The strengthening of the son of God has been completed, but choosing which one is a tangled choice.

After thinking for a long time, Lu Chencai gnawed his teeth and extracted the concepts of the ancient dragon essence and the dragon in the divine blood dragon to gather the Dragon incarnation.

Compared with the speed of the vampire and the earth blessing of the Cyclops, Lu Chen finally chose the dragon.

"I want to take control of the air!"

Under this idea, the core ability of Shenzi was activated, and Lu Chen's form changed.

There are scales growing from Lu Chen's body, with the skeleton behind it. A group of bat wings want to stretch out.

When the body changes, the core spirit of the flying dragon and the God blood dragon is first consumed, providing energy for Lu Chen's transformation.


The transformation of the body is not comfortable, especially when it is not completed, which makes Lu Chen feel that his whole body will be torn.

In the intense pain, let Lu Chen only let out a roar, in order to alleviate some pain.

Lu Chen's body is also rapidly transforming into a giant dragon. In the process of transforming into a giant dragon, the true spirit and energy of the God blood dragon and the God son flying dragon are all used as consumables to condense Lu Chen's Dragon incarnation.

But because the feast of swallowing can not fully inherit the ability of the former, it is not enough for Lu Chen to get a complete transformation only by the energy of Shenzi Feilong.

Only when the spirit, soul and even flesh and blood of Shenzi's several major sub bodies are turned into energy and filled into a sub body, can the sub body be truly condensed.

This is also the reason why Lu Chen can only choose one.

Fortunately, the spirit blood of perfect blood is the same as muen. Lu Chen can use the essence of perfect blood as energy supply.

The first one is to consume the blood of the real dragon. After extracting its concept of dragon and melting its true spirit, Lu Chen's shape is changing rapidly.

The second consumed is the nine headed marsh snake. If you leave it, Lu Chen feels that he can gain the ability to have many heads.

Although more than one head can make Lu Chen's head no longer as vital as his heart, and his head can grow out of his head, Lu Chen still melts the nine head marsh snake for fear that his mind will become more and more with his head.

The third is the incarnation of the wolf, whose core ability is the wild instinct. This ability coincides with Lu Chen's apocalypse and is also consumed by Lu Chen.

The fourth LuChen is ready to merge with the Cyclops. Its mountains and earth protection are really good. Unfortunately, other abilities add more to LuChen.

Fortunately, the fourth one was not used. When the two blood incarnations, the true spirit of flying dragon and the spirit of wolf were consumed, Lu Chen's change was finally completed.

At this time, Lu Chen had completely transformed into a giant dragon, a 30 meter long Western dragon.

At the moment of the completion of the conversion, Lu Chen felt as if he had aroused some things in his blood, the whole person The dragon's consciousness became confused in a very short time.

Like falling asleep into a dream, a strange illusion appears in Lu Chen's consciousness.

The illusion is not carried out in human vision, but in the view from the sky overlooking the earth.

In that strange vision, Lu Chen felt himself transformed into a giant dragon, flying over the earth, over the mountains and rivers, soaring freely in the sky, overlooking everything on the earth with an arrogant attitude.

At the same time, Lu Chen also saw the scene of "himself" spitting out flames, burning towns and destroying evil spirits.

The dragon flying with wings spewed fire towards the earth, and everything underground turned into a sea of fire under the breath of the dragon, which was a great joy to the dragon.

However, although the Dragon had leaped many places, Lu Chen did not see many of his kin from the special fantasy. Instead, many castles were rooted in the earth, and countless knights with bright armor patrolled the towns and fields. In the solemn fortresses, there were columns of light of fire that penetrated the earth. The breath of the light pillar made the Dragon fear and dare not Easy access.

"Is this the scene of Eric's world?"

Lu Chen's special vision makes Lu Chen have a guess, and just as Lu Chen looks at all this from a strange perspective, the strange scene changes again.

They still roam in the sky and look down on the earth, but this time, there are no great castles, no swarms of knights, and no human beings who let the Dragon tremble.

At this time, the wilderness is green, full of trees and all kinds of wild animals, in which, the Dragon dominates the sky, and there are countless dragons flying in the sky.

In addition to the dragon, there are bipedal flying dragons and various dragon beasts gathered beside the dragon to serve them.

However, at this time, the dragon was not calm. A large number of giant tens of meters tall were fighting with the dragon. Those giants controlled the fire and frost, threw stones and stones, and carried out a long battle with the dragon and their families.

Among them, Lu Chen also saw several hundreds of meters of giant ancient dragons. Their roar shook the earth and the earth. As "Dragons", they ordered the elements in nature, summoned endless sky fire, set off a strong wind sweeping across the mainland and destroyed everything.However, in the giant formation, there are also giants with a body shape of hundreds of meters as mountain peaks. Compared with the ancient dragon, their strength is not weak at all. Even in the close combat, they are even stronger than the ancient dragon. One of them occupies the sky and the other occupies the earth, and they fight fiercely.

"This is the age of giants and dragons!"

On the vast land, the giant dragon led his family members to fight against the mountain like giants. Lu Chen was completely shocked by the epic battle.

However, this is not the end. As the consciousness is blurred again, Lu Chen has no world in his vision. Only a dead tree and an ancient snake twining the tree collapse in the void.

Although they are dead, their bodies are as huge as stars, and their bodies are also pregnant with countless monsters.

All kinds of ancient dragons were born from the blood of ancient snakes. As for the giant trees like stars, they bear countless fruits. The fruits will absorb the energy in the void and grow rapidly. From then on, the giants who connect with the sky are born, and continue the fight between the ancient snakes and the big trees, and fight fiercely.

"This is the scene of the birth of Eric's world."

After trying to understand this, Lu Chen resisted the fear in his heart and looked at the ancient snake winding around the tree of life.

Although we can't look at God directly, they also contain endless knowledge. If we look at God without dying, we can obtain a great deal of knowledge.

The bodies of ancient snakes and big trees can be transformed into the world after their death. They are definitely the strongest among the gods.

Lu Chen hopes to get something from it. However, the ancient snake is even more terrible than Lu Chen imagined. Even if it is the dead snake, after a look at it, Lu Chen's consciousness is shocked, and he directly wakes up from the vague illusion.

And even after waking up, Lu Chen's situation is not very good.

The dead body of ancient snake like stars has always been in Lu Chen's mind, making Lu Chen's consciousness completely transformed into an ancient snake, without human form.

In this universe, the soul influences the body, and consciousness turns into an ancient snake, and Lu Chen's dragon also changes into a snake.

Of course, it's not ordinary snakes, not even giant boa constrictors like Titan python, but feather snakes.

This change is irreversible. Once the body and consciousness are transformed, Lu Chen will become a feather snake completely. At that time, his memory as a human being may disappear.

Fortunately, Lu Chen's consciousness is not weak. At the most critical juncture, tyranny and domineering directly erupted. This is Wang's consciousness, and the terrible pressure appears in Lu Chen's mind, trying to make Lu Chen wake up.

It is the first generation of overlord snake.

Although it is only affected by watching, it is not phagocytizing blood transforming genes, but such a form is not able to be countered by the will of the king.

Fortunately, Lu Chen not only has the will of the king, but also has the posture of God.

The first one that broke out was the ghost hand. The ghost hands living in Lu Chen's body did have the possibility to eat back Lu Chen, but this kind of back bite also means that Lu Chen is something that ghosts and gods mark. Even if they have no consciousness, they will not let foreign things occupy Lu Chen's soul.

The will of the Five ghosts and gods together countered the ancient snake. Then, the figure of the black rope God punishing the Ming King broke out in Lu Chen's soul. The God like Ming Wang's incarnation directly summoned the hell projection in the sea of Lu Chen's consciousness, and judged the ancient snake's will that invaded here.

With the death of the ancient snake, Lu Chen saw only an illusion, which finally made LuChen free from the invasion of the ancient snake.

However, Lu Chen is a bit sad when he wakes up. The burst of soul not only makes Lu Chen's will weak, but also draws Lu Chen's countless blood essence to supplement his consciousness. This makes Lu Chen a skinny man A feather snake.

Yes, the variation of the plumed snake, soul and body is irreversible. Just looking at the dead ancient snake, Lu Chen becomes one of the incarnations of the ancient snake.

However, the incarnation of the feather snake didn't make Lu Chen feel bad. On the contrary, he was very happy. With the idea moving, Lu Chen's body slowly changed. Soon, a hairy dragon appeared in the room, and the figure of the feather snake disappeared.

Conversion, which is the core of muen, is also the key to having so many incarnations.

The assimilation of ancient snakes is irreversible, and Lu Chen can not fully grasp the core rules of transformation. If it is normal, even if Lu Chen breaks the will of the ancient snake, his transformation will become a feathered snake, which has little to do with the dragon.

However, the same source of feather snake and giant dragon makes things change. Just as the incarnation of God blood can switch between dragon and Tyrannosaurus Rex, the same source allows Lu Chen to use a little core ability to switch between the feather snake and the dragon.

"Muen, the son of God, is indeed very high, even one of the most important deities in existence. However, these are all mine now."

Lu Chen was overjoyed by the lightness of the feather snake and the majesty of the dragon. Just as Lu Chen was happy, there came the sound of flustered feet and the cry of panic outside.

"What's the matter with you, your highness?""Damn it, the door is locked."

"Rush in!"

"Wait a moment, ask your royal highness."

Just now Lu Chen's roar and sound are too loud. The blue family and its escort team came to check the situation.

They are worried. The barbarian guards are even more afraid of Lu Chen's accident and want to break through.

However, thinking of Lu Chen's strong strength, in the case of Lu Chen not opening the door, the blue family soldiers dare not let the convoy.

After understanding all this, Lu Chen didn't mean to embarrass them. He said directly:

"roar (don't worry, I'm ok, please step down) "

Lu Chen wants to talk, but because he has just changed to the Dragon posture, he directly gives out a roar because he is not familiar with it.

And this roar, let the outside people startled, at the same time, the loyal guard also felt that things were not good, immediately went through the door and entered the room.

When the gate was broken, the guards were surprised to find that the prince who was resting in the room was missing, and a thin but towering dragon was crouching in the middle of the room, which made them confused.

The next moment, without waiting for Lu Chen to explain, his reckless people rushed over with axes.

"Monster, give me back the prince."

Looking at the people who are calling for the prince and chopping with an axe, Lu Chen is speechless, but he also knows that this is the embodiment of his people's loyalty.

"Roar (stop) "

Lu Chen, who didn't want to fight against him, wanted to block his own people with his voice. However, after the sound came out, Lu Chen found that he was still sending out a dragon roar. Moreover, the Dragon roar was not only a roar, but also attracted strength.

under Lu Chen's roar, he found that the surrounding atmosphere obeyed his orders, imprisoned the people who attacked him, and confined them like amber in the air.

But not only the air, in this roar, Lu Chen felt that he also attracted the power of the air quake, so that the roar spread far away. In Lu Chen's perception, the whole fortress heard his roar. At the same time, most of the air in the city, in accordance with Lu Chen's order, imprisoned all living creatures.

In addition to the force of the air quake and the atmosphere and wind, Lu Chen stops the word, but also can trigger the power of time.

Of course, it doesn't do the double platinum star time-out completely imprisons everything, but it slows down most people's time.

"After becoming a dragon, I can use my voice to arouse all forces."

"However, from the perspective of air, vibration and time, this is my original ability. It seems that the deeper I understand a certain force, the easier the Dragon roar to activate a certain force."

Lu Chen is thinking, on the other side, the imprisoned people are full of panic.

Is blue Ba, looking at Lu Chen room suddenly more than the real dragon, also has the fear.

But he has seen Lu Chen crush Shenzi, hard anti God Jue incarnation, even more out of thin air hit a volcano.

Lu Chen suddenly disappeared. He couldn't imagine how powerful the dragon was in front of him.

While he was wary of fear, he was ready to make a move.

The ferocious dragon suddenly shrank, and soon, a man they knew and wanted to pull together appeared in the place where the Dragon had stood.

Feeling that the dragon's body can't be controlled for a while and a half, Lu Chen chooses to retract his body shape.

And see the Dragon become their prince, those who are imprisoned in the air of a group of barbarians, the fury in the mouth disappeared one by one.

Helplessly looked at them, Lu Chen some speechless mouth way: "you don't use your brain, with my strength, want to kill me, how can there be no movement at all."

"Your Highness, just now, that was..."

Talking about LAN Ba, watching Lu Chen change from a dragon to a human being, his words of surprise are almost speechless.

Lu Chen can understand this, but Lu Chen won't tell his secret. Therefore, he just said, "after mu'en, the God of war, I have some understanding. This is what I have learned."

This makes LAN BA's mouth grin.

"Understand, understand what makes you directly become a dragon."

Of course, if you think so, he dare not say it.

After a long time, blue Ba can only suppress a sentence: "the prince's Highness has amazing understanding."

At the same time, LAN Ba takes Lu Chen more seriously. This is not only him. All the people who see Lu Chen turning into a giant dragon are thinking about how to please Lu Chen.

No way, the original Lu Chen is strong enough, this battle is more abnormal after the end, of course, they must try their best to win over.

Unfortunately, they want to make love with Lu Chen, but Lu Chen pays more attention to himself at this time. Therefore, after a few words of conversation, they are sent off by Lu Chen.

Returning to the house and letting his own people guard outside, Lu Chen opens the attribute panel and looks at the extra core abilities of Shenzi.[conversion]

[introduction: it can be converted to other creatures, and now it can be converted into a dragon (feathered snake)]

[Note: after the conversion creature dies, the host will become a human body and permanently lose the Dragon's incarnation. Similarly, if the human identity is completely dead, the host will also survive as a giant dragon.


[offspring born in the blood of the self tailed snake have wings and can fly in the sky]

[core ability: crown]

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