The black flame, the hot saw axe, and the howling soul of the wicked.

This is the image of the black rope prison of bare hell being put into the world. The black rope God punishes the Ming king, which is set off by the fire of hell and the instruments of torture, is even more dignified and superior.

When the hell appears and the king's Avatar is watching the Cyclops, the trial begins.

Being watched by the king of Ming Dynasty, the "sins" committed by the evil eye, the suicidal crow and the one eyed giant are presented to Lu Chen one by one.

Whenever there is a crime, there will be a black line engraved on the soul of the Cyclops.

The original situation should be like this, but the God son recognized by the perfect blood is different. It absorbs the essence of too many powerful creatures. Although it temporarily splits due to the strong separation, the temporary unity of the three incarnations makes them have a qualitative change.

The black line still appeared. The power of the black rope to punish the Ming king was irresistible, but the black line was not engraved on the souls of the three gods. Crows appeared in the eyes of the one eyed giant. Whenever there was a crime, a crow would have a black line.

There are many evils in the incarnation of the three gods, but there are more crows in the eyes of the one eyed giant. Thousands of crows appear in the one eye of the one eyed giant and bear all their sins.

When the judgment came, the crows were like being chopped by a flame saw axe, and their bodies were instantly torn. But the crows died, and the three incarnations of the gods were all safe. At this time, Lu Chen's black rope heavenly punishment king had disappeared.

Although the black rope God punishes the Ming king is strong, but Lu Chen can not afford his consumption.

On the other side, after withstanding Lu Chen's attack, the Cyclops' huge body suddenly shrank. Even with the continuous supplement of the earth's power, its body was still shrinking rapidly.

But as the body shrinks, the deep eyes on his forehead, like the abyss, are getting brighter and brighter. When Lu Chen frowns and defends, the big eyeballs reflect Lu Chen's image, which is ten times smaller.

"There's a problem!"

The reflection is dull, and the three eyed crow is standing behind the reflection, which makes Lu Chen feel bad. At the first time, Lu Chen wields his sword and blows a broad sword gas to the front.

But no matter how fast the sword's speed is, it also needs a galloping process. The dead crow in the deep eyes is close to Chi Chi. After laughing at Lu Chen, it moves its third hand and penetrates the chest of the reduced version of Lu Chen's image.

Holding the things inside, Lu Chen doesn't know what the image inside is. But Lu Chen suddenly spurts out a mouthful of blood. At the same time, the silent feeling appears in Lu Chen's heart.

"Shit, my heart is broken again."

It's not known how many times his heart was broken, but the successive blasts also made Lu Chen have a great resistance to the damage of his heart. At this time, after a mouthful of blood, Lu Chen didn't even breathe back, so he held up his long sword in one hand and let it rotate quickly.

Without the blessing of the black rope god damned Ming king, Lu Chen's attack was just normal, and an 80 meter round fire burning wheel roared forward.

The wheel roared and crushed all obstacles. However, Lu Chen did not expect much. After the three gods and sons were united, their strength had undergone a qualitative change.

As Lu Chen expected, the situation is really different. After the integration of the three people, the one eyed giant provides energy. The small world of the devil's eye is the foundation of everything. The ability to sue the crow to death is weird. They have indeed undergone a qualitative change.

The whirling wheel moved forward at a high speed, but after being hit by the ray from the magic eye on the one eyed giant's forehead, the wheel instantly became ten times smaller.

Such a wheel, the Cyclops clapped it away completely.

"A strong enemy is second only to a strong enemy like the incarnation of death."

The enemy in front of him is the second strongest one who has fought against Lu Chen since his debut. However, although the God of death is powerful, he has no intention to kill when he is conscious of it. When he has a killing heart, his consciousness is already in chaos, so Lu Chen has a chance to deal with it.

But even so, Lu Chen still used his divine power to activate the deity, broke out the state of black rope heaven punishing Ming King's armor and clothing, and consumed one life before he killed the incarnation of the God of death.

And the enemy in front of him is consciously against Lu Chen, which is hard.

However, when Lu Chen is ready to join forces with LAN Ba to fight with the God son in front of him, an accident happens.

The monster took a deep look at Lu Chen and ran away.

Yes, the three in one can resist Lu Chen's judgment of punishing the Ming king by the black rope of Lu Chen. He can draw the reflection of Lu Chen's exterior into his deep eyes. The rays emitted by him and the powerful enemy who can reduce the enemy's or the enemy's attack by ten times, actually escaped first.

"What's the matter? The posture of the three in one can fight us. With the arrogance of the son of God, it should fight to the end if it is sure?"

Doubt appears in Lu Chen's heart, but because the brain is not stupid, Lu Chen quickly understand what happened.

"The split state of muen, the God son of perfect blood, is not autonomous now, but because of the strong ability of each body, the mind can not suppress the automatic division.""The state of their combination is really strong, but such a state can't last for a long time. Without even needing my hand, they may automatically fight in consciousness."

Thinking of this layer, Lu Chen is naturally ready to block.

It's just, it's late.

As the son of the earth, the Cyclops travel from the underground, and this kind of travel is still from the kilometer underground. Even if Lu Chen has the power of concussion, it is very difficult to hurt the enemy.

When Lu Chen shakes his head and sighs, blue Ba comes to Lu Chen with ice sword.

"Your Highness, don't worry. Although we didn't win a complete victory this time, we also defeated the enemy and got the enemy's intelligence. We will feel much better in the next attack."

"It's true that although we didn't win, we also got something."

So, Lu Chen looks at his own system panel and omits some things. Lu Chen looks at his own experience value.

In the Chen tribe, Lu Chen's experience points have been exhausted after upgrading the double platinum star to perfection.

However, Lu Chen's training value has changed greatly after these days of fighting and just a few hours of crazy killing.

[experience value: 1437534]

"1.4 million, fast, another 600000, with a little divinity, I can improve my skill level again."

Lu Chen was disappointed that he didn't swallow up a Shenzi incarnation again, but Lu Chen came out this time not to deal with Shenzi, but to gain experience value.

Although he fought another battle with the incarnation of the son of God, Lu Chen's purpose was completed because of the numerous evil spirits that God Zi sent to Lu Chen to kill.

"I'll come out to hunt in the next two days. Today, it's time to have a rest."

With such an idea, Lu Chen returns with the team.

And in the castle, blue night has already led the team to welcome.

However, today's continuous fighting, especially the use of several black rope Tianbian Ming Wang and time pause, although there is Avalon to supplement energy, but Lu Chen still feel tired.

Therefore, after a few words with them, Lu Chen returned to the barracks for a rest.

"I'll talk about everything tomorrow."

With such an idea, Lu Chen, the first ghost, fell into a deep sleep in an instant after his vigil.


Lu Chen was really tired from the continuous fighting. This time, Lu Chen slept for several hours. However, the bonus brought by the feast and the recovery of Avalon's natural aura were really strong.

Even though Lu Chen was so tired that he could sleep on the bed, he still woke up after a few hours of deep sleep.

After waking up, Lu Chen moved his muscles and bones for a while and found that he was back to his vigorous state.

Even, because of his energy, Lu Chen's desire is also raised.

After looking at the following, Lu Chen didn't have much on his face. I'm sorry:

"it's really full of warm thoughts * *, if red butterfly is here, it's cool Forget it, it's not the right time to think about it. "

With these words, Lu Chen's eyes turned to the territory occupied by evil spirit.

"Keep fighting, my desire will be filled with your death!"

As he spoke, Lu Chen's fighting spirit was booming and his killing intention was boiling. The shadow of the first ghost and God was looming behind Lu Chen.

The influence of manwang's bloodline, the current situation of killing everywhere in the world, and the first ghost, Kazan of the sword and soul, finally affected Lu Chen.

Among the human desires, lust was originally the first, but now Lu Chen's fighting intention has been comparable with lust, and even suppressed lust.

Fighting and killing are no longer painful for Lu Chen, but an exciting thing.

Maintaining this state, Lu Chen is ready to go out.

While Lu Chen is walking, a group of blue haired girls are being transported from home by the special flying props of blue family.

There are quite a number of girls, and there are all kinds of styles, such as the 13-year-old Lori who is barely growing, the 16-year-old girl who is just in her youth, and the young woman who is about 20 years old.

From their posture, appearance and dress up, it is enough to show that this group of girls live a rich life.

But, from the flying props down the girl's face is not a trace of happiness, some are just sad and afraid, and after seeing each other, they are even more embarrassed.

Among them, the young woman in her twenties was the worst. When she thought of the family's order that she should serve others together with her nephews and grandchildren, her tears were almost streaming down her eyes.

In particular, she was blushing at the thought that she would compete with her younger generation in bed.

However, looking at the other girls trembling with fear, especially the tears of the 13-year-old are constantly flowing out. She is still reluctant to say: "wait, I I will protect you. "

Reluctantly, she felt that she had reached the limit. After all, she had received boudoir education. She understood what the so-called protection was.While they were worried and miserable, another flying Warcraft came down with a group of people.

Looking at the wonderful people down there, the plump young women are almost silly: "how did you come?"

"Why are you here?"

With the same words and the same questions, the two teams soon realized that they had come for the same purpose, which made them blush and dare not look at each other.

After all, they all know what they and others are going to do.

Two teams of people are naturally blue Ba and blue night to prepare their own legitimate daughter, originally, they are mutual buck passing.

Lu Chen is strong, but as a father, they don't want their daughter to enter the fire pit.

However, what happened afterwards made them change their attention. Fighting the enemy's foot in the wilderness for several hours showed that Lu Chen was powerful.

In the process of the Lu battle, he did not allow others to come forward. He alone resisted thousands of evil spirits (for the sake of experience value), and showed Lu Chen's fearlessness.

"For the sake of my subordinates, I am willing to fight against all of them. Such a person will never be a bad man."

This is Lan BA's idea, but also the consensus of the blue family in the fort, and blue night thinks more.

"It's a kind and righteous hero who can resist everything for his subordinates. Even ordinary subordinates love me very much. If I become his family, when we are in crisis, he will never betray us."

Outstanding talent and strong strength are the basis of other people's investment, but these big families also understand that people's minds are changeable. It's not that you treat others well, others treat you well.

But now it is not the same. Lu Chen's performance fully proves that he is a man of love and righteousness.

Those who are willing to repay their gratitude will naturally dare to invest more.

Therefore, after the day's battle, the two title class heroes coincidentally rely on the communication crystal and order their families to transport their own legitimate daughter.

However, they want to please Lu Chen and let the family get benefits. The daughter who was ordered to come over will suffer.

But the bigger the family, the more difficult it is for them.

Rich children need to contribute to the family when they are trained by their families. Some talented people like Lanlin have some right to choose.

But the girl is miserable. In today's era, every powerful person in power has about ten concubines. There are still one or twenty girls born to them.

If there are more people, they will not be taken seriously.

So the girls couldn't resist the family's decision at all.

At this time, they are under the guidance of a few maid to Lu Chen's residence.

It's very attractive for a group of beautiful girls to gather together. The barbarian soldiers who watch the night are attracted a lot. Although many barbarian soldiers regard "majestic" as beauty, the gathering of a large number of girls still makes many barbarians laugh.

Of course, laughter stops quickly.

"This is the wife and concubine of his royal highness."

With a word, the venue suddenly quieted down, and then, all the barbarian soldiers did not squint and did not dare to see more.

Barbarians, the big fist is the truth, and countless things have shown that Lu Chen's fist is the biggest, not the general big.

In addition, Lu Chen also made many barbarians live a good life. He had both radish and stick, which made Lu Chen a high status in the barbarians.

And this kind of phenomenon that only one name makes countless strong people shut up also makes some girls have expectations in their hearts.

Young girls of this era still like heroes. It is not an unbearable thing to marry a brave hero, even if the hero is a bit savage.

"Your Highness is a brave man and even more a prince. Although I heard that barbarians are rude, his highness is a hero. If we marry a hero, we will also be sung, which is not bad "Yes

This is the idea of some young girls, but also the words of the first plump young woman to comfort other girls so that they don't have to worry.

But as soon as such a voice fell, a childish voice began to ring.

"Aunt, I heard that his royal highness is terrible. Like ghosts and gods, his eyes are like lanterns, and only one arm is higher than the whole of us."

This made the plump young woman laugh: "this is all rumors. Isn't there a lot of rumors that the barbarians have green faces and tusks, and they have three heads and six arms. Don't you think the Royal Guard of the prince is normal?"

"Woo Hoo hoo, but they are also very tall!"

Those barbarians are indeed very tall. Looking at their bodies, they think that the prince who will be seen is likely to be higher. LAN Zhi, the highest generation, is also trembling in her heart.

But she is already the highest generation of girls. Once she panics, the whole team will be in chaos. At that time, she is likely to be hated by the prince. If the prince gives it to others, their fate will be even more tragic.

After all, she is a big family. She lives in a yard since childhood. She usually plays with each other. Lanzhi doesn't want her descendants to fall into this situation. Even though she is shy, she still says in a low voice: "it doesn't matter. When we get together, even if the Prince's palace is strong, we can You can also What is that? "Lanzhi wants to say that they wait on the prince's highness and they go up together. There is a lot of people to take care of, so don't worry too much.

However, before the words finished, her voice stopped and looked at the front in horror.

And not only she, all the girls are also looking at the front in horror, and when the scene in front of them is completely clear, some Petite people directly two eyes a white, collapsed on the ground.

Such more than one person, but Lanzhi has no mind to pay attention to others, that is, she looks at the people in the distance is dizzy, even can not be unstable.

When a roar came, Lanzhi was also followed by a coma in the past, so far, the legitimate daughter sent by the blue family, on the first day of meeting, immediately all destroyed.


One of the reasons why I'm too scared is that I'm too weak.

In the eyes of the legitimate daughters of those powerful families, a terrible giant was piercing the wall, and his whole upper body was leaking out of the broken house.

The giant's upper body was several meters high. In their eyes, the whole giant was at least ten meters away.

These legitimate women are not stupid, just looking at the place where the monster lives, they know who the giant is.

And when they think of the people they are going to serve as high as 15 meters and one arm is bigger than them, they can no longer calm down.

Especially at this time, the monster's whole body blood spurts, the blood vessels as thick as steel bars are exposed, and the blue veins on their faces are also like evil spirits. They can't bear it at all.

Finally, there is only one idea in the heart of the coma Lanzhi: "its blood vessels are thicker than our arms, there won't be blood vessels too!"

Not to mention the comatose daughter of the blue family, Lu Chen's change has made the whole fortress on alert. There are arrays rising from the sky. Blue Ba, blue night, ice sword and other title class heroes are more worried and afraid to look at Lu Chen.

"Your Highness, are you all right?"

"Who attacked you, or cursed, do you need our help?"

They are asking, but Lu Chen can't care so much. At this time, Lu Chen just wants to roar, and he does the same.


Roar like thunder, shaking the world.

In Lu Chen's roar, the barracks where he lived seemed to be attacked by sonic bombs, which exploded instantly.

The people inside were deafened by the roar, and even the earth had cracks.

And in the roar, Lu Chen's momentum is getting stronger and stronger.

But this momentum is like the blood color Shura general, people can not look directly.

Even, under the feeling of blue Ba and blue night, Lu Chen, who is full of violent and murderous intentions, suddenly kills wantonly, which is not a strange thing.

But Lu Chen didn't kill after all. Instead, a wave spread around Lu Chen.

Swept by the wave, all the soldiers felt their hearts beat faster, their blood flowed rapidly, and their intention of fighting and killing broke out from their hearts.

Lu Chen is not crazy, but the soldiers in the fortress are likely to be crazy about it. Even, the blue Ba and blue night in the air, as the title heroes, are also killing in their hearts.

However, the blue family has the skill of peace of mind. They who run the skill attract a gentle light rain to resist the killing intention of the bottom of their heart and wash the killing intention of the soldiers below.

However, this effect is not very good. Ordinary soldiers do not see as many storms and waves as the two title heroes. They are deeply affected by the killing. They even have the idea of killing everything around them and touch the sword on their waist.

Fortunately, just then, there was another roar.

"Stop it!"

In this roar, all the soldiers are still for a moment, and they are arranged like an array.

Although they still have the intention of fighting and killing in their eyes, they are no longer crazy.

And it is Lu Chen who makes all this, and he is not killed or attacked by Shenzi.

Lu Chen, who feels that his body has been gentle, turns his head and looks behind him. There, a bloody sword with only a sword handle is suspended behind Lu Chen.

Looking at the long sword, he felt that his body was filled with endless fighting intention. Lu Chen only had a bitter smile in his heart.

"I didn't expect to wake up at this time."

Awakening is a word without a brain, but when it is combined with dungeons and warriors, especially Berserkers, it is not difficult to understand.

Yes, the first ghost and God again advanced, and the solid first ghost and God again advanced, so that Lu Chen awakened.

If you are in the dungeons and warriors, you can't call Lu Chen by crazy warrior now. You should call it

Blood demon!

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