"My memories are indeed blessed by heaven and earth, but they are not false. They are the predictions of heaven and earth, in which July will reign in the sky at the same time in December this year."

"And this is the beginning of our tragedy. Evil spirits come from the North Sea and drive away countless evil spirits from the wild North. There are also countless villages in the South who are lured by evil gods. In the middle land, there are more evil gods coming. In a short period of 36 years, 13 evil gods have come. Our world can not resist such disasters."

Thinking of the miserable life of human beings after the world entered the dark age, Lin Ye's young man looks more sad.

This made the woman in green more anxious. But soon, she thought of something, and her face lit up and said, "brother Lin, your memory is not all true. For example, this time, you have a premonition that the eternal sleeper has come and established a strange situation. But even without us, the mysterious situation of the eternal sleeper can not be established."

This makes Lin Ye feel better.

Feeling that his mentality affected his partner, the young man gave a bitter smile and then said to the girl in green: "Qing'er, thank you. You're right. We haven't despaired. Even the evil god who came to the world has blood spilling into the sky."


There are a lot of information in the words of Yunzhou people, but Lu Chen can't know the information at all. At this time, he is running wantonly in the wilderness relying on the sense of straightforwardness.

With the blessing of the strong wind, Lu Chen was able to move with the will of Lu Chen.

Even, he had the feeling of running on the wild land forever.

"This kind of feeling is really comfortable. No wonder a lot of people can't stop when they use it. When they see the soldiers, they want to be happy."

It can only be said that the wind has brought Lu Chen's free will.

Of course, Lu Chen didn't run with his nature completely. On the one hand, Lu Chen relied on direct sense to find the evil spirits to deal with.

This is very good to look for, direct sense allows Lu Chen to vaguely perceive that there is a threat somewhere.

And this is easy to do, when the perception of a little threat, Lu Chen will not avoid, but toward that direction.

After such a dash, Lu Chen can always meet some evil spirits.

With the blessing of Zhigan, Lu Chen never fails as if he had opened his eyes to heaven. Lu Chen, relying on the blessing of Zhigan, constantly rushes to evil spirits in the wild land. Then, he meets on a narrow road, and the brave wins.

Relying on his physique, Lu Chen ignored all the strange abilities of the evil spirit and chose to rush directly to them and kill them all.

Run, fight, attack, kill, and so on, until dawn.

The next day, when the barbarians gathered together, they just saw Lu Chen coming back from a distance.

At this time, Lu Chen had a lot of filth on his body, which was formed by the mixture of blood, flesh and a large amount of soil, which made Lu Chen dressed like a refugee.

But no one regarded Lu Chen as a real refugee. With Lu Chen's coming, a sense of depression filled the hearts of these barbarians.

Just like a mouse seeing a cat, seeing Lu Chen, those brave savages felt fear.

Even ferocious, but also some dry mouth feeling.

That's why Lu Chen killed all night, and his intention of killing had not dissipated.

His own momentum and pressure, coupled with the intention to kill cohesion, such a blessing, as long as the level is lower than Lu Chen, will feel fear.

Soon, however, their fear dissipated.

Lu Chen feels the abnormality of the barbarians and closes his eyes to calm his mood.

As his mood calmed down, the killing intention in his heart dissipated, and instead, he was full of joy.

[aura value: 580]

[training value: 52000]

with the Reiki value of 580, the experience value has increased by 12000, and Lu Chen made up a part of the loss of the improvement last night.

"Sure enough, although I need more and more experience points after I become stronger and stronger, I have been able to fight for a long time after my strength is strong, and the evil cause of killing is also more powerful, which makes me gain experience value not slow."

Lu Chen didn't forget that when he was in Manniu village, he had to rest every time he killed a few evil spirits.

Such a rest, coupled with the injury caused by evil spirit to Lu Chen, made Lu Chen unable to kill several evil spirits and passed away overnight.

But now it's different. With his strong physique and strength, Lu Chen almost doesn't need a second move to kill evil spirits. He can kill most evil spirits by jumping and chopping.

This kind of killing cost Lu Chen very little. Therefore, last night, he killed all night, and the evil spirit in this area was almost completely cleaned up by Lu Chen.

This is not a metaphor. Lu Chen can feel the threat by relying on his direct sense. In the morning, Lu Chen felt that there was no threat in other places except one place.

However, a look at that place, Lu Chen has a chill in his heart."That direction, just close to my sense of rectitude, keep warning. Isn't that where I can go now?"

It can only be said that the sense of straightforwardness is really powerful. With it, Lu Chen can find the evil spirit directly, without wandering wantonly on the wild land.

In case of danger, Zhigan will give Lu Chen an early warning.

If there is no direct sense, Lu Chen can imagine that wandering at will is likely to enter the place that makes him feel cold, and once he enters a better point, he will be seriously injured and leave. As a result, Lu Chen may die there directly.

"The wild land is really dangerous. In this small area, there are evils that I can't resist. Fortunately, most of the dangers will be detected by my sense of rectitude."

Thinking about the threat in the distance, Lu Chen boarded the sky whale.

The business here is over, and then it's time to return.


Late at night, in a broad bath, Lu Chen is thinking.

While he was meditating, a figure came in.

It's Ji hongdie. She comes directly to Lu Chen and squats down behind him. She massages Lu Chen, who is relaxing in the pool. While massaging, she says: "Your Highness, everything we hunt outside has been changed. According to your command, all the things we have been hunting for are changed into black pearls."

Black Pearl, this is a kind of spiritual goods, but this kind of goods can be continuously obtained by raising seashells from Yunzhou people. Therefore, the price of this kind of things is lower than that of other spiritual goods.

Of course, its effect is not as strong as other spiritual items. What Lu Chen got from hunting, spider legs can be used to make weapons, spider silk can be used to make clothes with high defense, and even poison bags can be equipped with many things.

The black pearl, however, has only meditation, which makes people feel the effect of the vitality of the water system. It can be said that compared with the things that Lu Chen hunted, the effect of black pearl is somewhat lower.

At the same time, Ji hongdie is not satisfied with Lu Chen's hunting for a large number of black pearls.

However, following Lu Chen for a period of time, Ji hongdie also knows that no one can stop Lu Chen from doing what she wants to do. Therefore, she doesn't say anything disappointing. Instead, she starts talking about other things.

"Your Highness, your royal guard, can continue to expand."

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