[system prompt, congratulations to the host for acquiring the basic skill anger]

[barbarians are rude and savage. They yell and abuse others when fighting. This way is very easy to irritate others. The host can make a mockery action to make the enemy furious during the battle]

[sting, it is detected that the host has endless rage skill. Control the anger and use the anger host, it is easier to arouse the anger in the enemy's heart]

[Ding, the system indicates that the host has the war roar skill, and the anger is incorporated into the battle roar as the third special effect of the battle roar]

"ridicule is actually this skill. However, according to the system, it seems that I am not only relying on abuse, but also have special ability."

The basic skill is the skill that comes with the advanced level. When the advanced brute blood is advanced, Lu Chen gets the blood boiling. When the advanced brute body is advanced, Lu Chen gets the battle roar.

Now, Lu Chen is enraged by the advanced barbarians. Besides using divinity, Lu Chen can't change these skills. Therefore, he doesn't care much. After a glance, Lu Chen puts it aside. The next thing is what Lu Chen has been looking forward to for a long time. It's time to acquire the colorful myth skills.

Thinking like this, Lu Chen takes a look at the aura value in the attribute column.

"1300 points aura value, should be able to obtain colorful myth, I hope my luck is not so bad."

When Lu Chen is praying, the voice of the system rings in Lu Chen's ear.

[system prompt, the host advanced to the barbarian and got a chance to extract skills. Congratulations to the host for extracting the silver level skill - wave burst]

[wave burst: the autistic Asura understands the power of fluctuation. This skill can instantly burst the wave power condensed in the body, which can blow the enemies around]

[Ding, system prompt, this skill When the wave breaks out, the host's concussion force will invade the enemy's body and destroy the enemy's internal organs. At the same time, the vibration force can also expand the scope of the wave breaking out]

"the wave force and the shock force are some homologous forces, but the combination is equal to 1 + 1 = 3."

However, although the skills are good and can be combined with the power of concussion, Lu Chen still chooses to change.

"System, continue to change skills."

"It's nice to have a wave burst, but unfortunately, I'd rather have the colorful myth skill."

[the system prompts that the host spent five spirit crystals and changed skills. Congratulations on the host's extraction of bronze level ability - cloth armour mastery]

"I'm not a mage. What should I do with this thing? Keep changing."

[the system prompts that the host has extracted 】



"Continue to replace."


[system prompt, host A new ability, chopping steel flash, has been extracted.

[Ding, chopping steel flash is related to the wind breaking chopping. Learning this skill, the host's steel chopping flash can condense the strong wind. 】

"isn't this hassaki? Replace it."

With the depletion of aura, continuous skills flash past Lu Chen.

Among them, many skills are very useful for Lu Chen.

When the aura cost more than 300, several gold skills appeared in front of Lu Chen.

[dimensional chop]

[the skill of Virgil in the ghost's tears, the host can slash quickly and cut through the space cracks by special methods. Everything depends on the space. When there is a gap in the space, everything attached to it will be cut off by the host]

among all abilities, time is the respect, and space is the king. Dimensional chop is the most classic attack of space ability Moves, but also the most difficult to resist.

But even so, Lu Chen gave up.

"I don't lack attack skills. If I move for a moment, I'm likely to be moved."

Although the instantaneous movement is probably less than the level of colorful mythology, Lu Chen is still willing to choose the ability of shuttling through space regardless of everything. With that ability, Lu Chen has a variety of options for attacking and escaping.

Unfortunately, such a good thing did not happen to Lu Chen.

The choice continues, and in the process, gold skills emerge.

[matchless challenge], [earth shaking and mountain shaking], [Tianba thundering in the sky], [mountain collapse and earth splitting]

A familiar skill name flashed in front of Lu Chen, and in this process, Lu Chen also had countless shakes.

In particular, when the local mountain shaking, as well as landslides, Lu Chen almost couldn't help being fixed.

Although the earth shaking and rocking of the Dragon Tortoise is not too strong, it matches Lu Chen's concussion power very well. The ability of breaking the earth and letting the blood fire gush out can be said to reach the extreme of gold skill attack.

"Get out of the way, I pressed the wrong button!" This sentence is a true portrayal of the collapse. It is a skill that can make the enemy's blood bar disappear as long as you hit it.And Lu Chen's strength is completely in line with the big collapse, like holding the highest level of weapons, big collapse in Lu Chen's hands can play the best effect.

However, the desire for colorful mythology, or let Lu Chen bear the pain to give up the collapse.

"Fortunately, the skills can be repeatedly selected. This mistake can come back later."

In this way, constantly comforting himself, Lu Chen is also constantly changing skills.

This change lasted more than ten minutes. When Lu Chen's aura value was only 120, a colorful flash finally appeared in front of Lu Chen.

The appearance of the colorful light also let Lu Chen breathe a sigh of relief.

"Finally, we have found 1180 spirit crystals. It's so difficult!"

The voice of exclamation was sent out by Lu Chen, but it is not over yet. Although the mythological skills are very strong, there are also suitable and unsuitable ones. Lu Chen doesn't want to have a happy time.

With a nervous mood, Lu Chen looked at the introduction of that skill.

But after watching, Lu Chen's face was a little complicated.

"It's actually it. I didn't expect that in the real world, it was a colorful myth, but with its position, it was quite right. It's just that if I choose it and use it, I'm not human. "

The skills in front of him make Lu Chen a little tangled.

Of course, entanglement is only for a short time. It costs so much to choose a myth skill. How can Lu Chen give up.

Soon, Lu Chen finished fixing.

After fixing, Lu Chen's whole appearance did not change.

In this regard, Lu Chen is very calm. When the skill is not used, there are no other changes.

After the skill solidifies, Lu Chen still has 130000 experience points, which are enough for Lu Chen to improve his skills.

However, Lu Chen couldn't control himself because of his expectation of the effect of colorful mythology.

"Let's look at the effect of the skill first."

With such an idea, Lu Chen did not improve his skills, but called out his subordinates.

"Red butterfly, come here."

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