With the ghost's handprint on the ghost's armor, Lu Chen only felt a joy, urgency, and a cruel breath came from the armor.

The armor was glad that someone could use it, but at the same time, a terrible attraction broke out from the armor. Under that suction, Lu Chen only felt his own flesh and blood and soul breath to be sucked by the armor.

This is the dilemma of barbarians in the past when they face the fierce ghost armor. The armor in front of us is really powerful, but once used, it will cost a lot of life and blood.

However, things to Lu Chen here, there are new changes.

The armor has a strong attraction for flesh and blood. However, what it contacts now is Lu Chen's left hand, which is the terror of the will of ghosts and gods.

It's like robbing treasure from a dragon. I don't know how to write death.

Lu Chen didn't even have to do it. When the evil smell just appeared, the ghost breath in Lu Chen's left hand was detached from his body and was "inhaled" into the evil ghost's armor.

Later, Lu Chen, relying on his direct sense, clearly feels that after the ghost breath enters, the smell in the evil ghost's armor is like a mouse seeing a cat, and he screams in direct fear.

The hissing of fear is close to Chi Chi, but it has no effect on Lu Chen.

At the same time, the will in the armor was extremely constricted, trying to avoid ghosts and spirits.

Unfortunately, ghost hand is a black taboo. It's the ability of a person to belong to myth. It's not the breath in the devil's armor that you can hide if you want to hide.

Under the erosion of the ghost breath, the evil will in the ghost battle armor was found and swallowed up in a blink of an eye. At the same time, some ghost will remained in the ghost battle armor. So far, the evil ghost battle armor was completely changed into Lu Chen's thing.

Taking up the armor, Lu Chen had a smile on his face:

"mystery has no effect in the face of higher mysteries, so is evil. As long as I have the will of ghosts and gods, I can only defend against the invasion of the will of ghosts and gods. If other evil things want to enter my body, the will of ghosts and gods will not allow it."

It is difficult for Lu Chen, who is marked by the will of ghosts and gods, to be marked by other people's things.

When the evil will in the evil ghost battle armor dissipates completely, the ghost armor melts directly into a group of blood and water, and quickly melts into Lu Chen's body.

After absorbing the ghost armor, Lu Chen involuntarily closed his eyes. After a long time, Lu Chen, who opened his eyes again, already understood the information and function of the evil ghost armor.

With a slight movement of his mind, Lu Chen's cold iron armor was removed. But immediately, some flesh and blood spread rapidly on Lu Chen's body surface. In a blink of an eye, a set of ferocious and stabbing terror armor appeared on Lu Chen's body.

"Comfortable feeling, like hands and feet in general, treasure is really extraordinary."

When wearing armor, Lu Chen also saw the message of the evil ghost battle armor, which is a living armor made of strong evil skeleton and flesh, which has four special effects.

"Fusion, reinforcement, deterrence, and growth are the four special effects of ghost armor."

The fusion of these four special effects is that the ordinary armor can be integrated into Lu Chen's flesh and blood, and can be summoned directly when fighting.

Strengthening is because this armor is made of blood and flesh of evil creatures. If Lu Chen injects a lot of blood into battle, it will make it more tough.

Deterrence is to rely on the evil spirit in the armor of evil spirits to deter the enemy and put great pressure on the enemy. Even those who lack the will will will not be able to move.

Now, although the evil will in the evil spirit armor is eliminated by the ghost will, Lu Chen can inject the ghost will, which makes the deterrence more powerful.

"If my ghost hand awakens again and has the primacy of erosion, this deterrence will reach its peak."

To tell you the truth, the first three special effects of evil ghost armor are very powerful, but Lu Chen values the fourth, growth.

Most of the evil things are weird. I don't know how to make the armor in front of you. Although it is armor, it has the ability of living creatures. If you feed it flesh and soul, it can grow rapidly.

"Three special effects, also have growth, no wonder in my sense of the strongest effect, this ability has been comparable to the awakening of spiritual treasures."

However, although I think the ghost armor is very good, Lu Chen is not surprised that it is put here.

The evil ghost armor is not a completely good thing. If it is not the strong will of ghosts and gods, when using it, Lu Chen will be constantly devoured by flesh and blood essence, and when it is strong enough to a certain extent, it will devour the master.

Such a dangerous thing is as dangerous as Lu Chen's ghost hand, and therefore, it will be placed in the treasure Pavilion.

Of course, the most dangerous thing for ghost hand is to destroy the world.

Now, being eroded by ghost hands, the evil ghost armor has completely surrendered to Lu Chen.

The thought is moving again, that evil ghost battle armor is taken back in the body by Lu Chen.As a result of the harvest of a set of strong armor, Lu Chen is happy, and the old wizard looks at Lu Chen's left hand, his face is a little worried.

"Ah Chen, you'd better not use that thing often. I can feel that it is very dangerous."

"I understand, old wizard. I won't mess around."

"Just understand."

The old wizard has already felt the danger of Lu Chen's ghost hand. However, the ghost hand has not been completely grown up, and Lu Chen has also relied on his will to suppress it. Therefore, the old wizard just feels that Lu Chen, like other barbarians, has a supernatural object in his arm that has been dropped when he died.

In the Royal Court of the barbarians and Yunzhou, it is very common to use supernatural objects dropped by evil spirits. Although such things have many side effects, the evil spirits outside are more dangerous. In order to enhance their strength, they had to use it. In such a situation, the great wizard could not stop him. Although he knew that it was drinking poison to quench thirst, he had to drink even poisonous wine when they were dying. He could only remind the barbarians not to rely too much on evil things.

When the skills and material rewards were well received, Lu Chen was encouraged by the wizard and returned to his residence.

As he walked along, Lu Chen's effect of building the arena had already appeared. Basically, all the barbarians in Wangting knew Lu Chen. When Lu Chen passed by, he kept saying hello to Lu Chen.

There are many tall bold girls, asking whether Lu Chen's residence is short of people.

Lu Chen refused all this.

In this way, Lu Chen returns to his residence, where Ji hongdie and Xiao Wei are already waiting.

With Lu Chen's arrival, both of them help each other. Lu Chen, looking at the two beautiful beauties, is also a little moved.

Now it's Wang Ting's safety. There's a lot of time at night. So Lu Chen has an impulse.

Just, before Lu Chen put into action, Ji hongdie's voice rang.

"Your Highness, you are here at last. Some chambers of Commerce in Yunzhou and some sons of the leaders are waiting for you."

"They come to do They have come to join me. "

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