The place Ji hongdie refers to is not the deep wilderness, but the border between Yunzhou and the wilderness. However, the wilderness is vast and sparsely populated, and there is no garrison there. It is Yunzhou people who guard the mysterious situation. Therefore, Lu Chen frowns at the place Ji hongdie points to.

"Why choose there first?"

After being influenced by Lin Ye, Lu Chen doesn't mind helping the people of Yunzhou who are human beings, but if he can, he wants to help his own people first.

In this regard, red butterfly quickly said: "Your Highness, this strange situation hinders the connection between our tribe and Yunzhou. Although there are Yunzhou garrisons stationed in the mysterious area, there are still some evil spirits who can pass through it to reach our world. Therefore, although it is easier to get to our tribe from there, few people pass through it."

"In addition to pulling out that strange situation and getting through the connection between the two states, you were still helping in the past. Therefore, Yunzhou will give us a lot of charms, weapons, pills, and even, we can make a deal with the opposite side based on this..."

Ji hongdie said a lot, but one thing she didn't say was security.

Ji hongdie doesn't know which one is safer if she doesn't get into the treacherous situation. However, she knows that if there are people with her husband's husband in the treacherous situation, her husband will probably end up in the rear in order to protect the safety of those weak people. In this way, the danger will be great.

But in Yunzhou, things are not good, but his husband can withdraw at any time.

It's just that Ji hongdie doesn't know that Lu Chen used to do this, but Lin Ye's influence on Lu Chen is too deep. The son of heaven is fighting for all mankind. Influenced by him, Lu Chen is not willing to give up the people of Yunzhou if possible.

Ji hongdie's words let Lu Chen ponder for a while, but soon, Lu Chen did not think about these: "forget it, anyway, my purpose is to break through all the weird situations, and first clean up the ones in Yunzhou, that is, let's go to Yunzhou a few days later."

After receiving the order, Ji hongdie immediately contacted Yunzhou and asked them for things, charms and weapons.

At the same time, Ji hongdie is also connected with the witch wish of the royal court through the totem pole.

This is mainly to guard against damage from Yunzhou. Although at this most critical moment, they will not deal with Lu Chen as long as they are not mentally handicapped. After all, once Lu Chen is in trouble, the powerful people stationed in the mysterious state will pay a huge price.

But Ji hongdie is afraid that in case, she still informs Wang Ting to add an insurance to Lu Chen.

Lu Chen didn't worry about it. Of course, he didn't rest in the past two days. Under the sunshine, Lu Chen absorbed the energy of the sun and transformed it into Qi and blood, and then refined his internal organs.

This time, it was the lung, because there was only one lung. In only two or three days, Lu Chen refined the lung by half.

[lung: 40%]

"after the lung is the liver, after the liver is the spleen, and then the kidney, there are two kidneys. In one month, I can refine the internal organs perfectly. I hope that the trial of advanced heroes will not be too difficult."

Although Lu Chen didn't go out in the past two days, he still recovered to more than 30000 of his training points, which were gained by those tribal soldiers when they went out on the expedition.

In addition to his experience, Lu Chen's other gain was his divine power. In two days, Lu Chen's divine power was increased by two points. Although the remaining power of faith was not transformed into divine power, it was also absorbed by Lu Chen's Avalon, which was not too bad.

In this way, after two days of peaceful practice, Ji hongdie has already negotiated with Yunzhou and informed Lu Chen of the result of the negotiation.

"My husband, if we can get rid of the strange situation completely, we will be given 1000 sets of Rune armor of barbarian level, 100 sets of barbarian level expansion, and 100000 pieces of blood tonic pills and 100000 kinds of charms."

"A lot. With these things, the combat effectiveness of my tribe can definitely be improved to a large stage."

There is a big gap between a fully armed soldier and an ordinary soldier. Even when their strength is similar, a full set of weapons of the same rank can make a soldier fight three with one enemy. If the soldier has a blood tonic pill and his own charm, he can achieve one to five.

Therefore, the price paid by Yunzhou is not small.

In this regard, Ji hongdie is quite calm.

"That's of course. Pulling out the trap can eliminate a hindrance for them. It can liberate several titles of heroic combat effectiveness, and even free up thousands of soldiers. This kind of fighting capacity can even open up several towns in Yunzhou. They get much better than us."

"If your highness does not serve as an assistant but as a master, we can ask for more."

Speaking of this, Ji hongdie reminds Lu Chen again: "husband, you must understand that you are just an assistant. Don't rush too far forward. If you are in danger, you can withdraw. We will have a long-term plan."

"I see."

At random should and a, Lu Chen with the team set out.

Because Lu Chen is only going to take the son of the leader and some barbarian soldiers who are about to break the mirror, the number is not large this time, which makes Lu Chen extravagant, and directly take the sky whale to the destination.……

Lu Chen is moving forward. In a huge town on the border of Yunzhou, a large army is standing in front of the town gate to greet him.

Different from the wild side, which only uses totem pillars and the immortal souls accumulated over thousands of years for defense, there are refined Dharma protectors on Yunzhou side. Huge Dharma protectors will be integrated into giant sculptures and stand in various cities and towns. With these Dharma protectors' sculptures as array eyes, they cover all the array forms and wrap up the whole town.

The array is defense, but Yunzhou's defense is more than that. It is covered with siege crossbows, Rune cannons and armed soldiers that can shoot several kilometers away. All these are the strength of Yunzhou.

With these things, before the arrival of evil spirits, Yunzhou stopped niuwangting from the wilderness.

Of course, it's very difficult for Yunzhou to attack the wilderness. One is that the battle line is too long, and the other is the array. The siege crossbow and rune cannon are all consuming huge things. It's OK to use the town level array for energy supply. Once it is pulled out of the city, it can't fire a few guns at all.

Now, this weakness is the same with evil spirit. They can defend with array, but they can't pull the rune cannon to the side of the evil spirit's nest for bombing.

At the same time, although the strength of Yunzhou is strong, it relies too much on aura. Within the normal weird environment, there is a clear distinction between the human side and the evil side, which is filled with fog.

Both of them have an impact on the enemy, and the strength will be weakened no matter if either side attacks the opposite side.

Therefore, in normal war, human beings and evil spirits consume each other on a long battle line. But as we said before, evil spirits are good at corruption. No matter living things, dead bodies, or dead rocks, they can be drawn out as soldiers.

On the human side, it takes ten years, even a hundred years, to train a soldier, and that's a big gap.

It is also because of this, not to break the treacherous situation will not only involve the huge combat effectiveness of those powerful families, but also slowly weaken them. Therefore, they will be willing to pay a high price to thoroughly clean up the mysterious situation.

However, when Lu Chen and others arrived, before thousands of standing soldiers, there was a quarrel at the leader's position. The reason for their quarrel was naturally Lu Chen.

Of course, it's not a matter of arguing about materials. Although it's heartbreaking, no matter who it is, it's a good thing that only paying some materials can break the situation.

The main reason for their quarrel is that they don't expect to be able to break through the treacherous situation with Lu Chen's "assistance".

"It's meaningless for you to do this. We don't attack the deceptive situation once or twice. We can't break the enemy's castle at all, except for defeating others at a loss."

He was talking about a man with blue hair. In addition to his hair, he was also painted with many runes representing the ocean. If Lu Chen was here, he would find that the style of this man was very similar to that of Yunzhou genius Lanlin.

This is not an accident like Qingxue and Shuanger. They are similar because they have the same blood. The blue family, one of the most powerful families in Yunzhou, is stationed here, and Lanlin is also in front of the team.

As a genius, he has been promoted to the realm of will, equal to the brave man of barbarians. However, unlike Lu Chen, he is not qualified to cross two levels to talk with the title hero. Therefore, he does not make a sound in the team.

Of course, to be able to stand with the family real power figure of the title of hero level is enough to show that he is respected.

He was silent. Another middle-aged man with the same blue hair said, "if you don't try, you can't break it."

This kind of explanation made LAN Ba, who was the first to speak, get angry: "try, try to take the life of our soldiers?"

Relying on the garrison where the array is mastered, humans can still occupy some advantages. In the wild, they are in a weak position. When they attack the opposite side, they belong to the deep fog. This is to fight in the enemy's main field. In such a battle, it is difficult for a single person to survive, and a large-scale army will walk hard, and even may never return. Therefore, what LAN Ba said is not wrong. Every time he attacks the opposite side They are all wars, and without victory is a war with heavy losses.

As the head of an army of the blue family, he is not willing to use his soldiers to explore a possibility.

In the face of the angry roar of the blue Ba like a shark, blue night, the garrison of the city, sighed.

After a look at the soldiers standing up, half of them have blue hair. Half of the soldiers are from the blue family. They are not small soldiers who can be consumed at will, but the elite of the blue family.

Pointing to those soldiers, blue night said:

"these are all my children. There are children of people I know very well. I don't want them to rush into the fog, but we have no time. It was predicted half a month ago that there will be a large-scale deception in Yunzhou in the last three months. At that time, we must gather troops to follow the royal court Once a large-scale one is broken, half of our Cloud State will be shrouded in ghosts. No one can bear such damage. However, we have already reached three of them, so we can't draw any more people. "Blue night words let blue Ba pour a breath of cool.

"The big scam! Can't the prophecy be stopped? "

"The royal court, several major sects and our families have been sending elites to clean up evil gods for sacrifice. This is a hindrance, but there is little hope."

This, let blue Ba have nothing to say, and the voice of blue night is still ringing.

"Even if the prince doesn't come, we will take the initiative to attack after a period of time. If we don't attack, we will be consumed slowly."

"Is it so bad?"


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