The world is very dangerous. We don't need to talk about the usual evil. If we feel too high, we can easily see something we shouldn't see.

Lu Chen, even Lu Chen, almost touched the road. In Manniu village, Lu Chen saw a great existence and almost became his believer.

Now it seems that Lu Chen is not the only one who is aware of and perceives those great beings, but the sorcerer in front of him is also aware of the evil god. However, he did not break away, but chose to become a believer of the evil god.

"Temptation, that's not temptation. I just understood the truth of the world under the guidance of my Lord. Come on, be one with my Lord."

In the roar, the fallen witch wishes directly pointed to Lu Chen. Then, the feeling of palpitation appeared on Lu Chen.

"Gut burst!"

The fallen witch wish had the ability to manipulate human beings. However, the wave fell on Lu Chen. In addition to shaking Lu Chen's body, all the damage disappeared.

Feeling the situation in the body, Lu Chen couldn't help laughing.

"That's it!"

This words, let that sorcerer Zhu thoroughly angry.

"Humble worm, how dare to question my Lord's divinity, you should die."

"Weakness, cardiac arrest, madness, despair, howling...!"

As if by Lu Chen that nothing to the appearance of gas, witch wish one breath threw out a lot of witchcraft.

But in the face of those negative witchcraft, Lu Chen didn't move. When Wu Zhu stopped, Lu Chen shook his body and began to speak as if nothing had happened.

"That's it. Why not continue?"

Such a scene, so that the use of witchcraft become panting witch wish also some fear.

"How can you be ok?"

"Of course I'm fine, old man. I'm over 200 in constitution. No matter how strange your ability is, if you want to kill me, you have to pass Laozi's constitution test."


At the last sound, Lu Chen is sent out by the battle roar. The fierce sound wave blows away the black breath in front of him. The evil spirits in front of him are even more dizzy by Lu Chen's battle roar.

In the roar of anger, the fire of justice in Lu Chen's hand suddenly explodes. Then, Lu Chen, who holds a huge flame sword, cuts it madly.

In the fierce chopping sound, the red sword Qi was shot out by Lu chenbiao. At the same time, the roar also became a piece.

It was the sound of the explosion of the red sword. In the fierce explosion, everything in front of Lu Chen was swept away. The strange and evil spirit of the black shadow was completely burned to ashes by the fire of justice.

"Immortal divinity, I will, thank my kindness, I will send you eternal sleep."

So, Lu Chen is ready to jump up.

But, just as he was about to jump, suddenly, a vague voice came into Lu Chen's mind.

"Damn it, it's too late. The mystery of eternal sleep has begun."

"It's not too late. This mysterious situation has just been sacrificed. The evil column has not killed the supporting barbarians. We still have a chance to destroy all this."

"Come on, come in with me."

"Brother Lin, be careful."

At first, the sound was vague, but it soon became clear.

Lu Chen, who is ready to jump and chop the evil spirit, also clearly sees that a group of dusty Yunzhou people suddenly appear behind them.

Their sudden appearance made some of the nervous savages aim their weapons at them.

In response, those Yunzhou people quickly waved their hands and said, "don't do it. We are human beings, and we are here to help you."

"Humans, people who suddenly appear at night, or Yunzhou people, do you think we are fools?"

What he said was ferocious. He was cheated by quartz. Now when he saw the special situation, his first feeling was that the evil spirit had made other things.

But Lu Chen, with his direct sense, felt that there was no hostility in the rear.

"It's really coming to help us. It was sent by Wang Ting to protect me, but it's not right. If Wang Ting sends someone here, it should be a barbarian."

"Is it Yunzhou people who want to please me through rescue?"

Such an idea appeared in Lu Chen's mind, but was soon abandoned by Lu Chen. If it was really Yunzhou people, rescue would not come to a group of younger generation.

Yes, younger generation, Lu Chen found out that all the people who came after him were about 17 or 8 young people.

People of this age are not as powerful as Lu Chen, so they can't rescue him.

Relying on the sense that there is no threat from the rear, Lu Chen no longer pays attention to it.

His eyes, again, looked forward.

What makes Lu Chen's eyes dignified is that just now, with the threat of war roar and the outbreak of righteous anger, Lu Chen swept away all the evil in front of him in one breath.

But it was just this short time of Kung Fu that some evil spirits appeared in front of Lu Chen.

And this time, the evil is caused by the totem pole.With his superb perception, Lu Chen can clearly see that there are broken black shadows emerging from the totem pole. As soon as the black shadow appears, it merges with the evil Qi around him and changes quickly.

In the blink of an eye, there are a lot of evil spirits, which are made by the totem pole.

What makes Lu Chen even more frightened is that after staring at the totem pole for a long time, he seems to have passed through the totem pole and saw an illusory image, and a vague voice came into Lu Chen's mind.

"Worship me, mortal, I am the eternal sleeper. In my kingdom, death is not the end, but new..."

"Shit, it's evil again."

Lu Chengang felt the illusion and heard a little voice, then he took the initiative to disconnect the link.

"Totem poles have to be cleaned up."

In this way, Lu Chen no longer hesitates. After squatting slightly, he flies into the sky and jumps towards the totem pole.


Lu Chen, who rose from the ground, was so powerful that the earth trembled for a moment. There was a hole and countless cracks emerging from Lu Chen's jumping feet.

This voice immediately attracted the attention of barbarians and later Yunzhou people. Seeing Lu Chen's soaring into the sky, the barbarians immediately cheered. They knew Lu Chen's bravery.

It was the Yunzhou people who saw Lu Chen rush to the totem pole, and one of them turned pale.

"Be careful, the totem pole is in the space gap. You can't attack it from the outside or from the inside. Only by killing all the evil spirits here can we make the totem pole unfixed and kill it."

Such a reminder makes some barbarians worry.

Seeing a large number of evil spirits, they were indifferent to Lu Chen's action of chopping the totem pole, and their cheering heart sank.

The next moment, ferocious shout out loud.

"Go, rescue the prince."


With a ferocious cry, immediately, a large number of barbarians erupted blood gas, resisted the erosion of the surrounding evil, and rushed toward Lu Chen in a violent way.

"Come back, you can't kill the evil spirits like this. Without special means, the evil spirits here can't be killed. Go to every room in the village, where there are the roots of these evil spirits. Only by breaking them can we completely kill the evil spirits here."

What they were talking about was the Yunzhou people who came from behind. The four people who did not know where they came from were very familiar with this strange situation.

They pointed out the barbarians here, but seeing that Lu Chen was about to fall into a vicious circle, those barbarians were all fighting for their lives, ignoring the Yunzhou people who spoke.

This situation made the remaining three people angry, and one of the girls even said, "brother Lin, they don't listen to us at all."

In this regard, the young man surnamed Lin is very magnanimous.

"They are not familiar with us and don't listen to us. It's normal that they don't listen to us. It's good that they attack us with evil spirits to destroy the foundation of those evil spirits."

"Let's go. Speed up. You can save a lot of people."

"Brother Lin is so kind. If I were, I would not care about the life and death of these barbarians."

"It's all human beings. Now we don't distinguish Yunzhou people from barbarians. We are all comrades in arms in the face of evil."

With these words, the youth surnamed Lin was ready to destroy the foundation of those evil spirits, while the barbarians rushed up to break through the barrier of evil spirit and rescue Lu Chen.

However, their rescue is not very easy, even if it is ferocious also did not rush to Lu Chen side.

I can't help it. Although the Wangting soldiers are very strong, the Wangting soldiers here are not only the ones brought by Lu Chen.

The dead quartz and others in wuzhu pit are blocked in front of the ferocious.

Although those soldiers died, this place is a newly formed mysterious place. There is a strong evil spirit here. After absorbing the evil spirit of the dead soldiers, their strength is not weak.

The first quartz can compete with ferocity.

And in their mutual holding, Lu Chen also jumped to the highest altitude, and began to fall from the high altitude.

For Lu Chen to fall to the direction of the totem pole, that strange witch wish did not stop, he consumed the evil spirit of the whole body, condensed a skeleton, aimed at the direction of Lu Chen's landing.

"Fool, how can you hurt the great Lord, death howl, die for me."

Wu Zhu is ready. When Lu Chen lands, he will release the witchcraft.

Just, he thought very well, but soon, a roar appeared in his ears, after that loud noise, he was stupid.

"How possible, how possible, how humble you can attack the great Lord!"

Startled to almost hissing voice, from the mouth of witch wish. , the fastest update of the webnovel!