"Raid from the ground, looking for death."

In the ferocious laughter, Lu Chen raised his big foot and stomped fiercely toward the ground.

"Break it for me!"

"Boom" is another big bang, but after this loud noise, the shaking of the earth suddenly stopped.

The bulges that want to rush out of the ground are directly trampled by the concussion force of Lu Chen.

With one foot, Lu Chen completely suppressed the evil movement.

Moreover, under that foot, the Basilisk's skull inserted into the ground was also severely damaged. As to why we could guess, it was the Basilisk who screamed again.

Two strikes in a row, the Basilisk has been hit hard, which makes the irascible it more angry.

But there is no time for it to be angry. The judgment sword hanging in the sky has fallen with red flame.

He looked at Lu Chenyi fiercely 8 Sixteen eyes, the evil spirit raised his head high and spurted out madly towards the sky.

For a time, countless flames, frost, wind, poison, like fireworks, bloomed in the sky, and even two heads suddenly grew bigger and longer, biting the past toward the sky from two directions.

The evil spirit, unexpectedly, has to contend with the judgment sword.

And it really has the ability to resist the mythical giant sword. Although the red flame of the judgment sword is melted when it contacts with it, its melting also makes the flame around the judgment sword fade. When the judgment sword falls to a certain distance, the two blue heads of the snake monster are directly entangled and bitten.

The high temperature of the "Chi" judgment sword is burning evil, but the snake monster itself is huge enough. After the head becomes larger, it can be equal to the mythical sword of nearly 100 meters.

As a result, the two heads actually entangled the mythical giant sword, and even bit the giant sword, which made the sword burst out a burst of "cluck" sound.

Although at the last moment, the mythical sword still fell down, but it was hit continuously, and the judgment sword just made a wound on the snake monster.


when the mythical sword was broken, the snake monster was neighing at Lu Chen. Although he did not activate his divinity, he could not master the language of all things. Lu Chen also understood that it was the mockery of the snake monster.

And this, also let Lu Chen face completely black down.

"Is that what makes you so happy to be able to block my judgment, basilisk?"

With endless killing voice, from LuChen's mouth, but this did not let the snake monster have a trace of movement, its huge body, like a mountain peak, again hit LuChen.

But just a breath, its swimming body stopped, because, above the dark night, light up again.

The mythical sword, which has just been broken up, once again hangs high in the sky and faces the well-known wilderness with endless brilliance.

At this time, Lu Chen with a little crazy voice, just sounded again.

"Can you block it? Keep blocking it for me!"


With the sound of demacia, the huge sword like a missile, with a red tail flame fell down again toward the earth.

"Boom" is a huge noise in front of the sky.

This time, the trial sword was still resisted, but the two heads of the snake monster were completely blown up by the mythical sword.

Of course, there are many heads of the snake monster. While resisting the evil spirit, there are also two blue heads that hit Lu Chen fiercely.

Lu Chen's four meter body was directly hit by a train. Of course, the snake monster's head was also hard to bear. When it hit Lu Chen's head, Lu Chen's huge sword directly cut a gap.

On the other side of the head, dozens of punches were punched by the voice of Euler.

But the Basilisk is really ferocious. After the injury, its head is recovering rapidly.

However, the snake monster was terrible, and Lu Chen was not weak either. After spitting out a mouthful of blood, Lu Chen raised his sword again and pointed to the evil body.

At the same time, there is a crazy voice from Lu Chen's mouth.

"In the name of justice..."


the continuous mythical sword makes the snake monster afraid.

Although it used to fight with the enemy with its huge body and super recovery ability, this time, it felt that it would die.

The snake monster, stimulated by death, rushes towards LuChen crazily. Eight sarcomatous skulls are constantly lengthening and hoarse towards landing Chen from all directions.

In this regard, the first, second, third, and fourth ghosts and gods around Lu Chen all appeared, and the double and platinum star also appeared behind Lu Chen.

In terms of multi-faceted combat capability, Lu Chen is not weak.

But as well as the domestic crazy Lu Chen, but did not fight with evil spirit.

Lu Chen, who was ridiculed, was completely furious.

He's going to kill the snake monster with the mythical sword.

Of course, before summoning the mythical sword, Lu Chen had to break free from the siege of snake monsters.In this regard, Lu Chen didn't let other evil spirits stop him. Instead, he lifted his sword and stepped forward.

"Boom", "boom", "boom", "boom"

there are eight consecutive sounds.

It was the power brought by the eight heads of the snake monster, but although the attack was fierce, it did not hurt Lu Chen Fen Fen Fen.

After stepping out one step, Lu Chen's figure appeared directly behind the snake monster.

When the attack fails, the snake monster also senses that it wants to turn its head at the first time. But just now, in order to attack Lu Chen for the first time, its head stretches very long. Therefore, in the face of Lu Chen's cry, he can't turn around in time.

"In the name of justice, demacia!"

Under Lu Chen's cry, there is a red light on the sky.

Looking up at the huge sword falling from the sky, even though the snake monster's temperament was full of mania, looking at Lu Chen's eyes, also with a trace of fear.

Even if the snake monster has a clear consciousness, it will definitely feel that Lu Chen is more like a monster than it is.

It's not a monster. It's not a monster.

However, no matter how the snake monster in front of him thinks, Lu Chen's attack has been sent out, and it must also be received.

Its only prayer is that this time the mythical sword is the last.

But its desire was soon dashed, when the mythical sword exploded again and the Basilisk recovered.

Lu Chen recites the voice of Yan Ling, and rings again.

This makes the snake monster dare not waste time, dragging the seriously injured body, it is rushing towards Lu Chen at a high speed.

But the scene just now shows again. Although the snake monster attacks fiercely, before it attacks, Lu Chen steps out of his shadow, and his figure disappears again. There are only innumerable shadows pulled out by Lu Chen.

However, this time, the snake monster was clever. It only had three heads to attack. Therefore, the remaining several heads found the monster in front of him. It was dragging a dragon shaped light and shadow, and moving rapidly with countless shadows. Only then did it avoid its own attack.

And many heads, also let the snake monster in the first attack failed, again toward Lu Chen bite.

However, just as it was biting, Lu Chen was wrapped by the dragon shaped light and shadow, turned the direction directly, and flashed away from the head of the snake monster.

Moreover, when Lu Chen flashed by, a painful hissing came from the other mouths of the snake monster.

Surrounded by dragon shaped light and shadow, Lu Chen not only moves very fast, but also has attack ability when moving.

In an instant, he was far away from the snake monster's attack, but Lu Chen's fast-moving figure did not stop. With a dragon shaped light and shadow, Lu Chen "Shua", "Shua" continuously moved several times, turning around countless directions.

"You can't catch me!"

After continuously dodging the frantic attack of the snake monster, Lu Chen, wrapped by the dragon shaped light and shadow, rushed directly to the edge of the battlefield.

After standing still, Lu Chen points to the long sword in his hand and points to the multi headed snake monster again.

With Lu Chen's action, the sky once again bloomed with boundless light.

What if a missile can't kill the enemy?

"Of course, it's going to continue bombing. One shot can't do two rounds, two rounds can't make four rounds. As long as the ammunition is stored enough, there's no evil spirit that it won't die."

With this simple concept, relying on the rapid movement of dragon shaped light and shadow, Lu Chen constantly bombards the snake monster.

"I don't believe it. If I have Avalon to provide energy, I can't blow you to death!"

The terror bombing has been going on, but the Basilisk has been unable to hold on. Its body is strong and powerful, and it has super strong regeneration ability.

But this ability is restrained by the fire of justice, and its blown head has a flame burning on it, which greatly weakens its immortality.

What's more, the Basilisk doesn't feel the signs of the monster's exhaustion in front of him, which makes him unable to see the hope of victory.

The speed is completely exploded, and the ability of breathing back is not as good as that of the opposite side, which makes the snake monster understand thoroughly that the person in front is not a lamb to be slaughtered, but disguised as a sheep, but a monster more terrible than it.

"Hiss (I was cheated) "

" hiss (but kill me, you don't want to be better) "

when there is a judgment sword in the sky, the snake monster no longer resists, but looks forward to the front.

With its visual inspection, the remaining damaged head is mostly integrated into its yellowish brown head, with only one Black Skull remnant.

Then, the head of the earthy yellow snake monster, which soared several times, opened his indifferent pupils and stared at Lu Chen.

That black head, is toward Lu Chen issued a hissing sound.


Suddenly the sound of hissing, with a temptation to people's ability, can not help but look at the direction of the snake monster, although the next moment Lu Chen reflected, and ready to mobilize the will to resist.

But it was this look that Lu Chen saw the snake monster's eyes.

At the moment when he saw the snake monster's eyes, Lu Chen's body became stiff. At the same time, there were gray stones spreading on Lu Chen's body."Petrochemical capability, Medusa..."

The gray stone continues to spread towards Lu Chen's body, which makes the snake monster in front of him relax a little.

"Hiss, hisses (I can resist a sword. Human beings can't resist my Petrochemical ability, so I won. "

because of the victory, the evil spirit is a little relaxed.

But at the moment when it relaxed, it was staring at Lu Chen's eyes and suddenly saw a terrible phantom.

The phantom is a little vague, but the feeling of fear lingers in the Basilisk's heart.

But as the image came into view, the snake monster only felt that the phantom seemed to be mapped into his own heart, which made it feel the arrival of great terror.

Evil spirit has visual ability, so does Lu Chen.

Once the horror into the snake monster's body is sent out, it can't be contained. The ferocious illusion constantly absorbs the fear it sends out in the snake monster's body.

There are other consciousness in the body, and the evil consciousness keeps rising, which makes the irascible snake monster more afraid.

And this, also let the phantom in the snake monster's heart, absorb more fear.

Under the vicious circle, the phantom soared in a short time in the body of the basilisk, and could manipulate the body slightly.

Naturally, the Basilisk would not agree to this. Under the dispute between the two wills, its external body could not move.

At this time, the judgment sword in the sky has fallen completely.

In the "boom" violent explosion, the snake monster's largest head was directly blown into pieces by Lu Chen.

While the snake monster's largest head was completely blown to death, Lu Chen's body was recovering rapidly.

Petrochemical ability is very strong, ordinary people will be completely petrified into stone, once the stone body is broken, that person will also die completely.

But Lu Chen is different. His body endoplasmic changes into Qi and blood, which makes Lu Chen's body surface fossilized.

When the snake monster's largest head was blown to pieces, Lu Chen's heart beat violently. As the blood flowed through his body, Lu Chen's body recovered.

However, the victorious Lu Chen did not look happy. He did not hear the sound of the system.

Looking ahead, Lu Chen found that a black line in the cover of the night, with a very fast speed toward the distance.

"The last black head? It's hard to kill this snake monster."

Glancing at the snake monster's body, Lu Chen's body moves. With the strong wind, he chases in front of him.

But after only running for three seconds, Lu Chen frowned.

"Too soon."

Yes, the separated dark snake is too fast. What makes Lu Chen frown is that it wants to escape rather than attack.

Lu Chen, who didn't have the first time to react, couldn't use the Vientiane sky guide to capture it.

"Sure enough, the Vientiane Tianyin is not invincible. If the enemy of the agile system escapes with one mind, my Vientiane Tianyin cannot catch it."

"But fortunately, I have just learned a skill in the Department of breakthrough."

With these words, Lu Chen suddenly took a breath. Then, in a burst of applause, Lu Chen stepped out of the room and was surrounded by a dragon shaped light and shadow. Then, under the package of light and shadow, Lu Chen took the remnants of the road and made a sudden advance towards the pig ahead.

Lu Chen is also maintaining the form of attack.

As you can see, a dragon shaped wave envelops LuChen, and everything blocking Lu Chen's front is completely crushed by Lu Chen.

In this way, with an irresistible momentum of smashing everything, Lu Chen, wrapped in a dragon shaped wave, suddenly attacked 200 meters away.

After stopping for a tenth of a second, Lu Chen's figure starts again and pours forward.

In this way, taking 200 meters as a section, Lu Chen made ten consecutive raids, and in an instant he crossed a distance of two kilometers.

And even at this point, Lu Chen can continue to advance, but no longer needed.

After ten sections of sudden advance, the shadow of the dark snake has already caught Lu Chen's eyes.

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