"This is to maintain the fire of justice with the power of faith. She is worthy of being an angel. Even if she is not a God, Kyle belongs to a demigod. Justice and protection should be her priesthood."

Lu Chen is not too surprised that Kyle is a demigod or even a God. After all, other people's moves are gold, and her e-skill is gold. This gap is obvious.

Because he often used them, Lu Chen already understood the skills, so after upgrading the three gold skills, Lu Chen spent 30000 experience points.

However, his good luck has stopped. Although Lu Chen has used other gold skills, his proficiency is not very high. Therefore, the experience value of other skills is more than 50000.

Even if you die only once, you need 100000 energy.

As for the intermediate level to the advanced level, the bottom line is a million.

Looking over gold, Lu Chen looks at silver. There, Lu Chen's skills have changed greatly, and two of them are even more brilliant.

[jump chop: perfect]

[fatal strike: perfect]

when there is no Avalon, the starting point is jump chop, which is Lu Chen's starting action. Such behavior also makes the jump chop level increase rapidly. In the process of traveling alone for thousands of miles, this skill breaks the shackles and reaches the perfect state.

As for the fatal blow, it is easier.

Whenever Lu Chen holds a long sword in his hand, the fatal attack of mutation makes Lu Chen concentrate his body's essence and spirit and keep himself in the best state as long as he holds the sword.

This skill can be used to reach LuChen for a long time.

However, although it is happy to arrive at the completion, silver breakthrough gold not only needs experience value, but also needs to complete the trial training task.

However, it is not easy to practice these two skills.

[the host can find the 10000 meter peak and try its best to take off from the peak. During the falling process, the host can not use any deceleration skill. When the host does not die when falling on the ground, the skill can be upgraded.

[Note: this test is extremely dangerous, and the host should start training from the 100 meter peak as appropriate]

in the process of falling, the host can not use any deceleration skill“ You don't have to say that. "

Ten thousand meters take-off, can not slow down, even if Lu Chen has the blessing of the feast and steel, also do not feel that he can survive.

However, after pondering for a while, Lu Chen finds that he is not without the possibility of taking a shortcut.

"If I jump from ten thousand meters, even I will die, but others will die, and I will be reborn."

"When there is no enemy, you can try it."

The experiment must be done in idle time. Rebirth is a guarantee. Lu Chen will not consume the times of rebirth at will.

It's a man's 10000 meter jump, but to be honest, Lu Chen still has hope to finish.

And the fatal blow was a headache for Lu Chen.

This skill is not impossible to complete, but Lu Chen's situation conflicts with this skill.

[the system indicates that the host's critical strike has reached the completion, and the trial task has been opened: limit breakthrough. Only after the completion of the trial can the host continue to improve the critical strike level]

[extreme breakthrough]

[fatal strike is to gather all the strength in the body, and the critical strike at the satisfactory level has condensed all the strength in the host body at one point Each hit of the host is the peak of its own strength. If the body is not damaged, the strength will never weaken. If you want to break through again, the host needs to break its own limit.

[if you break your own limit in any way, you can complete the test task]

[Note: there are two ways to break through the limit, one is to train hard to make yourself feel tired, only in the body When the body is tired, the host can insist on the will to let the body go through the past, so slowly improve, and after reaching a certain level, the host can complete the trial exercise]

[the second is that there is a great terror between life and death, and the host can break through its own limit in the crisis of life and death]

compared with the past, the maximum power of the perfect level has not changed much, after all, it is a silver skill It is impossible to let Lu Chen's strength soar ten times out of thin air.

But the maximum output did not change, Lu Chen's minimum limit was raised.

Now, Lu Chen's every blow is his greatest effort.

But it is also because every hit is the maximum effort, the fatal hit can not be promoted, only advanced.

After the game is transformed into reality, the trial task is not to increase the difficulty randomly, it is that the test task will appear only after the skill reaches the completion and has the bottleneck.

And the trial task is the system to make the bottleneck concrete.

It's like a trial task: if a man is to descend 10000 meters, this is a jump. If you want to reach the golden level, you have to fall from a height of 10000 meters to have such a task.

And it's the same with limit breaking.

Of course, Lu Chen prefers to call it "opening the gene lock"."There is great terror between life and death. Shit, isn't this the operation of infinite terror?"

Although there are two ways to unlock the gene lock, the first is that Lu Chen's possession of Avalon is very difficult to complete. Sometimes, the inexhaustible energy is also a kind of restriction. Of course, this kind of restriction is just like the money can't realize the happiness of hard work. How much such a restriction comes, how much Lu Chen wants.

The second is that Lu Chen doesn't want to die.

There is no choice for the reincarnation team in infinite terror. They must do so. But we should not only look at the growth of the protagonist, but also see how many people died in such a crisis.

If you go to a decisive battle between life and death, you may die accidentally.

"I prefer the big to the small."

"The first one conflicts with my situation, and the second one can't be used. It's a little difficult!"

Thinking like this, Lu Chen glanced at a circle of skills, and soon, his eyes looked at a shining colorful light of the name of the skill - feast.

"To break through my own limit, isn't the feast to let me swallow up alien creatures, so as to break my own limit?"

"No, I've broken it several times. Why hasn't this task been completed yet?"

At this time, Lu Chen's feast bonus has changed from: ordinary bonus (33) elite bonus (14) epic bonus (28)

to: ordinary bonus (33) elite bonus (34) epic bonus (28)

on the way over, Lu Chen swallowed two elite creatures and got two bonus, of course, there were no eight snakes.

"Feast evolution needs to swallow all the remains of life into its own. The eight snakes are 200 meters long. I'll swallow them with my head."

Although there are no eight snakes, Lu Chen has broken the limit eight times. Now, Lu Chen's normal body is 4.5 meters.

The reason why xiaoweihai can help him massage behind Lu Chen is because the size of Ruyi is shrinking.

He doesn't understand why he hasn't broken the gene lock after eight times of advancement.

Frowning and thinking for a long time, Lu Chen has a conjecture in his mind.

"My essence is too high, not enough now."

Being large has great benefits and great worries.

For example, Lu Chen's body size is too large, and the Qi and blood in his body is more than ten times that of other people. However, due to his large size, Lu Chen now needs more than ten times as much energy as other people.

And that's the same for genetic breakthroughs.

"Those ordinary ordinary people are very weak, but they can easily break their own limits. Of course, even if they break the gene lock, they can only overthrow the car in a burst of will, and then they are more likely to die due to gene collapse."

"I have a golden blood, and I get a feast, especially the latter. It directly brings my essence to the level of myth. Therefore, if I swallow up the advanced level, I can only complete myself and break my own limit by swallowing the complete mythical creatures."

Thinking of this, Lu Chen people are a bit silly.

"Mythical creatures, there are mythical creatures for me to swallow, and the epic level of the gods killed my life, how strong the son of God must be

From speculation, Lu Chen feels uncomfortable, but this is how much he thinks.

When the kingdom of God fell, the essence of the God emissary was not as high as the son of the God, but this is not to say that the God envoy is not as good as the son of God.

After all, the old God envoys are strong fighters who have been fighting for countless years, and their fighting experience is much better than ordinary Shenzi. Moreover, the gods at that time have a divinity in their mind, which is not available to ordinary Shenzi.

Of course, Shenzi also has advantages, that is, under the same circumstances, Shenzi has the physical quality beyond the ordinary, and the struggle between the God emissary and the Shenzi is the physical quality versus the fighting skills.

Lu Chen, who has a feast, can only advance by swallowing the completed body, which also represents one thing, that is, Lu Chen, also known as the son of God.

The confrontation between him and the son of God is a direct confrontation, rather than relying on his blood to crush Lu Chen.

Of course, Lu Chen didn't think of it. He shook his head. Lu Chen gave up thinking about these things and took a look at himself again.

After thinking about it for a while, Lu Chen bit his teeth and smashed a lot of experience values on the big swordsman.

"My main occupation is swordsman. I can't forget the root!"

[the system indicates that the host consumed 60000 experience points, and the level of the great swordsman has been upgraded to level 6]

[the system indicates that the host consumed 70000 experience points, and the level of the great swordsman has been upgraded to level 7]

so far, there are still 200000 experience points left in strengthening the three gold skills, and only 70000 experience points are left in a flash.

If you can't improve your calendar value, you can't keep it.

"Although I can't fight in the king's court, some people in the tribe provide me with experience value. In two days, I can upgrade the swordsman to level 8."

After the promotion, Lu Chen was just about to relax. Suddenly, he felt that there was a small hand behind him, touching some taboo places.Turning her head around, Lu Chen finds that Xiaowei is blushing and her eyes are closed, but her hands are sticking to some places that can't be said clearly.

Lu Chen shook his head at the lovely appearance that he did not dare to see but still insisted on.

Direct curved finger in her small head to play a bit, see her tears, Lu Chen said with a smile: "OK, you are still small, don't think too much."

"I've grown up. I can get married when I'm 13, whether it's Yunzhou or our people."

Lu Chen is speechless. Because of the high risk and small population, there is no DINK saying that if he does not marry, he will be fined or even imprisoned.

However, even so, Lu Chen did not dare to take Xiaowei.

His body is too strong, so red butterfly has some special skills, so Lu Chen can enjoy himself a little.

And Wei has no skills. Lu Chen is afraid that she doesn't control her strength when she is excited. It is likely that the happy event will become nothing but a thought.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen opened his mouth directly to Xiaowei: "go back to find your sister hongdie and let her teach you how to practice Kung Fu. When you have finished practicing, you can't run away."

"Well, thank you, my Lord."

When they were laughing, red butterfly came.

Well dressed, she listened to Lu Chen's words and directly agreed with a smile.

"Xiaowei's sister will be handed over to me."

After that, she massaged Lu Chen with Xiao Wei and took out a map.

"My Lord, are you limited in your ability to transmit?"

"Yes, I have to have a totem pole with my name on it before it can be transmitted."

"Well, since it's not a distance limit, but a totem pole, we don't have to set up around wolf yuan."

Pointing to the map, hongdie said:

"husband, you have opened a commercial road. We can set up several villages on the commercial road as supply stations..."

Ji hongdie said a lot, and Lu Chen, who has seen some things from the Internet, soon understood the benefits.

Scattered establishment can make Chen tribe's sphere of influence spread far away.

But in turn, Lu Chen thought of something and said to Ji hongdie frankly:

"when I came, I passed by several villages, and some villages' dangers were cleared by me, and they had already submitted to me."

This words, let Ji hongdie a Leng, but immediately, her face showed the color of worship.

"It's my impoliteness. My husband is wise and powerful. I had expected such a thing for a long time."

Such praise makes Lu Chen's face a little hot.

When he came, he didn't think so much. He just relied on the Apocalypse to go and kill the evil spirit.

When Lu Chen is embarrassed, the voice of red butterfly rings.

"Husband, have all the villages on the road succumbed?"

"No, only those in danger are willing to submit to me."

Such an answer made Ji hongdie sigh, but soon, she said, "my husband, I know you treat people with sincerity, but conquering those villages is the best choice."

"Only you can protect them. If there is an accident in the commercial road, your highness can also rely on the totem pole with your name engraved on it

Ji hongdie said a lot, and Lu Chen thought for a while, also nodded to agree with her idea.

"I see. Tell the sons of the princes to do these things."

Later, Lu Chen simply no longer cares about these trivia, but directly pulls Ji hongdie into the bath.

In this way, in Lu Chen's relaxation and red butterfly's plea, the night passed quickly.


The next day, Lu Chen, who had expected to stay for a few days, found that Ji hongdie was really capable. She had already arranged everything in the royal court.

The supplies, the first group of people who passed by, and the caravans that were ready to go with the past, everything was ready, waiting for Lu Chen to leave.

Therefore, Lu Chen, who arrived at Wangting, found that after a night's rest, he could immediately return to the village.

"My husband, if you are tired, you can rest here for a few days. We are all ready for another two weeks. This time is not urgent."

Lu Chen is the core of the tribe, his will represents everything, but Lu Chen has no idea of rest.

"Let's go!"

With the light of the day, Lu Chen, bathed in sunshine, left the royal court with a large team of 20000 people and headed for the wilderness.

Lu Chen, who originally planned to take only a few thousand people, pulled all of them in one breath.

One reason is that Lu Chen feels that his road is very safe, and the other is that he did not expect his appeal to be so strong.

"Shit, there are 8000 soldiers. I think that evil spirit dares to come here."

Originally, Lu Chen thought that his return was hundreds of soldiers guarding thousands of people.

But after he really arrived at the royal court, Lu Chen found that he thought too much. The barbarians worshipped the strong, and this was even more so among the soldiers.During the period of military deployment in the Imperial City, many soldiers were beaten by Lu Chen. Because of the barbarian character, they were not angry, but worshipped Lu Chen, who was invincible at the same level.

Later, as Lu Chen's deeds were fermented in the royal court, those soldiers worshipped Lu Chen even more.

Even young soldiers from other tribes took the initiative to join Lu Chen's team after learning about Lu Chen's heroic deeds.

In this case, together with Ji hongdie's strict screening, Lu Chen recruited 20000 people, including more than 8000 soldiers with extraordinary strength.

With refugees, with soldiers, it's totally different.

The former, Lu Chen needs to be submissive and dare not have a trace of carelessness.

But now, the evil spirit does not say to provoke him, Lu Chen even wants to take the team to attack hard, clean up all the ghosts and snakes.

Lu Chen thought so and did it. During the day, they were on their way.

Lu Chen's people were not very tired because there were animal trainers in the team and some wild animals pulling the cart.

At night, seeing that the spirits of the clansmen are still good, they will continue to set out under the command of Lu Chen.

No one objected to this. Even the businessmen who came along with the team felt at ease when they looked at the dense reinforcement soldiers around them.

"His royal highness is very famous. With these soldiers, even if the prince himself is not strong, he is also the best candidate for the throne."

Such an idea was the idea that emerged in the hearts of businessmen who had never seen Lu Chen fight, when they were surrounded by 8000 soldiers.

But soon, their minds changed.

There's a special situation that happened ahead.

Because there are 8000 strong soldiers behind him as backup, Lu Chen, who feels that he can run roughshod, calls for the words and spirits of justice, holding high the fire of justice, and is ready to attract evil spirits to kill them.

However, this time, something unexpected happened to Lu Chen.

In Wangting, Lu Chen raised the level of righteous anger to intermediate level. In addition to increasing power and reducing consumption, intermediate level righteous anger also has a special effect.

Absorb positive emotions and increase the power of fire of justice.

If it is to protect ordinary people, this power will be further increased.

Now Lu Chen is not alone. Twenty thousand people follow Lu Chen, but he still worships, appreciates and reveres Lu Chen's 20000.

With the blessing of 20000 people, the protective effect of fire of justice has changed dramatically.

"Witness the highest fire in the name of justice."

This is the spirit of calling for justice. When calling, Lu Chen's mind is to protect the people behind him and eliminate all evil spirits.

At this time, Lu Chen is walking in the front of the team. He can be seen by all the people after recovering his height of four meters. Therefore, Lu Chen's call is perceived by them.

The gesture of raising the sword has a sense of ceremony, and the voice of the call is more curious. Everyone is looking at Lu Chen.

In the case of attention, Lu Chen's call was successful.

The sword of the Dragon rises on the land.

But the flame, which soared, was unusual.

In the past, Lu Chen's flame was five meters high. With all his efforts, Lu Chen could turn it into ten meters. The ten meter flame was like the dawn sword, which could cut off evil, but this is the limit of Lu Chen.

At this time, the flame was very weak when it just came out, but in turn, it was like a volcanic eruption, a column of flame from Lu Chen's hands straight into the sky.

The fierce flame rose from LuChen dragon hunting sword and soared to 800 meters in the sky in a flash.

The flaming flame is of red gold, just like the sun before dawn. The deflagration flame tears the darkness of tens of miles and turns the place into day.

The barbarians, who were afraid of the coming of the night and the moon of blood, receded all their fears in the light.

Walking in the front, holding up the flame sword and cutting the darkness for everyone, Lu Chen was regarded as a hero by countless people behind.

The rising flames made the barbarians silent for a moment, but in turn, there were loud cheers.

"Wansheng, Wangsheng, Wansheng, Wansheng, Wansheng, Wansheng, Wansheng, Wansheng, Wansheng, Wansheng, Wansheng, Wansheng, Wansheng, Wansheng, Wansheng, Wansheng, Wansheng, Wansheng, Wansheng, Wansheng

"Roar! Your highness. "

In the night when we should walk carefully, all the barbarians are shouting. They give up all their fear and shout out the name of Lu Chen and their royal highness.

Now, let alone the evil level of evil, is that there is a natural disaster, all the barbarians here are willing to follow Lu Chen to fight.

And this kind of unity of mind, but also let Lu Chen hands the flame burning more intense.

The flame is a hymn of courage and a manifestation of human brilliance.

Countless barbarians are calling, but in this call, one of them directly fans his face.

Such a scene, let its companion startle.

"What are you doing?""I'm wrong. It's not barbarians who push the thirteen princes to the throne, but the thirteen princes protect his people."

Looking at the sun like flame and the lofty posture of the flame, his people said, "you are really wrong."

"But the thirteenth Prince not only protects his people, but also receives his favor."

The sudden explosion of fire, even Lu Chen are scared.

But soon, Lu Chen began to laugh. Relying on his divinity's sensitivity to the power of faith, Lu Chen felt the emotions of the people. The feelings of worship, awe and expectation made Lu Chen feel cheerful.

"It's not bad to be trusted by people."

In the Bible, the saint Moses led the Jews out of Egypt under the instruction of Javert and arrived at the promised land by the sea of dividend.

At this time, Lu Chen, who held up the sacred flame, was like a saint, dispelling the endless darkness and leading his people through countless dangerous roads to the tribe that was being established.

Although he had no divine instructions, it was for this reason that the brilliance of human will was precious.

The tribe will be built by Lu Chen and his people This is also the beginning of Chen tribe's name resounding through the world.


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