Lin Ye doesn't understand why Lu Chen, who was just showing his great power, suddenly collapsed.

He had a lot of doubts, but because of his extensive knowledge, he soon thought of something.

"Did brother Chen use explosive skills like breaking up Dharma of demons just now?"

"No, brother Chen, come out and tell me you won't die!"

After discovering that Lu Chen is completely disintegrated, Lin Lin is going crazy.

From the prediction of heaven and earth, he knew that the world would be destroyed, which made him despair for a time. Later, he suppressed the heart demon with his firm will and ran around the world.

However, although he has saved a lot of people and destroyed many evil spirits along the way, Lin Ye knows that the crisis in the world has not been solved. What he has done is just making a little fuss.

Therefore, the despair in his heart has not been reduced, or even stronger. What is shown is that the heart demon has not dissipated.

This kind of thing has changed in the Chen tribe. Although Lu Chen looks ferocious and cruel, his powerful strength makes Lin feel that he has found hope.

In particular, Lu Chen such a strong person did not appear in his prediction, which makes him feel that the prediction is not all right.

"Your Highness Prince Youchen, the wilderness will not sink."

He is full of hope for the world with Lu Chen.

But as the saying goes, the greater the hope, the more desperate it will be when it breaks.

Seeing Lu Chen's broken body, he felt sad about the death of his companion, but more importantly, he was desperate for the decline of the world.

Even, because the blow was too big, his demons reappeared.

"I said, you will die. According to what I said, escape is the fire to keep this world..."

Lin Lin's demons are chattering. In the past, Lin would argue with him. But now, Lu Chen's death makes him kneel down on his knees. Let alone argue, he doesn't want to resist the demons summoned by the incarnation of God.

This is the case.

"Yes, you're right. The world is over!"

Lin Ye, who has been under great pressure for a long time, has been overwhelmed. Lu Chen's death seems to have become the last straw. He has been on the verge of degeneration.

And just as he was about to sink, a grumpy voice suddenly rang out.

"Shit, two big moves still can't blow to death, really want to finish."

His voice is rude and angry, but Lin's heart, which is about to sink, suddenly lights up.

Turning around and seeing Lu Chen's body climbing out of the earth, Lin Lin is so excited that he pours on him directly.

"Great. You're not dead. I knew you wouldn't die."

"Don't come here. I'm not armored yet."

Lu Chen is embarrassed to be reborn without clothes. Now a big man is going to come and hold him. Even if Lin is handsome, Lu Chen will slap him in the face.

Fortunately, Lin Ye doesn't care about this. Seeing Lu Chen awake, he is happy.

"What happened just now? Did you use any explosive skills?"

As a child of a large family, Lin Ye has a strong sense of knowledge. One thing he said is not wrong. Lu Chen is really overwhelmed and his body breaks down.

However, this is not a skill to stimulate potential by using the disintegration of demons. In addition to consuming divine power, activating divinity has no side effects such as potential consumption. Even in the process of activating divinity, Lu Chen also has a deeper understanding of various skills.

However, although the spirit is good, Lu Chen's body can not bear it.

Especially after activating the divinity, Lu Chen also forced the black rope to punish the Ming king, and broke out the skill of breaking armor and rope clothing. This is just like the natural lightning conducted by household wires. It is not normal to live.

What's more, Lu Chen used two moves just now, instead of breaking down after he opened the armor breaking suit. All of these are the effects of manwang's endless fury.

Lu Chen's first wave of consumption has been sustained by the real man of five seconds. However, the black rope Ming king under the broken armor is constantly extracting vitality and transforming it into a powerful force. Although Lu Chen's anger is enough, his blood and blood can't flow continuously.

Therefore, a blow out of the invincible Lu Chen will suddenly burp fart, that is the blood and blood all into the black rope Tianbian Ming Wang power.

The latter thing is very clear, using force beyond their own power to make Lu Chen die, but relying on the ethnic talent of the Tauren of thunder cliff, Lu Chen is reborn again.

Lu Chen, who was born again, looked inside for a few times when he was dressed. When he found out that the explosion had only consumed 10 points of divine power, Lu Chen was not happy, only sighed.

"I didn't expect that one day I was worried that I couldn't use my power."

The resurrected Lu Chen is not as happy as Lin Lin is. Looking at the broken scorpion, he is really worried.

Although Lu Chen can still use his divine power to activate his divinity to explode again, the remaining 20 points of divine power are enough to make Lu Chen explode again.But resurrection has been used, this time dead is really dead, Lu Chen did not dare to use.

Without divinity, Lu Chen and others could not cope with the high status of the incarnation of God.

Not only Lu Chen thought of this, but Lin Lin, who was just thinking about his happiness.

However, he did not despair completely.

"Brother Chen, you just broke out and absorbed too much evil spirit. Now he doesn't have much consciousness. It's likely that he will only change his body and can't create a mirage like that just now. We just have to wait for a while, and we will have a great chance to escape."

Lin Lin wants to drag on, but Lu Chen doesn't want to give the initiative to the other side.

"System, increase the level of resurrection skill."

Lu Chen, who feels bad, is ready to upgrade temporarily.

"Fortunately, I just gained a lot of experience points. If I have one more resurrection ability, I can explode again."

Lu Chen thinks it's beautiful, but when the system prompt comes, Lu Chen's whole person is stupid.

[the system indicates that the number of deaths of the host is too few, and the understanding of resurrection is not deep. It takes 100000 experience points to increase the resurrection level. Do you want to increase it. 】


[the system indicates that the host consumed 100000 experience points, and the resurrection level has been upgraded to intermediate level. Congratulations to the host, and you will get the blessing of harvest after resurrection]

[resurrection (intermediate)]

[introduction: the earth contains religious functions such as vibration, magma, reincarnation, death, growth and harvest. The resurrection comes from the growth of crops on the earth, and now the resurrection of the host has been upgraded to intermediate level and obtained abundant harvest Good wishes. Harvest blessing: after a period of resurrection, the host can absorb the crops growing on the earth and use their vitality to restore themselves or make their bodies bigger and bigger.

[Note: the body height will make the host's strength and physique improve accordingly]

[PS: Mother Earth blesses you]

after upgrading, the harvest blessing is still good, and the body is lifted again Also let Lu Chen's strength increase, but looking at those hints, Lu Chen's whole person is confused.

"Shit, I know that temporary promotion is not good at all. What I want is a second resurrection, not a temporary reinforcement after resurrection!"

It's really good to strengthen temporarily in ordinary times, but now, Lu Chen has been resurrected once, and there is no chance of resurrection. In other words, the harvest blessing is useless at all.

"System, continue to improve resurrection."

[the system prompts that it needs 3000000 experience points to upgrade again, but the host experience value is not enough, please continue to work]

"Damn it, temporary promotion is not feasible."

The system prompts Lu Chen to give up resurrection, frown and ponder over his other abilities.

When Lu Chen has a headache, Lin Ye suddenly pulls him.

"Brother Chen, there's something wrong with the other side."

"That guy's going to do something about it again."

Lin Lin's words immediately arouse Lu Chen's attention. However, after looking ahead, Lu Chen finds that there has been no movement in front of him for a long time since the giant scorpion Avatar was smashed by his fist.

"There it is."

Dare not neglect, the power of the incarnation of God makes Lu Chen look around nervously, even under the desert.

However, after searching for a long time, Lu Chen doesn't feel anything wrong. At the same time, Lin Ye opens the third eye on his forehead.

As soon as the third eye comes out, he looks directly at the place where the scorpion is broken. After seeing it, Lin Lin's body suddenly shakes.

"Are you all right? You're under control?"

Seeing Lin Lin in front of him, he suddenly stops moving. Lu Chen pulls Lin Lin behind him and protects him.

This pull-down finally makes Lin recover. However, after his recovery, his face is a little strange, and the magic lines on his face disappear in an instant.

"Chen, brother Chen?"

As he calls his name, Lin looks at him with strange eyes, which makes Lu Chen a little upset.

"What's the matter? What have we found? Let's be frank. No matter how dangerous it is, we can't be afraid. We have to face him bravely. "

Lu Chen thinks Lin Ye will say that the incarnation of God is preparing for terror. For this, he has a prediction. When death calls out the black sun and turns into a scorpion demon, Lu Chen feels that no matter what he hears, he will not be surprised.

However, Lu Chen, who is thinking like this, is still confused when he hears Lin Ye's words.

"We won."

The words said, the scene suddenly a silence, after a long time, Lu Chen's incredible voice just rang up.

"Won, how did we win?"

"Of course, brother Chen, you defeated the incarnation of existence!"

Seeing Lu Chen's face full of disbelief, Lin Lin thinks for a moment, and then continues to say: "Your Highness, the three supreme gods in the desert, and even the only supreme God now, are very strong. But this time, it is only an embodiment, not the existence."Lin Ye doesn't say much, but Lu Chen responds to his words.

"That's right. That guy was hit by the sword of hell when he just came here and didn't have any sense. The weird situation was not big, and he was limited to the title hero level. Because of the relationship between the feast and Avalon, my own breath was not weak among the title heroes. But even like this, I was burned out in the fight just now, and the strength collected from the opposite side was very strong It's not as much as me. If you can still be alive and kicking around like this, there's really a problem. "

"However, the opposite side is definitely better at controlling the rules than I am. At the beginning, I was not prepared to specifically target us, and then I was maddened by the evil spirit. But that's it. After the match, my whole strength was exhausted, and there was a breath left in the opposite side. If he wants to target me and exert his ability of rules when he has reason, I will be completely finished."

The victory made Lu Chen happy, but thinking of this victory, only to defeat the great existence of a finger: "no, this is not even a nail."

How can Lu Chen be happy just to win over a nail on the opposite side, or in the case of releasing water from the opposite side.

Looking up at the sky, Lu Chen is in a worse mood when he thinks that there are eleven of them.

In particular, thinking of the twin son of God, Eric's world has been unable to hold on, where the giants died, the ancient dragon degenerated, and only the king who was sublimated from human beings was still alive, so Lu Chen felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

"The twins can come, and other beings can definitely come. When the king there is completely defeated, there will even be ancient dragons coming to our world."

"No, it's still too weak for me."

Thinking of it, Lu Chen once again summoned in addition to the black rope to punish the Ming king, and summoned the sword of hell, and smashed it down to the weak place of God's incarnation.

Although Lin Ye says that the Shenju is no longer powerful, Lu Chen still does not want to get close to him. Who knows if he has the ability of death explosion and so on.

Now there is no resurrection in Lu Chen's hands. If he is capsized in the end, it will be really hard.

The sword of hell wrapped with black rope fell from the sky and fell on the sandy land. After a burst of explosion, the system's prompt sounded in Lu Chen's ear.

However, he was not in the mood to watch now. When the sword of hell fell down, Lu Chen collapsed on the ground.

"Fortunately, if I don't let the black rope God punish the Ming king to use the broken armor, I'm just weak and will not die. However, after I go back, I have to find a way to improve Avalon. Only when it expands again can I continuously release great moves."

It can only be said that the barbarian's character still affects Lu Chen. If he is in Yunzhou and the sword of hell may be lost, Lu Chen wants to learn the ability to explore or imprison. When he completely imprisons the enemy's position, he can use a big move to kill him.

Now Lu Chen just wants to increase his physical strength and energy again, but he doesn't want to imprison the enemy.

"If you don't hit me once, I have enough energy. I'll kill you with the sword of hell today!"

Of course, it is still a fantasy, and there is no accident at this time. The last sword of hell has been cut into pieces. No matter what there is, all of them die under the sword of hell.

After everything subsided, Lu Chen also looked at the system log.

[the system prompts that the host has killed the incarnation of the God. Congratulations to the host and obtained 500000 experience points] , the fastest update of the webnovel!