunzhou and Wangting

"My husband, the contract we signed with Yunzhou is not unchangeable. Every year, there will be some changes due to various things."

"I remember that when the contract was concluded last year, Yunzhou and our family had exchange competitions in border cities."

Lu Chen is not stupid, Ji hongdie just said, Lu Chen knew what she meant.

"The exchange game is actually a contest, showing off force, and letting the loser pay more."

"Your husband is wise, that's it."

After knowing these, Lu Chen still has some doubts.

"Is the exchange competition dominated by our younger generation?""No, I heard that our king would fight against the strong in Yunzhou before each contract was concluded."

"However, you also know that the current situation, evil is a common enemy, such a strong person will not fight to death, or even fight to get injured."

"If they can't tell the winner or the loser, there will be the leaders below who will fight. After the leaders fight, they will deliberately fight with the genius of the realm of ambition, and the genius of the realm of flesh and blood will be the last to fight."

After listening to Ji hongdie, Lu Chen smacks her tongue.

"There's a lot of fighting like this!"

"No way. After all, it's two big states to conclude a treaty. The competition is more than all aspects."

Lu Chen still quite agrees with this.

As in the previous life, if the two countries were in a state of war, it would be needless to say that if the two countries fight against each other in terms of population and military strength, those who are strong will gain benefits.

During the war, everything is based on fighting.

But in peacetime, if the two powers are not willing to start a war and have disputes of interest, it will be troublesome.

The economy, the army, science and technology, culture, sports and all kinds of competitions will be carried out.

Today's barbarians, just like the previous Chinese dynasty and the eagle Kingdom, can not easily start a war, but both want to gain benefits for their own side.

Therefore, each time a contract is concluded, both parties are frantically exerting their strength to gain benefits for themselves.

At this time, Ji hongdie also spoke.

"My husband, the great wizard left you to fight. Although the level of flesh and blood is more than the reserve, you can only affect a few percent of the share, but your highness should spare no effort."

"You don't have to say that."

If the situation of the contest affects the conclusion of the contract by 100%, the war situation of Man Wang alone affects 50%.

There is no way, the world of respect for the strong, a top strong, can change the contrast of a country's strength.

After that, many of the princes under the king could influence thirty, and the remaining genius could only affect twenty.

In Lu Chen's territory of flesh and blood, there are only a few percent of them. This percentage still depends on the fact that the territory of flesh and blood is the reserve combat power.

It seems that such a share is very small, but it is a battle between two continents.

For example, the trade dispute between China and the Hawks has a small impact on the two big countries. However, for individuals, the share is tens of billions or US dollars, which is already very large for individuals.

"Even a few percent of the impact, converted into equipment materials, is enough to equip tens of thousands of barbarians. If I perform well in this exchange competition, my status in the clan will certainly soar."

"With my status soaring, I can also get more support from the barbarians, whether it is the spiritual materials of the barbarians or the Barbarian Skills in the small world, which are all I need."

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