Looking at the lifeless face of the swordsman, Lu Chen also feels bored. As soon as he pinches it, Lu Chen faints him and throws it again. The man is thrown by Lu Chen to the residence of Yunzhou people.

However, to Lu Chen's surprise, the Yunzhou people's reaction was slow, and almost failed to catch the swordsman who was thrown away.

Such a scene makes Lu Chenxin have a guess.

"It seems that this man is very unpopular in the team."

This is Lu Chen's guess, and if the swordsman knew what Lu Chen was thinking, he would definitely "Pooh" Lu Chen.

"I'm very popular in the school."

Of course, after he wakes up, the swordsman probably shrinks in the face of Lu Chen and dare not talk to Lu Chen.

It is not only the swordsman who has such an idea, but also the reason why those people in Yunzhou are slow, they are also frightened by Lu Chen.

Before the swordsman came to power, the people in Yunzhou could comfort themselves with Lu Chen's despicable and abnormal victory.

However, the last one who fell down used the broken jade sword formula, which was a desperate move. However, even with such a move, Lu Chen only used one hand to resist it. Such a scene is so hopeless.

Their desperate also can't let Lu Chen appear a little injury, what's the meaning of such desperate.

Their morale was hit by Lu Chen.

And speechless is not only the Yunzhou people under the stage, but also a group of strong people on the distant high-rise buildings.

Although the people of Lingyun school still failed this time, no one mocked the old man of Lingyun school any more.

It's not that they become kind-hearted, but they recognize Lu Chen's strength and worry about their disciples meeting Lu Chen.

It is the people of Lingyun sect who look at the failure of their subordinates. Although they sigh, they don't care much.

"My disciples have indeed failed, but this is not my disciple's dish, but the prince is too strong and will lose face when your disciples go up."

If one person fails, it's wrong. But if all the schools fail, the Lingyun sect will have an excuse.

Of course, although he was relieved for his own sect, he was also worried when he looked at the desperate faces of his disciples.

Although the young talents are very talented, they are not good at this stage. At this time, the old man of Lingyun sect was afraid that his disciples would not recover after being beaten too badly.

"Well, I should not have sent someone up if I had known that the prince was so strong. But fortunately, we sent a lot of people. If someone beat the prince, my disciple's morale would probably recover."

"If the prince's heart was beaten hard, that would be fine."

The old man of Lingyun sect was thinking of good things, but soon, all the eyes in the room were on him. At the same time, those people looked at him, and their faces were very strange.

Even with a straight disposition, he couldn't help but directly asked, "didn't you Lingyun sect offend the thirteen prince?"

This made the old man's face black, but he thought about it for a moment and said, "no, we haven't even contacted the prince."

"I haven't been in touch with you. How did the thirteen princes catch the people of Lingyun sword sect, and one of our Yunzhou people is mixed among the three savage warriors. This is definitely manipulated by someone, but the one who manipulates it doesn't look for other people. Are you sure you haven't offended Prince 13?"

Even the king could not help speaking at this time.

"This prince is so talented that we can't take it easy. If you've done anything, just say it, so that I can deal with it."

Obviously, even the prince thought it was the people of Lingyun sect who offended the prince.

Otherwise, why didn't the prince look for other people, only the people of Lingyun sword sect.

For this, the old man only felt wronged.

"I really don't know why! Lord, we have never contacted the thirteen princes. Is it that when the prince came to hunt, we didn't give a gift, and he hated it

Of course, the old man of Lingyun school didn't say the last sentence, which is a rule that can't be said.

A few weeks ago, Lu Chen has been following Xianfeng camp on a mission in the wild. When he is on a mission, Yunzhou will also send girls to follow Lu Chen.

Every time they come back from hunting, the girls who follow Lu Chen will report some information to the top of Jinyun chamber of Commerce.

And behind those businessmen, there are all kinds of complicated relationships. Many people, after learning that Lu Chen is powerful, think that Lu Chen will become a strong one.

At the same time, Yunzhou people are not stupid. Although they support the seventh prince, they are also prepared for the second-hand and even the third-hand.

"If the seven princes can't become a man king, we can also step back and support others who are willing to form an alliance with Yunzhou."

It is the second step to support the barbarian prince who is close to Yunzhou and let him become a man king and ally with Yunzhou people.

But as long as Yunzhou people are not stupid, they all know that this is the most likely to succeed. The first one is very difficult to happen unless there is a miracle.Under this kind of speculation, Lu Chen has a high probability of becoming a man king. For the sake of interests, some people are willing to invest in Lu Chen when he is weak.

It is also because of this that Lu Chen can sacrifice all the spiritual objects, and still have enough funds to attract 100 people, all of which are gifts given by Yunzhou merchants to Lu Chen.

Of course, this can only be done below, no one dares to say it on the surface.

The Lingyun sect, as a sword sect, has some character. It didn't do these things and made a mockery of others. However, looking at the Lingyun sect disciple who was beaten by Lu Chen on the challenge arena, the old man hesitated.

"Would you like to send some presents to the prince tonight?"

The old man of Lingyun sword sect has already hesitated. If Lu Chen knew his idea, he would definitely feel innocent.

Of course, he didn't target the people of Lingyun sword sect, but who let them down.

There are a lot of young talents coming to the wilderness, but there is only one Lingyun sword sect in the sword sect. In order to make the swordsmen finish the sword test quickly, Lu Chen can only catch them and beat them.

Of course, while beating Lingyun sword people, Lu Chen has to sigh that there is something commendable about the swordsmanship in Yunzhou.

Most of the barbarians fight with the swordsmen of Yunzhou by virtue of their physique. Lu Chen first saw a startling stab at the top of his body. Later, Lu Chen also saw the sword Qi of wind, broken jade, flame sword and ice sword, which opened Lu Chen's horizons.

Unfortunately, although those abilities are good, they all end up miserable in the face of Lu Chen.

Although Lu Chen is a barbarian, his attribute is not weak in the barbarian bones because of the blessing of intermediate man King blood.

By virtue of the nature of genius, Lu man has been able to crush the foundation of his body.

Just like adults beating children, those swordsmen just make Lu Chen feel the small fist hammering on his chest, which makes Lu Chen's cold iron armor unable to penetrate, let alone defeat Lu Chen.

Of course, although Lu Chen couldn't enjoy the battle, the smile on his face never stopped.

It's no wonder Lu Chen is happy. It's really a systematic hint. It can't make Lu Chen unhappy.

[the system prompts that the host has defeated the Yunzhou swordsman and gained 100 experience points]

[congratulations to the host, the completion of the host sword test: 9100]

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