With the sound of Lu Chen's voice, the column of his experience value decreased rapidly, and when the experience value decreased, a heat flow appeared in Lu Chen's mind.

As soon as the heat flow appeared, it hit Lu Chen's concussion fist seed.

Under the erosion of heat flow, the seeds of the Bull Demon concussion fist were directly broken, and the broken seeds became a series of messages, which filled Lu Chen's mind, that was about the vibration, about the air, about the earth, and even about space.

A lot of information exposed Lu Chen's blue veins on his forehead.

Such a scene makes Ji hongdie, who is still persuading Lu Chen to go to the camp, startled.

"Your Highness, what's the matter with you, come on, come on?"

She wanted to shout, but just as soon as she called, she was pulled into the bath by Lu Chen.

"Don't come here. I'm fine."

While talking to the outside, Lu Chen is playing with Ji hongdie in her arms to relieve the pain in her mind.

The pain in Lu Chen's mind disappeared after ten minutes.

[system prompt, the host has already understood the concussion fist of cattle and demons, and learned air shock]

[system prompt, the host cow demon concussion fist has replaced the brute force]

two consecutive system prompts made Lu Chen happy, but just as she was happy, the voice of pleading sounded in his arms.

It is Ji hongdie. At this time, her face is full of tears, and her body is blue and purple.

Lu Chen's skin is rough, just a little heavy, let Ji hongdie body blue.

This also shows that the former female butterfly is indeed spoiled.

But such she, even if crying, after Lu Chen bowed his head, or exhibition Yan to please smile.

That pear blossom with rain smile, very pitiful, and Lu Chen's practice, of course, is directly pressed.

In this way, Ji hongdie did not dare to resist.

But she soon said, "Your Highness, your little maid, but you have been crying for a long time. Won't you bring her to serve you?"

Everyone has a heart of possession. Lu Chen and Ji hongdie have it. If possible, Ji hongdie would like to tie Lu Chen to her side.

However, now Ji hongdie, just want to say: "minister concubine, really can't bear it."

Lu Chen, who is tall and strong in strength, is not what Ji hongdie can bear.

So, even if there is a possessive desire in her heart, she still draws on Xiao Wei.

Looking at the little maid outside, Lu Chen frowned, but soon Lu Chen shook his head.

"No, she's too young."

With this, Ji hongdie clenched her fists a little.

"You are now two meters six meters, and the little maid is one meter three meters. It's really small, but I'm only 1.5 meters. Why don't you pity me?"

It can only be said that in this world, when she was 13 years old, Ji hongdie was a little disappointed.

She thinks Lu Chen is a little maid who takes pity on him. The real situation is that Lu Chen thinks Xiaowei is too young.

Unfortunately, Lu Chen didn't care about Ji hongdie's resentment. Soon, there was a sound of water in the huge mansion bath.

Outside the door, the weeping on the maid's face turned into a smile.

"Your Highness didn't abandon me. He just pitied me and didn't want me hurt."


Lu Chen didn't know much about the feelings of the two girls.

However, the next day, Lu Chen got up early to go to the camp.

While being served and dressed, Lu Chen opened his mouth to Ji hongdie, who was lying on the bed. "You are right. There are so many leaders' sons in the barracks. You can't recruit a strong one just by Wei Song and teeth."

At this time, Ji hongdie is being served by chan'er, drinking soup. Listening to Lu Chen's words, although she has scars, she shows a smile.

"Your husband is wise, and the real strong man has to rely on his majesty to conquer them."

"You can say that."

After laughing with Ji hongdie, Lu Chen is ready to go to the barracks.

Of course, it is only one of Lu Chen's purposes to go to the barracks to recruit the strong, while the other is that Lu Chen wants to shed wool.

"Although it's better to kill the enemy than to defeat the enemy. It's only one tenth of the training value. However small a mosquito is, it's meat. There are many people who hope to come."

The more people she thinks about, the more experience she gets. Lu Chen has a smile on her face. However, the smile is full of fighting spirit, which makes Xiao Wei, who is serving Lu Chen, tremble. Ji hongdie has a bad feeling in her heart. She feels that her husband is going to make some coquettish operations.

"My husband, you can't mess with me."

"Of course not."

Soon Lu Chen had everything ready. Of course, he didn't go there immediately. Instead, he found the black pearls Ji hongdie exchanged yesterday and quickly sacrificed them all.

There are many black pearls, but Lu Chen sacrificed faster. In a short time, those black pearls were sacrificed by Lu Chen. Instead, Lu Chen's aura value soared to 970."It's 970. It's already possible to spell out the colorful myth. But don't worry. If you hold on to more than 1000, it's safer."

In order to obtain colorful myth skills more safely, Lu Chen dare not be careless.

With the sacrifice of Black Pearl finished, Lu Chen also went out to the direction of the camp.

In this process, Ji hongdie naturally struggles to get up and follow Lu Chen, and Xiaowei follows Lu Chen.

One left and one right with two beautiful girls, followed by a group of guards, Lu Chen as if the landlord master rushed to the barracks.

In the past, Lu Chen also saw the influence of the exchange competition on Wang Ting.

"It's so busy!"

Yes, the royal court is very lively now.

At this time, Lu Chen felt crowded because of the huge Royal Court. Strong barbarian soldiers walked around the city. The closer they got to the barracks, the more people there were.

For Lu Chen's exclamation, Ji hongdie quickly said: "my husband, near the new year, this is the grand gathering of our family."

"Oh, isn't it about the exchange game?"

"No, this is the rule of our family. According to what I have seen in the literature, in the past, the sons and leaders of the leaders of various towns were called by the king, mainly to exchange and contact feelings."

"My Lord, if you build a town and seal off the sons of your leaders, do the same every year."

"You don't have to say that."

In fact, it means showing off force, deepening the loyalty among the tribes and preventing them from being ambivalent.

Ji hongdie's explanation is not over: "in addition to connecting feelings, because a lot of people gather together, some village talents will take this opportunity to come to the royal court to show their talents in the military camp, so as to win over the sons of various leaders."

"Talent exchange market."

In a few words, Ji hongdie made Lu Chen understand why so many young barbarians came here. They hoped to take this opportunity to be valued by the strong and follow them.

Not everyone, like Lu Chen, has the capital to go out hunting alone. Ordinary barbarian talents need to follow the strong and need more resources to grow up.

And the sons of princes, and barbarian princes, also need subordinates.

After all, the prince alone cannot build a town.

"The sons of leaders need subordinates, and those young talents need to follow others. No wonder it's so busy here."

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