Lu Chen, who felt that he was very smart, soon did it in his own way.

Therefore, in this silent wilderness land, there is a scene of wonder.

There was a strong wind and a flame, rising from the sky under the curtain of night.

The flaming torch (the length of dragon hunting sword) was held by a four meter tall giant in his hand. Because there was no light in the wilderness, the flame suddenly deflated to 10 meters, which was extremely attractive.

The flaming light, combined with the height of the giant and the giant sword, makes the torch like a lighthouse, which can be seen by all creatures within kilometers.

The sudden fire is like provocation. No, this is provocation. It provokes all the evil spirits around and makes them angry.

And this effect is also very good, countless black shadows are heading for the shadow of the torch.

It is Lu Chen who holds up the torch naturally. He is ready to open up a road with violence. He does not hide his meaning at all.

He is trying his best to attract evil spirits close to him, and is ready to kill them here and make a passage completely safe.

Of course, Lu Chen is not a saint and will not help the barbarians unconditionally because of their hardships.

The reason why he went deep into the wilderness and opened up a safe passage was that Lu Chen naturally hoped that the clansmen could enter the Chen tribe safely.

But it is only one reason that Chen tribe can get through to Wangting.

Another reason is that Lu Chen is eager to kill and needs to kill.

"Only by killing the enemy can I gain experience points. I who accept the system is doomed to be accompanied by blood and killing all my life."

"The achievement of my throne must be accompanied by endless steps of corpses."

"So, come on, let's all go, let's fight to the heart's content!"

When Lu Chen's murmur turns to grimace, the evil spirit of wisdom has come to Lu Chen's side.

The filthy air makes the evil spirit strange, irritable, bloodthirsty and murderous. At the same time, every evil spirit has the ability to threaten human beings.

Even, because it is too weird, human beings at the same level have little chance to win unless they are gifted.

However, while the filthy spirit strengthens the evil spirit, it also causes great damage to their sense. In the face of the enemy, even the powerful enemy, there are countless evil spirits coming.

Even if some evil spirits have reason, they will also be polluted if they are surrounded by a large number of evil spirits.

This is just like when the barbarians are fighting, even if a coward is in the team, he will be influenced by the will of the barbarians and become a reckless warrior.

The assimilation of filthy spirit is much stronger than that of barbarians. Therefore, when rational evil spirits mingle with evil spirits, their intelligence declines rapidly.

"Jie Jie (this human is very strong, be careful) "

" roar (all human beings are damned) "

" sucking away (delicious food) "

" Jie Jie (this human is very strong, but we have a lot of people, kill and kill


The large number of evil spirits makes a large number of evil spirits fearless of death, and the filthy air of many evil spirits gathering together also makes them more brave.

But this world is extraordinary world, many people, will not let them pick the fruit of victory.

As the evil spirit approaches, a blue and white figure rises from behind Lu Chen.

It was a terrible figure with a huge amount of resentment. As soon as the horror figure appeared, there was a boundless cold air diffused around, the air was getting colder, and the frost was spreading.

Soon, the air of ice and frost diffused for a long distance, turning Lu Chen into a frost hell for one kilometer.

As soon as countless evil spirits enter this area, their bodies become stiff.

At first, they can walk, but after two or three seconds, their bodies will freeze completely and become an ice sculpture.

Even more sinister, because the posture of the frozen ice sculpture is not correct, it will directly fall on the ground, and the ice sculpture will be completely broken after contacting the ground.

The horror is, with the breaking of the frost, the frozen figure will also be fragile and completely smashed with glass.

Even if frost hell appears, this is the fourth ghost Saya of frost!

With Lu Chen walking all the way, countless ice sculptures stand behind Lu Chen.

At the same time, a series of system prompts sound in Lu Chen's ear.

[the system prompts that the fourth ghost of the host, saya of frost, killed the zombies, and congratulated the host for obtaining 3 experience points]

[the system prompts that saya, the fourth ghost God of the host, killed the mutant, and congratulated the host for obtaining 7 experience points]

[the system prompts that saya, the fourth ghost God of the host, killed the locust ghost and congratulated the host for obtaining 13 experience points Value]

As long as you are close to the field of frost, you will slowly step into death.

Of course, there are also ghosts in the evil spirits.

But this evil spirit is even more miserable. The fourth ghost God, saya of frost, is not a snow girl, but a ghost with resentment.One can compare the saya of frost with the grief of frost, or the Sylvanas Windrunner of the tribe.

As a ghost, saya of frost has not only the ability to control frost, but also the ability to manipulate death.

Even, the latter is the foundation of the fourth ghost, the Saiya of frost.

Therefore, those evil spirits like ghosts will be even more miserable when they enter the field of ice and frost. If evil spirits can still carry them for several seconds, as soon as ghosts and other things come in, the ghost's body will feel a cold wind blowing.

It's going to extinguish their soul fire.

Under the dead breath of the frost saya, those ghosts will die first, which brings Lu Chen a wave of experience value.

The fourth ghost has a terrible killing effect. Of course, if it is just killing, the single first ghost, Kazan of the sword spirit, does better than the fourth ghost.

However, the fourth ghost has the ability to manipulate elements, so it has a wider range of killing.

In particular, Lu Chen also has air shock, which is the skill of power transmission in the air.

Relying on this technique, Lu Chen's frost area has a full one kilometer diffusion radius.

The huge diffusion radius not only makes Lu Chen's killing easier, but also makes 99% of his evil spirits frozen into ice sculptures outside the attack distance, making them unable to do any damage to Lu Chen.

As for the remaining one percent, they can survive the freezing of the ice and come to Lu Chen, or have the ability to attack at a very long distance.

After all, evil is not weak.

But the real attack, waiting for them is a complete despair.

In the face of a large number of attacks, Lu Chen can't even avoid them, and a large number of attacks fall on Lu Chen, let alone hurt him. Even Lu Chen's forward steps, they can't shake a cent.

This is Lu Chen now. When he walks, he can kill and ignore the attack of evil spirit.

In this way, walking alone can cause the existence of terror of killing, which is also known as - Legend, or domain strong.

Of course, the real strong players in the field are able to make changes in hundreds of kilometers of heaven and earth just by breathing.

Lu Chen takes the initiative to attack, but it can only affect a few miles, which is totally different from the legendary strong man.

"I am still too weak!"

Thinking of the strength of the realm, Lu Chen sighs, but if other people hear Lu Chen's words, they definitely have the impulse to kill him.

"If you are brave, you will have a trace of power of the strong in the field. This is weak. What are we, rubbish?"

of course, even if someone is around, they make complaints about their depression.

The countless ice sculptures around have already explained what will happen if we go against Lu Chen.

Compared with the brave realm, another strong aspect of the realm is that the breath they emit can already affect the heaven and earth.

Therefore, their territory is not consumed, but their own breath influences the natural Qi of heaven and earth.

Lu Chen needs to continuously extract Qi and blood to supply the fourth ghost and God. Of course, the existence of Avalon makes Lu Chen not worry about consumption.

"The fire of justice is just to maintain, which does not consume much. If I only maintain the frost field and the fire of justice that is not launched, I can keep on running. Moreover, there is the unity of heaven and man Well

Although he has Avalon for passive recovery, if he can, Lu Chen will open all his recovery abilities together.

This time, this time, while absorbing the aura from Avalon to maintain the consumption of the fourth ghost and God, Lu Chen was preparing to enter the state of unity of heaven and man, absorbing natural aura, restoring his own Qi and blood, and strengthening his internal organs.

But at the time of absorption, there are special circumstances.

Lu Chen entered this world in autumn, and he came to this world for several months. At this time, it was cold winter.

Therefore, Lu Chen found that after the unity of heaven and man, the fourth ghost God, Saiya, could not only absorb the natural aura, but also the breath of cold winter.

This makes the field of frost saya even colder, but it can also spread farther away. Even, there are snowflakes falling in the sky.

"Can not only the environment, but also the season, affect skills?"

The introduction of cold winter breath makes the fourth ghost stronger. In this way, Lu Chen's "exploration" road really only needs walking.

"It seems a little easy to open the road this time."

The difficulty is relative, the strength is strong, do everything naturally will feel very simple.

"In this way, I can really open up a road."

"Although there are evil spirits who will roam around at this time, if the density of evil spirits is not enough, the guards of the caravan can solve the problem by themselves. In this way, they can even do business at night."

In this world, there is no completely safe road. Even before evil comes, there are wild animals blocking the way and mountain bandits running rampant.As a result, the caravan still has some strength, and as long as Lu Chen keeps the road to the previous level, it can make countless merchants flock to it.

In order to kill evil spirits, Lu Chen can't walk too fast. Therefore, while walking, he is strengthening his internal organs. This is an open road and Lu Chen's practice.

Traveling alone for thousands of miles is a challenge as well as an opportunity.

It can be imagined that when he arrives at the royal court, Lu Chen's will will will certainly increase, and his heart may be thoroughly condensed in the process of moving forward.

Of course, there are strong evil spirits, and some of them will break through the barriers. Although Lu Chen can completely kill those evil spirits with just one sword, Lu Chen is somewhat distracted.

Later, Lu Chen simply put the first ghost, with the second ghost also released, let them wander around their own side.

In this way, even if the evil spirit can break into the ice, it will be completely killed by their two ghosts.

In this way, while "Exploring" the road, Lu Chen's cultivation speed also continued.

[the system indicates that the host's heart has absorbed the qualitative change of Qi and blood, and the heart strengthening degree is 21.3%]

[Ding, the system indicates that the first ghost of the host has killed the ghost child. Congratulations on the host's obtaining 3 experience points]

cultivation and killing have been carried out around Lu Chen.

In addition to these two harvests, the villages that have been built have brought good news to LuChen.

[Ding, the system indicates that the host belongs to the downhill pig. Kill the evil spirit. Congratulations to the host for obtaining 5 experience points]

[Ding, system prompt, host subordinate 】

in addition to killing, in places that Lu Chen could not see, there was also a pure power of faith that was constantly sucked into the divinity and stored up.

The power of faith will be the foundation for the next use of divinity.

In this way, their own killing, subordinate killing, as well as absorbing the spirit of heaven and earth, and washing their bodies with Qi and blood.

On this night, Lu Chen is trying to improve himself.

On the mid day of the month, when the time reached the early morning, Lu Chen, who had already galloped for a hundred miles, stopped for the first time.

He sensed the danger!

"Sure enough, I knew that the opening of the safe road would not be smooth sailing. Is there a decent evil coming over?"

Looking at the side, Lu Chen feels that there is a powerful evil spirit coming.

And this, also let Lu Chen have no plan to continue to move forward, standing in place, Lu Chen waiting for the arrival of evil spirit.

Of course, he didn't wait. He opened the system panel and looked at his experience value column. Lu Chen had a smile on his face.

[experience value: 207845]

[aura value: 975]

"it's really hard to walk alone for thousands of miles, but walking alone in the wilderness can also give me a lot of experience points. My own hunting income, plus the experience provided by the tribesmen, now I can improve myself again. "

When a strong enemy is approaching, Lu Chen has no mean idea.

Soon, Lu Chen consumed his experience value.

However, Lu Chen did not use experience value to change his internal organs, nor did he consume experience value to improve his gold skill proficiency.

The experience value of 200000 is too little, and it is not obvious to strengthen these improvements, especially visceral training. The 200000 experience value is just a drop in the bucket.

Lu Chen's promotion this time is the level, his main occupation - swordsman: the level of the great swordsman. , the fastest update of the webnovel!