After falling to a certain height in the month, the super high perception makes Lu Chen feel something unusual.

But those things Lu Chen was familiar with it. It was a prayer. But in the voice of devout prayer, there was endless fear. Meanwhile, the voice of fighting and fighting was perceived by Lu Chen. It seemed that war was happening in the whole month.

All of this, let Lu Chen keep his eyes open and look up to the sky. When he looks at it, Lu Chen finally sees something. He sees that the moon is centered on a fuzzy creature with a height of 10000 meters. Only when the creature is looking, it makes Lu Chen's head like being hammered by a heavy hammer, and all seven orifices are bleeding.

Even if you can't see it, it can prove the strength of this creature. But the creature that is so terrible is making a sound of hissing.

It was the sound that people's heads were going to explode. Only when they heard it, there was blood gushing out of the seven parts of Lu Chen.

But such a powerful creature, such a terrible roar, Lu Chen heard the taste of despair and fear, that terrible creature, as if dying.

"Hello, I have an illusion, how could such a powerful creature die."

All that happened this night makes Lu Chen feel weird and absurd, but Lu Chen has a high perception, even if he feels absurd, but what Lu Chen sees is the truth.

When the blood color of the moon is getting lower and lower, Lu Chen finally sees the moon. After seeing it, Lu Chen finds that the moon is not naturally generated.

Relying on strong perception, Lu Chen saw numerous strange buildings in the moon, and countless people who knelt down on the ground and prayed constantly Biology.

Looking at those who kneel to pray, feel the terrible existence that can not be seen directly in the middle of that month, and the countless people around the terrorist existence with strong light.

At this moment, Lu Chen finally understood what the moon was falling. This is not a meteorite attack in nature, but a celestial kingdom that will always shine on the sky like a star.

"God crossed the world, and then was encircled and killed by the world on our side, or LED. It is not matter what, in a word, there is a God who launched a war, and our border city is the mole ant who was attacked by this battle."

Relying on perception, Lu Chen understood the beginning and end of the event, but after knowing, Lu Chen was not happy, but he was helpless:

it is really unlucky. Although such a thing is not a natural disaster, it is even more frightening than the natural disaster

Facing such a war, Lu Chen is still too weak to deal with it.

However, luck still cares about Lu Chen's side, or, Lu Chen side of the 100 barbarian genius, and cloud state more than 100 genius, or by both sides of the value.

Although their strength is weak and small, they are the foundation of the two states. Therefore, at the moment when Lu Chen felt that he was going to die, there was a bloody sun rising in the wild. Then, a terrible fist was like the sun, crossing the mountains and rivers, and then hurled to the moon.

At the same time, there is a sword sound shining on the other side of Yunzhou, which strikes Lu Chen. The sword Qi is like a line of sea sky that tears the sky and the earth, and then attacks the moon with his fist.

This is the feeling that the situation is wrong between Yunzhou and the barbaric strong people, and at the same time, they rescue Lu Chen and others.

Meanwhile, in the blood and the moon, some powerful people feel that it is wrong. A bell shaped treasure is thrown into the border city by a certain existence. When the bell shaped treasure becomes a giant light mask, covering the whole border city.

The powerful Yang fist tore the moon down into a mouth. The sword spirit of the sky and the sea continued to tear the mouth. Then, the bell shaped light covered the whole border city.

The triple existence, let Lu Chen's direct sense of beating slightly weaken.

And at this time, the already broken blood color moon, landed on the earth.

"Roar" a, in the world to be shattered by the horror of the loud sound, Lu Chen's mind is blank.

He was shocked nothing to think about, also do not know how long, Lu Chen gradually returned to God, and when wake up, Lu Chen immediately looked around, a look, Lu Chen found that although the border city was shattered countless houses, more numerous people collapsed on the ground, even some people were shocked seven hole bleeding.

But because of the torn mouth between fist and sword, the border city was not directly attacked. At the same time, the golden bell cover also blocked the shock wave and sound, which made the border city not directly destroyed, and this also made Lu Chen relieved.

"I'm alive."

But, just at the time of LuChen's happiness, there was a hissing from a distance, and when the hissing came, Lu Chen's head was a pain again.

"Damn, I am still out of the kingdom of God, and the voice cannot be heard."

Lu Chen, who was so thinking, held down his head directly, but the effect was very weak. The sound seemed to sound in the soul, and Lu Chen could not shield it at all.

I don't know how long, Lu Chen's roar in his mind stopped, but when the pain ended, Lu Chen opened his eyes and looked around, but found that there was another change around.Black lines, like living vines, spread in the shadow of the border city.

The black lines climb up to houses, trees, and broken human bodies.

Looking at the black vine like lines and all kinds of things covered by the lines, Lu Chen's heart is constantly filled with danger.

Such a scene makes Lu Chen smile bitterly.

"Weak in this world, it is the original sin."

With a bitter smile, Lu Chen is also feeling that if anyone says that ordinary people can kill gods, Lu Chen will definitely spray his face.

The power of this world God is not what ordinary people can imagine.

Don't mention killing gods. Ordinary human beings can't listen to the voice of God, can't look at the appearance of God, and even can't send out malicious to specific gods in their hearts. These restrictions make ordinary people how to kill gods.

In addition to the above, from the black vines around him, Lu Chen also found that ordinary human beings not only need to be unable to listen, see and think, but also can't stop the breath of Shen Jue's unconscious. If he can't even do it in close proximity, the talk of killing gods is really ridiculous.

Yes, breath, just as human beings have body temperature and weak magnetic field, will send out information to all around unconsciously. Powerful gods also have breath.

The difference is that the human body temperature and magnetic field are very weak, and they will disappear after a little separation, and can not do any harm to the living things at all.

But the gods are different. They are the embodiment of rules and perfect creatures. Even when they are sleeping, the breath of unconsciousness can distort the rules and make a place forbidden.

This is the case at this time. According to Lu Chen's perception, those black lines are not the attack of gods at all, but the danger naturally formed after his breath emanates. This is just like the sun shining. Can you say that the sun is attacking you, of course not, but if you are close to the sun, you will die, and the gods will shine like the sun when you are alive Four directions, even if it falls, can make a place forbidden.

This natural breath is nothing to those powerful people who besiege the gods, but it is a danger that can destroy everything for such a bloody land as Lu Chen.

Without the idea of eliminating those black lines, Lu Chen turned directly and left.

"The war of the gods is not something I can participate in. What I have to do now is find a place to wait and wait for the war to end."

"This war is in our world, with the suppression of heaven and earth, and the continuous flow of strong men, we should win."

To tell you the truth, it's really bad to have to wait, but Lu Chen can't think about it now.

"I am still too weak!"

With dissatisfaction with himself, Lu Chen is ready to find a safe place. However, the aftereffect of the gods is too strong. Even waiting is not easy.

When Lu Chen wakes up from the coma, those things that are attached by the black lines, one by one, move up.

Dead bodies stand up, trees grow eyes and noses, and even some trees can move around.

And the most terrifying is that one by one unconscious houses, they are also covered by black lines, there has been a change.

That one house seems to have become a ghost house in general, Lu Chenguang is looking at, feel the constant tingling in the brain, that is the direct sense in reminding Lu Chen.

When Lu Chen looks at the houses, the houses that are attached by the black lines open their doors automatically. However, the house is so dark that Lu Chen doesn't dare to go in.

There are unknown dangers inside the house, and things outside are not peaceful, just like the fairy tale world. Under the influence of the spirit, all kinds of absurd creatures are born in this world.

The paper man moved here, the stone lion also came back to life, the door panel grew eyes, this is a child's fantasy world.

But this fairy tale world is not a beautiful fairy tale, but a nightmare fairy tale. The stone sculpture lion does walk on the earth, but there is blood flowing on him. At the same time, there is a bridge standing up like a giant. But on the bridge, there are countless heads of water ghosts constantly screaming. At the same time, there are empty carriages without horses In the case of pulling, there are many clothes with blood wandering in the border city.

In addition to the vision to see, Lu Chen also heard all kinds of strange sounds in this place similar to the Nightmare City.

And all these let Lu Chen dare not act rashly: "shit, this world is too dangerous, and, those strong people, they ran there."

Thinking constantly in his heart, Lu Chen is also avoiding those creatures activated by the spirit breath and walks cautiously.

Of course, Lu Chen's walking place is not unconscious. The place he goes to is the house where Ji hongdie is.

"After all, I have had a relationship with her, and I can't leave it at will. Besides, I can't rest alone. I have to gather those talented savages together, so that we can survive in groups."In this way of thinking, Lu Chen soon gathered in the original residence of the barbarians.

Looking at the gate of the station, some of the gates are covered with black lines.

"It's also mutated here."

"Forget it. If you want to see people alive or dead, you have to go in and have a look."

With endless determination, Lu Chen strides toward the dark gate like the entrance of hell. , the fastest update of the webnovel!