Lu Chen just opened up the matter, part of it is really for revenge. Yi Rong's arrogant attitude makes Lu Chen very uncomfortable, but the other part is to subdue the people of the devil gate.

But now it seems that he has achieved half of the desired effect. It is really comfortable to see the Yinshan sect betray their relatives and treat them with their own way.

It's just that he's comfortable, but Elon is very uncomfortable.

"If you dare to accept me after such a thing, you are not afraid of my rebellion?"

Lu Chen has only two words for this.

"Ha ha."

Lu Chen is not afraid of rebellion. Although he has always said that he takes the king's road, Lu Chen knows very well that he is domineering. Conquering others by force is Lu Chen's road and his only choice.

"As long as I maintain a strong force, others will not dare to rebel."

"And I will be stronger and stronger in battle, when one day I will no longer fight, that is not when I am weak, but when I am dead."

Lu Chen insisted on the road he had chosen. After laughing, he saw that Yi Rong had not yet put the blade in his hand. Lu Chen said with a smile, "do you want to defeat me and prove that there is no betrayal? It's useless. You can't beat me."

"Even if I can't beat you, as long as I perform well enough, they will understand..."

"Is it comfortable to deceive yourself?"

Before Yi Rong finished speaking, Lu Chen interrupted her. Then, pointing to the excited Yunzhou people outside, Lu Chen said directly, "you don't think that I cheated all those people."

After saying that, Lu Chen's face showed a sneering smile.

"I'm sorry, I don't have such a strong command of words and deception ability. Some of them are really stupid, but all of them are cursing because they need an excuse, an excuse to shirk responsibility for their own failure, and an excuse for Yunzhou people not to overcome the wilderness."

"Unless you can defeat me, and then defeat all the barbarians behind me, you will eventually suffer the name of betrayer, and you, in particular, will never get away."

Seeing Yi Rong's silence, she doesn't know how to refute it. Lu Chen knows that her mind has been broken. After all, it's just a little girl. Therefore, as soon as the opportunity comes, Lu Chen directly cries out: "look up, look at me."

After hearing Lu Chen's cry, Yi Rong raised her head involuntarily. Then, she saw Lu Chen's tall and powerful figure, and saw the embodiment of terror behind Lu Chen, the second ghost, the universal erosion.

As a ghost and God, the erosive pleomon is a person in good condition who will feel terror in his heart. What's more, he will fall into the lowest ebb and don't know what to do.

When she saw the second ghost, the spirit of Yirong fell down, which made her fear of terror constantly flash.

Now, the thing that Yi Rong fears most is that her family is reviled by everyone.

Therefore, when the second ghost, pulimong of erosion, was reflected in her eyes, it was inevitable for her to return to her sect after her failure.

This is not the end. She was deeply influenced by the second ghost.

At this time, in her consciousness, she came back to zongmen, and she was abandoned and punished by the master like her mother.

It was a terrible punishment, without a trace of hope. It was the last scene she wanted to recall, but the more she did not want to recall, the clearer the image in her mind.

What makes Yi Rong despair is that she knows that these things are fake, but it is likely to be temporary. The Yinshan sect, known as the devil gate, is not a paradise. It is a real predator of the weak. What she sees now is very likely to happen.

"No, I don't want that, master. I won't let you be punished."

Her mind was broken, and her fear grew in her heart.

She, frightened directly by Lu Chen, collapsed.

In this regard, Lu Chen mouth corner showed a trace of smile.

"You see, now, wilderness is your only salvation."

With this, Lu Chen reaches out and grabs Yi Rong. Yi Rong's body trembles, but she still doesn't do it.

Lifting her with one hand, Lu Chen said directly, "give up and come to me at night."

This made her hesitant, but the erosion behind Lu Chen has not dissipated. In the case of Lu Chen's powerful strength and broken mind, Yi Rong's mind has been completely broken.

Her heart has left traces of Lu Chen's imprint. Therefore, in the face of Lu Chen's request, although she hesitated for a long time, she finally nodded.

This also made the surrounding Yunzhou people more angry, and some even threw stones to the challenge arena.



"It's really from the devil's gate. You all deserve to die."


Such an angry scolding voice, is a moment of non-stop, in that curse, because of shame, Yi Rong did not dare to look up.

But she did not dare, but Lu Chen would not allow others to abuse her head. Lu Chen glanced at the location of the audience in Yunzhou. With Lu Chen's action, the erosive pulimong behind Lu Chen also turned his head to scan the excited Yunzhou audience.

The audience in Yunzhou were really angry. Even because of the humiliating defeat, they had the impulse to fight Lu Chen.

But, after all, it was just impulsive. After the horrible little giant raised his head on the spot, those noisy audiences who had made eye contact with Lu Chen were like chickens who had been strangled by the neck, and could not make any sound at all in an instant.

Even after seeing Lu Chen's eyes, they can't help but raise the scene of Lu Chen's fight just now. The terrifying posture of crushing everything and sweeping everything makes the audience in Yunzhou tremble and bow their heads involuntarily.

As the influence became deeper and deeper, those Yunzhou people even felt that Lu Chen was no longer a barbarian, but an abyss demon, an invincible and irresistible abyss demon.

In this way, with Lu Chen's sight sweeping, the angry masses in Yunzhou suddenly stopped as if they had been cut off electricity. When Lu Chen glanced around, nearly 10000 Yunzhou audiences who were still cursing just now had no sound.

When the gods patrol the earth, the heaven and earth are still, and all things submit to it, it appears here and now.

And this also can't help but let Lu Chen in the arms of Yi Rong raised his head, when seeing tens of thousands of Cloud State audience bow in front of Lu Chen, her grievance, fear, instantly dissipated.

Looking at Lu Chen's simple and strong body, Yi Rong feels a little relieved.

It is said that heroes love beautiful people, but on the contrary, the beauty doesn't love heroes. Lu Chen, who makes tens of thousands of Yunzhou warriors dare not look up with one person's power, can undoubtedly be called a hero.

Of course, this is the reason why the people in Yunzhou dare not look up. The erosion behind Lu Chen has the greatest effect. Only by arousing the fear in human hearts, can he make Lu Chen look down at the picture of thousands of people still.

"However, although the role of the erosive pleomon is the greatest, it would not have been possible to achieve this without the achievements I have just defeated numerous talents in Yunzhou."

Lu Chen's various skills have never existed alone. Even if it is a ghost hand, it is closely related to Lu Chen's body and will.

If Lu Chen is a coward and everyone dares to bully him, even if the erosion of pulimong appears, it will not make the bullies fear. Even if fear breeds, it will react to Lu Chen in the next moment, even if Lu Chen is more irritated.

But now Lu Chen is 3.6 meters tall, even without the second ghost, it is enough to make people tremble.

The terrifying height and Lu Chen's achievements make people who see and hear about Lu Chen naturally fear a little. Under such circumstances, the effect of erosion is unexpected.

If the fear keeps going, those Yunzhou warriors will naturally be weaker when they face Lu Chen.

However, the strong in Yunzhou also knew that they could not keep this situation all the time. Therefore, just after the ban on all things lasted for more than ten seconds, a sword roared.

The sound of the sword is crisp and like thunder. The sudden sound of the sword sounds like the dust of the human soul. The fear that Lu Chen has created in Yunzhou people's mind is also dissipated in the sound of the sword.

Taking a deep look at Lu Chen, the swordsman in Yunzhou who flicked his sword lightly opened his mouth to the Wei rock on the wild side.

"This time, we lost!"

The moment the words sounded, there was another noise in Yunzhou, but no one provoked Lu Chen this time. Although the fear in their hearts was dissipated, they felt the strength of Lu Chen. On the side of barbarians, when the voice of the strong one sounded, they launched countless cheers.

"Roar! Roar! Roar

"Long live the prince."

"The thirteen princes will win."

"Sure enough, we have to rely on the thirteen princes."

"It was us who won."

"You just depend on that prince. Without the prince, you will still be defeated."

"What about the thirteen princes, who are our princes and will become kings in the future. We should have been happy to win under his leadership."

This makes many Yunzhou people who want to refute have nothing to say.

Some people argued with the Yunzhou people after the victory, but more barbarians rushed directly to the arena and wanted to hold Lu Chen high. Such a scene made Lu Chen's eyes squint, but then he sighed and did not escape.

"Forget it. Let's have a little fun."

In this way, Lu Chen is abandoned by Gao Gao and yelled by countless people. At this moment, Lu Chen is the hero of the barbarians.Of course, when Lu Chen was thrown away, several barbarians were slightly lonely. Other barbarian princes looked at Lu Chen's position, and the envy in their eyes almost overflowed.

However, few people were jealous this time. Lu Chen was cheered by countless barbarians, but he deserved the cheers.

In this way, the exchange competition ended in the cheers of barbarians.

Of course, although the game ended, Lu Chen and others couldn't leave immediately. Even at night, there was a fire party hosted by barbarians. In order to celebrate the victory, the whole border city was filled with cheers of barbarians.

At the same time, Lu Chen's name of genius also spread throughout the city.

Of course, there were shouts, of course, there were delicious dishes, and there were countless wine. Under such a celebration, when Lu Chen returned to his room, it was already late at night, and his stomach was full of countless delicacies, which made him a little tired.

As a result, when Yi Rong arrived at Lu Chen's room, Lu Chen was no longer interested. After discussing with her about the territory after that, Lu Chen asked her to report to her own territory in the future, and soon ordered her to return to her master.

With Lu Chen's operation, Yi Rong and her master can no longer return to Yunzhou. After returning, they will die as scapegoats. Now LuChen is their only choice. They can only stay in the border city and wait for the establishment of LuChen tribe.

However, Lu Chen is not in the mood to think about these things. After sending Yi Rong away, Lu Chen looks at the experience value in his hands and looks silly.

[training value: 150000]

before he came here, Lu Chen saved 130000 experience points to prevent accidents. However, there were accidents on the field. In order to deal with Yunzhou people, Lu Chen first let swordsmen break through, then promoted the barbarian warrior to level 5, and improved his meditation to perfection. Of which, Lu Chen's strength increased, but also consumed a lot of experience points.

However, when everything is over, Lu Chen's experience consumption not only makes up for it, but also increases by 20000. Can Lu Chen not be happy with such a thing?

"Although they didn't kill them, they were all real talents, and they gained a lot of experience points by defeating them."

"It's a pity. If I don't upgrade to barbarian, I can gain more experience points."

Of course, this idea was soon abandoned by Lu Chen. He understood that he couldn't deal with so many people without getting a feast.

The feast skill also surprised Lu Chen. Although he didn't have active skills, he didn't look as powerful as other myths, but it was the basic attribute of blessing and the fundamental reason why Lu Chen was able to crush Yunzhou.

After all, no matter how strong his skills are, he has to rely on his basic attributes. If there is no feast, even if Lu Chen can defeat a few talents in Yunzhou, but after a few talents, Lu Chen will go to the arena.

But the feast completely changed Lu Chen's physique and made Lu Chen strong enough to fight continuously. This also brought despair to the people of Yunzhou. It can be said that Lu Chen was very satisfied with the performance of the banquet.

In addition to the experience value, Lu Chen is concerned about another point is Lingjing. However, compared with focusing on the experience value and looking at the Lingjing in his hand, Lu Chen has some helplessness on his face.

[psionic value: 80]

"well, in order to acquire good skills, I consume a little bit more spirit crystals. Fortunately, I will go out and set up my own tribe soon. At that time, I will have my own source of income and other people's supply, so my crystal will not be short."

After thinking about these things, Lu Chen took a look at his own attributes.

[host: Lu Chen]

[age: 15]

[Occupation: Level 1 swordsman, level 5 savage Warrior (Level 3)]

[experience value: 150000]

[aura value: 80]



[Master level sword mastery]


[Master level sword Mastery (complete), fatal strike (Advanced), battle Roar (intermediate level) )



[overlord color and domineering (intermediate), manwang bloodline (intermediate), justice of demacia, anger of justice, double body · platinum star, straight sense a, Bull Demon concussion fist, second heart, wind breaking, Luocha penetrating through and sun protection]

myth :


[ghost hand (black taboo): Soul loving hand, ghost chop, Kazan of sword and soul, Kaijia of shadow, and pulimon of erosion]

weapons: meteorite sword, ghost battle armor

Qi + 2, luck under the sun + 3

agility 186, strength 492, physique 659, Qi and blood 766, material defense 440

will: 64 points

see your own attributes, especially After his constitution and Qi and blood, Lu Chen also had to sigh that he was real meat.

"The blessing of the feast is really powerful. I heard Wu Zhu say that the limit value of the realm of flesh and blood is 500. Now, my physique and Qi and blood have exceeded the limit. This is a situation that only Shenzi can reach. Now I can be called Shenzi.""However, my physique is very strong under the blessing of feast and manwang bloodline, but my agility is a little low!"

Lu Chen's agility is not low compared with ordinary barbarians, but it can't be compared with swordsmen in Yunzhou.

Agility not only refers to speed, but also includes reaction ability and flexibility. Now Lu Chen is 3.6 meters tall. Relying on strength, his linear speed is not slow, but his flexibility is not very good.

"Forget it, I should have gained a lot of contribution value in this victory. After I went back, I asked Wu Zhu to recast my sword. This time, it looked like a dragon hunting sword. In this way, the length of my weapon can reach four meters. Plus the length of my arm, I can make an ordinary attack into a range attack with a strike and a strike. What's more flexible?"

Lu Chen, as a swordsman, doesn't care about Lu Chen's ability as a swordsman.

"This way can be passed on."

Lu Chen, who was thinking well, was ready to go to bed and return to Wangting tomorrow.

However, before Lu Chen goes to bed, Zhigan suddenly initiates an early warning. At the same time, a black smell spreads wildly from Lu Chen's left hand.

"It's a strange change of hands. How can it be? I didn't swallow blood food with my hands and didn't absorb evil spirit during this period of time."

Lu Chen is puzzled by the sudden riot of ghost hands. But when Lu Chen is confused, the black breath quickly spreads out from Lu Chen's ghost hand. Soon, a huge amount of black breath is scattered in Lu Chen's room, and there are horrible figures in the black breath.

Soon, a terrible illusion appeared in this world, and the erosion of Pu Li Meng appeared in this world. With its appearance, and looking at Lu Chen, there was a terrible fantasy rising in Lu Chen's heart.

In that illusion, Lu Chen felt that the will of other ghosts and gods was also raging.

"What's going on here and why are you coming out of the blue?"

At this time, Lu Chen is really surprised. Of course, at the same time, Lu Chen also sits on the ground with his knees crossed. There is a green light around Lu Chen.


Lu Chen is using meditation to resist abnormal resistance to resist the invasion of ghost hands.

"I didn't expect that meditation, which used to be useless, is now working."

Thinking in the heart just appeared, it was cut off by Lu Chen. Meditation needs to be done wholeheartedly.

While Lu Chen was meditating with all his strength, the erosive pulimong which appeared in the world returned to Lu Chen's body again, but this was not a return. He wanted to capture Lu Chen's body.

With the fusion of eroding pulimong and Lu Chen's body, Lu Chen Re perceives the information of eroding pulimong again. This time, Lu Chen finally understands why the ghost hand revolts.

"Fear, the pervasiveness of erosion, is absorbing fear and growing."

Black taboo, which is a colorful myth skill, is still a very advanced one. Lu Chen, who has a ghost hand, can manipulate the spirit of ghosts and gods, while the gods, even ghosts and gods, have a universal ability, that is, to absorb faith and grow up.

Yes, absorbing the power of faith is the basic skill of gods, which is just as natural as eating and drinking water for human beings. Among them, absorbing gods such as protection, kindness, justice and light are also called positive gods. But in addition to the positive gods, there are also evil gods who devour fear, despair and anger to grow up.

The erosion of pulimong is a ghost, but it can also be called an evil god.

As an evil spirit, he also has the ability to devour faith.

Of course, at ordinary times, no one knows the name of eroding pulimon, and naturally he has not absorbed the power of faith. However, in today's challenge arena, Lu Chen looks at him with a glance, and it is indeed a great power for people to submit.

But this kind of action also has hidden dangers. Lu Chen's glance not only makes people in Yunzhou bow their heads, but also makes them fear Lu Chen and the back behind him.

Although later, a swordsman from Yunzhou played a sword, which made people in Yunzhou wake up from their fear.

But the awakening was only temporary. Lu Chen's strength was real. Therefore, even if they woke up and thought of Lu Chen's crushing defeat of their own genius, their fear could not help but grow.

And these fears became the food for the growth of the erosive plebeian.

At this time, after absorbing enough fear, the erosive primon again advanced. It changed from a virtual shadow to an entity that could exist in reality or even attack the enemy.

But this, also brought endless trouble to Lu Chen.

When the pervasive erosion is attached to Lu Chen's body, the fear of Lu Chen's heart is constantly breeding, and the fear of thousands of Yunzhou people is transmitted to Lu Chen's heart, which makes Lu Chen feel their fear.

"That guy, you can't fight."

"He is invincible. Surrender."

"Don't kill me, I don't want to die."

"Ah, help..."……

All kinds of voices mixed with fear are heard in Lu Chen's heart. This is the fear of Yunzhou people for Lu Chen. Many people dream of Lu Chen in their dreams after they fall asleep. Even in their dreams, they are still afraid of Lu Chen, and they are even more afraid because of nightmares. Therefore, too many people emit a sense of fear towards Lu Chen.

In the past, this was a good thing. It means that when they face Lu Chen again, they will have fear for Lu Chen. But now, these fears will pull Lu Chen into the abyss of fear.

However, Lu Chen is not a weak man. His domineering and domineering spirit is not vegetarian. The sense of fear is rising, but the despotic and domineering spirit in Lu Chen's heart is also a violent outbreak.

"You are all defeated by me. If I can defeat you once, I can defeat you a second time."

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