"Fortunately, the man was saved."

When using the sword, Lu Chen paid special attention to it. As a result, the barbarian did not die. Even, because of the package of spider silk, he fell to the ground without much injury.

However, when his companion is rescued, he doesn't let Lu Chen relax completely. Looking at the palace in the sky, Lu Chen has a headache.

"How to fight it."

The large number of spiders and the endless cobwebs spit out, which makes Lu Chen feel helpless. Lu Chen feels that as long as he jumps up, he will be entangled in the cobweb.

Although the characteristics of meteorite sword can be used to stimulate the fire to make the cobweb burn, Lu Chen can't fly. As long as he is blocked by the spider web, he can't continue to jump and cut.

And the sword is really powerful. That terrible attack can not only break the evil spirits, but also thoroughly clean up part of the spider web palace in the sky.

But big sword is a big move. It consumes a lot of Qi and blood each time. Lu Chen uses it as a routine move.

Lu Chen in headache, next to the ferocity, is also hastily opened a way: "everyone, all throw weapons out, be careful of the sky."

Barbarians still have a lot of throwing weapons, spears, bows and arrows, stones, flying axes, but looking at the endless cobwebs in the sky, Lu Chen feels that they are moving forward, and it is very difficult for them to go out of the raid.

However, there is no time for Lu Chen to think about it. Lu Chen relies on his big sword to clean up the sky, which is constantly darkening. It is a large number of spiders spit spider silk, repairing their own palace.

At the same time, there are a lot of sound of learning, also ring from all around.

Soon, after the repair of the spider web in the sky to a certain stage, a large number of spiders jumped down from the sky again relying on spider silk, attacking and killing Lu Chen and others.

It has elastic and tough silk against its tail. The spiders are as flexible as Spiderman.

At the same time, looking at the face size of spiders, as well as the long legs of spiders with green light, Lu Chen also knows that it is not fun to be injured by them.

"All ready, let go."

Fortunately, barbarians are never weak, and there are a lot of barbarian warriors here.

As soon as those spiders jumped down, they were crushed by barbarians relying on spears and flying axes.

Even if only a few fell on the barbarians' heads, the barbarians who had been prepared would smash them completely with their weapons.

Lu Chen, on the other hand, is constantly rushing in the team. When Lu Chen reaches a level, he can clearly sense the landing point of spiders.

Before the spider landed, Lu Chen would come under the spider. When the spider approached the barbarian, Lu Chen just swung his sword.

[the system prompts that the host has killed the evil spirit black wandering spider and gained 300 experience points]

[the system prompts that the host has killed the evil spirit black wandering spider and gained 300 experience points]

Such a sound is constantly ringing in Lu Chen's ears. Lu Chen, wearing armor, constantly rushes between the ranks.

The same action as Lu Chen's author is also ferocious. He is more efficient than Lu Chen in cleaning up. He doesn't move in place, but his nails are constantly sticking out.

After reaching a certain length, those nails will be directly thrown out by him. The sharp nails are like bullets, which can directly explode the spiders.

However, spiders are too many. With the improvement of the spider web in the sky, more and more spiders can jump down from the sky.

And this time, in addition to the face of the big spider, there are palm big small spider.

Looking at the spiders falling from the sky like raindrops, Lu Chen's sense in his mind is constantly beating.

Even, there is a picture directly appeared in Lu Chen's mind. In that picture, Lu Chen can clearly see that a barbarian was bitten by the little spider, and then fell on the ground convulsively, foaming at the mouth and Howling continuously..

This lets Lu Chen need not think much, can understand the ability of those small spiders.

"Be careful. Those little spiders are poisonous."

As he said this, Lu Chen was also drinking violently.


The violent explosion shakes the air, causing many small spiders to be killed before landing. However, many spiders still fall down and attack the barbarians.

At this time, it was night. The sight of the barbarians was doomed to be bad. The spider was too small, and the skin color was similar to that of the surrounding forest. So many barbarians were taken in and kept twitching on the ground.

The only thing that makes Lu Chen feel lucky is that the barbarians have the whole body armor provided by Yunzhou. With the benefit of armor, only a few barbarians can be attacked by small spiders.

However, this did not make Lu Chen's situation any better.

With the complete perfection of the spider web in the sky, more and more spiders fall towards the bottom.

Even, there are spiders, no longer falling, but in the sky toward the bottom constantly spit cobwebs.

The spider web doesn't have much attack power. It's just that the cobweb with its stickiness entangles Lu Chen and others just like they're stuck in glue. They're more and more laborious to move.This is not the end. When Lu Chen and others resist the enemy's attack in the sky, there are also sounds on the ground around.

Turning his head around, Lu Chen finds that a large number of animals are rushing towards Lu Chen mechanically.

"There are still living monsters here?"

At first, Lu Chen thought so, but soon, Lu Chen understood that it was a monster that attacked, but it was not a free monster, but was manipulated.

Relying on his good constitution, Lu Chen can see clearly at night.

Therefore, he clearly saw that on the evil spirits on the ground, there were spider threads from them and spread to the sky.

"These ground monsters are manipulated by spiders in the sky, bouncing spiders, web forming spiders and poisonous spiders. Unexpectedly, there will be spiders controlling puppets."

As if entering the spider's nest, Lu Chen feels uncomfortable.

And it is not only Lu Chen who is suffering, but also has a headache.

"Will long-range attack into the middle, others, outside the formation."

"Turn out and we'll rush out."

There are a large number of spiders in the sky, falling like raindrops. On the ground, there are puppets controlled by spiders. What's more, there are a lot of cobwebs, just like glue, which makes Lu Chen's actions more and more difficult.

Such a crisis, let ferocity give the order to retreat.

Just, ferocious want to retreat, and Lu Chen, is the heart is unwilling.

"No, it's not a dead end. I have a way."

Thinking of this, Lu Chen directly opened the system panel and quickly said, "system, upgrade the swordsman level."

Lu Chen wants to turn the tables with his system skills.

If only experience value, Lu Chen's idea is a bit of a gamble on luck.

After all, there can't be so many coincidences. The skills Lu Chen chooses after upgrading are exactly what he wants.

But it's a pity that Lu Chen worked hard and worked hard.

Therefore, although he wants to rely on swordsman skills to break the game, he is not gambling on luck. He is absolutely sure.

And his assurance is nothing else but the 800 point aura value he holds in his hand.

"Five aura points can change skills once, and 800 points means I can change skills 160 times now. With so many opportunities, it's normal to find a way to deal with spiders. If I can't find them, it's abnormal. My luck is not so bad."

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