"Not a sword or a swordsman!"

As if insulted, the swordsman on the opposite side is rushing fast.

However, with the iron ring on Lu Chen's neck pulled off, the swordsman's eyes suddenly widened, and the speed of the charge suddenly decreased. Finally, his feet brake out a trace on the ground. This shows how hard the swordsman has made to stop his charge.

"How can it be? What the hell are you?!"

Startled to almost hissing words from his mouth, no wonder he is so, it is really Lu Chen in front of the body changes too much.

With the removal of the iron ring, Lu Chen's body shape is constantly rising at a speed visible to the naked eye. In a short period of time, Lu Chen's body size has been directly raised by one meter from two meters four meters to a little giant more than three meters.

At the same time, with the rapid growth of his body, Lu Chen's blood is also surging. At this time, some people with keen sense of mind can feel Lu Chen's hearty and hearty Qi and blood just by looking at it.

The vitality of Qi and blood has exceeded the limit of the realm of flesh and blood.

This is not an exaggeration, but a fact. It is difficult to surpass the limit of the realm of flesh and blood. However, Lu Chen's feast is a mythical ability, and most of its effects are to increase the basic attributes. Therefore, Lu Chen, who has soared to three meters, has been able to crush human beings in the realm of flesh and blood.

Looking at Lu Chen's Qi and blood and feeling the danger of suffocating people, the swordsman in Yunzhou who was still angry just now did not dare to step forward.

"How can it be? How can you be so strong? Didn't the intelligence yesterday say that you're very strong?"

The swordsman in Yunzhou was surprised, but he was more than surprised at this time. When Lu Chen suddenly revealed the body shape of the little giant, the strong seat on the other side of Yunzhou was shaking.

Several strong people in Yunzhou stood up in surprise at Lu Chen's rich Qi and blood.

Among them, the more powerful one is, the more he can feel Lu Chen's talent.

"What a powerful Qi and blood and amazing strength. That guy, Qi and blood and constitution are absolutely beyond the limit of the realm of flesh and blood. Even strength is possible."

"I remember that the qualification of a bully seed is that a certain attribute directly exceeds the limit. Unexpectedly, that guy actually has the qualification of a bully. It's troublesome."

"Physique, strength and Qi and blood have exceeded the standard. It seems that the speed is not too slow. I also heard that the guy owned the realm of King at a young age, and he won many victories a few days ago, and had enough willpower. Shit, that guy is definitely not the illegitimate son of God!"

In that discussion, some strong people even because of surprise, and can not help but burst the vulgar.

However, no one is paying attention to that person now, and everyone's eyes are on the center of the challenge arena.

At the same time, some people also look at Lord Fu, who is the general leader of the Yunzhou Kingdom who sent to the wilderness and is also the head of collecting the wild intelligence. They are asking why such a terrible qualification has not been included in the information.

In this regard, Lord Fu felt aggrieved.

"A few days ago, he was not like this, so talented, absolutely only recently." Thinking of this, Lord Fu seemed to think of something, and quickly opened his mouth: "I know, before the same level invincible arena competition, that guy is still a brute, but relying on the arena competition, he won the title of invincible at the same level, which made him upgrade to the savage with the invincible will, and this invincible will made him wake up the strongest blood in the manwang bloodline when he advanced."

"Sure enough, my worry at that time was right, and the experience of the ancestors of Yunzhou was also right. If someone could win all the time and develop the will to be invincible at the same level, he would be stronger and stronger."

It has to be said that Lord Fu has a big brain hole, but this is what he misunderstood.

Lu Chen gains benefits from the same level invincible, but the advantage is that he directly advances to the intermediate level, which has nothing to do with flesh and blood.

But this is not only the Lord Fu does not know, other people also do not know, and therefore, the view of Lord Fu is recognized by the public.

"If you fight all the time and win all the time, that kind of genius is really stronger."

"He can't be allowed to continue to win, if he continues to beat the same level of talent, he is likely to be more powerful."

From the brain hole of Lord Fu, those Yunzhou people thought a lot, but they guessed it by mistake. If Lu Chen wins all the time, he will become stronger and stronger.

There's no way, not to mention the will bonus brought by victory, that is, the experience gained after defeating the enemy can also make Lu Chen stronger and stronger.

Because they belong to two different races, Yunzhou people don't want Lu Chen to continue to be strong. Fortunately, they will have a chance to defeat Lu Chen.

"Fortunately, the prince has been on the challenge arena, as long as you defeat him here, you can break his invincible will."

"It's really our luck. This time, he will fail."

"If you can't cheer up because of failure, it's even better."


There are some people who are worried."What if he wins again?"

This made the scene quiet for a moment, but soon, someone's voice rang up.

"How can it be? We have the top talent in cloud state. What will he win?"

"That is, even if one can't defeat him, he will be tired to death in a row."

"In addition to our cloud state, there are super talents from Zhongzhou. We will not lose."

"Can't that guy beat ten at a time?"


Thinking of their own genius, Yunzhou people hold the heart slowly put down.

When those people were talking about it, a mature woman in a black gauze dress who could be seductive stood among the powerful people in Yunzhou, and her face was more worried than others.

Such appearance was also seen by others, which made one of the quite holy women sigh a little: "I always thought that the Yinshan sect were all demons and demons. I didn't expect that they would also feel worried about the general situation of Yunzhou. As expected, the world has its own true feelings."

The holy woman was sighing, but if she knew that the reason why the seductive woman was worried was that she had just sent her disciples to defeat the enemy. She did not know whether the sigh of freedom and truth in the world could be sent out.

Yes, this seductive woman is Yi Rong's master. When she thought about the behavior of "funding enemy", she felt a little regret. But she immediately took the air for herself:

"there are so many talents in Yunzhou, we can win this time, absolutely."

In the past, the elder of the Yinshan sect hated the main schools in Yunzhou, but at this time, she hoped that the disciples of the big sect would be more powerful. If they failed, the woman would be miserable.

If such a thing happens, they will definitely be denounced by all Yunzhou people.

As for the reason why they know this, they still use the enemy because of different situations.

At that time, they thought that Yunzhou was bound to win, and that the enemy would only benefit themselves, and would not let Yunzhou suffer losses.

But when cloud state failed, everything was different.

Some people are worried. Some people think that Yunzhou will win. Among them, Yi Rong, who just invited Lu Chen, looks the most complicated.

"It's so bloody. The guy didn't want the information I collected. It's not that his brain is full of muscles, but he has confidence in his own victory."

Thinking of her invitation just now, Yi Rong felt a sense of shame.

Yi Rong sighs, while Ji hongdie looks at Lu Chen in the arena and looks arrogant: "that's my husband. Although my husband is a bit rude, he is a real hero."

Looking at the arrogant Ji hongdie, Yi Rong opens her mouth, but she can't say anything. At last, she can only sigh:

"what my sister said is very right. Just now I was a little bit slighted. Please don't be angry."

Listen to that sentence "sister", Ji hongdie look a little trance.

In Yunzhou, Ji hongdie's status is not bad, but that's not bad. As a merchant's daughter, she is not even as good as Ling Kai of Lingyun sword school. Ling Kai can still marry the Third Prince of Yunzhou kingdom. At that time, Ji hongdie's best destination was to marry the wild seven princes, which had to be fought for by herself. It was not certain that she was a wife or a concubine in the past.

Ji hongdie's status in Yunzhou is the middle level, while Yi Rong is the top one. As a direct descendant of a big sect, she is the same princess who can learn the incomplete divine level skills.

As a result, Yi Rong seldom even talked to Ji hongdie just now. It was because she was proud of herself and would not talk to Ji hongdie.

But when Lu Chen showed his strength, everything was different.

A "sister" is enough to show that she agrees with Ji hongdie's identity and regards her as her own equal status.

In ancient times, the status of a girl depended on the man in her family. If she didn't marry her father, she would marry her husband.

Because Lu Chen is powerful, as his wife, Ji hongdie is also noble, and this feeling naturally makes Ji hongdie very happy.

Who doesn't want to be a noble person. Isn't Ji hongdie's high position just for status.

Of course, she did not show the joy in her heart, but gently said to Yirong: "of course not."


Because of Lu Chen's sudden rise in strength, all kinds of attitudes appear in all directions, but these have not affected Lu Chen.

After pulling the iron ring off his neck, Lu Chen stretched out for a while.

"It's still so comfortable. It's just like being in a box with a hoop. It's hard to be squeezed in a narrow box that can't be extended."

Lu Chen is stretching himself, and when he stretches his body, the swordsman of Yunzhou is a little hesitant whether to go forward. Lu Chen's figure frightens him.

However, soon he did not have to hesitate, Lu Chen has already made a move.www.novelhold.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!