"Even if I lose my reputation after defeat, as long as I gain experience points continuously in the process of fighting, I will become stronger and stronger."

"Some prestige is not stronger than my own."

Lu Chen, thinking like this, has a rest in the medicine bath hot spring.

But Ji hongdie, is in the heart slowly firm up.

"I can't disobey your Highness's will, but I can't let people continuously challenge your highness. When I wait, I will separate those strong men. One strong man is separated from five ordinary brute warriors. No, ten are separated."

It can only be said that amu, even if he is a witch, can't understand some Sao operations. He thinks that if the son of the leader continuously registers, he can challenge continuously. However, there are hidden operations in the world.

The seventh Prince's arrangement was very good. He defeated the barbarian body with a strong man. Although it was shameless and could not make Lu Chen's reputation disappear completely, it would continue to hit Lu Chen's reputation.

However, although the seven princes think well, Lu Chen also has Ji hongdie, which makes Lu Chen not lose in strategy.

If Lu Chen does what Ji hongdie says, all the preparations of the seven princes will not be available.

After thinking about the division, Ji hongdie looks at Lu Chen, who is resting, thinking that he won't listen. Ji hongdie doesn't have much dissatisfaction on her face. This is not fear.

Lu Chen is fearless and courageous. If it was before, even when she was in maniu village, Ji hongdie would call Lu Chen a barbarian.

However, when Ji hongdie was abandoned by her family and no one came to the fore for her, the desperate Ji hongdie no longer rejected some "barbaric" practices.

When she was packed in a box and sent to Lu Chen's residence, Ji hongdie really hoped that the seven princes at that time would be "savage" and stop thinking about so many conflicts of interests, and fight Lu Chen like a barbarian.

At that time, if the seventh prince was defeated, Ji hongdie would have been ready to commit suicide.

"If you are willing to fight for me, I will defend myself for you. Even if I die, I will be your man."

Unfortunately, one of the things that Ji hongdie appreciated about the seventh Prince before was that he judged the situation, and he did the same, but let Ji hongdie fall into complete despair.

It's like sacrificing individuals for the sake of the collective. It's beautiful to watch such a thing, but when the sacrifice happens to yourself, several people are willing to accept it.

After being abandoned, Ji hongdie's mentality has completely changed. If Lu Chen really evaluates the situation, she will not say it, but she will be completely disappointed. Now:

"although you are savage, cold and smelly, and don't listen to any advice, I will never worry about being taken away with you. If you lose in the duel for me, I will commit suicide to keep innocent."

It can only be said that Ji hongdie has some feelings for Lu Chen besides revenge.

But these Lu Chen have no sense at all. At this time, he is relaxing, recovering his strength and waiting for the battle in the afternoon.

Lu Chen is resting, but the king's court at noon is not calm.

Originally, Lu Chen set up a challenge arena, and played the title of invincible at the same level, only the people in the barracks knew.

But when Lu Chen took a break, those barbarians also went out to drink and rest.

But with the barbarian character, when drinking, there will be no "eating without saying" situation.

Drinking and eating meat while boasting about NB is the daily life of most barbarians.

In the past, barbarians blow their own, and when they think each other blows well, they drink together.

If you feel that the other party is not blowing the right thing and have a dispute, then fight and walk.

But today, everything has changed.

Almost all the Wangting pubs are talking about Lu Chen's strength.

A man said that Lu Chen was invincible in the same rank. Such a thing would not be noticed by many barbarians. They were used to it for a long time. Even in the past, they would exaggerate their own achievements or the achievements of their village talents.

But when countless people said that, things slowly changed.

"What you said is true. The thirteen Prince really played the title of invincible at the same level, and said he would not step back."

"Of course, you don't know how strong the thirteen Prince is. We have hundreds of people in a row, and we haven't let the prince move a step."

"What? If you don't believe it, you can go to the barracks in the afternoon. If you don't believe it, you will go to the barracks to have a look. If you think you are strong and dissatisfied with the title played by the thirteenth prince, you will challenge it."

"Your Highness the thirteenth Prince has said that anyone can challenge. Moreover, after the challenge, you can get a reward. The whole body armor of pure steel, the exquisite long sword, and a pile of blood tonic pills can be obtained directly if you defeat your highness."

"Dashan, go, I'll take you to sign up. You are the genius of our village. If your royal highness is tired and defeated by you, you will be rewarded."

"Invincible at the same level? I have to go and have a look."


Lu Chen, who didn't need Lu Chen to publicize and played the title of invincible at the same rank, was known by all the people in the royal court just one noon.Even Wang has heard of Lu Chen's practice.

"Invincible in the same rank, this title is not so good to take, but it is worthy of my son, my barbarian man should have such courage."

And the person in charge of Yunzhou, the Lord, found a group of people after he learned that this matter had spread to Wang Ting.

This matter, the group of people in the room to listen to the information, there are sneers on their faces.

"Invincible at the same level, I dare to say so!"

"I don't know the height of heaven and earth. I dare not say such slogans."

"Well, the higher you stand, the worse you will fall. When he is defeated, you will see what he will do."

If Lu Chen was just an ordinary Prince and a human being, Yunzhou people would not specifically target him. However, when Lu Chen showed his incomparable talent, people here had to take a stand.

Although they are all human beings, they are also divided into countries and regions!

It is acceptable for Yunzhou to accept a weak wilderness, even if in order to deal with evil spirits, Yunzhou has to pay a lot of materials to the wilderness.

But Yunzhou can not accept a strong rise in the wilderness, if the wild really rise, people here will go south, that is the lesson learned for countless years.

What's wrong with the world is that the duel between the two states is not based on the level of civilization, but on the strongest people, or even one person.

Now, Lu Chen has the ability to rise up in the wilderness, which makes the LORD a little restless.

At this time, sitting in the main seat, he opened his mouth with a smile.

"I'm not surprised that the 13th prince can call out such a title and possess such talent. After all, he realized the super genius in the realm of king when he was still young. It would be strange if he was ordinary and had no wizard."

Speaking of this, the prince looked at a crowd in the room and said directly:

"if he can really hold the title of invincible at the same rank, his will will will be further strengthened. At that time, his way forward will be smooth. If he becomes king all the way, we will make a deal with the wild land..."

Later, the king didn't say, but everyone in the room understood that Lu Chen would pay more if he became a Wang Yunzhou person, which was not recognized by everyone in the room.

Why did they support the seven princes? They gave people and money, not to get more from the wilderness in the future.

Of course, it's not good for them to attack Lu Chen directly. It's a decisive battle between the two continents, but the Lord also made it clear.

"If he can keep the title, the prince will carry the invincible will of the same rank and march forward with irresistible momentum. But if he is defeated, everything will be different."

"Super genius, because of a blow and completely sink many things."

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