In the condensed black fog, there is the soul image of scorpion Shenzi. At the same time, a lot of resentment and evil spirit gather towards scorpion Shenzi.

In a short time, the spirit of scorpion God was twisted into an evil monster by the boundless resentment.

It's just looking, it makes people's eyes ache, and there's a strange sound in the mind of fear.

This is not Lu Chen's feeling. All the people who see scorpion Shenzi are affected. At the same time, the scorpion Shenzi at this time is different from that just now.

If we say that the scorpion God just now has the human body, but the lower part of the body is in the shape of a scorpion.

Now the scorpion, who is born from hell, is simply a demon.

His upper body is still human, but nearly a hundred eyes are embedded in the chest of human beings. At the same time, the tentacles are gathered from scorpion Shenzi because of resentment, and they are constantly waving at Lu Chen.

The lower half of the Scorpion was more affected. The original six feet of the scorpion turned into hundreds of tentacles. At the same time, the tail behind the Scorpion was no longer one, but turned into 13. The sharp barbs were also densely distributed on the scorpion God.

"Die, you All Death... "

Not only the image, but also his mind has undergone great changes, the original arrogant soul, at this time only resentment and hatred.

As soon as he appeared, he rushed in the direction of Lu Chen.

And in the charge, that nearly a hundred eyes, are staring at Lu Chen, there is a red light, from those eyes.

Because of his numerous eyes, the youth behind Lu Chen is also being watched.

Under the gaze of scorpion Shenzi's eyes, there were ulcers and scars constantly appearing on the young people. At the same time, the blood flowing from their wounds became stinky.

"Be careful, there is a curse in that eye!"

"Keep away from those eyes!"

This is Shenzi, the tail hook that must be killed with one strike, and the identity of the giant scorpion's son who can command poisons in the desert restricted area of 100 meters.

Such a monster is strong enough. What is frightening is that even if you try your best to kill such a monster, under the God of death, he will not die completely, but will turn into an avenger and return from hell.

At the same time, the return of the descendants of death is also more powerful, just by its gaze, there is a curse on the human body.

Unfortunately, this time scorpion Shenzi met Lu Chen.

Being watched by that eye, Lu Chen feels that his skin is also a little strange. Itching appears on Lu Chen's body. At the next moment, there are redness, swelling, bubbles and blains on Lu Chen's skin.

[it is suggested that the host is polluted by the super mutated contaminator, and the body is mutated, please be careful]

[Lei zhe: Death God son] (variation, pollution version)

under special rules, even Lu Chen's body has also undergone mutation.

However, it can only do these things, in the thick Qi and blood scour, the power of the curse can not go deep into Lu Chen's body, can only make some small movements on his skin.

More than a hundred eyes have no effect, for scorpion Shenzi's charge, Lu Chen also has no idea to dodge.

Holding the sword high with both hands, a white halo appears on the Dragon hunting sword, which is the appearance after the air shock condensation.

[fatal strike]

the former gathers the whole body strength, and the latter gathers the breath of heaven and earth.

With the blessing of the two, Lu Chen's long sword suddenly fell.

"Boom" a sound, there is a ripple concussion, all toward the front of the gallop.

The waves are very cohesive, like a straight line, but when the waves rush forward, the houses and walls not far away from it will not help falling down.

The power of an air quake, even if it is an aftershock, can cause a house to collapse.

Concussion the atmosphere, smash everything, concussion sword spirit towards the scorpion Shenzi who comes back from hell.


Lu Chen doesn't want to avoid, but the hell god son who comes back has no idea to avoid it. He will completely transform into a pair of tongs of Da Ao, and smashes the sword Qi towards the front.

The sound of "boom" and the strong and tough forceps made him resist the concussion of the sword.

However, before he could smile, the concussion sword spirit pushed him back and forth with the force of terror. At the same time, a crazy concussion force also made scorpion's hard body vibrate constantly.

The shock of terror made his hard forceps crack slowly.


The concussion sword Qi directly pushed the body of scorpion Shenzi forward by more than 30 meters. At this time, a team of big tongs of scorpion Shenzi had been completely smashed.

However, the crushed forceps did not dissipate. When the broken tissue fell on the earth, it actually combined with the surrounding resentment. Soon, a small scorpion appeared around the scorpion Shenzi and hissed at Lu Chen.

"I It's immortal Do you want to kill... ""Flesh and blood will not die? What a surprise Lu Chen said this way, but there was no fear in his eyes: "immortal, let me see if you are really immortal."

"Come to me in the name of justice, the highest fire!"

With the call of justice and spirit, there is a red light from Lu Chen's Dragon hunting sword. As soon as the flame appears, it soars wildly, illuminating the whole sky.

With the spiritual blessing of the barbarians around him, the holy flame in Lu Chen's hands is 100 meters high.

Holding a hundred meter flame sword, Lu Chen has a sneer on his face.

"It will not be extinguished. I think you will not be destroyed by the burning of the holy flame."

Lu Chen's sword makes scorpion Shenzi feel bad. Black fog is constantly gushing from his body, and the sand around him is also in a frenzy of riots. Even, there are shriveled bodies and dead souls crawling out of the desert.

This is the ability attached to the divinity of the God of death. The God of death is worthy of being one of the three highest gods in the desert. Its divinity, whether it is to die by touching it, or to revive after death, or to manipulate mummies and dead spirits, and even absorb the surrounding fog into the fog of the nether world, is extremely powerful.

But this time, it is not the God of death, just the descendants of death, and Lu Chen is not the weak.

In the face of all the efforts made by the descendants of the evil god, Lu Chen just held the holy sword and waved it from left to right.

With Lu Chen's action, the sword with holy flame will turn the hundred meters ahead into a sea of red fire.

Under the holy flame, the poisonous insects of scorpion God son were burned and the poisonous fog was swept away. As for the mummy and the dead, they were completely reduced to ashes without even having room for struggle.

And scorpion Shenzi himself is difficult to protect himself, he was burned into a human torch by the flame.

But even so, the scorpion God son still did not die, with the whole body of fire, he went all out to rush towards Lu Chen.

"Kill, kill Kill you

"Leave, ignore his struggle before death."

Lin Ye is reminded that the recovery of scorpion Shenzi surprised him, but then Lu Chen's strength made him more confused.

But although people are confused, when they see scorpion Shenzi rushing over, he can't help but remind Lu Chen not to let Lu Chen capsize in the gutter.

His warning is effective. It is a good way to stay away from scorpion and let him be burned by the fire.

However, there are two ways to stay away, one is Lu Chen fleeing, and the other is to repel the enemy.

When the enemy is defeated, Lu Chen is also far away from the other side.

Lu Chen especially likes the second method.

Throw up the huge sword burning with fire in his hand. Lu Chen recites his words.

"Let the king of luochawang yield to the immortal blade, use your body to appreciate it! Look!

under Lu Chen's cry, the Dragon hunting sword thrown into the air whirled wildly and quickly turned into a disc.

One thing to know is that the flame of justice still burns on the Dragon hunting sword at this time. Even the flame on the Dragon hunting sword is more than 50 meters high.

And the whirling dragon hunting sword also drives the flame of justice to rotate. When the Dragon hunting sword is turned into a disc, the flame of justice turns into a circle because of the rotation.

Therefore, what appeared on Lu Chen's head was not a sword shaped silver disc.

It's a giant red disk with a diameter of 50 meters, like a small sun.

The wildly swirling flames, like the sun, dispelled the darkness and illuminated everything around them.

Lu Chen, who holds the giant disc in one hand, is awe inspiring, just like the son of God holding up the sun.

It was a picture that was remembered by all the barbarians around. Even the young people, seeing Lu Chen holding up the sun, felt the spirit coming into the world.

However, Lu Chen has nothing to do with the shock of the mind of the barbarians.

When the scorpion Shenzi was about to approach, Lu Chen waved his hand forward, and the giant fireball that whirled wildly oppressed the atmosphere, burned everything, and crushed it forward. , the fastest update of the webnovel!