"So fast."

The sudden appearance of Lu Chen makes Wanrong feel the threat of death, but at this time, she can only rely on her own means of defense.

"Air shield!"

In her cry, there is a strong wind around her body to form a shield, she wants to stop Lu Chen.

Unfortunately, all this is useless, and the powerful force makes Lu Chen ignore all obstacles.

Under Lu Chen's incomparable power, the air shield is like an egg shell, which is easily broken by Lu Chen, and Wanrong's figure is also cut off by Lu Chen.

However, just when Lu Chen's sword was about to fall, a strong man from Yunzhou came, blocking Lu Chen's sword and saving Wanrong.

Lu Chen didn't care too much about it.

Although the exchange contest is a contest between the two states, it is not the time for Yunzhou to fight with the wilderness. Now the common enemy of mankind is evil. Therefore, there are strange things in the arena.

For the sake of the family's material, but also for their own sake, the talented people who came to power, whether they were Yunzhou people or barbarians, were fighting to death, but at the moment when they were about to die, there would always be strong people to help.

Lu Chen's wild bear was the first to be rescued, and Lu Chen had nothing to say when the other side was rescued.

"Well, I'm here to get supplies, not to kill people. I'll save them."

In this way, Lu Chen left the arena and waited for the next battle.

However, Wanrong in the air was somewhat reluctant: "how do you know where I moved the stone?"

Of course, it depends on directness. However, Lu Chen is not stupid and won't say his ability to the outside. Therefore, in the face of Wanrong's question, Lu Chen just said coldly: "the same trick, don't use it twice to me."

This kind of answer, let Wanrong do not know how to say, but then, she said: "you just raided my side of the trick."

That instant raid is nothing else. It's Lu Chen's unique skill when he was at level 10 swordsman, that is, windbreak.

This is the ability to turn Lu Chen into wind. As long as the enemy is in the air and the distance is not so far away, Lu Chen can instantly move to the other side with the protection of the son of wind.

Of course, just like the direct feeling just now, how could Lu Chen say it all? Listening to Wanrong's inquiry, Lu Chen said coldly:

"you are not the only one who can control the force of the strong wind. Laozi is also the son of the wind!"

Looking at Lu Chen's huge figure and listening to the declaration of his son of wind, the woman named Wanrong is speechless.

And Lu Chen, after saying that, some impatient toward the cloud state that side directly called up: "still can't fight."

See Lu Chen impatient Wanrong can only return, and the other side of the cloud state high-level is frowning, they found things have some trouble.

"It's hard to deal with even emptiness."

With good heritage and abundant materials, Yunzhou is better than the wilderness. The battle just now also proves that Yunzhou is indeed better than the wilderness.

But the world's fucker is that even if you are stronger than others in overall strength, as long as there is a top strong in the enemy's side, everything will be different. Now Yunzhou is troubled by Lu Chen's strength in barbarian bones.

And just as they frown, Zhu Ming, one of the seven big families in Yunzhou, is a genius.

"Let me do it. I'll let the barbarian Prince know that even in terms of strength, our cloud state is not inferior to the wilderness."

Looking at Zhu Ming's firm face, the other several people looked at each other and nodded: "I'll give it to you, fight well."

"After defeating that guy, I'd like to ask the emperor to open the small secret library and let you choose a treasure."

In order to defeat Lu Chen, Yunzhou also made great efforts.

In this way, Zhu Ming with the expectations of the high-level Yunzhou, walked off the challenge arena.

However, although he came down, the mood of the ordinary soldiers in Yunzhou was somewhat depressed.

There is no way but to be depressed. All human beings are suffering from megaphobia, and Lu Chen is the same as human beings. After he shows his real body shape, he puts great pressure on the onlookers of Yunzhou. Even the Yunzhou people, they think Lu Chen is invincible.

Under such circumstances, Zhu Ming, who came to power under such circumstances, naturally felt the concerns of his people. However, Zhu Ming himself had full confidence in himself.

After entering the arena, he took a look at Lu Chen's huge figure, and instead of being afraid, he showed a smile.

"You know, in Yunzhou, although I only rank 37th in the list of young Phoenix, even those who are higher than me dare not compete with me."

"They are waiting for me to bear, then attack me, until now, no one has defeated in the front."

So saying, Zhu Ming's body directly into the earth, at the same time, there is a arrogant voice from the underground ring up.

"I heard that you are brave and brave. I hope you don't disappoint me. Come on, crush me head on."

Zhu Ming's words made Lu Chen look forward to it. After fighting in the wilderness for a long time, Lu Chen also liked the fight from fist to meat.However, looking at Zhu Ming's arrogant words, people ran into the underground, which made Lu Chen a little dissatisfied.

"Do you want to run when you are forced? How can it be? I can catch you even if you drill into the ground."

Lu Chen, thinking like this, has claw like hands and is ready to use the Tianyin.

However, before Lu Chen started, he found that he didn't use it.

As Zhu Ming sank into the ground, a brief silence appeared in the field.

But soon, the situation in the field changed. After Zhu Rong entered the earth, the whole arena was shaking slowly. At the same time, there was a burning breath gushing out from the ground.

"What is this, volcanic eruption."

When Lu Chen was puzzled, the ground was shaking more and more strongly. Then, a lava hand composed of soil and fire suddenly crossed the ground and caught on the challenge arena.

Then, in a roar, another giant hand also stretched out. With the strength of both hands, an ugly head composed of soil and fire also appeared on the challenge arena.

In a short period of time, Zhu Ming drilled into the ground has undergone dramatic changes, where a small lava giant is climbing out of the ground.

The giant on the land is four meters higher than that on the land.

Seeing his appearance, Lu Chen finally understood what he had just said.

"Have a transformation No, it's the ability to manipulate lava puppets. No wonder other Yunzhou people dare not compete with you head-on. They rely on dragging to defeat you. If you drag the lava puppet over, you will naturally win. "

"It's true. I hope you don't let me down."

"Don't worry, you won't be disappointed."

So said, Lu Chen twisted his neck, in the "cluck cluck" sound, Lu Chen hand-held sword, straight forward.

And the puppet on the opposite side has no other fancy moves. Like Lu Chen, it also strides straight ahead.

The two giant objects condense the whole strength of their steps, so that there are footprints on the earth, at the same time, the surrounding atmosphere is also a little calm.

In such a momentum, the crowd of ordinary soldiers, whether Yunzhou or barbarians, dare not make a sound. All of them are clenching their fists to cheer for the "giant" on their side.

In this way, under the support of a large number of barbarians and Yunzhou people, Lu Chen and Zhu Ming two giant objects three meters away from the center of the arena for a moment.

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