Because the evil spirit haunts at night, wuzhu of Shiniu village quickly commands the villagers here to make room for Lu Chen and others.

It's to keep them up for the fight at night.

However, when he closed his eyes to rest, Lu Chen turned his back and couldn't sleep.

"This kind of feeling is a direct sense of warning. Isn't that evil spirit coming at night, it will also appear at dusk?"

Lu Chen didn't dare to neglect his warning. Instead of resting, he held a long sword and went out of the door.

"What's the matter, your highness?"

Lu Chen is guarded outside the house, and all his guards rest outside.

Seeing them, Lu Chen also reminded one.

"Be careful, this evil spirit may appear at dusk."

"Yes, your highness."

After that, Lu Chen is going to patrol the village alone.

However, as soon as he acted, there were about ten people around Lu Chen.

Those are Lu Chen's subordinates who are loyal to Lu Chen. They won't let Lu Chen go out alone.

Lu Chen did not refuse, but took them on a tour in the village.

Most of the barbarian villages are dilapidated and have nothing to look at. However, as he walked, Lu Chen found that most of the villagers in Shiniu village were tired, ugly and without a trace of vitality.

And this, also let follow Lu Chen's tooth some sigh.

"Evil invasion, the most miserable is these ordinary villagers."

"So quickly find out the evil spirit. As long as the evil spirit is destroyed, the village will return to normal."

With such an idea, Lu Chen walked along the village.

However, what makes Lu Chen helpless is that when he walks, he can feel something wrong, but it seems that the evil spirit has stayed in the village for a long time. Therefore, Lu Chen feels that there are some strange things in the whole village,

but there are so many weird things that he can't find the shadow of the evil spirit at all.

"Next time, we need to find the skills of tracking class."

Lu Chen, who is thinking so much in his heart, can't find anything but go back.

But when Lu Chen returns to the sky whale nearby, ferocious already gathered the troops.

"Your Highness, you are here at the right time. Have you found anything?"

"I can feel the smell of evil spirit, but it seems that the evil spirit has stayed in the village for a long time. This village is full of evil spirits and I can't find anything."

Lu Chen didn't hold on, but he nodded: "I also patrol the village. The evil spirit is really strong here, but the trace of evil spirit can't be found."

Just as the two men were sorting out the team and talking, the sky was completely darkening.

But when the sun completely disappeared, before Lu Chen and others patrolled, a shrill scream suddenly sounded in the distance.

"There is a situation."

The sudden scream, let Lu Chen with ferocious, quickly toward the front of the past, and behind a group of soldiers, also followed forward to rush up.

Shiniu village is not big, and Lu Chen and others are very fast. Only one minute later, Lu Chen and others rush to the place where the scream happened.

However, after seeing the situation there, Lu Chen's face is a little ugly, and the ferocity of the first step is also the same.

There, a barbarian, was rifled and killed on the ground, blood on the ground wanton flow, but no one around.


Lu Chen, who doesn't give up his heart, lets his guards disperse and search for 100 meters around him. However, all this is useless and there is no trace of evil.

And ferocious is lying on the body, carefully observed up.

After a while, he got up again, and had made some discoveries.

"This clansman's belly has been blackened and rotten. He has the ability to quickly corrupt the corpse."

The ability of evil spirit is strange. Some people can not stop bleeding, but also control the beating of the heart. Now, the corpse rots quickly, and Lu Chen is not surprised.

However, knowing that there are evil spirits in the village, he can't find it, which makes Lu Chen feel a little uncomfortable.

"Shit, when do you have to play hide and seek like this?"

"Calm down. Most evil spirits are weird. We will have to encounter a lot of them in the future."

"I see, go on..."

"Oh, don't come here, help!"

Lu Chen just ready to continue to take people on patrol, there is a shrill scream.

With a ferocious look at each other, they again toward the direction of the scream ring in the past.

Soon, two people rushed to a house in front of, and impulsive Lu Chen, after seeing the house, did not pause, directly knocked the door down.

However, even if Lu Chen did so, he could not stop the death of the people.

After entering the door, Lu Chen found that another clan had died here, and the blood was spreading in the room.But in situ, a little strange has not been found by Lu Chen and others.

"Let him run again."

Then, in just three hours, there were five consecutive screams.

After those sounds sounded, Lu Chen and Wei would arrive in the shortest time. Even quartz dragged his tired body and ran around with Lu Chen.

But such action has no effect.

Lu Chen, they can't find any trace. The same as those who committed suicide, there are no other traces except serious internal decay.

Even, many barbarians strangled themselves, which made Lu Chen unable to find the shadow of evil.

And ferocious, also in the crazy twitch nose, he seems to have the ability of smell, even can smell the evil breath, therefore, Wang Ting sent him.

However, different from the evil spirits in the past, the whole village is full of evil spirits, which makes the ferocious smell unable to perform meritorious deeds.

When the seventh scream sounded, Lu Chen, who was running wildly, stopped directly.

"No, if we go on like this, we can't keep the barbarians, and the barbarians who come to support us will also slowly collapse."

Lu Chen is not exaggerating. There are people who die miserably, but there is no murderer. This atmosphere is too oppressive.

Barbarians are brave and dare to fight in the face of powerful monsters. However, no matter how brave they are, they will not find the enemy, and their fighting spirit will gradually fade away.

Once the intention of war retreated, the death of the clansmen could not be avoided, which made many barbarians fear, even dare not close their eyes at night.

The fear of death at any time made them try to open their eyes and stare at everything around them, but it was too exhausting.

It is also because of this, during the day, Lu Chen will see so many people with dull eyes and scarlet blood in their eyes.

At the same time, Lu Chen thinks about it, and some barbarians get angry directly.

"Evil spirit, I'm here. Kill me."

"If your grandfather doesn't run, dare I fight head-on?"

"Come here, evil spirit."


When Lu Chen is on patrol, he has seen many barbarians shouting to attract the attention of evil spirits.

This method is very stupid. It can be done by a barbarian.

In addition to yelling, there are some barbarians, completely crazy, staring at everything in front of them, have the desire to attack.

Even among those crazy people, Lu Chen also saw the soldiers supported by Wang Ting. Many of them could not bear the pressure.

This makes Lu Chen feel worried and ferocious. He also agrees with Lu Chen's words.

"That's not true, but can you find the evil?"

"For the time being, there is no way. However, we can gather all the other barbarians together, so we can't protect them." , the fastest update of the webnovel!