It's a weakness of the Berserker army that he can't change his post for a second time and learn to cut through the mountain and split the ground. However, Lu Chen didn't care because when his subordinates arrived at the time of transfer, the first ghost, Kazan of the spirit of the sword, could definitely revive again.

Don't forget that the barbarians who are transferred to crazy soldiers are equivalent to the believers of the first ghost. They kill the enemy. The killing breath can make the first ghost recover its strength quickly.

The more believers, the stronger, the faster the first ghost recovers its strength.

Therefore, Lu Chen is not worried that his clansmen can not be promoted. What he worries about is that his clansmen are promoted too fast.

"I haven't completely subdued the first ghost yet. The barbarians who are infected with Kazan syndrome and transferred to crazy soldiers will restore their strength to the first ghost as long as they fight. Finally, I may be eaten back by the Kazan of the spirit of the sword."

"What's more, the Berserker itself is not without threat. If the barbarians who are transferred to the position of Berserker are not tough enough, they will become extremely violent and bloodthirsty and warlike under the influence of the ghosts and gods of destruction."

This is not nonsense. The red Lord among the dungeons and warriors is a madman who is bloodthirsty and can destroy everything.

When playing the game, I didn't feel that the Red Prince was furious, just because manipulating the player was not mental illness.

Thinking of the advantages and disadvantages of crazy soldiers, Lu Chen is a sigh.

The crazy soldier army is strong, especially the crazy soldier this occupation skill is very simple and clear, the operation also has some fool's style, is to open the rampage, like the mad dog to march forward, and then with the person crazy to chop.

Even after being transferred to the post of crazy soldier, the more pain they suffer, the stronger their strength will be. This makes the crazy soldiers do not have to evade the enemy. They will become braver and braver when they are fighting. Can Xue's strength is greatly increased. They are crazy soldiers.

Such a professional characteristic is very suitable for strong but mindless barbarians. Lu Chen can already foresee that when ten thousand crazy soldiers form an army, they will start the scene of rampage and destruction.

With such an army, Lu Chen dare to lead the team to charge.

However, Lu Chen is worried that after destroying the enemy, his army of crazy soldiers may not stop, but turn around and destroy the friendly army.

"You have the wrong number. We are friendly."

Such a call can not stop the crazy soldiers.

"No, I should not be able to reach a certain stage. After the battle becomes more and more frenzied, my Berserker army will probably explode in the battle and directly attack the teammates nearby."

That kind of charge, suddenly because of bloodthirsty and fratricidal picture, think of Lu Chen a little spicy eyes.

It is not impossible to do such a thing with the mind dominated by the rage of the mad soldier.

Berserker is strong in strength, brave in spirit, but low in IQ.

"No, we can't let everyone transfer to crazy soldiers. If this happens, my people will destroy the world without evil."

Lu Chen did not forget that the first ghost, the name of Kazan, was the ghost of destruction.

Lu Chen didn't dare to use the crazy soldiers because they were too violent. However, the crazy soldiers were so strong that they matched the barbarians. It was impossible for Lu Chen to use them.

And the effect after the acceleration of thinking really can, soon, an idea appeared in Lu Chen's mind.

"I don't have to transfer all the people to crazy soldiers. I can infect some people first. If it's only part of them, I can control them. In this way, I can have strength and not lose control."

As he was in a state of accelerated thinking, when Lu Chen came up with this point, he even thought of who he would choose.

"The first group of people must be determined. Although I can control the first ghost and prevent it from tempting the infected, if the barbarians themselves are not strong willed, they will still be furious."

"On the contrary, if the clansmen are determined and can resist the invasion of the first ghost, I will be much more relaxed. At least, it's all under my control. I can only make a hundred Berserkers, and I can control 300, or even 500, of the determined

Thinking of this, Lu Chen sighed.

"It's no wonder that Gods love heroes. Even if the gods make dependents, they need to control the cost. And the heroes who can broadcast their own names are undoubtedly the indispensable existence of strength, luck and courage. If you invest in heroes, you can get 10% profits with only one cent."

It's ten cents to invest in ordinary people and get a profit.

The brave is a penny, very profitable, how to choose, hardly need to think about, so, no matter where, the hero is loved.

In addition to those with firm will, Lu Chen, the second type of transfer, is ready to choose crazy believers.

There are two reasons for this choice, one of which is also related to will. Crazy believers are not gifted and will surpass.

But crazy believers have one thing. Their worship of God's residence is beyond their parents, family members and their own safety. They will never frown when they let them commit suicide.

Such a fanatical person is a crazy believer, and for such a crazy believer, the first ghost can not be seduced.

"How can it be a little bit like fighting poison with poison against the temptation of the God of destruction with paranoia to the extreme.""Forget it. I don't want to."

One reason why Lu Chen chose him was that he was mentally abnormal and could not be easily seduced, while the other was out of the mind of giving kindness.

"Crazy believers are extremely religious to me. Such people must be rewarded. I need to tell my people that they believe in me unconditionally. You can get everything, safe shelter, plenty of food and strong power."

"And those who oppose me will be punished by God."

Reward and punishment is the long-term existence of an organization.

At this time, Lu Chen can already foresee that after rewarding the power of crazy believers, more people will believe in themselves.

At that time, he could not only stabilize the people's mind here, but also transform the power of belief into divine power, the latter being very important to Lu Chen.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen has an idea.

"Since we want to expand our faith, we can't reward them in obscurity. A huge ceremony can make our people contribute more religious belief. Find a festival to let the red butterfly gather people from all villages around the totem pole. Where can I enlighten the devout believers so that all the people can see that I will give strength to the crazy believers."

"Well, although the ritual sense is cumbersome and not very practical, it is very useful to increase the sense of mission and build prestige. It's decided that on the day of giving strength to others, it's next to the totem pole, according to the Western canonization of knights. "

The power is given to believers under the masses, and the crazy believers who are given strength will feel happy and proud.

Other barbarians will envy and envy, and know that as long as the fanatical belief Lu Chen can gain strength, his followers will definitely transform envy and jealousy into fanatical belief. At that time, Lu Chen will harvest.

When Lu Chen thinks about this, he has a feeling that his successor is powerless.

Lu Chen is not surprised by this, which is a sign that his divine power will be exhausted.

A little divine power is equal to 10000 experience points. In a short period of time, Lu Chen consumed 10000 experience points. However, the consumption was worth it. At least, Lu Chen understood how to give strength to believers.

Therefore, it is worthwhile to activate the spirit of Lu Chen this time.

However, although I have gained a lot, Lu Chen sighed a little when I saw the two youths on the ground from the perspective of others.

He is not an old monster who has lived for a long time. People of his clan believe in Lu Chen, and Lu Chen is also trying to protect his own people.

Because of his sincerity, when the clansman died in front of him, he was inevitably depressed.

But Lu Chen can't be blamed this time. Even if he is a God, he can't give the believers too much power to surpass himself.

Many spiritual churches have the ability to invite angels to God, but even if they have such powerful skills, the strong in the upper world are willing to attach themselves, but few of them take the initiative to do so.

It is because the cost of doing so is too large, the mortal body is difficult to bear the power of angels.

Although Tai Zheng didn't invite the angel, he also used the power beyond himself.

However, if not given strength, he will also die, which is an unsolvable problem.

Looking at Dazheng's body, Lu Chen shook his head and turned an idea in his heart:

"after he returns to the village, see if he has a family, and if so, give him more compensation."

Some financial affairs are not as important as human life, but this is the only thing Lu Chen can do.

In this way, Lu Chen is ready to take back his sight and wait for the power to dissipate completely.

But just as he was about to turn his head around, something strange happened, which made his action suddenly stop.

"Wait a minute. What are those, two Taisho?"

A little surprised tone came from Lu Chen's mouth, but soon, Lu Chen understood everything.

"It's not two Taisho. His body is dead, but his soul is still there."

People in this world have souls. Even the strong can survive on their souls. When Ji hongdie wanted to buy a tree heart in manaiu village, Ji hongdie told Lu Chen that she wanted to buy a tree heart.

Now, although Dazheng is dead, the bear obviously does not have the ability to hurt the soul. Therefore, the soul of Dazheng is still there.

However, if the strong soul can keep its own will, the weak will not be so lucky. Most of their memories are stored in the brain and body. When the body dies, their weak soul only stores a little information.

The lack of information also makes many wandering souls become dementia.

Ordinary world, if not directly illuminated by the sun, ordinary ghosts can exist for about seven days.

However, the world is obviously unfriendly to wandering souls. As soon as the spirits of Dazheng and his brother left their bodies and appeared in the air, countless gray and black air currents in the air washed towards its body.

It is the evil spirit remaining in the reality. When he is in the wilderness, ordinary people will not be peaceful after death. His soul will be infected by the evil spirit into evil spirit, and then he will change from a wandering soul to a ghost and become the pawn of evil spirit.

Fortunately, this is not a wild place. Without Lu Chen's help, Dazheng and his brother's wandering souls seem to have sensed something. The stupefied soul body drifts towards the totem pole which is not too far away from here.Such a scene, let Lu Chen think of something.

"In the totem pole, the spirits of the ancestors are hosted, and they shelter the tribe."

In Manniu village, Lu Chen had heard similar words, but now it seems that such words are not empty talk.

Totem pole can really warm up the soul and body of barbarians. Of course, don't think that barbarians are so elegant that they can always give up the souls of their ancestors?

No, that's what Yunzhou people do.

For the warlike barbarians, they fight before they die. In the totem pillars of the royal court, millions of immortal souls are not empty.

"All the totem pillars are connected with the totem pillars of the royal court. The wandering souls here may follow the unknown connection and enter the soul space of the totem pillars of the royal court, and then fight there and become immortal souls."

Lu Chen, thinking like this, is about to run out of power and his body can't support it.

But even so, Lu Chen still did not withdraw his divine power. Instead, he gritted his teeth and drove another divine power into the divine status.

Lu Chen, who consumes his divine power again, of course, is not to watch the soul of this clan enter the totem pole.

Although he was sad and apologetic for his death, he was more dissatisfied with his lack of strength.

But Lu Chen is more pragmatic, he will not indulge in the past sorrow, the people in front of him are not so familiar with him.

The reason for Lu Chen to stay is that he feels that the soul has an inexplicable connection with himself.

In this way, with Lu Chen's gaze and blessing, Dazheng's ghost flies through the trees, rocks and walls and returns to the totem pole.

After arriving at the totem pole, Dazheng's soul was not immediately transmitted to the king's court.

"There is no immediate transmission. Is it the connection between the king's court and the Teng pillars of each map, which is not opened all the time?"

According to Lu Chen's thought, it should be that the royal court could not support the constant connection between totem pillars, and that required too many resources.

Dazheng's soul lives in the totem pole temporarily, and it is likely that for a period of time: "it should be the celebration of the end of the year. At that time, there will be a huge soup fire party. This is the moment for the ethnic people to reflect on the past year and look forward to the future. At the same time, the young men are also combined in this night. This is the most exciting moment for the people. Totem pole needs the people's good mood. It is easier to transfer the soul to the royal court at this moment. "

"No wonder there is a dance of sacrifice during the celebration. So it is. The ancestors are going to leave and offer sacrifices to them."

The acceleration of thinking makes Lu Chen think a lot. What he just thought is just a moment. While thinking about things, Lu Chen also feels the connection between Dazheng's soul and himself.

No, it's not so much a connection with Lu Chen as an object between Lu Chen's chest and abdomen.

And Lu Chen's chest and abdomen, there is a famous treasure - Avalon. , the fastest update of the webnovel!