"Good harvest

Lu Chen, happy with his experience, also looks ahead. There, a village is being protected by the totem field.

"I ran into a village. The Apocalypse tells me to save it!"

The arrival of Lu Chen is of course. He has been going straight. He was originally ready to rush directly to the king's court.

But in the process of walking, the sky starts for a while, which makes Lu Chen follow the feeling and slightly deviate the direction.

It is this deviation that makes Lu Chen save the knife column and the village in front of him.

"Is it just a village rescue? Forget it. It's getting light. It's time to have a rest."

Merchants walk in the daytime and rest at night, but they mainly transport goods.

Lu Chen is different. What he wants is to explore the road. Therefore, during the day without evil, Lu Chen does not want to walk.

"No, I can walk in the daytime. If I walk in the shadow land, I can clear the evil spirits during the day."

Thinking like this, Lu Chen did not act immediately, but prepared to take a rest before moving forward.

"The place of shadow is fine, but below the shadow is the place of nightmare. There are some absurd things, and there are many evil things that can actively cross into the shadow land."

Once a castle in the lake, Lu Chen understood the danger of the shadow land.

Therefore, he is ready to move forward from the shadow land when the spirit is fed up.

While Lu Chen was thinking, there was a sound in front of Lu Chen.

"Are you human or evil?"

"People, of course."

Shaking his body for a while, Lu Chen's figure shrinks quickly. Soon a handsome young man, two meters high, appears in front of the knife pillar.

He put all the three ghosts away, just like Lu Chen, an ordinary man, smiling at the knife column.

"If I was evil, you would have died long ago. Let's go. After a hard day's work, I'm going to go to your village to have a rest."

He hesitated for a moment, but soon he said, "you are welcome. May I have your name?"

Dao Zhu didn't want to let strangers into his village. However, considering that the person in front of him did not show malice, what's more, his strength was too strong to stop him from breaking into the sword pole, so he agreed.

"Of course, my name Chen, um, it's your prince. It's only a few months since I became a prince. You don't know..."

"Chen, you are the prince Chen's highness, the invincible Prince Chen of the same rank."

"Well, how do you know my name? It doesn't mean that the business route is cut off and you can't get information from other places?"

The other party's exclamation surprised Lu Chen. He didn't expect to hear his reputation here.

"The trade route is indeed cut off, but we have totem pillars. From Wu Zhu, we heard about your deeds."

In the conversation, they confirmed Lu Chen's identity, which also made them more happy.

Soon, a group of people returned to the village.

At this time, the sky has already lit up, and a large number of villagers of Zhu village are gathered around the entrance of the village, praying for the return of Dao Zhu and the young people he brought.

The pillar of the sword is the pillar of this place, and those young people are the foundation of this place. As long as people live here, they don't want these people to die.

At the same time, more and more people know that the Dao pillar goes out of the village to eliminate evil spirits.

Once the sword column fails, it means that some people will be displaced. In this case, many people pray very devoutly.

And it was in such piety that Lu Chen and others entered the village.

Looking at the worried people, Dao Zhu couldn't help but let out a cheer.

"Evil spirit has been denounced."

As soon as the words came out, the scene was silent for a moment, and then, cheers and praise surrounded the knife column.

"Patriarch, have you defeated the evil spirit?"

"I knew that the patriarch would not fail."

The sound of cheering made Dao Zhu's face a little embarrassed. He stopped the clansman's shouting and pushed Lu Chen out.

"It was not me who killed the evil spirit, but his Highness Prince Chen, who passed by here and helped us clean up the evil spirit."

"Well, don't push me out."

In front of the village, Lu Chen was entangled by the people here for a long time before finding a room to rest.

Of course, although Lu Chen said that he could find a room at will, the patriarch here still made the best room available. Although, even the best room is not very beautiful.

Ignoring the disturbance of the outside world, Lu Chen himself quickly fell into a deep sleep.


The protection of the two ghosts and gods makes Lu Chen's deep sleep undisturbed.

Three hours later, around eight in the morning, Lu Chen was awake.

At this time, his spirit, body, Qi and blood were all restored, which also means that Lu Chen can start again.Originally, Lu Chen was prepared not to disturb others, but after waking up, Lu Chen found that the witch wish and the clan chief's knife pillar were guarding outside the house, which made Lu Chen embarrassed to leave without saying goodbye.

"Come in!"

"Did we wake your highness? Really right... "

"Don't apologize. I wake up naturally from sleep. What can I do for you?"

Lu Chen, who is not ready to waste his time, asks directly.

After a direct question, the person in charge of the place looked at each other. Finally, the witch Zhu here said, "we are here to thank your highness. At the same time, we want to know why your highness travels at night. Is there anything we can do for you?"

"See me at night, think I'm in trouble, want to help? The people here are not bad. "

It's always pleasant to meet people who know how to be grateful. Therefore, Lu Chen said directly, "I know your kindness, but I have nothing to do. I just go out to get through the road between my tribe and the royal court."

"You know, I'm building a village, and I'm going to take people back. It's hard to walk on land. I'm going to go there first..."

Lu Chen talked about his village building, but he didn't care too much about exploring the road.

But did not expect is, his words have not finished, Zhu Village's Witch wish and knife pillar suddenly stood up.

"To connect the two places, your highness, you want to open up a safe road."

"Well, what's the matter?"

Lu Chen, who lives in the 21st century of the Chinese dynasty, has not yet understood what a safe road means in this era because he can travel with him without hindrance on all roads.

That's the line of life and the road of money!

Even the barbarian tribes need to trade with other places. Moreover, if there is a safe life line, the barbarians don't have to turn to Wang Ting for help when they are in danger. They can gather the fighting power of several villages to protect the villages.

It can be said that after the road is opened, the village will be much better.

Not to mention, most of the roads are deserted now. Once there is a safe road connected, countless businessmen will rush in.

In this way, as long as you follow the safe road, the cost of accommodation alone will make a lot of money for these village roads.

It can be said that as long as there are safe roads and some special minerals in the two places, there will be no poverty here.

However, although a safe road has many advantages, it is not easy to open the road.

Even if the roads here may remain dangerous, ordinary cities and towns can't open a road.

Only the real big tribes have enough strength.

No way. If you want to get through the road, you have to face countless dangers in the wilderness. You can't do it without enough strength.

Lu Chen is an accident. First of all, he is very strong, which enables Lu Chen to deal with most of the dangers.

But the most important thing is the existence of Avalon.

Without the resilience provided by Avalon, Lu Chen could only move forward one hour a day, and then rest.

In this way, he would like to open a road, become far away.

Even if Lu Chen's strength is not as strong as Avalon, he can't open a safe road, which is enough to prove how difficult it is to build a road in this era, but because of its scarcity, it is so precious to build one.

At this time, whether it's the knife column or the witch wish, they all feel that the place is going to change.

"If there's a road connecting us here, we'll be completely safe."

This is Wu Zhu's idea, and Dao Zhu thinks more.

After his face changed for a while, he gritted his teeth and said directly, "Your Highness, I don't know if you need a Village attached to you. Our village is willing to follow your highness."

"Are you willing to follow me, sure?"

Lu Chen was surprised by the decision of Dao Zhu.

In the wilderness, most of the villages belong to Wangting, but there are also some villages that belong to the nearby Lords.

But for those tribes to submit, most need war.

No way. Tribal affiliation is not a matter of words, but more about interests.

If there are tribes attached to other lords, those lords can levy taxes on the tribes they submit to.

There are still two taxes, one is the royal court, the other is the Lord.

So, if possible, no tribe is willing to submit to other lords.

But in the face of Lu Chen's question, Dao Zhu's answer is somewhat decisive.

"We will."

After saying that, as if afraid of Lu Chen's misunderstanding, he took the initiative to say:

"Your Highness, this crisis has taught me that we can't stand in the wilderness, only under the protection of the strong can we survive. Your highness, you are very strong, so we are willing to submit."With a deep look at him, Lu Chen hesitated a little and nodded his approval.

"Yes, I agree."

"However, I will consult with you on the specific issues when I take them back to the tribe. Now, I will continue to open up the road."

So said, a black ghost figure suddenly appeared behind Lu Chen, rolled Lu Chen's body, and the ghost and Lu Chen disappeared.

Looking at Lu Chen who suddenly disappears, Dao Zhu and Wu Zhu look around in horror for a long time.

"What a strong ability, worthy of your royal highness."

Looking at the place where Lu Chen disappeared, Wu Zhu pulled the knife pillar to a room nearby, frowned and opened his mouth toward the knife pillar: "do you really want to surrender? We don't have a lot of supplies, so we probably can't pay two taxes. "

This makes Dao Zhu smile bitterly: "it's no good if you don't submit. Your Royal Highness has spared no effort to open up a safe road, and it's a good thing to pass through our tribe. But it is also a disaster. Other tribes will not allow us to take in a lot of benefits. "

There is another word that Dao Zhu did not say, that is, he was afraid that he would not surrender now, and that he would be conquered by his royal highness. At that time, as a conquered village, they had to pay more.

"Even if the prince's Royal Highness is kind, the son of his Highness's leader will not let our tribe go. It is better to be controlled by his royal highness than to submit to the son of the prince."

Barbarians are not all fools. There are always some smart people there.

The blade column is half, so he thinks a lot about it. As for the material that Wu Zhu is worried about, he doesn't worry too much.

"As long as your highness opens up the road and supplies a little, we will soon make money."


Lu Chen still can't understand the mind of Dao Zhu.

Although there are other people's reminders, Lu Chen has not fully understood the significance of a safe road. Therefore, he is still trying to open the road for the people to come.

In order to get to the king's court quickly and to kill, Lu Chen enters the shadow land, which is still gray and full of evil spirits.

Without polite meaning, he summoned the fourth ghost God, Saiya of frost. After he launched the field of frost, Lu Chen let go of his breath and let out a roar with anger, attracting the arrival of evil spirits.

Later, Lu Chen, accompanied by the cold wind and frost, marched towards the royal court step by step.

The shadow land is obviously more evil than at night, but it does not pose a threat to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen is not proud of this. He knows very well that the outside danger at night may be very high, but actually it belongs to the inland.

Before, Lu Chen had wondered why the strong man of barbarians didn't sweep the earth, even if the peace was short.

Later, Lu Chen understood that it was not that the barbarians didn't want to, but that they didn't have enough strength to do it.

Evil invasion, the most dangerous is not in this world, even in the night of this world, is only affected.

The first battlefield for human beings to resist evil is in the treacherous situation.

The strange environment is the intersection of the polluted world and the present world. The endless filthy breath comes from the strange environment.

As for the mysterious situation, no matter where the human beings are, they all hold the attitude of extermination.

However, some of them have grown up, and there is still a world behind them. Endless evil spirits are pouring into them, and human beings can never kill them.

And this, also let a large number of strong human beings, are stationed in the strange situation.

After all, if the mysterious state is occupied by evil spirits, there will be a huge amount of filthy gas from it into the world.

If the number of mysterious places controlled by evil spirits increases, the situation of peace in the day and danger at night will be completely changed.

At that time, the filthy air will form a thick fog to cover the sun, and then there will be no day.

At this point, the world is really over.

Therefore, the real strong are all in the treacherous realm. Outside, only some evil spirits wandering around and the filthy gas leaked from the mysterious state have contaminated the worldly goods and formed a new evil spirit.

The formation time of these new evil spirits is still very short, so Lu Chen will feel relaxed.

"After building the village well, I will also clean up the strange situation. I hope to break one. As long as the strange situation is broken, the reward of heaven and earth will come as scheduled. At that time, I will not only gain experience value, but also gain Qi value."

"Although it is more difficult to break the long-standing situation, once it is broken, it will bring a lot of harvest."

Time comes, heaven and earth work together. Heroes are not free!

This luck is Qi Yun. If you don't squander it wantonly, it can make you healthy all your life.

"Forget it, I don't want to do so much, but I still keep going Well, does that feel to you? "

Turning his head, Lu Chen finds that the black shadow attached to his back has been solidified at this time.

The third ghost, Kaijia of the shadow, advanced!www.novelhold.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!