Of course, Lu Chen can feel the desire of the second ghost. At this time, the second ghost constantly trembles in Lu Chen's hand, which makes Lu Chen feel his desire.

Moreover, because of the ghost hand relationship, Lu Chen can even feel that the second ghost devours the benefits that the divinity can obtain.

"After swallowing, the second ghost will gain the ability to invade other people's sleep, and then can send out ghost gas to make others have nightmares. Then, just like the shadow of nightmares, they can absorb the fear and despair of others in the nightmares, and make themselves strong quickly. These are just like the shadow of nightmares."

"No, different. The second ghost can not only devour others by the breath of fear and despair, but also turn the soul of that person into a nightmare shadow when his will breaks down, and make the shadow of nightmare obey himself."

It can only be said that nightmares and the God of fear really fit in with the second ghost's erosion of primon. Both of them are masters at manipulating fear. If the second ghost devours this divinity, the second ghost can even acquire a semi divine skill to summon the shadow of nightmare.

However, although the benefits are many, Lu Chen suppressed the impulse of the second ghost.

"System, put the divinity into the overlord."

Lu Chen has his own reasons for doing so.

"Will is the foundation of everything. The second ghost is too powerful to swallow up the divinity, which will only bring about a backlash. Although I am also greedy for the ability to summon the shadow of nightmares, I am the master of everything."

"However, there is absolutely a lot of divinity in a deity. If you upgrade the overlord's domineering power to a higher level, you can make the second ghost devour a trace."

Lu Chen's attention is very good, but the system's next prompt completely extinguishes Lu Chen's dream.

[the system indicates that the level of the host's overlord color is too high, and now it needs 3 divinities to upgrade to a higher level]

in this case, Lu Chen's mouth corner is directly split.

"Three o'clock, so much, isn't it one point one?"

For this, the system did not explain, and Lu Chen, also quickly sigh.

"I think too much. Everything does not talk about the dose, but only the quality. That is to play rogue. Even if it is a toxin, it needs enough dose to make people die. The same is true of divinity. It only needs a little for primary level to intermediate level, and only a little for intermediate level to advanced level. It is really like a dream. However, I still have a chance. Now is the time to harvest."

Thinking of this, Lu Chen looks in front of her body. There, when Lu Chen is invaded by the deity, the other two deities are running away in the distance.

However, a few drops of God's blood fell on the ground, unable to escape, but quickly found a number of objects infected.

Lu Chengang was surprised to see all this, but soon he understood the reason why the two were different.

"Divinity contains the will of God and reposes the hope of God's resurrection. Therefore, all of them are mainly escape, but God's blood has been unable to gather after the explosion of God's will. Now their purpose is to invade objects, quickly form combat power, and then block the pursuit of those strong, so that the divinity has a chance to escape."

Under visual inspection, Lu Chen thought a lot.

In Lu Chen's short time of thinking, those gods and blood evil things changed again.

The few drops of God's blood infected several evil spirits, but at this time, those evil spirits gathered quickly towards a place. Before Lu Chen could react, a huge evil spirit appeared in front of Lu Chen.

Looking at that giant creature, Lu Chen didn't care: "it's not that big things are strong."

This is Lu Chen's initial idea, but when the evil spirits completely gathered together and roared, everything around was shaken off. After feeling their pressure, Lu Chen opened his mouth.

"Shit, how can it be? Random combination becomes powerful. It's unreasonable."

Lu Chen couldn't believe it. He didn't expect that the God blood creatures could be combined into one as long as they were randomly combined, and their momentum increased dramatically.

Suddenly, one of the monsters started to roar at the land, and its head opened to the ground.

The drops of God's blood fell on a certain area, and which area seemed to be a stone carving workshop. Therefore, all the blood eroded were stone sculptures.

Of course, every sculpture was broken by Lu Chen a few days ago. However, the border city was too big and Lu Chen had too much work to do in the past few days. Therefore, he could not smash all the sculptures into pieces, but made them incomplete.

But even incomplete is enough. According to Lu Chen's original view, this will make those evil spirits have weak points, such as the stone lion's missing legs. Even if the God's blood is supernatural and can be filled with clay, there will be some defects.

The sculptures with eagles were smashed to the head by Lu Chen. It can be said that every stone sculpture has its weaknesses. If we fight alone, Lu Chen can grasp their weaknesses and beat them up.

However, when the evil spirits of the God blood manipulated by a few drops of God blood gathered together, their weaknesses quickly disappeared.

At this time, in front of Lu Chen is a monster with three heads, a pair of wings and a tail.The three heads are lion's head, ox's head, and thunder's head, which is unique to the wild. Its wings are eagle's wings, and its tail is a strange snake smashed into pieces by Lu Chen.

Looking at the three perfect heads, Lu Chen didn't feel much regret. At that time, Lu Chen's whole mind was on the evil cause of killing, and smashing other things was just on the way.

Moreover, even if these stone sculptures were smashed, those evil spirits could also be combined with swords. Therefore, Lu Chen had no regrets at this time, only a strong sense of war.

"God's blood can be attached to all things. Unless I smash the border city into powder, as long as the blood of God is low, the fight will be inevitable. But as long as I have enough fighting power, even if the thing attached to the blood is strong enough, I can smash it."

Lu Chen focuses on the front, and the head of the thunder beast also opens its mouth, and the sound of thunder roars earth shaking.

The fierce roar was like thunder, which broke everything in front of the thunder beast's head, which was shattered by the shock wave of the roar.

The roar spread so fast that Lu Chen couldn't dodge, but he didn't do it. Facing the roar, Lu Chen also opened his mouth and roared in front of him.


Compared with the roar of the thunder beast's head, Lu Chen's roar is not weak at all. However, the roar of the two makes it seem that there are two acoustic bombs, or the kind with shock wave. In the confrontation between Lu Chen and the thunder beast's roar, all the small objects around them are shaken away, and in an instant, the surrounding is empty.

Such a roar not only killed the debris, but the barbarian soldiers in the rear were shocked and could not go forward.

Lu Chen's sudden attack on divinity is indeed reckless, but the barbarian soldiers don't care. When Lu Chen rushes out with Lu Chen, the barbarians who worship Lu Chen immediately follow up.

It's just that Lu Chen has just been eroded for a long time, but the real time is very short. Therefore, before the barbarian soldiers rush to the front, Lu Chen digests a divinity and fights with the three monsters who are fused with the blood of God.

The continuous roar made the soldiers behind Lu Chen unable to get close at all. They could only collapse on the ground, cover their heads and keep rolling.

But at this time, Lu Chen has no mind to pay attention to the rear. All his attention is in front of him. The evil spirit of God blood has the ability to threaten Lu Chen.

He roared fiercely one after another. Lu Chen, who had enough vital capacity, roared against the evil spirit for more than 30 seconds. However, this was not the limit. Lu Chen felt that he could roar for half an hour, and it seemed that the opposite was almost the same.

But the roar is fierce, but it has no effect on both sides. After all, the battle roar is silver, and Lu Chen and the opposite are very strong.

Seeing that the battle roar is useless, Lu Chen's figure jumps up directly and soars to the sky.

[jump cut]

roar is not good, Lu Chen takes the initiative to attack.

Leaping to the height of 100 meters, after a slight pause, Lu Chen's figure fell like a cannon ball.

Not to mention the additional attack power of jumping and chopping, Lu Chen's volume is the additional kinetic energy of falling, which makes him feel like smashing everything.

However, the action of jumping and chopping is still too big. It can be used by other people to compete with the same level, but there are some disadvantages.

When Lu Chen jumped up, the three heads of the God blood monster also looked up into the air, and then, its three heads did not move, but the wings of its body, but fiercely fan up.

The fierce flutter of the wings did not let the evil spirit of blood fly, but there was an endless wind blown by it. At the same time, the blades of wind were also fanned in the direction of Lu Chen.

The strong wind from the wind gathered into a tornado. Lu Chen, who was in the sky, had not yet fallen, but was blown away.

What's more, the air wave blade, like a sword blade, slashes wildly on Lu Chen, who is in mid air but can't move.

"Bang! Bang! Bang Lu Chen's voice is constantly ringing around Lu Chen, which is the sound of the wind blade cutting on Lu Chen.

However, although the man was blown away, and he was constantly chopped by the wind blade, Lu Chen had no expression on his face, while the monster below was miserable.

No way, the God blood evil spirit clearly saw that the wind blade that was fanned by it was full of strength, but only scraped out the sparks on the monsters in the mid air.

The man seems to be made of steel. Ordinary attacks are useless.

The wind blade attack is really useless to Lu Chen. However, when people are blown away, Lu Chen's face is still a little hanging.

Exasperated, Lu Chen directly sang the sacred words and spirits.

"Justice has come, witness the highest fire!"

With Lu Chen's words, there is a red flame burning on Lu Chen's meteorite sword.

However, this is not the end of the story. While the red flame is burning, Lu Chen points to the blood and evil spirit in his long sword and recites his words again.

"In the name of justice, I declare you guilty, a wicked man hated by heaven and earth."

Gold's words and spirits contain power. With Lu Chen's words, heaven and earth seem to be repelling the evil spirit of blood. Under the exclusion, all attacks of God blood evil spirit will increase the loss, while Lu Chen's attack will be more smooth.The most obvious point is that the wind from the evil spirit of God blood is getting weaker and weaker. When it reaches Lu Chen's side, it is almost gone. This is the suppression effect of the big villain.

But the big villain is still passive. When Lu Chen recites his words, a magnificent sword burning red flame appears in the sky. It is a huge and gorgeous sword with a length of 70 meters.

The sword, like a cross, stands high above the sky, and the tip of the sword is aimed at the body of the evil spirit of God blood. At the same time, he has the will to lock the evil spirit figure. This makes God blood evil spirit understand that unless he has the space ability, he can only resist the burning myth sword.

Lu Chen, who was provided with the restoration by Avalon, saw that the jumping and chopping was not successful, so he directly offered a big sword.

"Fan, can't you blow it? Blow away my big sword and have a look!"

Landuo wayward Lu Chen doesn't want to follow the evil spirit in front of him.

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