When Lu Chen says that time begins to flow again, it seems that there is an illusory sound of clock walking in his ear.

When Lu Chen looks for that kind of unreal sound of clock and watch, the big mouth of opposite blue Ba finally calls out the voice.

"Your Highness, we retreat And the son of God

He was in doubt, and rubbed his eyes, but, after rubbing, there was no sign of the son of God.

"What's the matter? I just keep my eyes open and close, and the son of God is gone."

LAN BA was very puzzled at this time. He didn't know where Shenzi had gone. Even, if there were no signs of Lu Chen fighting with Shenzi around, he would have thought there was no Shenzi attacking.

And the doubt is not only about it, the vampire God who was searched by blue Ba and his face was ferocious, but also roared with his mouth open.

"I'll take your eyes!"

At the same time, he could feel the pleasure of digging out the flesh and blood in the enemy's face. However, this time, his attack failed, and he even reeled because there was nothing in front of him.

Although in a short time, he stood firm in the air because of his excellent nerve reflex ability and bat wings behind his back, but the puzzle on his face could not fade away.

"What's the matter? It's dark. I'm there..."


Before he could understand it, the pain of distance came from all over his body, and then the whole body of the vampire God exploded. It was more than 100 punches that platinum star had beaten in the pause of time.

However, the vampire God son is really powerful, even if the whole person was blasted into flesh mud, it still did not die.

In a very short time, it wants to put itself together in one place.

But just as it was about to gather, all of a sudden, his whole body was burning with pain.

"This pain, it's corrosion, I'm put in acid, no, it's gastric juice, I'm swallowed."

"I was swallowed?"

It seems that he couldn't believe it. He said it twice in a row. But when he reached this conclusion, the whole vampire was a little silly. He didn't expect that he would be swallowed one day.

However, immediately ferocious look appeared on its face.

"I don't know how to swallow me up. I may not be able to kill you outside, but if you attack from the inside, you will die."

At the same time, he wants to condense his body and tear Lu Chen from the inside.

But this time, it condensed for a long time, but also did not condense its own body, as if there was some will in its mind to hinder it in general.

However, the vampire God is really alert, the first time to detect the wrong:

"something, get out of my mind."

Unfortunately, being able to detect does not mean that we can deal with it.

Just as Lu Chen's Apocalypse predicted the speed of the vampire, he could not cope with it.

Although the Godson of vampire posture is good at incantation, its incantation is mainly based on blood. However, the second ghost in the vampire's mind, the erosive purimon, has no entity, and his ability is mainly based on emotion. This is what the vampire God is not good at dealing with.

Therefore, he was tragic and could not get rid of the erosion of the second ghost after struggling for a long time.

What's more tragic is that Lu Chen's stomach is stronger than it imagined. In a short period of time, his body was half ablated, but his attack with broken body could not break through the stomach wall with space protection.

"Am I really going to die here?"

The erosion of the second ghost, the digestion of gastric juice, the hard stomach wall, and so on, made the bad idea come out of his mind. Once the idea came out, it could not be contained and deepened. Therefore, the erosion of the second ghost was more like a fish in water.

"No, I'm not going to die. I'm the son of God. I'm not going to die here."

It is in fury, but the voice can not help but reveal fear, which makes the second ghost invasion deeper.

It's over.


The second ghost is entangled with the living Shenzi in his stomach. Outside, Lu Chen kneads his stomach and walks to blue ba.

At this time, he was still at a loss.

"Your Highness, the son of God of perfect blood?"

Hearing this, Lu Chen touched his stomach again. Of course, he would not say that he swallowed it, but directly said, "don't worry about it. It has been dealt with by me."

As soon as this word came out, the backboard was somewhat eager to say but stopped. He wanted to ask how he said that he didn't even blink his eyes just now.

However, he did not dare to ask questions about people's privacy. However, he was determined to tie the prince to the camp of his family no matter what the price.

"In the depths of the fog, when the weather and the land are not as good as the weather and the land, only one person can torture and kill the evil spirits at the city level, and can fight Shenzi alone, even repel him. Such a genius can't be missed. With his help, other weird situations of the family can also be liberated. ""No, it's not just a tricky situation. With the talent of this son of God, it's definitely in the near future to become a king. Before he becomes king, there will be Manshen essence and blood absorbed by him. Now it is so strong. After absorbing the blood of the man God, it will be more powerful. With its existence, the speed of savage fall will even be slower than ours. In case we can't hold fast to it, there will be a place to settle down."

The reason of the fantasy world is that even if the civilization of one region is better than that of another in an all-round way, when there is a top talent, he can change the power gap between the two regions.

This point is not obvious in low martial arts and medium martial arts, but it is obvious in high martial arts and super martial arts.

Lu Chen's strength made LAN Ba think a lot, and even thought about the evil spirit's invasion of the world, the survival of human beings and the family inheritance.

As for Lu Chen, he asked about some things about muen Shenzi: "can that Shenzi distinguish several other postures against the enemy?"

"Separate them from the enemy?"

LAN Ba didn't understand Lu Chen's question, but Lu Chen explained it quickly:

"the God son or envoy of perfect blood has the ability to change his posture, but I just fought with that God son, and he only used a vampire posture from beginning to end. Even if this posture was restrained by my sun wheel, the spell could not work on me, and it did not change For a werewolf better at melee or a powerful Cyclops, it's not normal

Lu Chen's words reminded LAN Ba, but before he could figure out what was going on, there was a blue charm burning from his body. Then, the spell broke, and a conch appeared in LAN BA's hand. At the same time, some anxious voices rang through the air.

"Back to the fort. Our plan has leaked out, and the son of God's strength has increased. He has divided his body into several parts and is attacking us

When conch talks, you can hear the sound of fighting. Obviously, the situation there is not very good.

And the opposite words, also let blue Ba understand Lu Chen asked the answer, that God son really can divide the body into several parts against the enemy.

However, this is not the time to think about these things. Without Lu Chen's reminding, LAN Ba immediately inquired about the position opposite.

"You're there. Hold on. We'll get there."


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