"The king of bones lives in the tomb, which is a bone sacrifice that can cast spells and curse."

The information given by beheading makes Lu Chen have nothing to say.

The party was so fast that they soon arrived at the site of the great tomb.

The entrance of the cemetery is not covered, and a no low abyss is cut off from the earth and can be seen clearly from a distance.

Two kilometers to the entrance, Lin Ye and the young feather fan take out a few charms and pass them to Lu Chen and others.

"In the cemetery, there are many mechanisms and innumerable evil spirits. This is the charm of invisibility and breath locking. All of them are pasted on our bodies, and we slowly sneak in."

Sending scouts to sneak into the enemy's camp first, knowing the accurate information, and then fighting head-on. This is the strategy of Yunzhou in the past. Even if some swordsmen sneak in, they will try to get the enemy's leader and make their camp upset.

This is also suitable for the barbarians, who, though reckless, have their own scouts.

However, decapitation accepted the charm, but Lu Chen refused.

"Sneak in, don't have to. There's still the scroll of the door of the world, just open it!"

Lin Lin is surprised by Lu Chen's words: "brother Chen, this is the enemy's nest. If we rush hard, we will definitely be entangled in the endless evil army..."

Lin Ye is reasoning with Lu Chen about the danger of his evil nest.

Lu Chen agrees with this very much. He can feel the threat of the cemetery even if he is far away, but it is because of this that he insists on his opinion.

"Don't worry, brother Lin. I'm not a reckless person. Everything I do is the result of careful consideration."

It's good that he didn't say this. Once he said this, both Lin Ye and Yang Su had some convulsions in their faces. Even uncle beheaded moved his lips and wanted to say something.

"Long snack, you are not reckless!"

"Big brother, do you have any misunderstanding of deliberation?"

Along the way, Lin Lin has nothing to do with Lu Chen except to see the rampage.

Therefore, Lin believes in Lu Chen's strength and affirms Lu Chen's determination to fight against evil. But if he can, Lin really doesn't want to follow Lu Chen's advice.

However, what makes Lin Lin uncomfortable is that although Lu Chen is reckless, even many battles have ended in his victory, which is embarrassing.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin still nods at Lu Chen's successive victories.

"OK, according to his Highness Prince Chen, attack head on."

As he speaks, Lin also tears the scroll of the world gate, leading to the arrival of the world spirit.

With the tear of the scroll, the door of the world opens above the sky, and a huge amount of aura washes down from the sky, making Lu Chen and others feel comfortable.

This movement naturally attracted the evil spirit. In an instant, countless evil spirits climbed to the ground in the originally silent hell gap. A huge magic eye also lit up above the gate of hell. The fire burning magic eye turned around, and soon aimed at Lu Chen and others, and there was a sound from it.

"Did you defeat the Knights of my God? That's good, but my cemetery won't fall. Come here if you want to kill me

From the burning eyes, Lu Chen and others seem to be able to see a skeleton Lich holding a magic wand sending an invitation to them.

Inviting Lu Chen and others into the cemetery is also on the way to death.

"Brothers, this is the last battle. Let's go!"

After seeing the devil's eye on the opposite side, Lin Lin is the first to make a voice to cheer up his teammates and prepare to take the lead in the charge.

However, before he stepped forward, he was pulled back by Lu Chen.

"Whatever it is, wait for me in the back."

"Your Highness, what are you doing?"

Lin Ye is a little puzzled when he is pulled back. Lu Chen has a ferocious smile on his face.

"What to do, of course, is to release the big trick!"

"I said," Lin Ye, have you ever seen the sun fall on the earth? "

"What do you mean..."

After entering the cemetery, Lu Chen's various strange actions make Lin Lin frown, and his actions make the Lich on the other side look at him with a magic eye, which makes him laugh.

"Don't you dare to come here? Hum, I thought it was for the warrior, but I didn't expect it was for the coward. However, even if you don't come here, when my God's envoy comes, all this will be..."

The Lich was still mocking something, but the voice stopped completely when the words were half said. The devil's eye shrank, showing a trembling and frightened state.

Not only as an enemy, the young talented men around Lu Chen and his beheaded uncle also stopped breathing, their eyes widened, and they looked at Lu Chen and his back in great fright.

"What's this?!"

The voice of horror came from all the population except Lu Chen.

The enemy in front of him was already close to Chi Chi, but now, no one went to see the enemy. Everyone looked at Lu Chen, at the rising momentum of Lu Chen, and the terrible figure behind him that covered the sky and the sun like a mountain peak.Lu Chen's height is terrible enough, but compared with the figure behind him, it is just like fluorescence and Haori. There is no comparability.

A 150 meter high black armour warrior is standing behind Lu Chen!

[myth skill]

[soul chopping sword · dispelling · black rope heaven punishing the Ming king]

Lu Chen, who arrived at the enemy's nest, directly released his own big move, which was no other than Lu Chen's mythological ability when he arrived at the swordsman's territory.

Soul chopping Sabre is a weapon used by the three Japanese bloodthirsty death gods. Like ninja and devil fruit, it is the ability to serve as the core of the three hot blooded mansions.

Because it is a weapon for soul materialization, it has the ability to attack the soul. Only the soul chopping Sabre of Baida has the quality of silver. After the first explanation, some soul chopping sabres can reach gold.

In the end, the power of a small part of soul chopping knives is still gold, but most of them have become myths.

What Lu Chen releases at this time is the soul chopping sword possessed by the left array of Bai village, and the black rope God punishes the Ming king.

To tell you the truth, because the Zuozhen of Jue village did not perform well in the God of death, Lu Chen, the king of the black rope heavenly punishment at the beginning, was unwilling.

He also wanted to get the sky cut lock the moon, thousand Sakura, flow blade like fire, mirror flowers water moon and so on.

The reason why he solidified the black rope God to punish the Ming king was that he chose it because he was afraid that he could not get the myth after changing it.

However, after it was really solidified, Lu Chen found that it was not the black rope God punishing Ming king that was not strong, but that the left array of Bai village as the host was not strong.

[level: myth]

[introduction: Buddha is the person of enlightenment, wisdom is the embodiment of perfection, but the Buddha also has anger, and the anger of Buddha is the Ming king]

Introduction: the Buddha is the awakened one, and wisdom is the embodiment of perfection, but the Buddha also has anger, and the anger of Buddha is the Ming king.

in this paper, the author points out that the Buddha is www.novelhold.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!