Ordinary people need to search around in the fog to find the fulcrum, and in the process of searching, they need to face the obstruction of countless evil spirits. Therefore, many horror stories are the most difficult to find.

There will even be mistakes and battles with the wrong targets, which will lead to the total annihilation of the team.

But Lu Chen had an apocalypse, and this stage was over.

As the fulcrum of Lu Chen's world, totem pole corresponds to the other world, which makes Lu Chen's search easier.

Touching the totem pole, Lu Chen quickly sensed the corresponding seven things.

"Seven fulcrums? A lot. "

After perceiving for a while, Lu Chen suddenly lowers his head. He finds one thing, that is, one of the enemy's seven fulcrums is tied to Lu Chen's hand.

"Butcher of pig head human body and chains of imprisonment! I didn't expect that it was also a fulcrum! "

"Yes, if it's not a fulcrum, they won't be so strong."

Because the first fulcrum is in Lu Chen's hands, he only needs to clean up six more to pull out the wedge of the evil world in this mysterious state.

However, under the cover of the fog, in addition to the fulcrum in his hand, Lu Chen's Apocalypse can be sensed, but the specific position can not be determined.

"Even I can't search too much in the fog. I have to consume a little power."

In this way, Lu Chen no longer hesitates, and a little divine power rushes into the divinity. As the divinity is activated, Lu Chen's personality is lifted up in an instant, and a feeling of overlooking all living beings is emitted from Lu Chen.

Coming to the world with a divine gesture, Lu Chen finally sensed that disgusting thing.

"Found it."

After activating the divinity, Lu Chen, who opened the apocalypse, not only sensed the enemy, but also sensed the specific situation of the remaining six evil spirits because this place was too small compared with the world.

"Well, what is the relationship between this feeling, the breath of death, the sacrifice of death god, the family members of death, and the knight of death? What do they have to do with Lei Zhe, the son of the God of death?"

After discovering that the other party has the breath of death, Lu Chen has some doubts, but after the divine status is activated, Lu Chen's thinking speed is very fast.

He soon thought that the descendants of the fallen god of death came to Chen tribe, and there were relatives of the God of death here. Obviously, the two were not unrelated. The God of death was definitely aiming at the idea that the two places should be launched at the same time to corrupt the place both inside and outside.

"To corrupt our world, you are really desperate!"

Afraid of scaring the snake, Lu Chen tries to resist calling each other's name to attract their attention, and then in the moment they look up, let the second ghost attack.

"You can only hurt, you can't kill it. It doesn't work."

Once his eyes closed and opened again, Lu Chen had returned to normal.

However, Lu Chen, who opened his eyes, found that all the people around him were looking at him in horror.

Obviously, they were all shocked by the breath of promotion just now, especially the three Title heroes, because they were powerful, they felt more deeply.

"Your Highness, you..."

"I'm fine. You'll stay here. I've got something to go out."

After that, holding the Dragon hunting sword, Lu Chen walked out of the village.

However, before going out of the village, the three leaders of Dashan, beheading and bowing and Lin Ye all stop Lu Chen.

"Do you want to eliminate evil spirits?"

"If you don't, it's the best chance. When more fulcrum comes, it's hard for us to succeed."

"Take me."

"And me."

There is no lack of courage for barbarians. Lin Ye, who has experienced the atmosphere of doomsday despair, would rather die than fall into that situation. Therefore, instead of blocking Lu Chen, they want to go with Lu Chen.

Lu Chen directly shook his head: "three leaders, you know your situation. You can play your own power in the fog. And Lin Ye, if you don't have aura, you people in Yunzhou are more miserable."

Lin Ye can't refute this. Although the research on aura is deeper in Yunzhou and Central Plains, they are not as good as barbarians who specialize in Qi and blood in places without aura.

It's also true that Yunzhou will cooperate with barbarians.

They provide materials for Lu Chen and others, and they also need barbarians who only practice Qi and blood as pioneers to open up the situation in the strange situation, so as to go deep into the mysterious situation and confront the evil spirit.

However, as a place with more developed civilization, there are more wise people there, so:

"don't underestimate us, we can solve the problem of aura."

As he says this, Lin Ye takes out a large scroll that twinkles with silver light.

On that scroll, Lu Chen felt the breath of space and the world.

"It's not a portable crystal? What is this? "

"The door of the small world, in a place full of ghosts and fog, we can open the scroll to attract the world breath and aura. As long as we clean up everything in a short time, we don't have to worry about pollution and aura."

"Relying on the world to fight the fog instead of the aura stored in itself is a wonderful skill."Thinking in this way, Lu Chen no longer blocks them, has a few companions, also can handle some unexpected matters.

"Uncle Dashan, you and auntie bowbow stay here to guard here. If we fail, we can still save some hope."

So saying, Lu Chen looked to behead again: "beheaded uncle, need to trouble you."

"It's us who are in trouble with your royal highness. This place is the closest to our village and needs our protection."

As space increases and time drags on, it is possible that the fulcrum of different worlds in this world will increase.

Therefore, Lu Chen and others did not dare to exchange greetings. After a few words of conversation, they quickly moved forward in the direction designated by Lu Chen.

In the process of moving forward, the girl with cold silver hair and the young man with a feather fan also estimated with a compass and mirror. After the calculation, both of them looked at Lu Chen in surprise.

"I didn't expect that his highness is also good at divination besides his amazing force. If his highness doesn't dislike it, he can have a good exchange in the future."

The two men really admire each other. In the past, the cooperation between Yunzhou and the barbarians was always carried out by barbarians. Yunzhou relied on various methods to provide support, and Yunzhou was also responsible for finding the enemy.

For example, when dealing with the first tricky situation, Ji hongdie relies on some special items to find the fulcrum of the strange situation, and Lu Chen can go to kill it.

It's just that Lu Chen has no choice but to communicate with each other. People rely on technology, while Lu Chen relies on intuition. How can we communicate.


Lin is more concerned about the enemy's strength than the silver haired brother and sister who are concerned about Lu Chen's search ability.

"Beheaded leader, you have been stationed here for a long time. You should have fought with each other. Please tell us the news of the enemy?"


Without the slightest need to hide, beheading quickly told all the news he knew.

"The opposite as the fulcrum seems to be a cult of fallen death, with Bishop's sacrifice as the core, and death knights. Monsters with various death attributes hover in the fog. We can't find out the specific strength."

Even if there is no castle, the strength of the two sides is also five to five. With the fog covering the opposite side, it is more difficult for individuals to kill. Therefore, the beheaders are mainly defensive. Therefore, they do not know the specific situation.

Lin Ye also has some expectations. If the opponent's strength is weak, beheading and other people would have rushed forward, and they would not fall into this situation at all.

But after knowing something, his brow was deeply wrinkled.

"Trouble, I can be regarded as a title hero with full strength, and his Highness Prince Chen is also a title hero. With the decapitation leader, our top strength is the same as before, but we are not weak, but the other side is strengthened!"

Thinking that the other party's strength has greatly increased in the huge amount of ghost fog, but his own strength can only barely meet the standard. Lin Ye's face is wrinkled deeply because he has taken on too much at that year's age.

"I can only kill the fulcrum as much as possible to get some time."

At this time, Lin Ye has changed from thoroughly cleaning up the evil in the mysterious situation to killing the enemy as much as possible and getting more breathing opportunities.

However, this is Lin Ye's idea. Lu Chen, looking at the colorful myth skills he has just acquired and the more than 30 points of golden power in his mind, is confident on his face.

"If I didn't draw this skill, I really couldn't say that I would win. I could only defend in the totem field like other people, but now, the victory is definitely on our side."

To tell you the truth, Lu Chen's colorful skills were very strong before, and his growth rate was also very large. For example, the feast gave Lu Chen a body to carry everything, and he could overload his body and exert his own strength without worrying about his physical load.

Avalon is the source of energy in LuChen's body. He can use big moves recklessly and survive alone without the support of the world.

The final Apocalypse also allows Lu Chen to rush recklessly without any worries. As long as he closes his eyes and feels, Lu Chen can find everything.

However, although those things are good, the added ones are all the basis, lacking the ability to win with one stroke.

Therefore, although Lu Chen used to crush the enemy on the basis of feast and Avalon's growth, his main skill was to use gold.

However, the new colorful myth skills make Lu Chen different. It is a pure offensive ability. With it, Lu Chen will give full play to his own strength.

Of course, it is also because of the feast and Avalon as the foundation that Lu Chen can play a pure attack myth ability. Otherwise, even if he obtains pure offensive skills, Lu Chen is also a three second man.

Within three seconds invincible in the world, three seconds later, clip tail escape.

"If not, it's just the same as Wang's

Because all the people who came here were elites, all of them were very fast. Soon, they arrived at their first destination, where three of Lu Chen's six fulcrums were gathered together.

When they burst out of the fog and saw the scene in front of them, Lu Chen and others were surprised to find that the three fulcrums did not lead troops to stay in place, but led the army to attack the enemy.All the barbarians gathered in the totem field, and no one went out. Therefore, the places where the evil spirits attacked could be guessed almost immediately.


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